Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 Mar 1978, p. 13

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/TECANADIAN CHAMPION WEDNESOAY, MARCH 1 1978 SECOND SECTION MILNNAI O SPORTS ANS CLASSIFIEDS Second year in rowv Tridents f ail to Paris 2'r crushed hopes with 8-11113 defeat Tcidestt'n samber 1014 net- mindec and played in fi gamn- 4ad han a 0-5 record. Malter tosi thce league ganttes aod 100 playol courtes, yet Hynters oent with Malter roailer Ilsan Ballard ollo also bord a hetter average. Hymnecs said Tcideots playedwelland continaed the aggressive skating aod hastte they exhibited ln 1the ttdrd peciod hece onsSday. The coach bold The Champiot, 'd'e toaldent scor1e goals. 119ât 044 t19e tacning point." Hynters said th9e talestIvites os th9e Teidents Clab, they 414 r11erything he as a coach bor4 By Petîer MkCusker1 Part1 44f the Paris success Coachl Hynteen said he feit MiltonI Tridents war S11- r10- heonged ta Bo01 Aimas th91 reterces decision oas hetseked 00ut14f1191 OHA Inter- Msolo oil pee il, the net quentionabte. Hynsers could medlale B playotl fo e ag911 419n111 the Milton shart- sot B41e 1901 t19e retecee only second 191-91in11a1-1444 y Paris11 shooleco Triden4ts didnt tale ansessed Muller a penalty 291es aller leading in 1h11 Aimas lth s1econ-11d1 game and vi0t1theParis playee soho series. andt he oasnsteady toc th9e oas orteil in111l111 in4 the Tridents 11141 8-3 Monday 29'e-s. scanhle for the puîand the- 1114191 o a game 1191y coc- Bol t19e Tridentswere sil 111414101 hattle. tco.e in1the early going and in1 the gante hehind osly 4-3 The altecoate goaltendec 191-e leading 3-t aI one1 point 4441411 Multer 1911- lits4 cool and oas Da11e Balard 190 Mias in th9e second period. îomottted an inflraction1 t0 narked as t19e Teident The taoing point came at have htesel thrown out of Maahr three ma when the 14140111 tho iddle trame w191- th9e 440e. Motter 01-14111410 playofns started Bllard of goattender Kart Mullerte e corn11er 10 snottsec the c04urse1 was 101 mentalty or mishandted a puck abaholc1m puck or eise tace a 1191-014- physicalty ceady loc ploaot[ the centreeoftheice. The goal 0on1- He oas hit and koocked hockey and couldo't 19e gave Paris the one goal lead 4014 the Pari soroardand htamedifhe wan as harp and atecoards held Milton1 oheo 19e retallated 19e was as 19e was called on40 01e. off the cochoacd. se14îeoced. Maller was designatee as PARIS NETMINDER DAN ALMAS maktes the thse second wsn for Milton. Paris, however, came stop on Ken Fay and Deug Hearns in Wed- back te tie Up tise best-of-five series at two games nesday's action against Paris. Botlt Fay and cach. Monday was thse deciding nigist. Hearns scored in the second game, whicl was Semi-final piayoff requesteid of 1191-o 411d 4 cording ta Hyrs the players performed oeIll 1-1-gvsyo wtha entotio14ally pcepaced ta do yoae job. You do yoar job well bat fait t0 win.