at ftn«biau &tou THIRO SOCTION Feoîo<o, VOLUME 117, NUMBER 44 MILTON, ONTARIO. WEDNESOAY, MARCH 1, 1970 Roibert Baldwkin School Open areadoes not mean open concept A__ _ boolth hot adwn od u anu n c po cngthe %e a:[ ca hig lkl1, tro fcdt a- uem ml rI D..ccg heir eceseaeek a epoer eskedsew«iO0Bad- wnpupic ferthcecommentson the open «re«cchl Boeeocand Aliico. Cropper, b010 in< grade six. said bhey l,0e the open design and hav.. e cu cetr«fcg. BolO gil go on tu middle cohool cccl ye«c and bhey wondcc h<.c thcy'l! «4j<s o c netoa lesrc Gcode fi,.. cledecîl M«ece Locgheed a<.d KalOy Richards sald tfinit i4 n1ois0 cOco theol Fench clai« in sessione in an adacet aeo Moccie «ddcd che <Oc.. ahile ee ccecycn. Richarcd Wison' grade ehcee. cemmeneced Oc <hkes thc cch<mihecclchelkelîtoccehkOn the ohe had Mac Heogc.gradeîforcO.dlthe oene« ere "foc noisy . chie Kelly Kieg ccmpliooed aouto ciocI peccdî fceqîeclv "Thece «ce 100 mono dilferecl 10,cfc to do," Kelly cld. I 1loei! îod Pate.riciaRweO. ..eq«.vcOiiO Mixed use of space for future sohools Eîc.ieocc< foocendc ioofhec thae h deeecl flthcfHl2lO Rosir,<oient ofsix oflEdecatoneato<pen acco< roumiclieoOf cihc po<ieddmoeclec c0c0< decîgn <iey inoshools of the futue pods of open.a <e <0e oc <0e 1fcoo<d<ocl he trendenom The direcfcr o leoead oa mece dis o<dc hoflco coii<e use of arcol,- Me Boldcin 0<e L.o.endce cool "hcheeh îcoff<c but1 ois o.,'îhbcoaiopenoroil<coed oceoampieof e ct coo of «ce cf spages coh ic h rcecie o eoem cîf h chite the gpl. co.- 0e coeic eut. aothcerea oceglhe oqui< si <11 y focur îfcl oc ont» foc cffectiîous of «<g auditorium icly fn permlit <pie Oc gove. Mothers praise school's staff ParentsO <O'c Chaompon taike 004, echocif tOhe ods cof mihoi idifo'so[cda<he l Potant Thioparents'.Po«Ocd thc full< oghic, odoc<ooo< inth, <hohw Thc! tOc openlas Irc, -1ni .ovhppy ab1out <oicOe <ho gond <h<egc happenino<o.iu-<hool 101th< sol .ifof <grcci eho u«<oh <coco,.c nia0 tho' coo' fi ko<opcg o <.0 <Och open vocc aa oidcccie ogoeo'd <coi iho add10<b <iii, oo, cofcdg Bobinc sincoh« son< ho, and «Oc.e <i, <Oc ccpeccd. 'SOc moedeco ohc<hcc Oc Il have if < il!y cocecclooi. che Oc m«ve tc a c<0,0 <c th, opcn par.ool <Oce aideif shc <îkcd Roeree lial0<1n <o<hoci andI î..îccd <00sefo is pr ricipal. ,,îhcc poocnto complil. abot ,oOidiren being o' <ced m0 gel opohenthe> mati«f<t.but<ad gcod '<('hidoen up <c T.Oc cpceco<hi< chool he <o<o<<.clc üg htgaeco m-<o hbe o <carc0 ho play o<î <Oco ,o ci ft <Oc open-cocept schee< hie" chc c«o1, a40<0 tecld< faboc k ou <It <Ock -c1<c< <c olmcO akthosoclo! ce alekedh Stories and photos by Olga Darcovich WASNING UP. Teroozo-fIoOrCd centrol acfivity corridor is cced for mecoy ocfivifiec, cochons painting. If aso contains the hoot sforoge rackc, so mod ic cot trocked through the corpeted clsrooms. Teachers say Ifs ciuieter than expected *cw a i open cc.<cp pccgc"<c. stcesses principal Jon <hn. old o<,c« li Oc <clloaoca In c tOccI fi0 chideccate <ccoco«,<cOli cildrni h. coccu. nl :\c Theoohlo<l« s.gorco. le..cth cce.c 01 operacon Poo cc,an, unie the <cn utOe dOo, Mr0 Lenz Oc said i'cchopchnoocng h< falco. hoo<oosd Thc parent <c '«<Pi ou "0.<full <h pcooc<<.«<««<'<'n«ope th' pc.<pocco -,<'. < <ho <<<o cc- l <<<< <<îo c,, t om <cco es.1 l <o<! <<'< <<.c'hldcc« 1,<10 <h, o*a <ho<coc<c.Is to_'o00'.10« <n, cll«crtoo« 01.0000fli spalo.. .loo <optin! n '., aic,<o<«oo<c ntcc Il«ot i' .k. ,oche. off Tin«! <hrazo 00< Icg hor «c<coInuit Io ho g«<«.ed< o ccas «habe'i yi g o ch.tulitrenokt hlo g 'ok a c, k O l c olO «<0<aý lr u c<0<p«lk«c k*<<.o. l e i Il<o<p. io <<0<0 adtJ"rgeri oohugn1ol( i.ok.l i<<c.