Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 Mar 1978, p. 16

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House Ieaaue hockey B4 The Canadien Champion, W Milton mninor teamns gear for pIa~ NOVICE 1%1 ]IiON Av In Milton Mivor tHockey K Ansocilîon novicn tlouvo league play orîl Menost Wonld Borsybafg olelnoîd tri litn Firnorn 3-o ov Viod=n W day Fnb 2. Coy Wynv 000 scored tcoo i sisted on'n Ion thenwcn0000 and tenta- maIn SInon nouns peîîed the d igo Mille Budworîl liasiledovWi r onda goal on tbe pnOl freel corner SInon Wiocoonl rmcooded lIon sbuloul I Scaooell amd Witde lOaks =yn o.2-2 doom as Tudd 0lab scond ilto for th WOHL Inoma Bill Allov and lac Scance acored Ior 1100v nelin the game piaed RbelkabO drcpped 'the Speed Quen 4-oonvbelurda> os meIl McCaodnOi ploycd the hol shbocî n2d vcvnnd llnne ofhis team s four goulu Kndth Nnatcl scaoedlhe olr cocker oîlh MlcCuodlnav assivlog Boen Tovhoo assisld on on ci McCand- Il goals. Blocr Lenard, recondnd the sbulcel Av inIer-cdy boule Inagun "Select goro eo asyfd Inlonen Mioc and Bromp- ton, wihBramlpton winninf 5-1. Tocdd lîluoko vcoond dhn coin Milton goal ucvovlnd loy McCovdlnlv. Thn fumne Il on vo aucdey hod Steve Oil in the Milton vol. onompîo Il Koeov lo scored tic ocr lh ion. In an norlono gotO on Saturdaý, Fnb 18, Milton avd bîneItvlle bnleclv played tb a 3-3 dneo Taodd Hlushblc Tyler Kosbuobo aond Jaon Kinsdale scooed lor Mbilon ubile Saoddy WelbCOr pcllod a polo and Colu »MacDonald a single Ior Stonel bocco Winczooyk ueo in ve olr leogun plcî v oluodoy FIb 10 a Rooekh nbbeamo tle Fnomen 2-o as lIcl McCavdlOvvOoobd bilo magic and pollnd booth goals for the lodge nBlaor Lenard recooded the shblo Justin Varga ocoond and oas asovîd by Shawv HasseffedIt in tbe WIOILv 1-b wiion er tbe 10000 World recevl bee Lai bellcoordnd Scovnîel bad bevdod Oipeed Quel e i-1 lss on Fnb 1.o and il w00 tle 17.0 goals and asitof Goug Goovvao bhal matin tbe major difîlrnco Tyler Eoboobo scoond once0 andboad to easvîl imr Seao oeIl aod leOOOl Liong Conîts oddnd tbe singie The love Speed Qiieco goael a nltd by Cboov McKovce. ATIOM II flON In lNMHA 21007 bocuv leogue action, Miltcn lybol- vvery ccveed Mowcbrey Fuels "Y a -4margionvbelurda waeil scored 107 and Mlurray Va'enheull DOavid Harrison and Abawo Wiov ont nacl Ion lbe marier,0 Traceo Kelly, Roobert Vanl groolel. Goneg oeelan011evd.1 frey Marino siOvoed goao for Mombra Esso Fuel, Unden tbe ooIloool goal berok boche evd tmoeheand vie' goao "ions; gol cled lv lIaid liinlen for lAand Alv Jes vcod efor his brailler in îhe IWVA A ,1ek saturlday. tbeLonsv 100001 Pro Haordware 20Il aten by GrahamKosh rb0 Idel arktcCluvkny Wayne Reyolds rccrded thr nbuI- Bergîn addnd single for tht tplvty a îor îooIvlpollo ulover a bray adlise Lac Service Mon phi s74AaoJct lynlI a 3-3 lin. Ohabin weak a bol 7hot d bnKs sconi g0 oala andt goalo Ior IVA aod bas amne Stnonf7lph oefor the Lacn seîr -enO o h e Sorice