Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 22 Feb 1978, p. 21

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Milton ese asnd Phats By Peie mese Neiitsg an boe ntntpared te thse Lacitna of Pl.yoff hocbsy aed Lisone cas notiia mores bapartat 10 70n lhusattc hocbey fans BSterday slgbt titan le ae lisein an Milton Flpers conte frant bebild le nitrinale Bariaglesa Ceagara firont lte Ottb Centrai Ontario Junien ".B" Pisyaf fs. Miltases iynns bail bast thte flt gof ailte sertes ltaI nieetenr four gaines on coacht Gem>' inglie bail pre- ileni. Than 7-t ilrobiig ta HarBsglaa Feitroar' t3 voaa mitsitlaicae Flynns conte aroeltan te tables. flan Frtday nigt gainte in Barbangt, gante titren of lte serilntcc Flynrn as t tlbes asegante Inil, oas lte bast canteet of lte serin, scocilg ta faaglis. He souc piyero piayeilperfecl htocitey If cas defencentan Mita Murray vaba reOdro MIllas's epeniag geaI afine, Ingia bail roaredio t 10 wig positian ta ose captait os Teint on ilefence Mibeaugi Marray oaa a fis] eataofcatnr ieadoalndl t t positias oei. on Batarily Milton c nen à b-2 ilefiilta inte tIm perisil b gati finaolsecons iiag gea ocerliese peri "If oae goy htockeynyieca laglis tld Infuis andl FI3 gante os the ht goals ee TCANADIAN CHAMPION WEONESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1978 ( oMIL]ON,ONTARIO Win quart' final Fivors drop Couglars with t lie lie an te ceaca siatel Cancnnning a tecentinli la violent. Coaarlan atateaitas 0k andlsoredlb thessî ian fina cit a Flyn. ar g t la a h p ena as e ragel W i n lte firait StelvgeiniandFyramata i ei bard ekig ailn ia fottenil ,i an oalit ltent as lang as lte oeil tiroagintfercelit te cooe si oan play noli afic ieas dent iry le castrat thi alanngcnesta, as wntercepe aite pir, ad.n go fan," ceacht thegasetnaarbaandlet the tar as titey ga. c soi begtteeato o riteCitatpio. bos piy hokey. ingis biaitlipraise for Pierre Barlioglos netoitoier Tii Tehagon foy pngit hoikey tse Flyer pilote fotong te quarter' Pearon. yeagoiting lefncent cees rsoai i final oirnery. laglia aaiil Boit Dolmnts Pet Barlinglon ar aomnall ch ilrio lite n Bartaglon setes ",pilote a oa playaft hocitey ap2-f eanly an lte second ons on lte cIait atit chat inglie ileacribed os ployer. He's ose of titose gays peti I1.5Cplein Boa ".citeap, catis" ntaile ty lte on ony playoff iront wo Tos se eiFyra finIt Officiais. Thte officialiag 005 jontpa te lte top ball iloan goot of lte gaine aI 17.11 V ornita a ierfrotproeenoi o ypoa osneil by Pierre Pilate oeil ooaid ~ ~ ~ ~ i fle iitaolIia' kntip ar -lo "He Gasper Pool. * tisas go ciitaot beiag calted, saiil o Lesat bas ta bave titese Flynra onre itittîog toagit yet, toolil clantp ilown on type ofploynrsinsthe ptayolfa s iey orie beein lnoo inter incideats aI iilereni os il ta soaly Ibean tettonta tten t en ag O ne anlog peins t roagi lte serins obo putl lte tenr tbrogb. Erora, cite mnor p ayi nds "Referees are ntly gays ingis, bailoneastori ta retoy stnfrne wbo cootilal play ntliaer aout Ftyen Roil Gntiliag. He occaasioai obn t m0 h ockey ro tey cent tain tolil The chino hr o re ii.Fy soid rente of lte renter beacitftale in thte gante and fille reenth, logi a l t'iooiltng f con erne o ueb n ie etdb neiereeailoo'tbaotOOin8 tobtteff bae e n boily citeck.t. front a trip' att bail proitento ita a Lbate &ni Biei t lin d tofo cnrtaot h el "We're gettif goats Iront ececybodo bt at ko anhave te do oa chteckt Iard," lie said. lte teogae, ntoybo botter, îoctadiog Sîreetîville," lte exaemple of Bill fjerorsbi, on officiai ako ba boen aoeni lte OHA Irogaes a leva yeorr ad nai, "citit Decorobi otficioling oe'il conte out tiit six lt g0eOICI penalty calta mitere tite yeang efer, eea endlap usingit co re-~ siteettab record temi colla." Hn sail lte ouiller of catit ntade fana apie oeil cas cerned aboat lte gaint HAPPY ROB FRAME hol]t jiiiaa elaflee a buzzer whlacit epelled vicier>' fer Miltes andanerysnirbekfo BurlingteflCtogara. 4.