4 The Conadian Champion, Wed., Pet. 22, 1978 Ostatlisitef 1301 î[1t 44auian ftampfion Puitfished to Dilla Peisling and Putlisiting Company Limited im Dilin. eubhe, Roy Ooum, ra,,o. soit nues, Neas tOile,. Paul niassge,. Afuisi.gnn mi 191 Main StiÉ~ast, Milton, Ontario L9T f N7 Phtone 878-2341 Just prellminary Preliminary proposaIs are ont n0w fnr the 1.3 million acres of te Niagara Escarpmont land and it romains for municipalities and individuala 10 assess teir value, advance suggeations asd.pave the way to the final planfor thseares. The mails show the broad brush tmestment (bat pointe in amess for mixed agriculture, forest, minoraI resource, and "scarp" ameas which are to ho permanostiy proserved as a continuotns saturaI envirosmont. Around tee Milton ares (bore is a hesvy emphasis on mixed agricul- ture, some genoral rural, a fair amount of foroat, and of course mineraI rosource. Mixed in is tho plan for a scenic drive, and the Bruce Trail routes are atao much in ovidonce in te ares. The scenic drive is jntended for leisuroly and enjoyablo recreation driving for local rosidenta, touriste and vacationors. it is envisioned as a two-lano rond tn accommodate low speed travel. Indications are that il will gonerally fo110w oxisting ronds. Existing trees and shruha osilI ho promoted throughout the length of tee route. itoadside facilities. such as picnii' ares would ho incorporated, whero possible. On the Bruce Trail it ta an- A great day Wite tee sun at ite iteat, te winter air at ita sharpeat, and te Kelan setting at ita most plessant, the Haltes Itogion Winter Carsival on Sunday provided a grest mix. Our congratulations te ail the who put in tee necessary effort and planning tn bring the second cos- bined event off in tee face of such crnwds. Milten, Halton Hilla and Oakvillc combined for the event this yesr wite Burlington going ita own way and providing lia own carnival tho previnus week. The beautiful weaiher un- doubtedly swelled the nushors this yesr, in contrast with ast yesr's combinatin rais and snow. The crnwda just weren't anticipated and supplies at somne of tee fond ticipated the province will secure the "optimum route" through graduai acquisition of tee trailway uaing one of seyeraI devices such as purchase, lease back, ease- monta or other arrangements. 'four intereat in tee plan wifl ho colored by ynur involvement in te oscarpment property. Aa a hiker you'Il probably nod in agreement wite tee plan to, have tee province work toward acquisition of more of the property involved in tee Bruce Trail. But as a farmer, perhaps hoping somoe day te sell off a lot or twn, you may have a different ides. And tes teose wite quarrying interesta will are areas of concers as wil (buse who see quarrying as a raple of the land. Thore are te ho meetings and opportunities for public input. Aftr milliofts of dollars worte 0f expenditures, thore ta stifl nlo final plan for tee protection and on- hancing of the Niagara Escarp- mont Planning Area-juat pro- liminary proposala. How thoso preliminary proposala shape tee final plan wll dopend on the input of teoso most deeply in- volved and tee commissoners who listes. NSw in tee timte to know the offect of tee proposais from, your point of viow, and speak constructively toward the objective. outlots ras out quickly. Getting on the bus at Milton Mail and roter- ning did remind us 0f a sardine squash, but it