Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 22 Feb 1978, p. 22

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B2 Tise Canadien Champion, ii Fois 22, 198 Thwe Milto ifinas Halton swimming champomhP s8a.y sMd Phaoo fl aMccukeor Screamn and =ncol of encouaragemnfift from fetein members and swimuitg fans ini thse balcony f illed Lord Elgin Centenmial Peol in Borlinglofi Tucoday afternoon and evenig attse Halton Higl Scol Swmmin Chanmpionahlt3. Witis rvery heat, lise aimanit deafgening roar ocas silenccd only wih lthe startnr raised bis pîstol and aonouncOd tueevent. Frmtesati finish il was competiti3n between 13 Halton isigis schools for the rigist to compote in thse Halton- Peel Cisampionsips tis Friday. It ocas the first year for tise sfternoon prcliminary competitionu and evening finals, whieh occre orgunized by Grog Maciserson of Lord Elgin andhin staff 0f timers and recerders. Tisee Millon soîmmers ol gmodof Lord Elginmwau second Le represteling Milton Disu in 1:17108 Heard topped Jeff trct high chos cn lise Haîlot Melleettor of Oakill Trafal- Peel Swinarm'n0 champion- gar Noei Draper of Wh1010 ehips lelloing lise finals for Ouflo IColeginteo f Oakisvlle fic Hellen Caiesfipo. antd Genfl Cbarabin of Nelsns Mille Hrard, Brenda Cowoo Higisefnurtington. oed Jeff EIsIey are lise liscee Brenda Comas finised whoeteîshed ishefiln sanld- fourtOin stOe finals of Oie ingseîaiste hmpieoisips. senior girls 100 mater isacb- Milita HOerd placed hiîrd insurfaite in a lime of 1.23.22. tise juseo isoys' 100 metor OeaOr Clrksef Georgetown individus] moedîcy nIsoing mas Oie mimner in 1:20.10 e îîsoeelemicclc, 10.91 nec- fllomed by teammnates Jen0se onds. The miecer w00 Eric Tbempsen sn 1:21.00. Fiona Elser et Georgeton Dirict Ducisiet Gakville Trafalgar lrg in e1: 10 73 aed Peter Os- oaslisird in 1: 2.8 ad feol- tosg foirls place Coman of MOl- ton, mmsKit Mnaieyf N=lo of Burllgton aond TraceyM- lien of Lord Elgin higb of Burlington. lise Milton rapt hi Ose junior boys' 50 mater breaut stroke mas Jeff Elsley mbo fioinsed duitd in Oie finals i 39.09 seconds. Neti Spencer of White Oaboi mas top mi 37.81 and Genof Cbarsbi of Nelson mas second, smimmlog in 38.41 seconds. Follnmhig Elsicy's pacing mere Cfis Cbapman of Appleby Collngle and Mark Vaodnrmolen ci White0 Oabs. Jobo Mooney of Georgeton In lise overali Ocam stand- ings MiltonoDistrict Higbstood 1101 of 13 sobeols Lord Elgin mas, Oie top intittionmlith SM accumulsted peints. George- toms mus Oie second place scfiool overal mith 581 fol- lomed by Nelson miOiSl. Queen Elizabeth Park lin- isbed on fourth folloed by T.A. nlskelock and White Outo lied for f0001 miOi 338 points. Oakilele-Trafalgar Devins sul in seveols pince mith 215 and M.M. Robinson cloae ai Oseir benin mith 207 points. Appleby Cottage ainred aIl boy tleu snd teillid 206 Dave liard mas sevesOi pirced firat and second. Suc points. Perdue hmd 137, Just overail Of 12 entrica is the jn.