- Wber thte garnte Oaa ai tite wine oail Flynn koil to i tite drocor, Gocit aokeil lrgtîa to bave aothr ytoyee faobe thte focroif. irgtît sert ir pilote mita dil oî thte Y" u o" 'lot ge nI Ikt kiod af ileiicolton toc Ofleo," lngtia salt. Thte coacit odilei e bnoioa be ta gettinga oloui fetn effort cites be bo a Roi)GOODING ploynes wooli ntke socriti- ces toc lte feson "Brio Godoacasaite oad scoreoilitO al junior "A" coit, Infuis vtil bal odci, "CGondor lii troable ia thte poaiioit ioceciir obitîy" -In salit Condor 000 ntrkîogitard onlits cbecktng boards whicit resultein Poail McCaan'5 geai ooiorday tb ail Plynna coteitacb. Pool tecCan bas oise tntpnocei hiS play dina lte ployofia and lte noail toroanil has lte star b nabe bois cooi thei toit or lte oppesi Lion. tcCar bas olcoyr iten solil for bis otcheil abt and quels draw. bto wtith us tyro.vcd ating andl bîlliog beil gel mt ore granrd os on ail roundl leader f on Milton un itis yeon'5 ployoils. McConO oas a ntajor ponr of Flynn ointial Ooiti n lta sentes oitb earlingtor ol ith booledilover B.caglt oingersandlfoait ii oa: ibroogit detenceront b lie Barintagor Coagan's btand pin lte lalorday nigit gain oalitngîon oobo -fiontdiat la lte hersi perisil on Mtb Corna geaai 1.26f rentotin ta lte initial alanea. Flynt onne pressing liorlington an or one occasion Rol hast toges Iorecitrcbtog torce IAN ROBERTS Barlioglon salinien' ohicit bail flop and divin g taons or cati Robert as eaa dy ondl sitorp ta bis excutonlo bitrlgtng oppcooOl faro lte tant obicit filinil Miltn Metoctal Ar". Coagae captant Evia Chtarbonneau mtade te Lally 3-1th lfits geai ai il.3 of lte second perioil and Hol Mont- lorilgave Coogarsan as e grenier Inoil ai 1418 of te vaine traoe. Alboagit lthe score oa lopoîdel lte Flynns corived theîa ggernie htocity otyle oui Pierr Piloties - checitingyoid diviilen wohn hie rnde lte score 0-2 oti lits goii211iî sted tyhocve Turner and Tos. ibCore peitedits second of lte evealof a o7.09 rentinig inthe second penod Cooga ildt knoo ai liit htie il aould bliter final gool Flyr wl atil o l it n t s c o d e t n f l secndir onte, Lore>' Poyne booit olicologe of Piiole's diggîng ond conte ap oiith Flynns ltird geai. finaol pertoil Milton Plynrv itoi ti haivenmade a eulcoi i and camte outexra dete e ntinedancitletOllit5gante si i, Mite CoIn biail bnci olIlooed te oolk troagit titi p Flynn deteoders tb score lit s goalssoinotingle haonddl' Ai 12.40 in lthe ltird pento' n Peutl McCona' tigiteniri n eocoov coeedOn beî o u n Ion Flynns ilion Brian Gord. gl havîl 100 Coagarsaoloaf lth h oardls Ion possession of th il disi. i- Thte eqalioer ouas pelle il otit 7180 emtaing ta th il1 -n PIERRE PILOTE stretes fer thse ptsck te g et analter abat et thse ROLLING UNDER THE ARM of Tedd Pearsan Burllagton net. Guelte Tedd Pearsosfecressables tahie fret after n¶aklnga ie tse Burlinston netisaa psack slat bY Roc Twist. flop gave. Pierre Pilote plcked Up a goal ie tise final gaine dotorminatiOn ROD GOODîNG PICKED ap ts goals on sarî- iegboe seturdetu nîgsb Twe of te muet importeat beng te tyîsg goal wiîci f ostnd rtrly ollm lte lacroî i thîe a coogors end. FlynnI itoi iten oppliua lte pressore oand t woiea lte Goodiaf goalta sconel lthe gonte hecabei mtore ecihOf J Ao lte dlock htil oOoy boli temns boit oppeeiOoiliel bat lte Milton deteoce vois ton, soltil 10 crackt. la the overlinte perloit atller 1.45 bail iten ploteil. flooing ntonbnd it secood ondl eqoallyimpontpent goal loi' lte FlyncI Doon Tunrner oand Pool Mortîr ossisinili thie iniral foot Flynoheid or lte nemnia 7.15 and Inoninrd lthe vouga Ion lte renntinden of lte lest 10 mintolerine peniod, Gaine flaner la Burlingtor on Fnîdoy nigitia ocatltrooîioflFlYnr faol kepi lte juir ioppioli tloaOliln Cerr naylgstid i was lte hei fonte ol te flairentsei.ietad tnre ,ernoagit Miiioniaon itaad t oitekntlexcthog. Mlike Murray scoeed F' es heo goalf 1,0 ite poi os lie reIoeted on is coin aFyec irger. Foot hocCaoi oand lin G;ordloon ern Oclte line aod dnew assiste