BEAUTIFUL SMILES FOMMILTON coe Bry on and Cleo Van Gemerden. Mustang chearleaders of the Milton District Back row, Suaan O'Brien, Julie Hull, Kathy High School are always on hand at achool baaket- Cheeseman, Lori Hlushko, Colleen Foley and bal and othler school sporting activitiea. The Mariaa Piccini. Minamng ta captain Lynda chearleadera recently held a aix hour chaer-a- McCarthy. (Champion photo by Peter thon to raine money for their uniforma. The girIa McCusker) are, front row, Yvonne Thomson, Bevy as- WheeIOrs face olimination with losses to Lindsay Milo's FithWhee ap lfn therp5ad, StanFy puld thetgr g t22 sHriont u ida Bantants t., acing saabb dht is goal of tho ht-rt-aa u ro lyrsaedb eliminaton trot MHA ganteunuugon passttg efrt ora the ho di e.Te rethr eidfau playdua'ns as thcy cametî up 1ih Glenn Brownt. goal h ay'sscn ftesvrlgn crn p ane goal shortsi bath gators Li.ndsa liedthe gan0su ai3- gante put the- Rheeters tutatie.o tur bath cst but tht playetl agaist the Lindsay as h'rs Eltîn scoued 24 aheadh6-dbut il as ta bcthrtr gootrndtrratiithrnd helt hantaTs. op-nnds intuthesecod [rame tant, tirai untîl the 1230 saurk ln tarir first confotation, by nraito stirkhaadling past JolI O'Ntil pulIe6 the hast ohos. on pouorptuy. trs Miltan lieittram a 6-4 suad in ai1 thes Wheetrr dofenders. Lînsday club oîthia ane goal, l'as pulIts4tho trtgge thefintal periad tu be deteated inotoittg tho guaitetsder. nhaotîg trosa the point as an atter a rci ponato play, ast 7-6oatndttt gune tuotheyo'r Rab hteipst put lias errant pass ftra bhind the Bl Hoîpot and Juri CouGd. edged 2-1t Whrolrr'- ahead allant as ho Whestrrnetowas stopped hy tonu as o pulled tor th Brent Pastor trd tur litted thepuah oaeraatlustr the Lindsay ployer. At 8.3t fialiutsaod 15 seonds i D'Orady uaith a pertrat pans oftLindnavand Miltonaplayers Liadsay hnatted lias oatent aoroftuan etrauttair bu tu thespoint. ahOh O'rady ,alteraBarrvttRbt and Brent at6- s they took iadantagroarunthugh tho puch ont blasted intathe Lidsay aet Pastar had theîr effarts th-o ssaamixer!up Whetnttsuad cat t Luiday on at7.0t Ofthetîirst perioddin the artrd. Thro minuton tater. aaha alto'ed Lynch ta set p once. tho WhhrrtrsuOereut upeaig gainte. Ltndsay tted oanoihor powrrplay eft,îa elfr bsscn olo able rosnarrihe uaîoe thescriet 1.2 later asaill Orrat Pustor htaated ans the onteat. ni. 5'5tOTS l.yneh ftnished att a uo-un- atlr hoe uorpted a Brtan Wtth Iras Ihan tmu minates The pohorlora haae plays une drine. suderohelt pas tIl in the gamne. Lindsaytw fi ne contents utth th Fias minats latter, Lindsay Lindsay oeplaoed thetr waasied their osay itt Lindsay crrouand u'sth went abead as Lynch stup startîng gualtîsder Marty Whesler torritary and thtn couupeof breaksfor Mto G odC ilaîtaafiaed ashat Rhods uîth parsser RSîlt tane Cornsel tupLynchîfor the autauo e inether garniW O gm adeo mnsFv -nusltn! hewm ta lagf ~shag ,. n ir,~u Sîssats.e F t m oe gae it ownag'acashs may hano haro diffiirent. Stes-s .tdtt das iOaungaa sfiaay aflernasa playîng Fias third gareia tiseser- Ima miautes s151155d whe a loua harmanuOssaled aI home, ltas