Farm factions can' agree on develpoment rights A meeting convened ly Uta Bllton Regio Planning cammiltan xataedoy marn- ixg foitnd to CloseUtga latan o oppontx lac tien in the fontaine cota- tauxlty. The Holtax Faderolion of Agricalture dan and lait traditionttly fasared te fraoning ofprime fxodlandn lin tae ragion, evlx laI tarmera are cxtpenoadfor tae tons. of davatoptanal Bal a ponition voicad ly tae Sout Enqaasng Itepayers' Assation po day n Irai or raticîa a cotl pralilit ttta ftra selling tînir tond te te ligleat lidder. animonit tlal Ian liaa avidant llwn te 100 aronex in pont meetings ason't prevalext Sanrdoy, it appeorad tat tae positions coudx't la ranoncitnd. The manting flaIdsi Milton vies innligoad ly tle Regionil Planning Commit- tan in tae ope tat ly lring- inge tso factixons tagellar, one ctear position for tantanra. cmdld la talen. Hatan region tx cxnrnly in tae peocean xl developixa an ofticia] plan and axe of tle mot conlrovrsiot areaa of ta plan deoa wilI a fond- tond danigntiox. Thn dratt officiaI pîan cxx- talons a clause îlot would tranne lormtandn lut mokas noprovsinx for comapeona- lion ol test dnontspment righta. Ed Segsworth, Chatrtatof tae Faderotion Land Une Cammillan. naid, "The Haltn Fadenoliox ol Agricul- tara lants îlot canal lands nlontd retaîx île presnxt agricalta toxine for tae durotion of île plan, uttîma flI and adequote comapeona- tionxi, xlarndltotfrmeraxduit wilîtt l oclnd nIa île 'fond- tond' daignotiox." Rtd Pintmay, a memlar of Were available x.eaaln e.r hmpon la i HALTON VILLE Mon.'. Cona ear Marker BROOK VI LLE eenxîxitf aInfe ACTON exeat Mito aine GEORGETOWN nnanxxo oneai. J..'. tuck Sho SPEYSIDE neav.îaa..î.alorse HORNBY DRUMCOUIN DrumqoIn ofe PALERMO Colina'. Statin NELSON Noise.x VaîgIat LOWVILLE Monteiama Varet.i txanItt. Oaîiai KILBRIDE Cant.'. îet. CAMPBELL VILLE OE.aea Geenou@a MILTON HEIGHTS IN ANDAROUND MILTON Alfne..'. Fruit Market Miice V.iaic H.,- a.c,. etxme Th. Chnmei.v ni.i.y'. Ph.,m..y L.timOl'. Suaer a.v. Mine Drus Mort Max'a MtIN, Brone ni. Mec?* Mtl. Stee.. Av. MInIh'. Ca'e.e Miltostrict sxaxle 102 ervetati n Unda'. R«omniaex 7-i1 Fond Cota..e Main.e phC A iett.a tae SoUt Enqaoning gronp .id ^.e Plan ,.odd la moire flexile. Ha clataed Ulmr sta xx nlrtage of fond or "Il dont niant tae clamps put oa people alo lave tae initiative and olo con molle ti conty warlond genon trongh toagl timex." Ha said tere wece a lot of people living in cilles and toona tal ond lIOa ta tive on fionaor 10 acres in te con- Iny. "Let tInta lave a clance to enjan fle ale tay ara lare," le naid. Refond Gardlon.e natd la xpponedoxny restrictionaon tisa salteot lins tond onlexa tera i. compenation. "Il lava live hydre oweonccxing thronllt mp farta. I xaxtltebfree ta move. If yon lava ta oeil, yon don ant at telon taon titan markai coton." lie naid. Mca. Soily Young made il cînar tha1 aie opped gooenament intervention thnt amdld nase foodtanda ton society aI tae apoone of tae formera. "Wlp aouid a yoong an watoa ta go it debi for 20 or la ynoa ta lave the pnivflnge oftwnrllngaeven days a wee tarnhll the satany la cxud eanin fia. daY. in ^ia txwnl" aIe aalnd. Mca. Phlis Fennier said nIe ated xx planning lnatIn canal ornsai all. "If soxtaxne thettl iafl, that'sap te tam-laI il I ant ta saSl, Ilatas ap ta me." Hottan Hdtas Coanclttr Roy Baotl noid lae ageed with Mcx. Ferrier. "Yo'e eha- extatety right. Tha raterncax tu the grennpapaeand codeof practica lava ta camae ont xl tare (tha plant." Jack Martin. a lastye and faermer, noid lie dîda't trust gavecnînt ax ay teae. "Formera narvivaix apite xl gavaroaxent, not leaoae xl i. Tlay'lt teane yoar land aI SM0 on acre and titan loy il on. Yoa lava ta protect yoar laclaida. Il ynn dxx't, no one Dr. Carl Martin of Miltoxn naid tae gavermaent doaxa't lova tae right ta content tae land. "LeI taetond la tran andworl an a mtaatd te hetp lhn farmer maitn o living " a theatrn, alandfillxsiteand a Mxeray HOarris soid ltaI dragstrip out xf thal re plannmng lad ta tala place in "00e fxaght tx pnnaercn gren