Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 Mar 1978, p. 11

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Obiu, Ernest Milison lnvolvad and active la lte Milton Curling Riait on omsalyaalil a finat osait, Millaide Dr. ite was istru- A. Eraesl Miüsoa dled Fait. mentlin wseiig loanrd 13, 1818 ai Miltas Dialeici construction of ltaI lcilily. Hospital. Hn aajoyed active psr- Mr. Milln nas a sMiltoa ticipaioin thie Sporet. miailithe 1525. as itbinit A memiter ai lte Mitn avcomnaia. ites te enta- Lama Bowling Clubt, ite wan pleled is lie iit lte Banit lte 1977 clait citsmpiositp. af Commerce, tie rellred 10 Re eredn os as active Miltan 21 yes ai. memiter of hi. Posta United BoaiaGaerie,Ot.lie re- Citaciaaelderandassa cvea is edscsliaa in memiter of lte Cammitine ai Lucknowe: Rn eva it Sut ieas nd Unifiai Board. ittiitoinsaumitiereofentres Re was a poli maiee of mcit as Niagara Falleond Stralford Massni Ladgn 332. Ramiio mitera ite ployed Me. Million s an s.active itocitey as eli. He cime 10 monter lot lte Progessive Milton on lte tanna wtu lte Comsersalive porly and te liait and tan moned on tne njayed lp lte goedenivg Slraliard snd Wevloo. tit made ii itome an at- Durna is ely yearo in tractive. Milton ie was taroined in Witile tie lited retieed frota amateur juomelic product- lte Canadien fimperianki iams nd sports actinities. ai Commerce anmte yeoes miten tie relurand 10 Milton ago, ite coalivued ait hie tie coalinond ii active fa- deatitasvmaraoer ofte Bank volvemeat in commuoily tlle. ai Nova Scolie ai Camp- lie sevait os seretry- teitotile for everoidays ec bieauter ofitheNorthtRollon torah. Rugit citool District Board Me. Rtf mn mos pre- and on lis disoluotion, con- deceasrd hy wîfe Margae doa .it s ioiessa d- Lelilia Joyat ond non miviairolor il Milton District Leovord. Rn os ourvived ity Rugit citoal. is tile Kotitiran Comper. Regarded lacaity aa one of daugiter Eiran tiiomiord te foodiag foaitera" ni lte ond dougitier-te-loto Beverly Rubasn, six grandcitidrav snd Imo great grovdcitldrev. Thetooneroiervice won itell Frit 16 fronm the McKersie Foneotl Home, aondocted ity Res. Lorve Ronoroey pailitearnenswr George loyal, Stewaort Martin, Jackt RcLend, Gev Wovg. Ricitard Chanv and Gardon Siroîn. Polliterers nonr grand- sons Gary GfanviocdRobert Giasaford, and John Rîlison as oeIl an Slepiten Mare. Treon Ling and Robert Rend. finterment toav i A. E. RISON Eoergreen Cemetery. Christmas Seals Up 4.5 per cent Ait proarama nponnorad hy flhot ite and thc Christmas lte Raimn Lang Anntuoit Seul Commitlee eara aail oiltoitableto coninuelfor satnfted cîttt the 197 7 annulter yne,accordito C. campaîgo cesolîn. L. RoFodden. Chaieman of Ver Capita relaro on lte lte Rolos Christmas Seol populatn of 227,30in RatIon rompoigo. tegn e-an 40 cents, fte 'rotai convtributins salmc an ls yar, oe 2,0ff omounted to0$91028.14 wicit cootributoro resonded 10 lte iv a loue and a hait e cent appeaf, toiict tuas talonnai increase oer foot yeue, ite ityîteooumteenmosîout of aid lte ties. Movy olter 'rTe progeamos titili associten on Otario coativn inclide Smoiting reportni a drop on con. Wfitdeowaf Chiesn Coît tethotoro dilîovivg Courses for Antit cheitas Seul campalgo matie Citildeen and Adaflo, fiteralore etiout ou every Anltton Day Campn. Edoca- one in the regioo. and tinaf Seminors in puic and NMcFaddrfl sai lie ltanies ail hit ncoans, commootty cofoofrars for dtstethuling coureges, liitroeîes and hons campaîgn materîi and pilule, Pnimonaey Fonction stnfltng enorfopen. Rt aisvo 'reativg îvdnslry. and an- thanited lte yoangaters oho ntoriogreqesfo for in- itefpd delitor paniers la formotion fiteatore films -fores and ferai husinennes andnspeaiters. yior f0 tce opening of the Mr. RcFaddenreemaeked campalgn. Pictures of Milton past, present shown 'rTe regniar cettîvng tIrs Jean ilanveliel and meeting of lte Mîilon Senior hIcs Wnotic e-av appreeiaird Ciliaenn' Coit 00v itefd Feit hy thte Cflai membee. 