- Abray 0f Gorcgetao mas oser Milo mils 112. Arlon ior boys' 50 meter bollerfiy. foiirth wli Marg Halter and District big badilipointls. Heard made bli simifn is a ina Marefi, bsth of Qseeo Georgetio lad tse junior :mne of 38.4 second$. Theflrnit Eiznabeth i hiOd ad fiflb. division mith 310 points fol- pince fluhiber lime mas 31.59, CoIHOm Asentm 0f Lord Kigin lowed by Lord Elgin mith 254 bolongog taoKomalCbaklsinte finibed slsllsnlke finals. and Wte Oaks Collegiate, prelimu. in Oie finals Komal- Karen Asp of Milton place mils 211. Milton fininbcd in cbub agai pressed for finith out oIf 19 entriez In Oie 10th wIi 71 poins just uoder place white Kevin Tbompaon Junior girls' 50 maer bock- Acton ninh imiO88. of Georgetown grelaite slroke in a lime 0f 42.50. Tbo Lord Nelson dommnaled tise necond. preliminary beal wlooer mas senior Ocam placisOs mUsh 354 Suas Wiffio, rame «12th in a Marls Omes-Turler of QEP and Lord Elgin 323 and field fof orthe junorgils' Wbo smam Oie M0 meters In Georgeowns27insecondsand 0omaeortreontylin a iiaof 3-77 seconds. Oiird. Milbon mas again bothis 34.00 serons. Sue Abray of Omen-Turner dropjied In tfic senior division wiOi 42 Georgetomn mos 0he top f10- second in Oie fisals mils a points. Actionsas test cith3. inberrinthe prelinaris wli 39.56une. Sandre MilerfM. Olser Milton swimmners mhco l ime of 33.15 seconds. M. Robinson mon Oie finals in performed well were Chsine Mirlato neatos of Artion mas a 38.N0secondsauni. Murray wbo flnisbed sevenlil secondbut came uptomlfllthe Aup of MDHS alto plsred! overail of 13 entries in Oie final hat in o ime of 32.54 siolscofl19etiesin prfimio- senior girls 200 rochrr re- seconds, as Airay faittuofflll arybceats inthe juniorgil' 5 stle smimmiog n ime of 1:53. spot. 1n secosd mas LaurIn maer breast stroke. Asp Sbe sied, finised lt overail Suthserland ofGeorgetownl. smam in44.12 coooparedt th in the M0 maer isullerlly in Wiifin also ptoced 1201 in a top prelinm lim of 40.56 38.78 seconds. field of 17 in Oie junior girls' bolosain I Jainth Dlgnam Kevin Morrison mon latin 100 mecher freenlyle. Wbflfin of QEP. Digsam mon Oie overaS in lise junior boys' 100 soam a lime of 1:21 secosds, finals mils a 40.24 tOme. Bet maer freeslyle sominonîng at lied witOiCoonie McCrunhic of Stewart 0f Georgetown mas 1:10. Thse fassn lime mas isy Actes. Allison MacDonald of lsirdsmlminga 4.07. Chis Komalcisu of ninkelocs Georgetowen mon lise prefimin- Jobot St. Antoine 0f MOltos on tise prnlims wbo clocked oryisets in a tme of1.11iand plsced lllsin tesenior boys, 1:04 and no Orr of Blakse- lise Georgetown sommer 100 mater bacbolroke in atbone lotis second wi 1:05. Cisris lopped the finals again mIih a of 1:27.12. Hod Mysho of Lord Komaîrisu of Olakelocs won lime of 1:11.40. Mlriam Elgi capfiired tbo prelim asd in bthefnals hst, neotos of Aclon ut 1: 13,78 finals mils a L.13.78 prelim mas fnarthin theefinals witha mnldhave beaunaff lce relay Za garnead by Oie time of 1: 18.04. fini%. White Oaba sqsad In 2:16.72. AnitaVanlOorOrliOt mas l&2 thOler resolo i the finals ThleIlMil team mas dqiali- overall afier Oie prellmiary beldi *Tesday eveolong had fied. fiats for the senior girls' 100 Oakeifle Trafalgar mlonlog Is fnal evat nmler five, meter breast stroise. Van the senior girls' 200 meter the senior girls' 200 mater Oorscliot's lime mas 1:44.77 medley relay in 2:2s.54. freestylemwas netted byLeslie coimparaid 10i the festeit lime Georgetown fiolsbed fourtli Jobnalon cf Nlnsos wli of 1:29.85 belottgiog to Digoalo milba 2:19.90. 