B6 The Canadian Champion, Wed., Mardi , 1978 Milton Then and Now Mrs. Menzies Clai day on ManaShin M tidred Men- oes. Joateiarsaad ICe rriitsciog about iecr îa i porlera Mrs Menesraîr iad ulai Aady Tari priaird oe bronArothr Norriagio aad J IlM. aceiei opraed taira Potafor Mra lotairs Sh oricao 10 ay tai i oaa loiard iitaestorenti dcci ta the gcsoîîda of thr Prrabpteian Clirc oaeiadtrrsattrdtChatîirare tslie one peraird hob ' JckRspr and lai lisy thaCorrollStoresa apontfor th men, trs, Meaite5s apoîcîrd hrsaior oper oas the aatr of abaker aihoir hopliadt lirraon theaohr si de ofthestreet. ttasain thr haseiai of ila hoar Cýhac s ae ors d, ntsr,a3kriiaatIcirthr hiitiiit Richasonitsiapplaito re.~r SiesicuId arît rmmriithe hlisrhst, SCiai Chat came fretisaio Cpoadaps theirunCOCapparonssprrarkri shrti-as long bhfrsrrtsd rda% ItaCoir da PtaIsPtilr sprriso rdsiî loi iSsir'ta adisacrýiatihssth,dai ,htt irlothai da% otCI le madeIshbri îtaa r-alta that eailtrdtartthe uas falcèa firoiiipiitats prrtag, aa uippurnt n, thi actionoilthe a- ifirs pital ti isor tloirhafert,, a ih, (.t.sd Fiiaahatshtt1 ai,harts hen,,ta, hîî, resh iri isasftr csr-aiaist rtSsprca dsi etapsitrat for th fprtirCada a !%cl*ýtoais ra pasts i taa, liaietii t th astoftihe atorsahivhtoc iiiies sadI aid 'pallsn a )ot,ýs hs atvi, reca-lci Chat .ack liprr fliscssrocr hadr! risd is b tat ltssaion Foisltc, s spsnitatCheri atabrihad ths thi amilY itd r t he occasaonantd ,alaka., agrsap tisthsas hîaiasCeths,,, pai , aIier sas .a, hssIttsjes (rai as andý itt lii aitirs na i ttet î,h fera oiistr uhio iki ,hrs adtini taaai-sorti a trat e,[[-n n\avi lertat hrJhn I[draeuasaa haidng Iotacrlselauit ths W i Ilemttsirt haiissaiiahr sithaît corier)aIthoasa Ciatorso ths1liossttitrririts honeaaa ý,?i (ýieýn S th Jaus lIoCCiiiChomesai t!14Sain Si ,ainassssi ýasithe MPlarar Fiairsat baiensthstlttaasabraihomeaas 86iueenSrib. àhme lii[ir at rao inCig P,,t alIbi ,Chtiind etI .,aalsmaca o eres i, 1-s Ialv d-I qisal. remembers Ma. Maae tllt olda areseapi for the tares paid by er laitier oa the famiIp home ai 17 Sara Si. oaathie ear 1887 f the tolaI tri ai of $72aioe tird il$2.44) oas oarda groantsfor ile twoaralwayî hut o ithe 1000 ihr Haamilton and Noailieiieai ttisiaoioiutherGrand Trunk .adlie Credii Valey Railoay 1takea oser listhe C.P R.i Thaaiont levird cold have berpaid in bhren iataliieaa, liai Mr Bradey paid il of an me. ak olilier ho aoaabari for Mr. Brade'shorse. aiow. and his ronLeg- hora cÉiiknsaiHe iwoa maanioas ai ithe LiuelplitFair fo hiprizetoal. Iaaintee alieasoirliîoere ap to be rozenbc srod o galler coliaebo aid apprliais 10 S te soioliî Mitded Menirs emembeai taig bohi butter and eliga ta McKay's grocrey sorie laer Blain and Haooani'ttiaexanage toc grorere. Thiistype of larirrie oas cammaaptace iai cioiii ity tres lor maiy deaades Therer airer ips for hbr IotheiSe sa hoie aitop03Thomasa St. and thi Hotîiralir hmer ai Qarra and Charrs for rlioharli Oerr noîer eaid Io alir rght Isarla rhu arh pies aahaturda 'v arisragdsuriiat She iraîoiiParson's hoisher sliap drtîsered ed Siraithle daiir brr tctra a wWArn aah drliiery aniorderroas takria fo te Se aaioie Frequrats ioas for ai sents oorili o teotaf Sisal Lk olSsa hoseoii-a. Mrss Bradlep seldori od i necessar 'vo leae her homerdrirgithe aork, Aftir