Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Mar 1978, p. 1

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VOLUME 117, NUMBER 44 f À, CLEANING THE ATTIC? Not really. Miton Fire Department wan doingi mucis more thun moving the fire trucknu ha their bayn in the new fire hui on Steelea Ave. Saturday. Tihe move entaiied the relocating of memorabilia; uneartisinfi old phohagraphs which recalled memories of an earlier Milton Pire Departiment, and sweeping out the Main St. building for the final time. f(Champion photo by Ltndu Kirbyl Dump fighters colleot 15 tons of newsprint Fight*ng the proponrd hile FR07700n landfil nite 700k he0 form of a pper drie aur' day. an mombern ofth*e Tre- maine'B*itanniO C*inenn' lJroup npent the day 00770 tr'ucks collecti7*g ail availalae nouspaper and paper mater- ial. An ontima*ed 15 tons coliledi by a 0*000 of 35 members is expected t0 generate500 n odsfor the g*oop. A t*acfotrailer onide Milon Mail seoved as the major paper depet for tho day Anticipaled lega) foos of $7007010 t17fgh Si7e F have prompterd the citîaons' genup te arrange fund-raising pro, j0077, accordlng t0 Mos. David Katz, spokesman for the group. Mos. Katz oulud nt dis- close the remuan07 of money *ainod 7*000 t0e geou p n formation7*07*7*yeeaona06, but stated a 007777000 bookkeeper loita altor ail the fundn. Too daws.adanceand a membernhip drive bave ait hoiped tn *070e 00000). ohe continued. but added. -" anticipate a long, hard f 7ght That Coufd includo **MO heaoingv and pos*hly a Sup- oeme ourt hottIe. site stated* The gtoupbas tn,400 re gistered members, according t0 M*n. Katz. Aithough the ogp did net ooaoh Saturday's goal of 20 Ions of n00*spepe*. tho day 0*at onndo*Od a07000077 "There sa cnough paper material and rtu7*00IOs t keep this ind of tig go77* on a weehly basis said M*s Katz. "Tbe onneotial 0700 ofthis7 prtject and alters's te keep hottlen. papeoo and 007*7 out of landfli site07" MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8, 1978 46 PAGES--l15 C Mother of four Tragic train collision dlaimns life of womnan, 41 Tragedy struck a Camp- did notonme toantop. "haprntynson beilvifle famity Friday after- 'The ligOta wore flanl*ing *hega pd7m*, added non, mhen a mauth boiand CN and theo train mhistle s**anded. Constable Plant. "b*ut the freight train hit and tnîtted toorin th 0itnesses roads 000*0 groasy fromn light iriten Bnnada 0f07161 Guelph i whouorstpped on eiho snowo Line, Campltellvilte aith0e n7de of the trankn." Stated An eigh* foot 7*700 drift Derry Rd. railway crossing in Constable Rod Plant. titon poeve**tn a dri*ver from neeing Milton. Regionai Polie, "but ap- the train comning frott the The 41.year-otd mother of parently for sore reanort. nhte north direction an well, noted tour man on 0cr may tnthe jant lnept going." Contable Plant. House of SpectcsMilton, Roohilipa of OahviII. "Mr. Phill*pn man 00*0*000 wtnere nhte moohed part-t*me travellin*g **omediately three and foarocar *engthn TusasadFias botind*the Boaas veh*ocle, behind Mon. Bosada and a Tumdyn ntI ridyn ld police he noticedone7* himsel* aoable ta nee the An investigation ofth0e brake 7000* go on* as the appoach*ng train. Ho saw7 wreokage of Mon. Bonadan vohiolo