with Peter McCusker% if you werenIt at the Milton junior FlYers' games agisit Burllngton Cougars in their belli- ffve series, lust wek ymi nssed the best hockeof teyeafrom105 lub. Every member oteunior em was puttilg outoverl100 ler cent. pierre pilote haan't beena so impresaive as hie was i the final two games. Pilote looked like a jIor- A calibre for-ward and didn't besitaite ho wl in behlnd the BurlingtOn nehaninder a couple of urnes. But Pilote waa forecheckin wlth vior and complemented the steady work Brisu Gordon bas been dolng in this capacity al Piote wasaeven namied tirst star of the 'rdy game inRBurlington. Impressivel Owner and ganerai manager Vern Gooding won't bie able ho get morIe Publlcity ilias the talli around town- The OEA intermediatae B Hockey League North Division reieased their two ail-atar team rosters and there were no Milton Tridents Maeced Seeda, Trid enia' captain, was selected aIS tee league' bet defencemn, however. The most valuable player was Joe Timn of iast p lace Caiedonla and Tom Taylor of teAy Rockets walked away with varinus awas inciuding rookie of tme year and the MOSt Sportsmanlike. Taylor aso centres tee finit ail star squard wite Marin Graham of Piattilville and Joe Timisan Of Caledonia on tee winga. Rick Defoe and BllI Negle of Dunnyile are thse seiected defencemen wite Dunnvlle's Rick Court in tee net. The top coach voted in vas Lyle Shirton of Durrnvilie and manager Robertiloster of Caiedonia. Thse second Ail-Star team bas Bob Kregonski of Smiteviiie at centre flsnked b y Simon Donkers and Gary Brovno0f Ayr. Dave Hall of Plattaviile and Don iteriokier of Ayr are on defence with John Aimas oh Paris between tee pipes. Coach Bob Haber of West Lincoln and manager Dan Redie ofDunviie bead up tee second squad. B bail Mustangs start semni-final if the Milto Dstrict igis deteatet Whsite aks of Oais Schoot mustangs go ail the ville 54-42 as Pui van Gar- saay they sali have four shat and Jeff Mitchell sr gans remainine in tise year thse top paot getters. Ctrs a s tlsyart playofîs Wed- Latoo was ansigoed ta hotd aesy ayu I5 White staha top shooter, tins Te ssals tioMDSleli Fsndtay, and hie attooott sen plae la is'ed n Findlay ossty mine pointu in sBallonace saie - an the gante. tns eec^ed udee Perdue, Coach Orian Cansani whists sas top saisis a f-t credited tisee tisree and a record. Perdue's ontY tous defeasive corps ut Eart aus tai tise Mustangs. Essery and Marra Berna i Thse gansile Wedtsday hadl saisis tise sinisaised hy a ont heen nef ta tise or stsong teanoneffort. conspefition as foac teans fa tise quarter finals Perdue isattted itout earltyis wseek ustt face fise fourtis plae for shirt and fourfis pfaciaga fetean and Mustangs tise thsed final ptayott spots. Tise four ptace finisher. teans are tied saisis 4-3 records. Tise sasanees of Moe mustangs have tefeated quarter finals salt play an Acion' Georgetowan, Wite itertoriig aenss-finat mcatch Dais, and Perdue for their sasth tise twa sasnners in tise winn outi sasi tise finaltwen o Frsdav tise Mustangs ptaytng for tise italtn ie PLR novice Sockets win Bolton consolation finals aured Mhe causlafIn ellaetpioasis iy d.t..ting aournanet held naturday- fn Me naLsg ganse hr daynsa 1.g elalaI= P.L. Robsertson Baochota t ao o te