eniitheMurray gool. osington'Chrona 'eyl t he gaehoaioa gool h ,, osistei b>' Poil Moelna ord Crr bod Goding Theert ohe hane secod o liten nvlytteoingfnn g to n goali b tiidhesecond of linheoo peiod. Ros Intaldens ontooe lte licol Flynn lolly fi lte bhird p e e io d o l 1f O b. 2 t k i lt i t suspicion of a Coogoe conteitoci Milot Flynns onen devin gontcin in the boni ot lîve quartee fhnals toc the junior B Centrol Onaiouceowa aller lobiof o 7-2 itroiting i OonlingoO idordol vnna An ornious Flynn cren vise piogonil aith ottaîdes on lte eoely gainsandcPal fcCorl anori Oto Gordlon compleinly roîssel lte open art or n rcoritg chtanceOl 11 gnon Ghodoncoredloic i lte openiaf peetoil lte lient coilol t t4.2B oiith Ore nMrraoyoloisi. lian Roberts conte oy oîih o p eeed i Coogons Iron tiîg lte gone ordon rroyped his poen- play goal olner McCoa oand hintînlf physicalily itei il out oîih Oonliagioo deter- cerneoîi fonofhe sel. Pierre Pilote ossîinid lte goal. Milton opene ithe secondl vnrtimn ad bte winaiag gol. Geooliag fred Pasul Morfie aaisting en botit. apeoice os hec ivre- Aller vlilton peoceil t0 hecknd aodnmadeoBingoii tttvntelvec te' cootld eoniiy crontit ino tir 0 v ecd . ho die oocliogioa ihey itoi Ithefiatperio liag- liiieitrouibleowivoioithearie or siogeil o contehoiti and t%0 . groci Thcy hi liatthe ttove MoLeodadRih heovoand deieeolafesn Rosensooeditel0'ivoOiol t and loicd liie a mning ring lte gonte ioen-0 hockclu inithe lolilhre entoll. Piner Pilote put on garces, n tasococce gool oiith Gourig's heip ol 7 59 Flynvc c-11 lie ai honte oochanglon's goals conte k'vidoc roghl agoicol hobvilie citer Flynra sioppeil hilhong oloilec or Ditte orehives. With 100 mntes hoevecn s 01 hol oernes entoaiagoirliafloontooni heiofoeoypedoupiss nk . wihnagoal le tiiA rs inte Sîceelsolln itoi hItodsoe. h ia w cuohing wnf oe two inues eretene ad Gorgtovn andil i ppeons dram tic ut Fýyer hel on he> ili lie vn te le g e aeee pteseis ias J ..So perlaitoai 17.32 olea '100 c a rn wo og s poar hiDon CShn'c num ber one uli ftce Ctogr net Jt4Iroo une agedu i t hie n FI e s fan book id pen sîde lr Flynns a inrs "-Wo ~ ~ ~ irîsa tâk a - en.Ifteei nepro h vnlecle Milio'sfgees giloniitocorisiad hokyfnfntpro oldhv eleMr ol Mns clive ta fins a litean Coalter bon. siten an seat in Mîltiors arenas clore li ofte pock. McCaa ioinisiliMscanteter ie onheOfO ad. st NMURÀAY and Gordoan rnes boly iIt'snttiolMnCOoontOii50ehniertseoodor hall. itenel No ay' s testot lch h aî e î a go onol andl absals bas sontnthiof tv sali taînînilsnan ntes adthe local press as tieY pls y bier adoPînml seati o Titis past inerb Mary C'oilter lias ben it 1oue hockey gant n aMîlton Mental Arnl and inocelleilt ulu nonglon cit alier Flynn Ions Feîdoy sîgit 10 suppeet lthe toia club. 'tafer uatbaitsy weeb.haldid el aetsa> dovong ln it tatry sîit lnîi Thai ahe was boohiof lortard 10 - Y thtelSatraiaaaottileroMarct - Belb Gociag saîd Mar Coolle isa laîtr t a hs yinr. as in tlit.s We sbd do wiitnt oelk oc re n tut alceys0illi5tol1P Me rsadiagtildhn(hatpion BetlM CoolIes o goîng temtss al fgantisonebkas elleairtoMiloaDtstrcîopitalier tiompenations- 'Ttgsiag be miî ganter osi ihotl okilt ne." ahn jakei Oaiuaynisgit Ohm faili aoboat lien pest eapet'niee toiit île iromnt. o0cr leliof The Chaionbou llie kitrhotivf therolire Flynn rosesthehboysonrlie tram rot cilsp oc , ii n i 'a, cg,,ivg toitahysillon ileciiîoa lantîti lu Milton -.Whtite e ao, ltene, or camevon thie oor ndîcnm mn - ,Geedktgnecoreli« Mory Coalter tothe Flyer nnSaaaoiOons bnqat as a peciaipant of the beam.roc Mury h - Dorisg eatarilay's gante site tabtei of MNeMra b ftubauteOfcater", Marraycwaaa defeacemnaaciisthe Flyens lis sason bal playel as lte cing os ceacht Gery flislubi EXCUSE My STICK. Btsrliflgtofo n Jin Crosc Ifis- R ea aennltarruaout he lsesfetnjt ranenaieplacd is tiBtck0 R id C lff God hi raetetuisJ a ay of thse Ceasret. teefaeteuiM etsMr 1 i 0000W,

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