'rTe 15 on Knox Charct nall. Mes. presîdent eemfvded ttc Frai Ede-ards toefcomed te singing groap flt titere e-tf metees and garnss Mes. be a practi-e in lte Legion Clora. Price pfoyed for0 1)Hall eoery Rondoy mornîng Canado and secretney Dean a0110 ar. stneting Feit 27. Peresit rend lte e-intes of Nte- memniteen are tonne. liai meetivng.sstmUSltalllN AleansmnaýmOtof itusn , BobtLaitingiro- N W dnced8sLev RrNeif cito O shoeed a nmercofsfides of lu Miltov.paslnd presetl 'rTe = Iîro r Inrent ing pîctorc. lte Ch o i music and tait oi Saur Reitage" trongit hock memorien and oas mont D r. W. R. 'o apprecited. Mrs. Ed Pae- In saon espeunni the Cicitu à litaitn 0 MrMoNtf 5 ALTEO 01 Wîit Mms. Prîce aI the piavo, Hanppy Birîhday a e-o IW tlManvU tamilto Gordon Roinonoand a irthday cakte 10 hnoritis Both birlhdaye-oaapicasant f vurprise. ARteeGaiSaiethe % 3 s Qncev and te Miopo benr- j . h, diction. Mes. Elrvn Reid and lier hefpen cere lncht 5îtssîvtiaiiissaasaltitf o Feit ta aI thc Legior Rail nererai memtecs env joyed thr alleenoor sciai lime. piayivg caris toi itingo. The helpi of lte Legin Aniiney Ladies. hes. bflfie Eveyhn nhld 'rThomas. Mrs Miflie fDance, .yhn nhid StoneRoad footaneor for thot mail opens mloafrbrk. Stone Rond Roil it Guelpht loday open a $10.5 million. 00 (loi Pefoare lot addlteo and ccichcafei the cyeoiog e-ith a vidt troit ilinctonr chororters. Forty nee- citoe- anti srr- vices haver bran aidai to lie enistivg 45 ad the exanded maniracle s aol Mort004 eo Miale Fvrode -MariSet store. A e:ition of 151 $I kilts wasacaut y Mayor Norm Jory, Fred Flivtslove, Barney Raitite and TV peraemily R b ]Bg AI, avd lte riitboo mas R h dosaled 10 lte Associatiav foe i à%s aimua..,cii te lte Mentally Handicappped.E ST. CLAIR CHAPTER, Royal Arch Masons No. 75, Milton, recently inslalled new officers for 1978, Ex. Comp. Rohert Moreau ic the Firtit Principal for tbis year. Shows in the front rowt from aeft are director of ceremonien Harry Onrerend second principal Ed Ramsboltom, first principal Robert Moreau, third principal Chris Brton, secrelary Cliff Lemington, treasorer Stanley Chinhohm, and master of tihe second Veil Phillip Howe. Second row, senior steward P-eter Anderson, junior nojourner John Goolding, Scribe N John Hoekzema, principal sojoorner William Whyte, master of the third veil Clitf Poul, master of the firat viel George Clemenlu. master of the fourth Veil Vie Poelzer, and oter guard Ed Joyce. Absent was pant first principai Bruce McKerr. Birock Principalt says Too many people go to university Tou many people arc goiru througb univrmities and toit conut nre goîni aller na prenicn.bips in silîrd traies. accorio 10 (leottol 0tock Riait Sohooi Pcincipal Geore Cana. Cons spolie c Mîilton parents about ocatittoi nohOcI yeogtae-s iatiog o meeting aI J. SI lOtrts Scitoci Tocsday. Accodiîng tco Çs, Canoda e-iil fîtt ilselifi ac positioîn wecc ttc counry catill fii jobs in stilird talies %it lia thenect few yeats. - Wer colt ic bock on the- oamhctot immeigratons icr letfing en the coacits: and %c amen't training 000 otil people 10 tiff P.5ilioO5 inth nkîifed taits "Tht thini il. a ot iiis peuple ltait acc gotîa c Univrstiyowouiiic liec Hl] if a fol itoppir in a ctr. lors, RefertinO tu lte prospect ofi o cocatnai scitool in Nortit ifaicon. Cas noaid il ouîelid li,, a hig odcantcgc for studettis houadayon school busses. 