dido't seem to dis the spirite any and it certainly beat trying to geta car near the park. Kolso was a groat outdoora arena ton. Ite spaco left everynne wite the uncrowdod feeling of a pleaisafit day in tee country. Activities drew gooni crowds and tee Museum ws certeinly crowded. It juat seemed t0 ho a happy combination of good proparation, great weather and pleasant crowds in an ideal wintar. setting. And we think snme Miltonians came to apprecinte somne 0f te wonderful facilities (bat exist within such close resch. LONG SHADOWS cast by a late afternolon sun stretch out acroas the clean white snow. (Champion photo by Roy Downs) . Sugar and Spice Some Wel, illeh are yoo going tli vote for ohes they cati tie etection? Tite ysslttful, eighteous, quivering iowls, or lte agieg but sti eiegasl shrog? Witat a choice! Ose of lte gays i s hiaiory for lte hig job thaf ie Ioits as toagit ite cas atready faste il. Tite otntes s samesmerizeil hy faited il iiguatisso andl ispersonal teud wititsene Levestse tt ho wostdn't itsoo as ordisary taxpayer tl hctimitediiotedo'ithone. Ofeititer sex If .10e Statis mere alime and meit and living, say. sn Msosejam. ited prsitaily garner more votes titan theotite toput togetiter. 'lit otitor Joe was choses leader of lte Tories ity a itasifut nf vstes. Approx- îmatety 49 per cent of thtecovenion detegates dtdn't mont ii. Sisce Iles, ose of lte lottes itas iterome a LiberaI caiiet rmiier,aoiter bis oetec "Liettenaint," has fadednloteteooodoor. His opposent, the obiqaileus Pierre, itedevitled ity donsestir trouitles, a sagging eroomy, itigit ustemploymest, a feeitte dotlar, asd an apparent tarit of toeit ccitit realily, sotlis and aela every ose et tas seai-ty 60yeas. whal's a millios? Tis tamoos tie. spoitos iy lte arrogant itut eslremety comptesîlC D. Home, itonderoftCanada's iodastry, almoot toppted a government a coupte of dorades ago, mites ho uttered t in On the News Beat No faith in the pirate' By Sot SortI When Ric Maurro. cailed Wedoesday's spectal meeting oftegiosul counicilitetiad itoped te hace councîl adopi a Iote of equaieed assessmeol and in so doing. finally acceptthe spirit of regionai goceso- Courci rejectedhbisproposal and huled crilîcinmn andl insuits at Mooroo andl the senior regionsi stanfces dustsg a speciai insee-hour esin Il via hall esougt ltaI ihose oho dîdn'i mant to sec lte pootingof nI sources impie- meeied. ittasl Mnreom ttl Oie ahuse diin't stop tere. Propestentof aIhOe sciteme aine blasted Monos fue huegin lte issue. Titoy ment onoulge lenglth,chaslîoing him for sol comîog up uith propos inoromation and documentaioni Pair enougit. Miortec dîdv tuo fctho questionniead onoand dd top ic, soit poil the fact that hemas taling about a ferre of equalîaed asuessesent for semer and mates chai-gms. fr ftt aisti i Bot Oie fc ftemte a lifn malter a daon whaf ho sidn o hot anyne eaesaid, the eoneeltes' minda mens made ap tefere they oser g01 oua f et ed nuat marntg. Pi-niahly toireai tetesgpart of Oie mitele dehae mas a hilo het emotionsi pestors- arce tp Jackt (The Pi-atoi lafta. "Wht mese taining aitout la lise esaence ef regional gevessmea. Tb hohleispirit of regitanal govensmein la ai bellsie. Yfan have te have a critala amasi of fainh," quolli Jack. No trueo tatemelt cutdhbeulteeed. You have 10 hace failt andl that-more ["n anything eise--coslsiituted to lte defeat of Morrow 's promutaiandthe