hîgli cliro Mildrd aiieadrd a busiaesa solîrge o ioagr St. iToronto llirre sliteeaanedipyping ;rg sohiraod aid Cher oofies pu. llseoirr bai coreiha rrsrîsed a [rliers roman a aai i Boffalo uho waneiitildrd o omead are for berIn i1917 shr marrd Gesoreîoîris absho orkrd i liaparts drpastioonri il a large gaeage ta BuffaloaInithertloir192it thvrasea aain iaagara Cunty, N Y Ploetilpaller lai Ms Merirs beamirqoiéil. and nvr regainedonod bralîS rais iler anill lie de i Cita.Four irars priirlolliaiitheiiiiiofilheaa uoirdlto ths rdlev omn tai so oo liaiMldred a-otld arr for ler alepiahrr Nidrrd Badlepysut alrs a a inrsrinta Srr raisvrîrada aid a-suoii, tancsaaroaîdionAt imslirst rhashei aerrpdifilor er bt sPa as a rrir abtr ahîltip 10relar er fond sprt aid eri goodwatt forsithers Organize Jaycees here at Thursday meeting Pihi ...rtseraa s ac.es ais n oi a sr tladers ot Canada. Qoi slubha akaîC tap anthere ;l:i alialikrservcae said a,î ilis e ai, )riziiCiOiiial -ihsIl taycerrdoinoi ,lmeilrraip i gasr olaat aiirri forCts hr Puts,,bon is a, , itisapt prpctina îoog pecion lieorr thli Jatae, , lbt, B.,aariauit hIach attclbs iousi par gessof1iand40aithithe Retra nts in o litis ia lîtilapalfs tsid thrJayssers n v a unls ,c b, ihia lhusdaa Piaaa ail aiki- thsa h ae v aelflinte k.i.githerdrssoiuhrlhr 7:30 p i îiîaîîîaîîsi aiqueaodlia ll> irpoaslboiltimale. al for tîaC O in aitba thie i ossit Lakes-. tiCCC a-î -Ilîa a a attetîr Ini 1 in atten.ncc. 1hs.taa esss oorser.do barra lsiti tttiu tiiaa assaiCgosiae abat brrr are j a, ce, 1barge ýf 1 c i"f-iisriCo 1.he THE C said. ýt-ls ,rt earhaineths r i t u ths. Natiai Coi- Japarri s - as -9ýIziaii1I,i iii asaaithe., approvc he pognofsa il*ita nd aîthat uItlait b- prsoued on aliret ctitil irCos ttiik -,,,a,1, trast t ,S a orrai ssofiblisan i s-rsand i ch a auita Thc aida ot uI o-,o lîC iin t ,iparinta.hr . .i lit naadian Jiasre ais Iroogli piîi-OiiiC psogiisarc o-toi an ad draîgnrd liaits Ints P,( Surithe Ke,.Menal Ktlee di idu oa t ntaia l ( tt,,ath. taoad iaa Uîot muna si(> rtroistthriaCh la ai]s Curicera i t alIner prolssii driasitdtiisiahaias Hospas alTacketspîiaM lie qoata'1 s i tata111i ihs ,,igCa,,,,ain, aid lise lomu ia> (is tspiso sttd,îg Yong &- ibililtbiaiasCh p5r515 c ad s .Iiaaas prograi,, aisiagiad iii eahaossoiadrsaadaiak ai ths tasee ari te greai 'h ' gooerriaintcis iadiam.ii1i, d es hria of eli tl), aI iate is a Ol gor . priiriiarashaidva lir bolor toîadaia luloaia ,d laath laisees ofidap are r tlih, p t lia ela .ýo o oro .T i acsrg atto ,aar ala 'tt st h roedipîr dasbt bre u b rve ______1 ____________ t"IbckgoundjofmJn il- Ei Populer Bank of Nova Scofla Flnanclng Johns*-ose 295 Min lit, Milton 87-"42 Muricipnity çf the Townl of.%Milion, Courty of Hottori. iA , ito ,inecaoion Ri el PrnlneY ............ ý of lEeeeoieoi t'raen a........apriip . . . . -ý ...l. .. .....t................. ...... 15 lia tasi~~.. . . ........ . . iiia ' t I t 1 Ci..,l ndaCi4.1 i L i,, aii . n t> ii Lkiiiii n reii nia .. 1 l .. h s. W, l, .Ss .