- TridentoMay havescored 00100o g04119014s rîngiogs but fte was 44410111hei w1911 - 14104 Marty Secds, Ken Fay and4 Doag Hearns ytoo'îded th9e early scoeing tor Tridents in4 the1 final gante. Aody Morao and Geery Bradsha.or111-- tw0 eoth for1 Paris olh Rail Oaodsoo , AI Hil., Joh191 Bialas 4an4 8019 Valad1 ad- diog si agies toc the1 Paris win, Hymers saîd Trideotswee in traiter shaple 411the sort1of th9e series 11941 Paris1 playeco 4c1-o, bul Paris1 lecame 111-0041- as the1 sentes wore on. Paris has 119e depth and4 Kart Maller exp11104en4 racolait 10 con- tinue s1eand play tough defensive hockey hott1e 1141-111111 oir Ihe1 Iakeouts,- 011 1-14914411 ,ohich 191-111- t,, b9e costîy Hymers hod 141 191-241 the1 super11 effort front Doog serres41and44Mas head a114 shoulders 400111 41140111-on loolh teams1 for1 lois pe- with Scott M11K11111, Gord 01414 and Ken1 1944 on1 the s0ore j,,hon' 41-110 a4 0111- Paris gain commanded a sing141 lec ^.a195111-014abou Penalt14es119411 Tridentîs as4 F4411041111111 four goals 0111the 1944411-11944 Milton1 played 024 minutes1- shorth414ded in4 the kilinîg wasn1't up ta he aris1 Do01111111-011 îîd the score 2- 24 vit h h is goal 10140g 41 4 19.35 in the ope14lg pei4d. .1414 Cole aoîîoîed on4191-1-1411goal. itiîaivead go onegoal up onM4ion il the secon1d peritd aI.O 4411 t11he play w,îh Ooag liearn scored hoý s4econd4 of lois4 hat tiCk per- frîance ohile the1 Tridents wer-14h111handed a1 0.09ý Torti went and put Pari abriait gain, focinTrdents1 10 play catch1 419 hockey, Hearns sett1I1d the cort a44 a1 12,51 and4 hoth teams41 finisbh11 1h11 prod without Paris41141 wo heir first game1 of the serres being down Iwo1 1.4,14 Noon, ' 44 gol- n i 19"24 ofth lec11~o4 period 0Iî1lovO I,esuk*ga41144441 î ,ied 1, 19Bil 4141;4111104y and4 F44 Parisî 14111191-41.1a :3-011-414 aller1 th11 1,1-o p11-îod an1d did,, I lookhac 041941Iîling 11111 period The top goal s4141-11-1 Novak otth out, goas1 1141h. ff4~ Iorward pach and Saîid Marty1 91-114 411114gave aIl 19e t0 t11-heî e o his a19,1,14 Arnold01 yeîformd his job with the oly goal in the 11911- period coîolg ai16.0,44 trinm Boîb 0'414411 aller- a slapshot train the- peont Tridents y1-1111414for11the1final41minutes1 tu loi th me nd4414004 t six ata40r f1 I1o1 rive the keyalo miaute eolon' 1 pr-ess111 gante Bec11 In1 Miltonon Sond y04 . J ohn BIalas pened the 'c4101-41g44and 011111 14.5 4404 91 1144114 0141-14 WASTING NO TIME os Trident Gord Lycos, who pasled Paris 29cer John Emerson in Wedncaday's action ai Milton Memorial Arena io game two of the series Milton won. Trident Chuck Williams ocatches ocith irtterest while thse rcferee keepn an eyc on Williams. Third game tonight Fivers can deliver to lknoclk out Blades BIt PrIer 14c1askec Milton Flyec4 threaten 10 balace vle olcaîghl l00411 441 19e lakville's nemesis49 in playofl hock1ey. Flye dropped Malles in11four g40es t0 open4 44111 veut'.1 19140011 and441ibis91e Milton4holdstlo, gameta none ina bet oftl11- Milton hatlled an11 beooîd Dakoîlle 411 their 0044 aren-11 Saoday afleroo and4 041191 out0419410'4an 448- 4 viii 9 I'4 îi, 19a4 oatmuscled the1 Olodes 6- 4 in Milton1 Fiday nighl The91 lhird 44011 49 444114 lor Wednesday 410111141914 in Mi Iton4 Meoeal At'e1a 1411 7.309 190 The ooenng gam here as4 thcîlliog 40044 44 the 1fina4 minutes. Both 111000 ex1 chatgedi long shots on1 1-411 other's