Whsotsss oas played tant ntgl Bsibn Andescei set ap Jas Fultausng ta goal. Marshall engagsd Ltndsay in a coa Tuonday, and tf o tourth DDGrady' saseond maras a uureplacer!din Mitun'sgoal ntant sresawulhttttirough nerornuos itlhellbata the Whfelrs snjuyed a man hy his paslnr Dan BOuanta hrso psridn, iaut camte up sanight on \btIitoo bIra adnantagre Wtth tour seronds In tho thîrd porsod tan Fa y onershart agatýa us the aisittors BlOt tîooeh s tho readis ,cre 2-taitors, corot inot si nsa CTC mid ets adv nl .. an ti for the Whootorn stochy Linday player h idet adv nceand Marty Rhoden tor Lind- aniped tour 6ti2I sud ut (Cn icufont Page aI) Dsrry Muaurata i ta e t ays hutuouttheoclubhuntttO9.3 addrd thre assînta ta pa secnntnusd almn tono the sond trams oh tho ltsn oluh. NormFleingon a hensaantd aosy Fming aunr paoiarndrd up onthe stickhof .luriiC;rudNSJta FaY a Ruot shooefMiton masthe a peatd DOsie t amOe. Bitllo Lynch uhu prumpîto toroat Psao: hae aut'ir haîotrad anmtRoas petatttsgne tîrrd ithackhat Bonu ganinta ugoalstnahariug thesle hapti John Lftda rats mand -e ta skaeonothrpuohuat i tor therRhert saonJbsLup a -ad Croas country nias are glan od on for the inita Doug Doseyddd singls, havnf agla lrntesCS s core. laitWanllessaasstd on to Provncial Park tbas sunny To mnure lae oynh onarlants goals a help anlias mee ksads . samsd up a h Jasa orN In hs gatasGulph buk 2-0alsud as Millin had dans in AA the opanseg game af lishel~ Bromn scored for Guelpha ealy in lias second perod. Take a70 Break C'with Cpa Murray ~ONaF5 - leuead~ECPLACEMENTPAFITS TAIK Word af notauh is sas haut adverttsernenl. Equat rîgiats tor the ses ouIli Ptsass don't ahangs tl. Il yau haue a naoptaint ho anhioasd only he sbane about our Ratas, AauntiOg, Parts or Seroice; STE mosdtinrs.umo ouyhg pteass ltunbno. We wtît do nus basat tnl + + + Yu. Oe ruant comment an abats, Thania Rau for ous aa-aperatian. bossýI burt e t tret Putt and Sesvice HountI ntarbis bali. unr 5511 tesot Monda0 ta Thusday ganmtIna 530 P. M. sarengia ntraiis. Fsidap ar.t50pm _ k ok +ten Ctased Satut-dapa nus thse tant tint ou wnao-sa htred-hy santehady pour? Oua oaw serviceaustba er 1 +nhd Dhsy it sjs ur new partsaumbar 97M9 MAIN STF ofpbl eb asrstiltt, +laaaorOothsîsa F aeath thisadlao serviceaspeaas parth teirchdre are ju R A A L A Mon.-Fri. 8:00 trying ta diramt up busnetos _______________:____ Brins sasr business ao Spesd Queen laaadrntat anddry tliau . u Mabs Si. ees 701 0 nlsaltethe as Mue Unon. se(ihta malt sbe isk at. malletU ha dellet e woea 8« g m & ho d nd is A117777 7ri TheCanaianChampion. Wed. Mur. 8,1978 B3 GaFis n e W& Fsh N e s idnag .L.P,-f , . ,1-1Wlo 'p 2e asaon týmat«..s . by ara coulaun usa Ro us se, eissttst.05 tmnsa Zn on uea t2eeaoasOM 11ont math de me rea5ly basei about aur mildtttel Fat-ta- un mE# ySe n n « sae, dii yau base lima ltae lenglth aodf lga dariag a 24Tw Humrd xlEst-o fthaASti iausperiotbala deflaiteeffaaloasomealasmldltls' lt as antaalausi thadusbadgse ad moet otr A Mark of Progress in Milton migratasp bl rde senstiv bacags iltheleaglisofda and algsl tand itaslas igla ami dasiat abisia Ossant