Blood d onations short of goal By Lerre Caîdr Tomerton tht Red t. os oporored Stott Docor Cinroe beld at tire Legror Hatll ou Charles St. Thueudaoy a retatiuelyfgoud -consrderiof tire nuteeair ut ttu on rire Mdlton arestinrreetOrecks. "Wewere junt a trille orrdec norquota, nord Morgo Kent. orgooioee foc tire coie. "Xe receiced 2M3 piotu ot irtood eUrgoal i 300pitS ut toc usualty conte up ouni) abomut 250 proto Itto ot vere 'Monstro us' gondt whe y ou conurder Ihe population. but the poOr heufth of Ili leooplo o'ould oe ount for the pMr atten. dance, sihe sentd. Thrcliut turcoau ponsoredbiy ,oudesfront te Red crosad was assted by rrther groopu wriui volun- teered theorseuries. Hetp usreceored t ront tihe Legin L aies oho outrnted in the k ltchen. fthe Cattiotir iriooreor Leagoe provtded the chir belli, the Kinetten hahed frnit irread for lie donoro and the Bouafielda dnnated apple cidr North End Dutoun oupptied tire ice. Tire Martin SI. Senior Pulie Seront boys toaded and unloaded tire Red Crnoss trcks, while W.t. Dicirsenior otudento poirlicleed tire ruent iry ptocing posters nMain St. and in tire ptazas aeonnd Mit- ttdents feomn tire lgir schoot irad tire tedios batir ut .teOrffor belli and tr- fneming former donnes nf tire Tire Red Cross irolda four blomd donne coieic erery year, fattiof un tire third Thuroday of tire mentir. Tire next choir oilt hae hetd en Mayp1O, uf 17 and Nnu . Ail chies are iretd aithe Le- gion fltl. Tire May 8 rhieic tirE Mayoros Ciri touer ceiti ha pronnoted iry tire tocen and Mayor Donald Gordon. Refuse to approve CP tower .Surir ursual ttri undontrairleteeheartout te onmnIty,* toouncrtteu Betan Pentor nord au Mitontu Couertl Mordue urght rejected o M50foot hrgt CT- mirroe tuoerate Curt St . CPR stationrie Tel] CF tre tr d tire otiof ofa tnerren the corruti ttc tone o repoguort ru tire oeuf interestu ut tire tortizn trou tire ood file.*' Peoutoo a ded. Ho alsu cirargeot tP rurt pulîtof a **iron--t hrpo- crisy" iry lttteg cooicrt thiroi itrcoutlirelp irntue auste for tire proposed touer. whirr al] aloof tire rotluoy comntto ceas deteentrord ro ui ilrtd threCourtSt. ste. CP Teleeomntn tou liad appruarhed couurtl tor eonun lte tout >roc, brut conriio ecrrerorrt about surir t large touer ireiog erected rn tieresi dentiat ores un Court St.. and aaggested sun aternts One trac tire ClO Transrt station cite, ru ha tocoted ru Mate St. E. conte ruTiroto- son Rd. In a letter cecerord tour ceei, CP rejected tir O tetr and saltdthatoasCP orc tire cite un Court St. uhere hec ased staonleutand. tl ceas ides1. Tire touer mrust he cloce tu tire roituar troriru for pruper comunicatrons. and cs needed tocueucrr irydru ponter rues ru bc tcrned onirerceuet.Augut ciluin preienturicrore systom s. Any detayn rn celectruf r site celîl menin au interruption in servce ru Mitlton ri terressaid W HWtic Radio and Cuterde tlant superurser tue CP Telý He saidte tis lettr tht soirf testa hrave haro dore rn tire courtSIt. sitecandoaceetract ceas aleeady trardert trr hurtd thetorer t.rt heu tel rec- standing louer. 