approacl*od *he *he flanh*ng l*gh*s and hoard 1970 Plymouth Dunter han traoks. the ulonOlo thoiugh." ouleot out the ponnibility of Mar. Phillipn huit travelled Constable Plant, w00 hrake tailuro, ntated police. bohind the Bonada car front, arrivod! a* the s0000 u**0*o Accordlng t0 7000 mitnessen, the 770*0i* f the *l*ioo0*y minutes0 o) the crash. niteappraihdot ho rackns and ecaeduonl onohbahoe dscrie hoi as oneoftho anda-ppOdýhehbakesn but lghoporaod. wore oeheollnonn ho Separate teachers vote on strike soon Halton 'n 20 ouparate cooin couilt e cooed by miot-April by a teacher ntothe. chiot negohiator for the teachern Bob Boyle han warneot Hensaid theteachers' ng*' tiating team abandoned Ctis mith the board lant 00mb -totatiy dinguted" 00700 the trunteen negotiating team'n facticn. The teacher negotiating team wiii sait lin oiver 30 memherntfor aman*date t apply for a ntriko cote March Boyle naid a ntram vo0te mil he tahon a) the meeting t0 nee gf teachern nupport a ntrlOe. It they do, t0e ngntiatlng toum wiii appit th7e Educa- lion Relatioo Comminnion for perminnionohotd a nirihe cote the tant weh of MarCh. Shouldthe official vote cal) for' a ntrike thon the negotia- tors mould go back te the board t0 700 if ibey are w*iiling ho reone negotia- tien. They refuse teai thin point." Boyle ohnerved. iftiiheboardill refunOd te 7egotiatr thethe 700ik nfin- 0 mitteeomould net a dateoand gi7*o the bonard f700 dayn' notice0 hotore tiachorv 0007* Boyleosn* the eai*ent a stoihe couid bog*n n moidi- April. Ho noter!th 7007*7*0 mtght take the formt o ort7-*0o, rotaning nto*hen or a mhole nyntemn math oui. Thour de- litsnhaven't beenu7*rhed out yot. There na agreement bot- meen teacbern and trunteen on 0*007 itemn and toucheon uouid 7*00 70 see the olghf outstanding issues sent te arbitration. The bourd han rotuned mith chiet negotiator Hartiey Sberk, deciaring the board is renpousihe te the puhic and outsidern nbmildo') ho maklng 7mcai decinionn. Boyle naid ai lant weeh'n nerouagb messiao thbard, tais fooor o)tmr footori tholt*t a iTor Lowye or *beOlpereof**astnea Aul danlnuoe aTheoron n.wer ohe 8.6 pe cen t iewoul cromn0annoedte**pachr t have000 cond funoTho cremen ga et t*a be partoDe*o*7*oad J7undaodh th*le** Tiho ernt *00 hourd to7ectdllîsoopnd an seulent rounth oard "Thoordunposai.007** *orea**'romo7*0*andboi "h bOotard Tho 0*07*7*0 nu tencudod inrmn woul eih e* 000tat muhe fait)) go) Say0 iolo sad te ih prcnt o muc we)7 l gel , whad0*0* Bol aid. te hclidgltoiRo anddoclarrd e aed n e an a ie Byl eihadhan plac7gdo ail ageeen He0*0 avl) aid *a th oar teas 0*0e palog all th0et n m owtn a nhsiog *0*t nh oteabl ar taben one pijotn loi a kn fuorth*tbyOO*'*aordal they0*anted a on7g as*ituon Boyle said 0e tropes the doute prop7*rtiofala*0 o 007* Halfon Sopart'a7 Scbool the Lracboens The teacheon board na mure "reoan*ablo"' bar! dovidod t* accop* the Chair tho Ennex Bourd. He buard atter and anbod *00* tiCuo*od on* page 12) nobodyold have recinveda (o Council rejeots region inquiry *ndopenden* sludy of rogional governm7* in Haito* 000 rejecied by Rolton tlogionai Couricil dur*og a rogular meeting Wodnosday. Cou*cl wav*connidec**g a rocomme7*dation *7000 the counci's Bi77 151 