corps. Trevor Shear- markv oul McCforche se mur, Ken Tonîli and Richar0d Burood aod Cml AvIhusy Pnre ncoed rick Kelly lollird siogles Ion sinogles Ior Mowbrays. IWA James Watt scoreda hot trickeon IloJames in the 5lEEl DIVISION VIA net and leommOlO Bvry The 10-25 BP'ra nsoCl<d STEVE RALPH renta an tise ice as Mawbray Fuels goaltender AI Hnringe fininhen bis attempt ta male n save on Raiph's abat. Ralps tied thse gasme at 3-3 for bis Milton Lawn Service team . 4-) MILTON LAWN SERVICE'S Peter TodoFovish corrnes the pucik out of bis i0000hooonoagu totaction. D.ellegrade goals Dace Tann win The Town Tor7ils and otik aoil plaed lu il 3-3 ic.00 in Sunoid iliîgbl lothsiooocl ilo0100 ilcae ctio.ooOo Bolh Rus 000 'sth mari ,00 the1 co'oolod 00, goal, by Rloger loccol and Weye Mc(onnel0i 1,oogo- Pl I70 ,îoded MI Jonesc in mcarll nie Toltn'sBodO9-1 Eo d. clBo, Ferrier and Brait1 Torelli sicored on, apirbo for liiiblOOli 20001 ao,sîvio ert,0 Jobn OOlpo Pete oooo.Iid and1 Sool rbe Rac00 Edge kiommea bIb 1,L oberon .5o-4 a Lec Wiaco poacloc Jle aceit ,,1er, Heil and Mille 10000 Ietl singles oooo Mile Ford, vob and Dave0 Miler. Ra i.id Salo'.. lIen H blohit t7 Don7 Chriseone fiîcd on et hoci r o coRithg Marty Cairns one ano0lr 01201 Cairos and Jack Durnti iotoched tho iomocig IcI, g7ioal ith assistance ci Dcn N00120ds, Jom Eariy, GenS Hunt and Ken Peolco Troc doulid lIe 0000 Il nelled 100 and SInon Harris and ScottKrr singles foIte BP lolly. Scorno for FIy w000 Pauol bobooler andt lOacolo Cole. Local 00772 dumprd McCu'Oeg Inv000000 ai1 lit rgulecoOevsovOîhelte ioI pee000 pac~ot y . beplaeodovonvudey Merch5Ili K arino David Berry ,lb jIc plaeoif bofinning and Petrraisr scored for MfacI 12 e hop 10ur 1000a 070te th00 ec tarte teams meeting in lbe serai KîOleOOO go le oo oinaîllo Thisvcv etie v w TIr 1100 odged Baily Fuels ce 000. a, Rocîmoil and Mon0 Siay lpbo o Ilc baIle il ou s eontl pourdi e pair and Walter 107 The Towno and PLIO f0 M.roiieo onefcfl 0f mthpIth eno. the00 goals for BaiiOî lssed ly Toma Godefroy an ýMM ir er onLaroucheo vBrs Electoîo dofeolod fs ile 000000 bal triel ou- hgIlRt aIl pcd lhn miv. Polo 0000 top 0 oinflT"o Moloo-ivoneled tle single fo IjhtpI ou -M J.t codds and cored wofgoal roi fOrOOiO O O i i i 7a. loi O.u7 lli 5 fr7 Mlo7fr72pornidOnlO3- on Satu ATTENTION Star ting Nb. 28 <on trial bonis) WDMMG HOKE 100010g f th1e 00000 e 0 ur ae e rîoàa G H C E Acloncen. Pro Hardwaeocut i,0legreiln a 0001 -a Il-- down Milton LOOSOicl 4- lor Terni Ted Kennedy et baîurday. Geoboot, iaders, scoood tle singcle Ahovivlivc Bnoav Poupal, Frank Pclooni looleodo ar Ant Brooksh MitnsmrilAe and Dean EllioooOroc '10 and GarOy 1anc00 vile M SsM mra rS JolI LaPonte a ev lun Brooosvsiolrd for Koooed, sconîsifore n NomMAal rmBl vr usa 10:3 0010 -0 1:30 Avbvoed oofOO The Milton Lions7 doulied F000000 and Ferefooo m08846 the goail WA scor noa 4- Cbeo ariso n air- 878-416 win Salurday. 