thn raral arnan ta prxtect spaca. Thexe decelxpmexlx larmn. "Iftyenadxn't planit ouxld't havenben ndcivn naa, itxxn'lbnbnnnrelater." tapxouemayxotfle." Harris cxntnnded lIaI Milton Mayxr Dxn Farmer buwldnea had acquîed att then xaid farmera dala t aat tond llay xeed fo ste a t a compensaation trom govnrn- and hn indicated lte bxttxm mnt-but Irnedin te do liadt faat ot xf lte spncxla' scIaI tlny maxI in ltae otatknt livn market. place. Henrextinddarmera in île Txm Foster said tl Oaa a Esqanaîxa ares lIaI the aate of lime te eset titti Faderaltox bl txaght tx keep about comtpensation. Region Ievy4$7,1 61,098 Haltox Regiox agît caise toNy ta used tx neduce lhn $71intaîm in ixterim taxes ta amxuxt of borxwtg that is tle four area maxicipalitten. equieed. Hattoxas Admlintration In lte case of Miltos. tle Camtsillee is recommeîding lerst intsalsetelui tat ae- that hl xl the lety camte due puyeccte the txwn s oFnb. 20 Feb. 28and llAptl 28. and the secndtasAptlt17. In The engiax mtil cxîîecî lte allen three areas' nei $3u,3M,61 tram Burtioglon 'lestes une due Fel, 28 axd $2,05888 ftra Oakvlle, Aprîl 2W - an07,716 tram Mtltos and - cotl and Guide groupa $Î129,814 trxm Haîo Oila. arc paradisg ta Holy Ilmary The îxteetm levy is Iated Church traim tle Legias Hall o 0per centtoftetfinaltlevy Sutday at2.tforller anulst tan tle presixas year The churols parade. For the do-it-yourself auto enthusiast ... NO LINE-UPS! Waiting in lita dlt a bosy parts counter cao ba anxspîvg Espacialp if iltlakna lunger 10 gel tite part titan il dana lu inatali il. tîith titis in mind. Canadian Tira denloped lte Automotîse Self-Sere Centre. We ne lullp stochali il tht a wide range ot parts cooering pour basic automotîse needs. lncludad are cit. air and gas tîlters. moat ignition parts. andi a aide range of lîghing. and alactnîcal pis' ducîs. And lent of aIt, pou can find titeo tant lp ratrng 10 ltae easy-to-taI dota Iisptap tocatd rigît ltera mitera pou neaI il. abuse ltae nînînex. Save with Cash Bonus Coupons or use your Canadian Tire Card .... We'Ive mode lit tester and easier for you to buy parts Use Your Canadian Tire Card or SAVE with Cash Bonus Coupons on ail parts. Open Mon.-Sat. 9-8 For North American and Foreign makes Canadian Tere is a leader in auto parts and we iclend ta keep if tOut way We stock parts lot mnst pitysiar domestic and loîcîgn cars plus 1.051 trucks, campant and vas Ail are easily ac cessible ln pou, And if psu cePSl atny foots, lubircavîs or otitet aidit. piu te tr lte rîgitt place Your Canadian 1isea Store has a large stock of au tnmotive partit anS relateS nterui.laîtdise ptit'd su save pour mony Il Po donit ne. il-ASK US! A tullp utualified parts mac avilI stîlI ce on itand ta anumer anp questions or pro- ittemit pou base, For parts requîted in more complet repaîrs a fll range is available tram sur parts couniter. Thurs. Et Fri. tili 9 INRDCN Moto-Mster" Parts and ,.,1 ie15 190 & e,,,n ota Service2 FRONT WHEEL SETS Guarantos C-o ,], L,," S84ca 2NIAI WHEEL SETS $154 WEEL ET InstallationExr DISC BRA KE Exra as stocked by our CanadanTir eStore INCLUDES MOST POPULAR CARS Example 1973 -1975 Dar and Valant 2 FRONT WHEEL SETS Rioat@dDicPads $13.49 2 REAR WHEEL SETS CUSTOMBONDEDLiNNGS $9.49 $2398s 4 WHEEL SET Installation Extra .I CH NEiB 1<: ±LT ii: R ai .99 MI Reg. $14.51 INCLUDES .... 4 OTS. MULTIGRADE 011 su preme 101W30 warranty approoed. COMPLETE CHASSIS LUBE, MASTER CRAFT spin an ail filtr- mast trucks excludnd ýi:extra ail $1.14 nt. if neceasary. À WUTH EVERY LUBE & OIL JOB WE DO A THOROUGH CHECK 0F.*a as WIPER BLADES e BATTERY & CABLES a RADIATOR *MIRRORS as UNIVERSAL JOINTS a STEERING LINKAGE si SHOCK ABSORBERS a LIGHTS e FAN BELIS a HOSES e TIRES (INCL. SPARE) e MUFFLER SYSTEM si ALL FLUIOS ~SERVICE S7- 9 .553 BSt X~OClCânadian Tirs Card or Save with Cash Bonus JUST SOUTH 0F 401 ON HWY. 25 Coupons on el parts opmn Mon. - Sut. 9-8 Thurs. & FrL li 119 878-2349 OR SERVICE 879-83 The EW wy tosavi tie Your direct fine to the experts.. 878-2349 JUST SOUTH 0F 401 ON HWY. 25 011 -