2r tret ,,ide ut tire base' tapoerrrg te i feet attre top anud porctrrt orange tu ruret rrfrrtrrtreu .Wirp nirold wc occept a 110-foot router ru tire rotte ut tonn,- Councrlou tRose H arrison trouter te irueu 1r--------- iSUCCESS *COLLEE *14 WAYS ICS wrtt prepare tou at touc in ieurespare truc for oeo Its taroa caer Motn n rieo A.10sosîs i FIEE OFFER ICAL L 827-1299 OAIfVILLE, ONT. LSd cs Mu »te. r>trrcirt u Ernternon Mu- treorto cirgertCPTel ntade rrrrcirtcto courdr airer- rrfrrutrtes He catîrd t -a deti ra rire peuple uo urr cfabiout tn oopartmnt hrrrtrug edr for trot errer rr rotd t o ea uoerse ve-o rrherr the toer fors C, ire ,ad McCready anied couiitu deug rln fret on tire approval. untilnmore aiternate itecan ire otudted "Wr ougirt tu tigirt tient, or persuade tirec ru look tonte more," ire turfmd Tire runoy's mind tran mtade up hafure il auked counorlus opinon, rhinted lu Couectlur Jrnt Kerr. Sut he nord tf tire touer dues go oirrad. ired firle tu se tire Optimists get projeot started Buirldrng perurtu tue thne alcent iraIl ut te prenf .ous reut mnth ufthlie year year. January of 1977 saw rutotted $145,&56ir rludrof a Pormittussuedtfor more tas ror idrutrrrt storuge $30,0f0rorr builtding at Ferrirel Srteel ut unetmae ot o ff0,00 M edals for The rfprrurct Cluir ut Milton ha ou reccerurd au rnitiai educators trortding pert for thir cen Tuu Carton Eduratoru have theur otrr c entre. Tire hacn oiroerd ut huron's permirt. r ofurd aI 530,1Xf ru iter Juiîe nttais. fer rire Irrondation oly Cuc- st ult irte tourdation Coltue Sourd ut Educatios Il tguet udeuay funri irsuhaduonly tuo direous of eduallun and bhut r uprco irorecer hunred ut medtais. Pecritu for Januarf tlsu Iltras annoanred Thursday rocteded a oru 50ftout iry 30 iy huard chairmnta Carry loterfgargrutorafeibuilding Mueton tiraI Em Lanender af rhe irome utfJS Ceenter. and Jrnt Singleton nulswer fi R. 2. Cantpheilftlte. Tire mtdentipt epents. irrrr eer peojeet ru uner rue- ,teoctrou and haltoway ru crrrptetrou. oerurding tu R BB T NfIru Ifrystrir T'cuire irotîtho .III ire ued lu store tuent flusn prit frJa- RABBITS toa7 rudrcated o nharp IMMEDIA TE dectrue coupaed ru tant DELIVERY >c rsfgures. oorir esti- . at I $25.000 trac I S L rothireod lat o th, ruer IE EL pared itth $t10)ttO tue tire Whh.Cupltne ofWSir saluoneuoperilt yerac .a tors ]put Janaryuwercrussuedtfor GEORGETOWN e glr fontily mouces 1. The .5t 0»1., The total value ut last truethu iurding pernts n 715 MI 'il0 t KAISER e;::rë s::::ea:o i inane miuhome lOo. n N.ucso, ooctsfeo ck 20 yeur gueraaesss5tb LOW FACTORY PRICES ON *OTHER ALUMINUM PRODUCTS si Aluminum Doors 1 B~UIIE *j Combination Windows * LABL J Car Porte a Aluminum Awnlngs i FEDERAL INDUSTRIES fou Pofa Foesythe Street 00bnss * OUT-OF-TOWN U OMR *PHONE OLC tutu get perntisson tu une tl, te tmprove the tounneordio communications. Counriltor Penton sld ire tronted toihroa statentent frontCP onouetegrooriltie touer ceitt net teterfere uiti tocat radio oc TV reneptioe. Hie catîrd tue o staft report ou tira> point, ptus tire nine, shape, cuber and aethetir conideratiuuns Wiren ire put t in tire tuentit o amotion, cructttors appuoved, utmuut unronireountu Homemakers pick name By Lesore ChmnhInm On Monday, Feir. 13 tire second nteeting f uthtie Camphaicilte 4-H Hume- maillera Club ceas iretd at tire hume ut Mes. Pmstma. Mem es otdte havethe nmme -Camphalludlle Cet Up and Go Cang" Earir girl bas madeirer 000e quilted santplle, oenttng by irand. While mahing tire somples firey tothed abut tire tiringo tirey rould moire, and Mes. Pmtnta sbuued ntnte tiringo sire madle. Turclonetre meeting Cireryl Howard hruugirt CGerean TeatSquares"and juire. 