- lin / Gasi ,v L mtoni las for natral as1 sevc il add sigtig lars tha ie rrtiih orsixitper ceta taaI , residrstial N ittt,,rststirs' average A n,teeffecrtie Fb, 5 t.ifstsiitg tperatig ,ost -11incrase the average iitsthta* vbilltiti a retdrital csolier tir ,ppoiitiiaili $1iC as- officaislaticaeih an rt 0 1.7ith s epri I.ttCtl Cs ic e ofataral as teui rant hîglirs ahoer saeprcsrariiablishrd tor Refuse ta endorse education criticism ConocllloraJm«Wtoo thati Coumchtdlot i Watson tt t cooncillor full sotta m an ejelo rsoutionlroim lite Coaoly aiarey ctinfr I hel rolrtofreyg ai b orthe1 redtucon n ofnards f eda Go n a rno ah % ThgeedGra oorda i sudacateod boaerdscofn seai onathiea od b morterepofnaiove ol ie poele ni g ot e la aepe nyn ap-baainotIi adminitra te and con-j admit r onel and can sun eronailu andpo ac ta ^.e peopein te aras ao cota and qaality of education.1 Coanaior Wataan "id hl oaa ail true, and arged felow councittoru 10 endarne il and nstart cating il te a il in." In thiears ai reuponsiveneso, lie suggeted Haton Renis- snce groap citairinan Ken Cape iMtn, hoba board and the education system in general for thie pot four yearn, ba probably mode a gmreacontribtonabot inthie plitacsofaI du- la educallon in Ontario titan caton" Egerian Rynrson.i But Cmminclrs Art Melon- Cmmdhiloe Brion Pen- n o&aMRse Harrtaonn nid naid the Grey reanlthon cllathie ruaolauti ma a ooate af for global endrsemeni, bt hue. Let Grey go ta te thie prsbtam ioa ut province- Mitytiteretina problein, ide. Draft a recaluhaon t nid betanson. eu Hallon and bo mouid A motion calbing for te debobo 1il, bo nid. Grey resoana l haen- He ain atdimed te drsed, lait shiteofdte Miitry of Educaiu la nnl required mamber of coes, in te lasinessofaiedacahaon. and sean deléaold. Lions Linos Villagers visit Visitation are in cogue for opprac10lion, lierte repaire oa Lion Caubmembers roidunta mode 10 the Lions' aid thie Campietlihle clab se"oalbua abeters. iiied Milton during a Feit- Reporis show te recult rearti meeting. Mito Monte Caria Nigbl mn oa membors relureedthie lacor naccena, ihiproceetit af ltar the same aee,ihi a about $1500. contingent ai Il. aIma memberu afthie Ira- mo10e riannia Ciena' Planaeunderiaay for o Grop were speakers aithie caring bonspiel an Aprl 1, il clab'n leal meeting, and 000 reperied. Moplebarai eoplained thieile F cou- Correaiaul Centre w00 paign ta beep a regionol recently given a corlilicale ai dup offlMitn armionda. ra es go ng UpI Soaon@Chairs05 hi 6 Dresser Chiats Nigiti Taitesn 0 Oneil5t rsr etw ra es goog pKilairenSet Soi llel Rockerîs 0Rclineirie 481 a Oe 3 dimer chiai mthi Crdle Rugi aeOn Non Sae Sicinee a 54" & 3Y« itilmi mrair caturai gas bp the Odecat aveacatitlfor inaîdratoal Mateseei&hiBox Springs*Lampsa ipeumea Lots *Oneiitaisie oie - nied goerimeil - gos serice cas $2087 pere ootier mseneoiutartidles dong 1000 salito brel Tbr average APcordin a nioncGai. csîao-cbisso $3.20fo the e *Mik& CemCent theraampaiplbasabeen aapug aoiequaaliip________________________________ 1978 but ai brrr able tc dlav paîsaîf the ncreaae ont tis raitaierai Gîtai Gai -Marc slit Rd Croc ic s i"he prtion of ils Nlnrrîandc lS Mîtaiods insentory ofgastiahiclioas metin or he ilto Re prcshased aI ithe lorc pe- rosVass slirdaled for nti le s fi s sa. olal uiciiiio iedaisday. arS h a Pr or a Feb. a, e Ocor oHll. I19, uat. Kitchener RA ND RY SHOW MARCH 25 8 P.M. The Auditorium Milton Music 1620 0- 1 l'oh, . . ..... là iMCô¶iY (NW TOYDTAS $99.00 PER MONTH 877-2261 CON VERT TO KILOMETFRS.. METRIC SPEEDOMETER rCm(ONVERSION KITS " Fast accorais a ta convert presart spccdato k.p.h. " Do-ft-youraai or haveS us dotheajob O Q " For poputar Toyota -esodW&- - $4*25 Fnd outiow ycu cO i mpoe oaa procil pcta e a She GeSl Farrn Prsot Show Yoa l ete let n tlais and damoOuIfOtiOnu on tarie management practacesa Sa. pou Iherel Tuesday Marné 14, 1978 8 p.