0v James lad coimplisheid the iiP soOOOOc - aogh 1000 in vel as AioO Theifinalibrefe ga vof lit, 00 FAR ONM EET TWO OFA GOOD OURPIZASNEIGHBOR Onao ur customers 0F VOURS la golng ta Win a trip e for two ta the hmv B3AHAMAS or '0 o Worth of airfare >rour Check the restaurant ffi 1lior cletais .... aueds Paul Lonorgan DcIIt 000Miton 878-1049 i rio n lt io L he A ood Nei gboO , M ILTO N M A LL o e nH.. fi S aee Fa ml Ole e . S784881 ~~ 4-2cso os Raiuio 0 Michael Camnpbell and Cocervo MacKovlay scoonti Ion île 000000f McCooig. Mile Broocn coned Ion The 000 ndged Foy's on Fl 10 Iy e 3-2scre Stephen Poovevi nelled 100 and Mile Mcdovoufh bone Ior tle GPP. Warrn Meloovol and BrianBeogivcoondlfor Pays. Local 4970 and tle 10-25 BPnnvs Ild ta a 1-i dooc onlte 101h, Kevb Marion nalhed lhn Local coul unes- vovlnd pool Tom Wiebstr in tle net Ifor tle HP000v Local 407O goalieiolvbn eidan 00v Inoîno ly bleve Herris of the BP. On the saine doy Milton Ansceolvg ervi0cr rdgeit Booley Fuels 3-2 Gîro Faulkner.Greg Dre. ad a voyveiouveooddnlified ployeoaoo loi thec Anooo. Vernon LaouoOb fln oooeoer hoo lor telb oley OANTANI 1111 lOION 1on Monday covegi on v- tam division play Bellos RABBITS 2RABBITS v IMMEDIA rE o ELIVERY DIESELS -1.h.ii Dil l 877-29 AROUNO THE HODUSE ail 50015 oonî youî buvotai1 1do 0000 sidas of auch bll smlronoltOO onrce tf cofig a0 Omie il0of ktingc100 onO 10 olou t oflfmooou lt sfai0 on roiufhus. tov .Cht oao0rofnech loeifon flo c0001 rai poilo uai mlesl r, .eooolyn.lfai for ohidos Aprsi o une wax Oiel 000010 S aOnnENEDWATER aUlToALE FOn PLANTS ANt LANN No. SoftC a ouJonuatirnt- Mtek cu itu piombol bv Oam ur lean service ef the finfintiu5uoon. 844-Ml friam Wychoîl fird oh bfut Bell gouls. JolI McLean and Craif S 1u voned for Ilooda. Tuis il the finl lime JeIl McLen bas mode TIr Champion, aller scorinf Imion in poeviu aeorandacore, vîes more ovicbondled ayn beai1 th KnvotO 2-0 na 1an100 play Moday s Tom Polooro and Doue 000-env ec îollîod o sngle on ick Lodry inthe KOns The Apple Eaeeo and tle e 5-5 shoooivf match aI Loue- irAve. 000000 Monday ev005 ove. RicI lleirinomade a coi-errol Rue evneOfgOf 01100f four goals peclGayooley in tle Apple Eostrsnet. AI Nicholson merle1 lIn olber Apple Eaero wore Wayne 110111' obo lird e loI trick dho nahisti singles. Super Bave trnunced lbI Konsno 5-3 Wednesdoy Fl 22 in hanlaln Play. Inoom pleIn sconnaheels delay tl- gome report. Tht Apple cotera tOge Bell's lait Moondoy, 4-3 Dovny Ford paced the Oic onna coîh l cogoalsa nd Ron McLean and John Hinntur odded singles. Tilt Bail sac il ag coaccomplishet hl Mark Wyckoll Who tted bol 1rick. lin lhn saile Monday Joyî drope Ih ulillers 0-4 Dou ocos oed Iwo goal Wayne rur, Dos iee Km B an 0 Jo1I Fen-osa tahInO singles Ion Jayon. Jn Willou'c led tle Gulfito scooocg cilI a pair and Ra Mellish soit Ritc Heisni scored onceforthe efort. Partait edged Oloodsi4-3 eoffs Larn OteudInapsd osni mea -3h drac. SIevt Boodier, 10pprstlsliigals. Gy DI lois td 