miRo lte cysle, ailtae saasal. Tis gaaitlily as lagi oi day and nigit keepa tem, atbuait theia eniroamealal changes miai nases liasmagist lte ya and limas Ilbitat sna l Fas exampie, tesprtag migratiand reproductive cpcle of ducitaalol fY lase ilasralg boslof odaylight ta the apshag and litefase amaa liat ltse dacsis mili eau ta teir aauttag geos and arry sel absir raproductive ansi- vty alitsame ime "h Yas. Tise sae citanges affctl Roe aure ta miis atts lisi chas abatsr favorite liig qsasle-s. Eash islah apesint., aceasdlag la lia lempesattasa Il an tlelaate, linds lasow lavel and migbl t-esaie ait la laete ail sammes il Roc ltgbt and darb reman airllYostant- Fsoa abs moment apslas male- amat-ga on abe surfae aI tisa sertab, i la alltake bp lias bol sapa aI abs suat Lant f tsntmesitselad. i. Ifatsaam, regasdles o is %midb or thd a ,shadedb Fsaniaat Staat an, HiRhwuap 2h north of tamun iscrtycas o nsIp urSsSting a dase, lamerlea &sM, abe maIes will semais oold, Rus $100,000 addition su the plant. The addition ntîlt auataîr a second nhup, h0 crsuling anaaavit-omnt eaufor trset.-o eintefr r Os be abe hati lse ave anail beas halidmet out, lest ho 100 feet. houssn our l as Th itm tîsOntaodiihaose as in abs la Mle Csacb in Mloa, asd abe sust han dirt-cul Ou panasats plans. arma sabeaseaa aabia t taunwtll sasnsos abs hot ayootaectCap,asices,afsh amns bsapsgo aamiof teaus lpt .usano en P mm, --v bpmaninosiatsmi sacbtaaadaltgenntl sînoot , s - IN SUIULI mt-s of a tiecsast us a net te, bolthe asoif ta plass, Roc hatiks of abs t-ver do sol matsh itotlie river. ecept inta e sass abat tamelis happes anse et-ry haadred or su ysussMoabas NatuseS aY Ofisausehsuping. Chat-an front the tialtoa aporsmea's Club and saine lteads ment on thiaci asnal tee fiabtag trip la anahisunt Lake sn tht- Habitation diatrica asnd came home miRo 12 taise t-ut Juua Peson. tise pastyls publie selatons man, joarseytd Isont ic buttlaice but preadng good her anartgoodmwishas, aswelasnouragement. jackais utsl rewat-dedin return mîiah gnod sisaasand taals mima a meebendas listingis at ahaut-gaudlsins adgond lu Jint Caulasen of Lomnille had bts npring dane ut, Rt-e club hous an Ralusday caastag and wat t-suasded ouith a tuil bause ji nltdsmifeLtada doa floodijobaoflhingats othy i a rcent une o c he clu abuse, Gore and Dart-uRo hava ntoncdte, Asassandwe do sot ses enougb o Roasa anymasa Geosgc oaa astartaistasat chairman ut the clubtforamwysai datngaltaneioh Sea yaulfshng, Geargo. SCUBA DIVERS (CEPHTIFIED On PRE-OPEN WATERI lai*t$ntu Milton had iti osen SCUBA CLUB. If you ara tntaraatad ni bagln ng a club Iocally comae out 10 a -LET'S TALK ABOUT IT night ai the ROTARY PARK Monmhy, Mard 13,1978 et 820 P.m. TUE FABRUC BIN W HOLESA LE-RITA IL ROLLS MILL ENDS JOB ENDS FACTORY & MILL CLEAROUTS dpoy n, dipa Pre-Spring Specials!1 UPHOLSTERING FABRICS AND SUPPLIES NYLONS VELVETS PRINTS WOOLS HOMESPUN Reg. Values to 12 949YD. Sale Pricel È 49 $1 &49 JOB END PCS. - VALUES TO 12 9L DOOR CRASHER PRICE from $00 YD. Tho Fari< B 75T Sees Ave MDitu DIVISION 0F 'ILTON UPHO S F0IN Mon.-Sot. 9-5 * Fri. 9-9 M 8899 M - - à