5 Yer G.I.C.S rurnrSdUMShBurt ASTA TRUST c CALL 634-233 0soi tat.. adrton] MAYOR DON GORDON doesn't seemn to be un too much pain at Thur- sday's blood donor elinic sponsored b y the Ried Cross. Maklng sure that the mayoros blood la flowing ta Malvuna Klevitsky, one of the elinic helpers. A lotal of 233 pinta of boodwer donate. Milton man hurt A Mitton mou tran hurt in a teaffrc mirnirp triti a hydre pute in Artur Fridoy nigirt. Holton tfegttola Poltre otote David Tuepte ut 5761 Firt Ltne ras nligirtly hurt in tire cottision iruututng it picir-up trurir ond tire pote. Damnage to tire trucir n aout $700, ard tu tire pole A Georgetowr ontiulance cre tron ralîrd ru tire erene but Tueple drd rut go ti tirent Atoe tretigirtees tre olsu cattedl to tire ocere Pottce stato tire Tuepte trucir troc outhhaund0 Main tneel North. The truck damage te the vehirlens eolled over and then olrhc entire rigrtsaide and ca. tire irydru pole. There oa ,ý & ta f , 1 o 202 Main AMEflhFlton 8754472 For one month .. FREE INSTALLATION 17 CHANNEL CABLE T.V. 12 CHANNELS ON YOUR T.V. AND 5 MORE WITH A CONVERTER Hoasshoids eut inlevcte ai Feirtaey 131h, 1978, witt sa0 $11h on installatiuon and pop oefy rire normaI mnthliry setvicre charges whire servce n avart- ablea. No long bitrcm ootractu, su pu nern tep rieur trahie reception for a. short a periud an you lire. Applien ou outra outlets tbel C4LL US NOW - DQON'T MISS THIISSPCILI lm 810181 m9TRGNG AmuEFIrGEGW Auctions for seniors Boace Conr tme ot MLach tas oered hy Mns. reaideata beldi ao eooahe Mrray and Mns. Morley, eveolog recently, coith a large assioled iry other ladies front boarent for an eening of ro- the secondflinr. gressive amhre and an Fraoh Jones thaoked Mr. auctbon nole. Elliott on bhialt of the roui- Jach Elîliot, a retired aac- dents, for helping to makle the tioneer, sold the gonds fromn a evenicg ansucceus. table of homo made haking - and a whbite elephout table -ire ceOse hayers sh01> aod maoy renideolo wnt Champion clamifieda. home ceith their armo fuIt 0f home madehread, cakms -Fehlo9llft a Scout- piesand other itema. Guide Week i Miltent Wh o, mn ly ~182424-2J TH IS WEEKYS ISPECIALSI '4- oe -LRD GRFFN CABBAGE 29c _h CHRISTIE Bà +RWEý;AA"ýD 31$115 "-FLOWE SAIT SU .7pm ANJOU PEARS 590, 4N , %, , M.A Dj ONTARIO RED POTATOES 121,, SPANISH ONIONS 501b, $900 à F_ BANANAS 251 t VARIETY OF HOUSE TS S~Ž AYUDAFEB. nd Alsod S" a MWo dawby O11 amLt tIR li wab».. EXAMPLE PRICE SA VINGS! SLACKS Reg. to $25.00-$30.00 NOW10G *50 JACKETS &t Reg. Values NOW *mll B3LAZERS s4toOO ONLY10' . BLOUSES&E Reg. NOW20 ., go SWEATERS $250 oNLY20te90 DRESSES $egValu.00 NOW 90 lm (A LL FA SHION ACCESSORIES TO CLEA R) Dear Customers: At this time Peggy would like to thank you for tour patron- age of her downtown store and invite tou to visit hler et her Milton Mail location. pe~q~~DDWNTOWN STOIRE I.