2:20.35 foflomed by Mil Fergo- of QEP. Dignamd also woo lihe Lord Elgin nabbed the soe of OakvILf-Trafalgar i finals with 1: 30ls1e. senior boys'200in2:07.68. The second aod Kilm Grsmmnellof Thse Miltn Mustangs junior Gleorgetown boys flnisbed Georgetown in thrd, 2:9.9. boys' 200 maer mm0ley relsy Oiird hbtaind Nelson higb with Allen Barabas of N4elsn Ocam plsced figt in otOe atimeof2:io.82. toIpied 000 se"or boys' 200 prelimiry heat but wasdis- Elgin capbired Oie juoior meter freeslyle i 2:16.44 qnalifiaind othe finals. Whte girls' 200 medley relsy in follomed by Locclsireof Per- Oako Colleglate of Oakville 2:29.70. The GDHS Ocam due. Kirk ourassa asd Marr so hOe ceai in a lime of plsrod Second wli a 2:35.24 Pelletier, boof Georgetown, SWALLOWING MOUNTAINS 0F AIR on Mustang Anita Van Oorsciset in bier senior girls' 106 coder breant stroke nwlm. Sise fînisised lotis wîts a tîme of lo minute, 44.77 secondn. ON YOUR MARK is MDHS nwîmmer Larry Feugan. Feagan nwam tise junior boys' 50 meter isacisatoe 1n 42.30 seconds and finised 1otis. Ho alnonswam tise 50 metre breastnstroke in 49.29. MR%ilaP saenotala Ji A m " Easy-to-apply " Pleasantly pine-scented e Dries in 30 minutes Il Guaranteed washable e Cleans up with soap and water 0 1,000 plus colours a Satisfaction guaranteed 07fe' good uni Match 4, 1978. Ceiling Fiat White Latexo SAVE $3.00 Sale $795 gai. Reg. $1095 the you sexe e bondie on '77 :nCOme tue tl you act by Merch 1 ut Compare these teetures w:idest nvesment choIce. excellent frierLbt raiecs. n:o sales comm:sS:on, opex:xg or ciosing ch:arges, no-red-tape soans for r okrr rerz ýs Uns decride, Ail RSP sare not alîke evenif you have a RSF, consider Canada Trust In most cases sw:tch:ng IC us:is easy. more than Save pers a b::ndie on iricome 1,3, Canada Trust r Ail bratnches spot this Sstargso. Most open Friday soutien. TORONTOoxrîe ai Aead:e 362-6161i 5:serlLansdonesî 53-9080 Boixrailiath.:r SI 3 9211 Eg::rior aiBathurst 789-2933- Eg:rx to ai rîxoh 241 5248. - Bxer mearte oxal Yor 31r:1 LakestereIli e etRoyal toril 259-2351 . Bo:îrr a:iil tR 620320.le iCla:a ore 921121 tî:,eîer al Casî:e Kesîk 481-445.terîoe al Ersk:re 40e 4435 -5 Sireres Pl 226-0484 tareo Mai 1 r-056r B ayviec Woods Plr lt:rch loewor Bayv:ee and Losiel 225-791 SOoppers 00,11, The OartrOtO 682871 nGEOREnTOWan ai Jamssn 87722t MISlSllnOOOOt Hw.1 sorth rof 279474 -SQuafe tOe eod lece ris: Woltel 270-9r02 OAMsseînrsaMiLEA 20 Main 4513365 O rsoîlea City Ceerre (led F:eor, tonear s: lUt 4700 Stoopers vif 45701 l *85CHM0080HIL Hllerett ai: lets s4e)1884 9rO9 MiLtON Min aitCarles0 8-20340 .OaeeLLE Lakestore a Traflar 8457181 n8OS:eASsmerr eaf Bod23-521 *eîlt e edaeeei" îlot es' MondoiircSardrle

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