Revie0* commttOO For 70e second 77000 00e 0000007*70 urged 00uneii tooeeoos* antudy An7 earlier e*p*07 for an nri dependenl inquicy came fromn tho *00707707*7 *for Action Committee. Bill 7151 Corm*7t00 Chair- mari* Don Gordon sa*d 0e dido') boel 7*0e ntudy a needed. Couneillor Cao) Erihnen ag*'eod 007*0 *00* ntand. Eriksounno*id tre was a dag= o trend 70a* n tghed 0 only 0*ay a proper ntudy con 0e carried out tasit he use of eperts and buroaucratn carrying7 tancyuit*ases. MeLaughlio vopperted Chat "Wo don'tooed anyone te tell7us00* prohlei007 What 0*0 need is*hecourage tOgo Quecri's Park and see*bat 000 ge* 0*007 00 oant,- 0e said. Acton 0'oocc*llor Pat McKenoie sa*d ho soppeo*od a *00700* by an ivdependeni laskbforce andcnotod 700*wa the esnenceof0 a brie* prepaed by theActonians for Action Committoee 000vil70 Counci77o oed Reade sa*d hoe oppoeod the cal) for ano*b0* stody and suggested app*oving soutirer ntudy 0*00ld simpiy serve as an excuse netta0se70on th recommondations frot the Bill 15*1 ntudy. Milton Counc*ilor J*m Wet*on7 said he'd laver a indopendent studv. 't fl wle 7*d a task orce tacarry our recomme**dationste *0 liy lie sa*d. "The car was complete1y dissected in t'0.0*th the rear end ofthe car 1000 *e soh of *,moS*d ga*nst 00h7 ' I7* n el* 07*0*07* î oDamagelao te 00*007*re is estimate1d a*0070*00*7 $4.ý000 r**d $7.000. according t*0C spnoesma Ivan* Toodol. EngiO*00**70drivro th crash, saidpolicebut "Il was siisretoue beore the 00* in wa be asop." The rai esbrought t70 hall nertheone concession0 soth of Der*'y Rd. he statod. Wrechage 0000 the car was Streon hundond7 of feet souding the trucks. evdenceof the omons7 imac o 100 O tho 73 Car estima*od to ho trvelling rit 0'earing seatbolts ai the t000. *0*00*7*w from he a n died of heurd and nock i juries, occording taPo pO**e Mrs. Bosada as schedued (Continuer!on page 12) A PILE 0F WRECKAGE 7* ait thut rema 0f the car, uftor a trugar coliosion thut ctotmed the f ife of Heten Bosada, 41, of Compbeltvtie. Thse mother of four wav kif ted infantty when ber car wan sttced in hall by a 73- car CN freight train ut t ho Derry Rd. crousng. Opimist anxious Methane scare delays building *000*Od7ate*y. ta s000 if methane gas pooduced by th tomms ormrlOlO l iteon neigbborbog deocbop00vt, Milton Couneiltors agoOd ,Monday 70*0e neighboeîvg developers 0*77* share the cot of the study 00*70 70e 700** and *0e maon and staff wer* anbed ,0 v77*7 the Minist*y 0*7th* Environnuent *MOE te press foroan ea*ly 7*0*70on the Opti- 0077* Club of Milton youth Constr'uction0*ofte B.OW youth centre00as7nchedulod 10 bogin April 1. Il il]1 he locatod at one0corner of Brin 0007 P'ark. the former' land**li site aith *0 outh end a* Commercial St. Aise dclaîod bhe Moity's requev* for 70077* tesi 0 ar 20-l0* houning deoelopten* 00*7*d by Aide Tesuli* and a fivel*î7 p*ulmct of Peter 070WillîC00v Development o) theotoOov1 pe*b aise triagcon the *0ests7 it0*as *everaed last wee Chattire youth centrc*'07coct ban l*oon put in*o I*mo [0770* suggenting *he petentiat forv niethane gos migration eould create "ahao*dous situation- ov neigbo*7*g The Minintry suggents noo0co0*00*0r of *07777*g 77 0*00* ed. but the t00*7's ei.gii*eersad the or ould ho dono for $7,000. Aithough sonnecouricilt*t 0000 ups*î 7007 the MOE 0*0s clampingesrctions on the boIt Thompson said the MOE edict 00077*07077*6000* Couneil was fu11y awar of the neod for **oque*l lents an early as 1973, heloto *he nid dum7p was elooed brnO7d The O0*7*p*000*0d ta cary out an adqute monitoring progra00 ai t00* *7000. he doc, hutno gas wa ouac! r00m nn lctoy*ChtSon oohoo**oont chcb*ng *0 The Ntc*E has netnaid thevo is methane grs prn7t, 1077 0*00*06 the *0007 Chat7 decaying refuse7 in andfh17 sites d1e cuse the gri aonvd Councillo* Jîm Waton oppoed npend*ng "onecet on0tests Hesaitdtheotomn shouid aise check ta See if l*gh*o*ng, metooten, blach pligneor a 7ali*g Runnian natellite could caue any damage t the rras. Councillor Brad Clemenin naid sonne Wiliamn Ave. homes are clone t0 thr oid dormir site, but he o *ted rame have been 017*0*7 up - yt Watson calied i7 "a unch of maiarhey' and naitd the town*ns"heing omod AI Logan and Bd)l McGinnis o) *the 0pt*mint Club u*ged couoc*l te go attend mtth footing quicbiy. "000 can't drag our *00*000*" McGienin s07d, noting th0e club han lof a conîract lorthe 70*n07*7u707i07 of the buildin*g and it n supposei t sto700 Ap*il 1 The i oa*d the *)p***o*0 lub o*ghtb* hoo'iling to share i the000770of7test Clerk Thouopov said *0e tests cannot be finihedhl 00he end ofthn mvonh and predic' ted f7 0*001d ho ai least the mi7ddle ofApril lefore testing can ho completvd. Uniformn rates get second look WHAT TASTY DELIGHTS there are from mapie steamn over snow to harden it inha candy. Sap, as 00eae twina-four-year-old Lars and Mosantsherg Wildlife Centre opened the mapie Jason DresaIer of Miaisaofla--discover upn syrup feagival this weekend with approximateiy aamping mapie candy. The candy, hoied 2,060 visitol'n in allendance. Tise festival con- througis a long proceaa, ia then poured in a tin tinues each weekend througis to April 9. 70*00 w070* rates a0*077 the rogion and $0,000,000 in poo inoial grantn, Ralton Re, gionai Govooomen* 0av notood the oppeortunty to 7700 and) *0**g*0 po.*o01**** hassilouricii* agoood to take a second look a70conforta 0*0*or r070s, a07*000700r charge andI expannion o) the regional moud nynnem Thaf action man tahon du*- ing a meeting Wodnemday. During the dehate Chair- mon Rie Morrom 0*07 ehantized for mhatson memhers feit was pour eties. Oakvitte Councitior Cort Eribsen remindeot Mor- tho *îos* meetin7g ovailahle a Oabville Courici70* Gord *ooob cacher* thon*usuel, s Readesaid there wanonthing questions couldhob ak and oaised ta caue coOOdi ta action0 loben a07*0e meeting, 0*007* te conn*doer 00Bu allerî it wa defeatod 0*abv*lle Mayor Har*y Bar- a*17*7*0mee*i7*6)00 adoo***ed 007* saut tire accountahitity *0 a, an ma**doO*0*7*000',7and *he cred7h*777y ofth r00*0 Flyers on the ropes! Milton Flyers dropped thei* Ffyern mont uio Friday or tb*od steaight Irsa te the face the nituation of heing St*00tavilf o Derbys in 0007007in four ntra*ght gaines Streetsv7f le Arena TUenday i h iasfrtescn 0000*06.700*0000 do-or-die ntefiasoo0esnd situation Fr*day nighf in coourouitive year. Gamne tne Milton. Derbysn 00000600* F*fday i 8 p.m. at Memertat y a 86 sncore. Avens. i-I

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