-. Rockmosa Commuaity Contre Roekwood DOOR PRIZES * LUCKY DRAWS * LUNCH Sponsored by SWANSTON FARM Rockwood 856-9512 ST. DAVID'S and THE NASSAGAWEYA PRESBYTERIAN PSESBYTERIAN CHURCH CHURCHES IN CANADA Saîday, Marai5, 1978 KNOXCHURCH NASSAGAWEYA MILTON 1000 arm t oaraiperi 17ManS.E ST. DAVIO'S Ma CAMP9ELLVILLE ReS m aaaJ.LonOi l12aton WosiPSrie 878-W~ . . OraninaChoia Dtacoia Ait docome oMa Aai. edmonrd LENT IV Matcit51378 TRINITY 9:45 a.m. -Chaaah chool BAPTIST 11i:00 r.-M.i.iow-Iip CHURCH NuOiFOOO 4372hAplbi Lire R. W. corane 634-4879EMMANUEL Sondoy, Match 5,1978 BAPTIST 9:45 amie nc-o fiotoi1ut CHURHC nom CmmrcalStrta, Milon t1:a- -Tor,. -mt asîimaua- 39 ig vsin thae Bibe" Exoition eîPasoaDr.S .Amstrong oftahet ik of Savant. 700 rie. -Eeiai Cammnnaîaa Sady, MardiS5, 1978 service. Sacertiaofaem 94s a.m.-Saidei chool aid rbas. ada ibles cana Tosady 7 p.nm. ai-oc0...Amambwi mdoW.- tTiinaita"ad GilsClb ilipr Seaman, Wei mAItel Wedneuday 7.00 pri-eaninariraino end 8000 Pn niacca imeetn eond iesnidi Semon: aeatlihe - tecanniisa eiaaaaiei ot Octa Tuonday 10:00 oi. OAvveoWiciisItaneli CaaaiehaaainanbbiOlt Wedneday 7:35p.mn. Metngiafair Pancieible ST. PAULS CHURCH Study OF Cme and brngia find THE UNITED Nuery e ieiiiidii CHURCH 0F CANADA tordr mcmedaTiii moiraSi.îtîJams i Minegua SeoW L.iroOiOoi Maci5, 1978 ANGLICAN CHURCH il-t0ao.. SuaSsetoit 0F CANADA Thpin.e. aiCaisnoal iiae 14M Couage sacascat LENT IV 110is-ta h ýh.l Saday, Match 5, 1978 Nursery Facilites ST. JOHNS NASSAGAWEYA Guelph Li. -Shiof100. 40 HOLY ROSARY 9:0 0 .m. Momisi rrnid ROMAN CATHOLIC uoaiean CHURCH Cuaac chooa 878-6M5a ST. GEORGES Revoseph ig ...cnî,îiti LOWVILLE R.,aHsIuî f.daeAaoia iOsicie i 00a.m cap[Commiraioad MASSES Nueryand Ch.,cih Sssol Saiaadao Pooniasa7:15ar r SocOaî o8:0,a:30,î1:0a.na GRACECHURCH Confesons:e SauaOo4:3st- 5:3tO 317 Maini St. Mi riM. Ti. 01-2422 and aieiithe oitiaMniau sone n tilCommnil MISSION CHURCHES Scoo Si. Pters 10:30 i.m. -Junior Cbhuiti0cool hitita.-hioise Ehrday-- Our Lady of Vtcboy gOs.o Saldonmaio Tiieait.iRd. -'10:30a...,1 CHURCH eeiaeacomolAýmiil WakeieldRd. andtar. 25 Pastai . SUChdataený Sanday, March 5, 1978 9:45er.. -rîiaaearmf 7:00iP.aa faeinisericea :00 P.rie Wednewaî - Bnbe 8:0()pie -rildai cdhii - rauam îaeilaiieta rideaou, bu.at and lime Suatir00500. Jui MILTON GOSPEL HALL 0taio Si. N. 878-2=0 Lor Jésus Chriti Saoday, Marait 5,1978 12:-5almie- uaaaay lShoni 700rp... -hon erviace Wedi.odey aie0 rai-curer end Bible ReadiAil0 0-et FrirSe maaofs itniia dth; bai th. gi aI ofoarienal thaaa aesChfianaaiLied Fon. 0.22 BlOSTON AND OMAGH PRESBYTERIAN CHU 0CMES Am W. S. Le". BtA., 8no SundaY, March 5, 1978 BOSTON 9:30 a.m-WonhSrie emd Nurser anities OMAGH 11:-0ea..i. -Wamilp Servicean Coeaihi eaoaardî CHURCH OF CHRIST tat2a Oitaiia Rd. mmi Saîday, Morch , 1978 10:00i.iS-Bile Ohioaicltames foalaaes'uea &W p .m.-P in0aIOf 11 "TIh. CuailiieOfIChritiSaut@ Yu."'RoSanis 16:18l AUCTION SALE Thursday, March 2 7:30 p.,. ta ha hoId et 25 COMMERCIAL ST. MILTON NEW FURNITURE ANTIQUES