'Titon tuds shoofircev a hit ne-ioci credif jus1 tar ridingitheibas.' litcsat] ions cai lte ites 10 001 Delay trial Tht triai oi Ede-r Aliter- has once m-ote hecn dtiayrd Aliterton. charger! wtu and et in Rai foc Petl and London istctcs. 1. sciteduled tostand trial Fi), The couet date font octit e-on lthe thiti dote sc et flict No oe- dote bosbn et. înlegaticd ston 'a, iîthe îîl staff, lpieid lintOl faii lihncflc.pi tui, all ciii:" hlid outil ierceytlî fircillnls. ir-.icid ofi thon , iuili.lîiandi 1le coud if oadite c rcng f0 -gfre-ifte nocaticcal nîciecn iniîo ingcofa schol, 0e-S lro,iicegilar composite Il lthe cloirnîl. oie -epocoîrd. to campfs tri- fi îîîil and nocial problis iiîîiill icctlcp ,uthi iîîîiiil siaiecîs le-iti ibii-i-dli cî ther sludeols HONDA clVIcs HONDA ClVICS HONDA CIVICa IMMEDIA TE DELIVERY Baz Motors GEORGETOWN ss heRih Oeasv 0115206 North Halton Golf and County Prîvate Club Open for Membership loteria uoîde go ittci'ddt18tiiiî 7PLAY THElI' BEST FOR LESS t o, t trt-tion nor celeotfactîîlte, od raît ptcacl h maae S 7 91 Cori,, M ptleA e. ad Tri eRd.i Gcro e- . MEET Otto Jelinek, M.P. Ali interestèd cîtizens are invited to attend an informai ~seigathe oeie n À mil ghein 'Oto eet and i hearin Otheoreivek for the fadera i ding of Halton. Otto Jelinait M.P. Saturday, March 4, 1978 8:00 p.m. ST. ALBAN'S CHURCH HALL 52 WiIIow St., North, Acton FOR FURTHER INFORMATrION CALI 853-2754 OR 853-1248 The Canadien Champion, Wed. Match 1, 1978 Il Confirmation Sunday 1 Reed The Rt. Rev. John C. 501h- Rector the Rev. W S. Noble.a ,el]. Bishop of the Dtocene of Il is cotn years tnce a i c Niagara, o-iil lie a St. Loienconfirmtationservice tonP tC Anglican Choroh in Palerto hee hefd ai nid St. Loke's iiaint nelrnglon Ml0? on Sunday, Match 5 at i IlChcch. and the Rector and Juin Reed shonnada 20-min. o clock to cooduci the solemo lte Chuecittardens as tneit e-tes film on remaron a-e- tnd insptetng service of a ongregatiottaimemhen, covey 0 Htn R gion Confirmatoof 'theiayttg are imtfttng fot-eard 10 Counnil doeing themeeting on ni haods o'îth penser upon oîatongtiistvertta ttme Of Wennrday. thono bhat ae baptîned and tene loy and thaoitngiving, a ete oteyasof dtnce- timehienithonrealay con- Reed erentiy critaed lte lion, assotedtttilicBookof firîtîtd wilccte thcîu on tegion for taking a noerno Commofl Praiert noiemo confirmtion voton, appoacit In lte prnitfem ni andia tmeuten godpaeno, trantemantagemet. The fin, confirm-ation relivesc famîiy membeen. He climsltheUnited States candidates. toho have heem as wciioashee-any frtendo of hanoaken aposittoestand and rceirtrlti tnstruction tor St. Luk' iteccîthetcomn is deteemned to end is te- many weks. tilbe e- moniy wi] a dcoo mont ]ancen ondiltlbylitheyear setd o then Bhoph lite a em l0, SACTOY YARN B ARN 56 MILL ST. EAST *ACTON -853-3000 IMarch lis fii More-h l8titi 2O% %OFF 20 BERNAI BERELLA 4OZ. SKEINS REG. $245 -NOWSl196 Nier ls Me lle Ioe #~ d pik oeil jo., p#Aibe STORE HOURS Mon. Tues. Wed., Sol. 10 A.M. 10 5:30 P.M. Thoîs. Fci. 10 A.M. 10 9 P.M. FOR VOMI CRAFT, CROCHEU à KNfTigO NIEDS VISIT ACTON VAIN S11AIN OPEN JIL.DING RanlS Antan t ~~Je 481alle

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