nets ithoutany44 1444411- but4 Oakvîll fore checking slacted to bath Plyecs loto their 0011 end Atlec2.0ino the play, a1long drive11 194 Sam Turinon Oak- voices 1-11419 41-1111111 position1 opened the s10eîog. Il was e 114441-0 444kvi,1 1941114011- ver, eyd for44a1rat4as Milton 0411111ed t0 the- penalty box they 01wefoc t019pl19 escelleot hockey oth four focoards Boule of the1 period. The Plyees' penalty hilllngowassuperh and il 1944 ta b9e, oih Milton0 tahieg 34 minutes in4 mno penalties -Plus a Il1941m411-enisconduît to- Pierre Plole. - - - Th9e refecee called aontrat cosey infraction contttted by Bladen and Ptyers and4 il .a1401 41414 ltate in th9e gante Pierre Pilote and 191ian Giordon ere agniicent in 4191141 penîalty killîsg raies. Paul McCaflI pelled al[ter 1911910111the pack daeing an1144199411111errant119414144 40e,-404 ow loc ti McCano came in and let the 1hatgo % rite yooerplay loch 4444044404014 and il includied the1 Sortîhanded McCann goîal, Aithoug1 Milton1 a4s 114414411 the1 penalties141, they 41verre11aise 11o14111lli14 t19e, play ,,nd laking 4141911111 off the1 41 1 419114114411 period, 41104111 look a six1 minut1e suivi11in the penalty14 box aller 1004441914 heockîog dooo S19414 Payette in4 front4 of th9e Iloille net andpouiiotg on lio it lhyogletsî McCann ,,as givenadouble atocar fo i ooghing andto iueslic 4449194144 1949-111 Oas g40110 100 minute1s foe slashing. Flye- Coallendee lion 044011149041 quiîh 0,1191the BaltIlakoîlle look aZ I- lead 011119925 centatniog in4 the seonod pectod. Rich Macîler laced 4114191419011t1the Milton1 net1 4114 911-11 Troch oas at th9e oîde foe 1the rebousd. MeCa14o 191pt top9 his baille in front of the Oakoille net -- ed eveoluelly- it-all -P&idOff, Capitale, Ron Toisa driled a nhot front,1 1the peint rond Mcl'ann was in Iront 10 maire, th9e deBlecîton hehind Blades goalîesder 9114441 Van11-014 Plyers sll heId ama adoantage ohen MîCano defleoled a secosd Twiss ahot foe 191 loat tric19 asd gave11 Ftyers a 3-2 lcad 0avec th9e Bldes. Bcîan Gordon assisted on4 19011 McCao14 In 19 thdrci pertod Ftyrrs slacled coomaodiog respect train 1the Blades as Milot staried lîîtlîog more oit19 the1 officiais' san0ction. At one lorochechîog stiot, 941-ce Wilson flîpped 1the puch ave1c th avll e firh n aIl alooecontisg 100141191- 14e1 thepeslaodo44l ol stght olîhe Pilote led Wilsn, oho sbat ton4 high. 0419111111 lied th9e gante aller FrankCareavale picked aop a pach Rot Toîss leit bobtil. Toîss 0404441-1-1910 oflthe teantocgatiintgauptce. Toise loait bis balance11 and Carnavale pichedatp 119e lose pack and sailed in1 t0 heat Roberts. Brio ordonoregained the leadfor Milton 417.51 ofthe period as 19e crept 41-04nd the1 1941k of Oakvillen snet. The pack had been abatltran th1e peot anth 1e initial stop via mtade. Thé paîk sort i ront of Blade oetminder. Gordoo look the oppeît4oity t0 paire i Wilson4 made 49 lotr hîs high shoalîog 111-1or earlier in1 the1 period adput he Flyer:s to1p 5-3 aller bc picked 419 the pack 41 the1 htae line and4 ntarched in alcane ta boeuf Vantre11-4 Caeoavale îcoeed 19,1 second tapull 04119414a goal of Flyers at 4rernaong