5111 Htnoçdo Dute Tiethers undt Gran eeiengstssoesui Sm ule a le o r ad ifo Par Andy icbuo , L anry WhOo- Ion's it Tb Hoo gal Rieil und MiSe O'Shea tuants wern pote ily Cruaig Southl, for Barris. Mars We iie, andtTn Boisa Two ameb8 n. c Seniro SENIOR DIVISION enone5a 3tdg nd Bab oi Nom s Sla inty Landnfly se tte t hlie iners' slaghlered BIS5-2 cliii 4- goals. Broui Alsema and Pilurcyb leadltg tl " Mue Wfiats scoed for Bitta. wil ive fwofr Bunr, MiSe Pgmentusd Cemicl boul Brillait, Mihe 0 he0 un d Barris S-I Tnny Jo htuat und Dwayne Riditel red th Bil Boufield soreit for oison goals for tilt iners. Pigment cle Joepii Pliar- S cning , for Bis cern Brian ciyl scoreit fnr Hurris . Beratîno asd Paul Bradtley. on Monitay nigist Pigment and Cheminai titgeit Millton~ T1Iunu' Bas Lines 5-4 it senior bouse action. Nicil Wollastn con GENERAL he op marissoat of Ose game cill a bal tricks for Pig- RAA ment, anti combned ciOs SERVICE Tony Josonas and Glenn -. a Scance's goals for lise vie- ai GUAR T. tory JolI Lambe sCored blie I and Scott Draper and Atdy onnI DeGrool singles fnn Boolinen. -T On Weitnenday, FIb 22 PHONE Knighl'a M ens W e r ami 17 115 11 B o rr ayu d t0 a penalty fllîd matchl ouil coneluded eMILTON GIRLS SOFTBALLO SOIATION y Maeiè!dEkOkN ya Sunday, March 12 * 2 p.m. e Rotary Park Meeting ROOM Anyone ineresied in belng involved in Girls' Softbull for 1978 or mlahing 10 enpress ther syopinionsashol tutend. oh ID~(1rIgI.fI ~ J PLEASE TAKE NOTICE Omn in endIoal ouut. n ieu k.Yvor el08es.O . . 0ýfor botter ggotings on fine fsods a il nyFotWd o a.6PM &c o m p a re y o u r p ric es ejs F Frnlo Leanm W ud. 0 o t FREE 8 DL ONION CHIP OlP TIOR HO s Wrh56* EaOR Hchsq Wîih Evary Purchase 0f lbKCHP JUG OR BAG 0F MILK Swrft's P emium VacPac S iced 3 Quart Sio. - Frel Dii - Dotimt -Mii SIDE BACON bli pkg. l1.49 B.C. Super Moisi 180oz Pkg. Sylt Sugur Plum Fully Cookéti BotêleS CrYOv8C CAKE MIXES J DINNER HAMS lb .9 Chrîsîme's Reg tii Oteach C GOLDEN P D seclLUL ChFristioSa Reg. 601 Loaf Vellowospe "Big One" Suttercrust Sîlceclilue 2400 Loaves BNNS D BREAD 21avea 5 AAA b1 Manning'sASssotedi 4Kinds 15.9oz.T.T.Saga No. U.S.A. Mexicain BISCUITS " TOMATOES lb. Svhnalder' 1Cîp Cut lb. P ýg. PURE LARD 2pbgs. l A N US CS Instunt Chocolein eSyruP 20 oz. LETIUCE head 3 MILK MATE No1U.S.A. Lurge Woonder "Homeaiead Sliced Sote Reg.55î Lou BREAD 324oz. louves '1(1 GREEN PEPPERS 2fo Freil Tender Teli PORK LIVER lba 35*r Fretil Loan PORK HOCKS lb 55*ç Freah Tender WoIh Sache Attached CHICKEN LEGS oe BREASTS lba7 Frelh Lean Sade or Chuovil STEAKS _I 3 Freah Lean Slade or Short Sîb ROASTS b Fria Lean PORK SHOULDER ROASTS Ri 95* Fros C alfone edoorPeo o reen lb GRAPESlb49 No. 1 Cuanada ancy Mulstosb APPLES 3 IL ags lod Joîvy GRAPEFRUITS 5n C a n a d N o . 0 l i . S g s COOKING ONIONS W9 No. 1 Ontario Whiteo n MUSHROOMS lb. 89 [ No . 1 Can da 50h Sb ags pMTÀTOES ;Z49 as 1

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