spirit ofregin- als nHulasn Wit afli' sas reaiy saying oaa Oiat repsesenfatves from ail areas of Oie segion had toshow faith in im. Raffîs is citairman of Oie petie morts committee and pohohlyte most poe-ful memher of coarii. He's itai cilo to fice prars t0 bondi a rapport tai mont e t couecitiors htave tuithitn fiim. He blem tat opportunity and in doing sa he. sot Moesoo, oitould sitesides a lot of the blame for whit happoocil on Wednesduy, 'i u sec, undor the currool oyolem ail sewer and water aciiies are consirucied and maintained b the region. ut tecause the region citai-gms hochait reiaied resta ta the henefiiiing manicipaities, Oie palitirat power i-este sin te ai-es coindl. siegialsal cesanclos Who i-eaaly rasit understasd nesds oulade ofineir local aima ai-e snsied ta appi-eve pi-oerta in Oie oinor munictpalllles, ai long as the lncal manicipalties are pi-epai-od ie utaildes te rosi. Usier Oie pi-apaaed systea, evs-pose mud starsi-e lahOe cnet of ail pi-alerta aci-snea rliegion ami Oie seglausal coeal- loi-amauldano loners-tsataldietsay tii la toisai nai-eaamsant. lley mmud mani ta ho dan moUl satilakl inai te praject mai of necessitýy efsoie hyapprovedifl In ontier oidu. Oie paor hase mîiuid sit te Oie regtoe. Oseasse Mifton han onip Oisereprsmentativea oi24on Oie cooscil Oiey are afeaid they moutdhbe shefled and end up paying a shaso of the sogiostai rosi bt not ho able te get appravai fus projorta in i olrn a-a. Polititia[Iil Ils enougit te aite Oieir haie atand on endl. lattis aaid tf, "Yeu have to have fainh." in Oie pasi Raflia os one of Oie pubieî mors commuttes meahers hos aimays raisel lise qaesion on pi-oposnd penjorto, "uito'Il pay for this?" Thteansmes dictated Oie may in micthrtOe projortmwaascrotiied. Nom in ailfairoens, lattis han't dune hedfy ity Milton ami Hullon HuIs. Oîth lte notablie exceptionof th lts uill site, itehas taiienuaegionai outooituvd hon assmsted in sonme rainler tgt spots But his dominan, ovepoeing pesan- alit leava ailler enasseillos In ame. They hno iney canitcentral hha and baeras- of inal, tay wnn'iOtrst im. Thoreisanosfain. Wednesday's voie maint a mon-en- fhdenceve Ln iMor-i-nas smesidif sas but a clous indicaien Oial itere sa nof0 lit heimeen lte counfctliors. Unil inere la, anl of Oie provincial gi-anIs in Oie mai-id mant chage Oie vote. s Gateille Cuellai- Aucbie Dnagiey pot hl, "Sepai-alisa la alive and mou in aitn ligis. Evei-yese mante ta go te esc may." By Bill SmiIey choice in next election Oie famous Pipeline Deitato. Red-itissded Canadians arroos lte land nitsddered initarrer at ibis seornfut attitude tomard (bat magie figure. Today, a psitiriao eosid stand up j Ottama and say: 'whet's a iitin"' mlioot raising a ripplo. A misor esampte: titegoversmosl people on charge of asempfsymost insurasee heve tanciteda $s mtllisn adverttsisg rampaigo to mars chiters of lte systemt of lte dire cosquenees sitnutd the ite raugitt. witat a farce! Tite systemt s se tout ofhies 1ha1 is beisg ripped ott-egatly il muat ho added-lo ihe lose otilions, andmwealitsemii. il'sa nierummisslsn for lte advortlsing agesey itandiing Oie arrount, itut Oiey are lte onty itodies mitomiti gel anyOiing sut Of tl hio lsgoig toread the ads' Ceriainiy sut Oie people mito are ceting. Titoy aleeady itom att lte loop- haies and fine print. Only lise very stupid are raugit. Ceriainiy sut Oie eniployers mite aiso cillat, 'laylsg