in 1the period. Iakvtîle 1941111 theie oelmioder and went1 with sixata1kers to ty and gel a 44 414 goal to for1ce ave-1 1110e. Roo Smaldeeî doaîed their hopes as he fied to the Il 4os i ild 4444111111 in 0a 4144 liait l'eraitloo11k the 19011.4-114411 494,114 and 94144444 ace 4444 10,11144,4 4114411 eaferoo c41111441aoeog Sudavîl 411440 1411,4 four Flîcîsx look 26 minutes1 in 19114al4411s 4441-411 the tirs14 4140 S4y114s41g ' No1 r-1alî. 17,044 minutes lit rie first perio incluifin a rive miute major MILTON FLYER PAUL McCANN preduced a pla of f. Flyers will engage in Uic thirdgame -hat trick Frtday igltiot Miltosf}yera' epeming-- tonigis Zdeda)asoe In game in a best-of-five series with Oakvile Memnorial Arena and cao wrap up this series Mlles in tise Cenra Ontario Junior B seoni-final witha win. 014194er Paul oaeked 119e game's 111111in4 goal for M11lon a( 1 13 Min the9pe1404 a111411411 b, Rob "Freight Turner.11 1949-111 411ped ahead 1 15 041toile Flyers 01i1 e hort- Fl44111-94111-1t1 pal the1 gaoe momie411 aller Payel1111 perormaance. Dave Turner11- soolîed hîl 14111 of 1011 42a194.lle 04111911 ther catc19 019 goals At 44.17 Mîke Eîo4eaî14oedlo etatp the 4411444444u 11.41 lan Collier fired oaohr threeto put th9e teaoîoe v eons mandenld the p9enalty 14141411 5145014 dîdo.t slioo in4 the second44 peritod asd loch charge as Olodes lagged 19e- hind the oeil cooditiolled At6 020 of1 the mdlîrame AI1 - 4 1,l BItor40 40444gal lîllO goal 4414191 playofîs htî secood ibis1 atterriont. 44411 19iee Pilote assisting. Shane Payette ntaehed Oakvilles linaI effort uasssted a1 12.04 of tse second peciod. Flyers stayed 100 goals ahesd oen Anstdemonaited-Od k1-0119i ntarker and sistploaitflgoal ai 12.1. Pierre Plote and 190n Twiss scored a s Iî*oc er ,941- îl] play i11 4401 haoded goal floc Flyers a 1011,-t 4411 tacîght. 16.2 oh f th911 period train FP444 Ml1Ca44îî and Belan Gordon, Bo44and4 girl, .41111414,44 Ahead 7-4, Flyers 111011118 are inviied to >ozi44444419 loi 0441401onc in the11414peron001110or 4occ414(hi.,114car 444444> îîI4ee theolcnad the1second registrat-4144on 4111k in1 4.444 44011 straight traon SOakvllî %fat1 4rce orgo Larry F4ayn1 14110111 F44244114vloil - pri Milton scoreboardl o_,,- L où 1 1 245 n o o1 'i 4 19 Nor 024 1 4 18 4 32 eod 111 o441,144, X, Se 411 J R4 oltroir, 21 B17 25 M4114- 01114, 2. M So u 1410- Heip O 24 4 14 18 44144-,4 Ayr M . or si, O 1 441411014141 1 4 4 8D1 ýAr .o 4 I h uh. 6 2 e- T44111-1411 . 214O4 4I5 . 44 e la4 0144140444 1 . 12 il 54 m40114-441 1n1 4 1440141144134o4491414 14 14 14 1 Boit0 Rob. is 414114 01411 014041440a 1 4 04 41 G, A1511 silo0.4111444 E Ilil "3 111111111 N.,11, lot 4414.4 1tot a441 4 4 044 I.1441 4441 11191-141114A ..444 p1 4 4 04444- D"s, Il 41 19Cl er6M.1 14eg14a14, Ci4-441 nt 001 B11.dE.191 40 ,«, 41R-,4.D111111941 =41 M 1 Totsulaoaoal ur4 1-404440190 D 1919a0o19 51g-1. 1 pat e 0194114114 Briller Se-.4111 20 si 2 s t4 roue0111I11 4 garit11tot erm - 44irti W d 14e ti 391110. i 341fortiori1 ee:L9149-1141.Drive 19m. osntee 29 22 219 514rl1,14t9041ec41 10114 11141,,-h4141141 1912,9

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