fvored honse conIsined saiM tise enteegetic vans of lisorvatiRn Stuart Tisarar and Srasa Elsausd te saise it 3-t isefore ixie replied lte in Mhe aecond perlasi Tise score stayed ut 3-2, Mhans ta gîenat goaftendlng periad. Eltsaoud racesi in atlone te heaf Mhe Ft-ansisro netninder with a uw wecisf sot ta tise long side, fai go aisoud 2-O. Adans Moud isad tva gîne- tossoigchances tai put Tise tard aoriig teffsaiagee aiso bas tnt suierM year ot novice isaciey, junt coutdn-t find Mhe range. Ftanshoro msade Meings inferestina saien Mheyncoeed early in Mhe Mhird peeiod te JimmyvtMrray aerup isîf in tise Miltn esrt, holding isoard tise rent et tise say te give Mtlton tisr 2- ins Tise Secisete sac rap op tise sere Saturday ta Melttes trits a in.t il c b h t f G lefehivens tetti egave. stey et geair to-e rois ie ait vseper logfront Treecs Thoeuteudin Chsampon Wod, Fois 2Z 1978 B5 Derbys destroy G'town Gems I5ertt, sse--uno o tter Keasvkutsky reyttr for thr Derbsys, saois e fistes t [-e elttiýgc and isards tri a caereeais durveg tise 'tt acghsebteggedhrat triYe Gergetoue 13-1int Street- est svile lst etTrdae techt. antd Gese ire Serts. recrasSe 12-0 i GeergetGrt 'ur.a ered tise bet deteneesou eetriseatw gasire eis le Gfe rar reeted a set-tee match prsatty.Sastat feor Jtei Botegtee cered tree, prehintg aieseoan geals tire Stevette ii Seanwhite. ttak,,1t- Peestidge aed Stre- tire-tr Otutrdes trad th isr eest ieeies -1 Citeir bret ot I'ees~ee je, iee- il e t-iisrtrteigsetees Oak ione tte tted.eeaedte-et lThe dtrppedriteeconrtd 6 4 ad Chamepion tee bu,- r oe lie ehere t-2. ire) EVENINGS TILL .asao oCH BRAM PTON 8:00 P.M.a _SATURDAYS TILL nsI o 5 ..M. EXPRESS CENTRE 8-5 878-3263 the people who Dive you promptriaesrvc 16 ' 3 " BILL'S AUTO BODY SHOP Shsp wsths. We Ilmove YoLi express tfi 155 NIPISSING ROAD MILTON, ONTARIO on B sohedule you can count on_ every tme We're central ta the area, yet close enouqig FRAMat the forwardng centres ai Toronto and he FR a a International Atrport to ie eassly int the main FI I LTMWsa express Streatm. kn.s....I And e don't stop thiere 15%offu ~ a most Ontario centres (and leer n ietro 180 5IL3l 1 Montreal). oRates that arc truck-comipeitiie coarilr- .~ .. . "competitive.- --c cc, ~oedsntinSe aaaIa n te 1O% 19" t Se iaso efeua ct aOi arir ai prticpatig CoOPS.From Milton, phone FHSI o.esse.îsaosaotM np#i.mL 1%~~ Savnq Zenith 82910 333R( STo.P..GEGRGE ntOW IrV fl. IlMpfl'EAT E m e teofse" . u.ie ith teake enaens nayr 871-2271 _____ "33 rIELPH sTER»TwFE SIATES FREE COURTESY VEHICLES COMFLLEQUIPPEDR E LARGE GUALI FFLuSTAFF C\ X R S 878-2391 FULY QIPE 11o4,M0,~ esq. fit M eoevENSotOP f-EX R S BROUTE ST.. MILTON' SERas NG MlILTON &s SaRROdNDINO AREA nSCE 1949 Fast. Rellablo. Coast-to-COash. M - sainsand played wel, duPt isy insy Murray and solid rnppisg a 3-1 decision sahic defence vans isy Pat Butter F lus..Fobet drb C harles onteatin Fraser and Brefs Gervais.nyo Rigist front Mhe apesins Wayne Rivera fired hnome an By M. Sîlcouis Tise second ganse nsaw Afe Heoivo unis drnppsg, Mhe Bacheta iutriegoaltintoaansepîi fat tise fient ganse oftlan Sports and Hornsi contest a geai of tiss ad Mhe pressure n Baison net topas Mhe Soriseta eon tise weehas ariedale, Faherta stoueie fougst ganse retis haIs Tise Ftr -ut taitled! fa apitatime Tise consolation fioul againos Wel- descenntrated tise justifica- seava eceniy matcetiee teurd sn t oneteanseveoltuatty tsisa land. teon for teiriseing in firnt Hsraisyftoaitherteadtentisc Finaltst-rs wn goaltead litMeMtird Anaupressssteat effortsie placeisy danssoting ans11- firsquartersaeitsat goalsvle Ho erfi]d belote Captain Wayn evere nsenser of Mhe feten drabisiig of tise Cisarles tran G. McGsnnse tisat ee ga e tivera put Milton on Mhe eaised Milton fa deteat a Botel. uansaered isy Atie n sunreisoard on a pans trontsatrong Welandsclubsandcap, Foiserta fouis a 5-0 tead in defeoulve pariod. trefs Gerais. tare Mhe cosolation honora, tise fers parad saisis twa gouls Tise scaring apaaed pi Boltonareplied twanminutes Asaiseisndonemnsyfinsott ser . Van Guet and one thesecod quarter witAli ster a ies Mhe eictary and Mhis eon Wayne Revers ted ranis trans R. isera, P. levetting tise t-oreshee endi tisenselces loin tise Mhe Milton acoring sstis tsarWilsonvand S, Wilson. Ater gos isars as h eiansplansisi lgist. gustn David Dileton raptureet Chartes Motet bia fhesr ganse raryie n theise Instheseod gansag si i.ssnectnd goaltoftheday ona shunt-c ses t faeted se rapita- quarter saisis a saloit Dixie, Mhe Socketa tireel off t laist trans jant vnide Mhe leze un tiseir opparturrf ses. Fred Baises, onty sohv a great startaith Scottsastan istuetine and Scott WtlsaOad Foeets added Mires nsaee MsGinnin geve Bernisa w taking a pass trans Travin reteiseate l is isrtsday sy gals in tise second quartec gout 1usd for Mhe tien fnse Cole and saashing in an a scoring utue. feont G. Sherman, h. Kenaey. Astis added two goas tartteai Dixie goultender- . e Put Baller, saio Oaa a and P. Wilson. one ears trans C. Masnan ired a nsrisf sisof into tise top standoat on detense ait day, te a fast, rîeao, sougis Srefs se anse agasn ith spncrner and only eigist tedt a sotid deteare rorps 1in guce. Foherfu sentinurd Mhe coe ha dia eapired on tise liviting Wellandtfilone goal. ecrrtgin tise serond hait Tise paiad endet - o ganie. TRI-CO5jNTY reis a goal transiJ Van Oart, Tw mnueslte Hln Tise iSasertay taurnavrot gerseg ie Mc at trirck, and A RO N flesainaltter isasnrenand vas agondera ayvrniuo oeisyS. Kenys te tird A O N and pak he puisrpr into tise fer Miltneca oenin gaine oI qeuarter and addedI neftlualleaiset2-0fr Miton. ~afsoftrnr seres aganns aseotiereinsthetfial quarter L fh O Di ie ca mseia liwiM a g o l Wce tp l is roiSa r s nTr i- serie G S er ua n T H E I1 U U O L shoefly aller ta tigissen sisinga Counte plaie As tis paint in tise seasanetl op, bsut Milton saas nos fa o Srott Belaun sisof tise tait- uppau tisas Feisertu isa$ tise denied tise sain. eg Milton riuis cfa tise lrad bas att-rourilnd e nsam PLAYOFFS 4th GAME MILTON TRIDENTS mcDouuk vsPi VSck loah nh a PARIS 29ers coin honf h dyr Sun., Fehrucry 26. 1978 Sla.h ldm,1bW Thompson Rood r.atv .. Memorial AraeY -ou rii lm-b ars ie gil-ak se rp n r Os.. Tisse: 7:30 p.tm. artyrb enu voas e, o a sosarhi a This ad complimens f siebZ, afaburno MILTON TRIDENT HOCKEY CLUB na.e. SM 540W CAN ENiOY H BEN FTSOF SOFT WAE IN ANE APATMENT 1 ili M of voe nuw aprt buidigshav o i a tr ntsa dino ah nivde HOME DECORATING CENTRE cm 25 Steolos Avenue, Milton 878-540 878-3283 8449781