oft" a stiited moritias mites thigs are a itit starit, miOi a tarit agreement lit ito go on unempisymnent insraseuni tins pirit op, mites he mut bc 're-hired". Certuioty sol Oie millions of people ire me mito lai pay lutte Oie fusd and hi) mli neyer gel a nickel hart fromt il. That beaves, as readiers, Oie guyi mito drem up Oie ad, Oie civil servante ili auOioi-ized tl, and a srafteiigot pensiosees mitoren afford a nemspaper and read everytiing on il, for mont of nometinn bter ta do. Bui mitIs a mili on, tf il iteeps some advortining tpes and civl soirvanta happy, andl maites Oie itiood ut a fem pensioners hoit? Usfsi-tunatetp, toise adsaeid fitat million, alongmwithmany moreaqaodered on surit pottisgglng pifiOro, dnn't mean a tinng ta thieman orcmuman in Glare Bay or Sudburiy or Chiiiiwarit mihon a een out of moi-h fur a yea, andhbasno prospectlof itsin il in Oie neai- or distant future. lark earps and Pierr-epontificales and Broaditeni issues itroadolden. Andl factories close tecuse Canaduns prtees are toS itigit, itecaoe Canada'sioages ar e higtand becaose Caeada'n prodoctin o s tom o Many penpte-mosly young peope- relaisa sou retease fen the siave-y of the m1oi-h ehiie", esen inossit tey desit i-ealy kes mit il meas. To asy genoralion il moi-lp musant don a an honest day's surit for a day's pay. Today'e gonerasion i-anhs Oie mai-h elii mt slave-y, i-rass and haning a bath Satsi-day sigit, whethe- you soed ituor ast, an te li-appisas 0f a viciaus. misgoided Sotse it. nfa tou- bauSa, nat mine. Tisey ai-o lte os who wmul ho payislg lise hanses- doun taxes for melfare, medirare, ce ploymeolîinsurunre and indenod pensions foc civil servantsmiten Iamosporfing about in Oie Elynloos fiefldo miita couple or Oii-ee nympits. Whoi mîith Oie taif-itosi colfce itreait foire a day, tite catisg o in miten you have a hengover, te sseaiig off ut nooo Friday for the eetend, and various otter litile ganOes, miii yos hnom ahout an el as i. me ai-e furniog lobaa nafion of layahoufu. Andl more aiready itegiosing to pay Oie piie Addttii incipient separatism and Oie slrungletotd of lte mandarins on Oie mafflers af Peitingos-tte-Rideas Cansi, and you can see mhy1, and manyannuer- itnnes Cuaas.i, ooktfoeward ta aoier federai otortion miOi a .ceriain lugititiiousss. Il soemslt caqmsion of "lui-n lthe rascals out" or "fore Oie turiteys Nuit said. Don't f tinit me a giosm-pol. It's 2 .m. and ve just putNo. 2grandson t0 hed. For te fourth limo Ho loes Oiose ]aie ois Turning the Pages of the Past From the files of The Canadian Champion litis meeit. One year agio Pi-na te Pet. a3,1 issuane Miiius's pi-omisi GO train servief t0 Toront o mas shelved Oiis meit mites lte fedesai goveinment aeied outof a 1074 elsetion campaige piedge and caerelled support funds. PaIerai Finsece Minister Donald Macdonsld sid Titursday in Toronto liaI Ottawa sa miOidrawing 10s uritan transit aid, miir mas a campaign pitais in Oie 1974 oinetion rampaigo Milton Pire Dopartmeoi manfo a nom pampas iruck and o station magon for firo pi-eveetien moi-h. pins eight mo-e fuit tîme fisefigiters and fise tospoctors. according to Miltes Pîre Ciif A. E. "suite" Clement's annuaf repart ti ouoncil. Milte may siono add a eOonatls Restaurant 10 Oie areay of eatîsO oastaisitmeeta inimwn, A rep-osesfative of McDonald'ssaidthe firtaluOant taopen a 123-seat resaurant ai fthe coi-ner of Marktet Dr-. andl Hlghmay