<0 thv «cl c , o(ý'tl*. Iooh.o imortant <«n<0, Ioi.0< «Il, <ho l ta1< . l, '<i., \Il h '< «1 oo, oh «<«< , >tp«0«c<1 <'0 ho'r <0<n'l th, oochooo I oco'.one <q,'ooo«I on' cp.100«< 0<cc <oh oc'c <0 <o.oo, id, Thlc«<wOOflexbl Oc r <o f oh b «<golO c o11.wpt«g<kh naioh «I <lc sound. the nc<gh hors T<h<w<«ifd, t,, hl, «enco.. <cd «oo The opcen acrrangement o.',. c ooc c for« tho .hidie. Mr.< Lenz «1< Mostlchifdcee don't 1<041the cpeccecîidîleoc.<lO. thepc<c- cîpolci But snne do,.acd <has con..<hy 11w cc «44<1.. *1I.' goed le hove bofO," 1w The ne ectiwn «44.. 180 pupi plalc.In [c 1ple.cbe îee ciii Oc ceme classes ai c<ccy grade in open and cIfosed ciocwcencc, ceicc<cd occwrd<cg to lhc<c ceeds. oî<desofcecco level of TOc cew. addition. ho. e.g01 clio.m<. bol chong<cg Ice nac and <Icoge ro<ccc g<occ; cclg«<lc .5lc111< i lTO <o.d.«c oc«an<to The <<cccc< iX.« <licoc <c<c« loal.<<n<, arekc<cg buscd <o il«.<co<c Ochcol 'Tho Il«cco<emc h«ldcc ««il -hdnc <c <,tei <0, «othool n<oc<.ch cimet < c<. c madec.c ,<p.«o< ochcc< Iltehine LI cchco 1o<o<f O <hd< hýde n'%11,l ,ooc îwsfe and ooppore s,< 21<00<00< k, the Ao«Ocogh thw <cO additio h., ail,!old i « Io , d o< c<d Il! TOc ,occoio thocucdh- aclo«<c ,u.kcw oflnseini, <. o PRINCIPAL and Vice-Principal John Lenz and Colfnn Roberts coy it<c fhe ctaof thal maken the diffcrecce in a chool, cot fhc architecture. TWO CILASSES chore spoce cn Baldwi c Shool, ollowicg TOe open design also mokec if poccîie for feocherc [c ch- teorhcrs o orh cn pairs <chen comh ced clocces «rc dec <cd. serve eco 00r aI work and Icorn fromch onher. -c ju dd<coc..< feechcg <Oco. 21<d mcllcds <00w .1<ogo<hc, oas <ho 00< o <ci<,o teccOco aoocn Il0 , « ho ,11 co hoc<0<0 Iitece (ltOc open design ou0 cpco Baodini< 'cohoc h<c scocnd 0000 ai 'lics qo.eicc îhoe i eceo Baldwin.csaudlhe open design belîeced pocsible," che art foilib«led leam leochiof and dccl "«Thecc's more noise in o cmosgopisgs ef closses eoncelicl ion lsseof.< Teacher Judy Wilson, cn 00e soid the oppoclocifo bu hec lhicd peoe aI Baldwin, ohoce eqolpmelll ond books saidf&theetOasOthe sl of and the acess.bilil< of thc bofh moelds. '<Voî bacc lets oeorl etecee pacti- ofoaeasltog9ft f YsOcos fichant. aos feachses asd kîda Oocer teoehecc mcnlîoed have to tcentf 8 ce-opecate 1he cppocbcîdfp bo pick up ct.e noted. oddssg: " Bol tlacsiportant." ftooîeg fOc ItOcOn,cî oh.hoîa hec. ai «hori.<<i<cthccntrc ,I c">co>' Boid<«< soive il opcccd. Ueo <ho<o , .0000, 0 docI (,,k faooch och<ly ooo< O ke <<c. <<0 <<<« ho.<<< «<<î hlot 'l<, «<<«0<0'.. esu kccp a00<0 e>( opdcil <c Ool)( 0 hcocg oOc< coptci roceccOoc white .0e is knc -c Occ ie or <Oc chid icochl<g in <Oc cioe<c«om oe' <Oc comcccledt. "Ic' space. important foc thec te feci the 0ut Iheces onc aepect of office<c opeocd o ploce lhey ooececîoi cseoemsMo.ea comtet.'* Holchicec missel. Hc ficdc 0e ic adiion «IoI hercre c'îîellomscooacotes locioloand ecepniocis dulies in the open occo bieooce the Mcc. Rohbios, cho holds oSi coold disfortc0ehers. cn fiesl aid, bacilles any Eclhusiasm foc the schoo mincir aliments foot come eclends le cecreloey Donna «bog. . VISION BARRIERS in bock ground cordon off class ares sE yetrl3 an open5êIWwinwntoarganr- Robert Baldwin School. Although the achoo) ic orchi- followed.Fc Commun ity PER SPEC TI VE THIRO SECTION - Features