M. Rohheiimand aller crimes are up ars Halion again, Citief Ken Steroît totd Haf tee Polire Commission Titueoday. Campitotivitto Sctoof mon't ho ciosing. Halten Bnsard of Educalion rejected an adminisiration suggestion Titursday ltaf Oie scitosi ho ciosei andl studeofo titere ho itased le 5i-ooitviite Scheel. Pesdieg a final agi-sement on itow sewage miii ho hendiod. construction of Oie expansion of Pranitelt Oeel couid ho un- desmay iyth Oe middle of lte sumcer. P-asitet Steol presideef Milton Harris said Oie neve tram Toronto te Milton coutld come abouteary inOthe nomyear ifatilgues 20 years agio Tates ira tse Pi-h. 2019 iOfssue Canadu's Literai purty leader Lestir Pearmon ioncited today at lte Milton home of Hallos Lîhesais' standaed heures, Kensein Y. Dinh. Haiten Liherai officiais atiosdied alan. Milton Ceimel mli seoit iegai adoîce laliemlng a lettes frea Oie Lords Day Alliance inai complainte hald biesa lodonil si.c hockey pi-arfices -wore atiomoof ndaya at Miltes Arens. Ceata. lien Rupert, Mîlten's safely of- tiser, mss aahed emunel te consides isteinglise more inan 500 iin in ton. Ho sald ittwadd give ih a chenus te mahe uns lte bicycles ai-e in gond asetasiral condition. A foui-ft Bownie pack la eing laeeied Titi-o men andl a girl more arreolel Susday andl citargein connortion miit te $17,000 armel itold-up af Oie Banit of Nova Scotia itrancin a CampitevIie Jas. 23. Tite suspects mere arrested iii Norpori and Ottama. SOme of Oie monoy has iten roroveroil Haltes Conservalives have namel Chtarles iAlexnder "liasdy" Bst tels candidate, agais. Halton votera sent hlm f0 Ottawa last Junemwith alarge maority. Onip abtout Io per cent of Multon's on- coming mailiarrivedlibismweeitmienitoavy sosprevenied Oie CN trains frona geIl ing Oirougit on Oie Hamilton-Georgetonn ue. Pupits front lte nom Wl. Oint e Puie Scitooi. presenly attending classes on lthe sfaggere heuor oystem at Bruce St. Petonl. experl te move Ou lte neo sellant next Mosday. Milton Police report 2,200 pairs of most surits souen fromt Model Ksitting Miiis have been reoroered in Toronto. 75 years ago Prom the Pi-h. 19. 1903lssue A ptg lancier, mito sa inriinoo tef fancy onter peopio's pign, sa putting in os days aI hard laborsinjitere, rater tanpay te amount ofitis fine androso, about $50. If mightftroublteite ta rn M avat and itis hourd if ite mere ui of lait. Missitituert gave avery peasantdancing party at iter faOier's residence, Netts on Priday evning. Titore more abt oa guesto. ail fr00 iter neigitioritood, and att enjopool Oiemsotves gi-slp. On Mosday a iO-year-otd yeoit mas arrested onthe informiation of Postmaster James Matthrus,i.itarged witi teaisg "a quanftpt of sucver money and seveeai seginlerri lters' fromt lte pont office Saturday oîght. Foilocoino lte lumnrd deatlof clihe Feaiherolone. lthe cause of mitict uus appeodicitis, imo 000 cases of Oie same disease deveopei in inis noighitni-ood miOiin Oie tant meoit. wm. walte 0f Netts, and Miss Hanssit Whaiiea, of Milton, ai-e Oie' nafferees. In heth rasas operalions moi-o perforomi, on Me. Waiiter os Saiurday and os Meins Whitil os Tunsday. Bath are doieg moUl. Miltan's juisor hockey tesa ment ta Gesi-getown on Tuasday ovening ami more defeaied ity Oie juniors 0f tai town, 2-O. Last sigt. maliers wero s<insied basi- hy the locat istormedialo teans af lise O.HA. defeating Oie Gornigetowseni-r Iase 0f Oie mime associaion i-2.