Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Jan 1978, p. 24

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B4 Tht Canadien Champion, Wed. Jon. 2h, 1978 By Lisa Morton Youth Bowling News DANTAMO Teresa Damena gouci Sasten Daaaoen booleai high gaines gave hier hgi=il cingle ibis ccck for the hon- wOh a 619. Gond Swig tache with a 004 and 175. April Wilson hoinfia a 504 DaccypFargiorgiocamie out whie Marion Gies sored a ahead of the boyswith a 197 574. Bruce Lisit tocs isgb and 172. TimnBrowncroted a triplecforithehboys iiiboa 5 000 aad 149 whîfit aip Bond white Waada Meouagaff scored a 152. Sharon Horloea roSirai a 553. Doris Schaf- flireo lao10ad Franz Noink hauffer -536, Darrin Colec-519, liait a014. Frankie Fitzgeraldi Wanda Lyons - 505, Judy ReS -.145, Jon Griffith - 44, Jai;5 - 492, Chris Toiler - 490 and MoCaf lues -Ina. Cathy Vet- Brian Liait 48e. nfraecer 141 and Neif 0305gb TEAM STAND0INGS: 140. Eins ferain con 5 for 70. ous Dainen seorca ig 96 roces oan, wo00 5 for 71, doable for tic bauiains affin Kevin Vs teowo 7 or 8, cifh a379. Danoy Fargiorgio Sandy's iei con 2 for 49. abo booled higli for the boys Aprilfoea woin 0 7 for 47, 00501a 369. Gond fowling Kevin C lesinand Susan's 5054v aod Diony! Tin tem enchwon 0for 41,and Brownl scorcof a335 chife iftores caescon or34. Sharon Haringa thrro a 282. SENIORS Jon Griffith's fota5 for 500 There oece a lot of gond gness snf260dtfhcores '0his ceea acd Sos tond ro ia 268. Frachie Veanstra seoreai Uic ighesf Fifzgerafid * 267, Franc of ticcai ita259 and 208 Nowak -24f and Efaine Monica Schaffoauser hocfcd VondenHeuval . 245. thehighes forfthegirlsacitha TEAM STANDINGS: 250 Lisa Morfon rolfeai a 251 Gregs ferc won 3 fiur 56, aid 232 whiteoiafch Jensigs Jon's feain wo 5 for 54, Uirco a 249 and 227. Shelley ltalph's fcoin won 5 for 50, Tin's lcunn won 5 for 49, To's team and Danny's tcain o-on 5 for 42 ecW O fieh Franc's fesif,0won 3 for 40, Efainesfea on 5 for 37. I Seoffn fr00100won0 foc 37: h lps p £ Beffin cesm on 0 foc 32, IPc 5J 2 J Palli's fees on 0 for 31, Cafhy's tea woin un0 for 25, A prie liaf for an office Teescyn feues won 2 for 21, copier helpeof senior Haffoil Brenda's 1000 won 2 for 17 Regiollal Police officers save and Susann eaeswonilfor face in frntnfftferreinaf 15. police c osssion during JI 10310 Thurnduys meeting a1 Oak- Aprîl Wilson boird the nilq, high for f611 juniors olfll a 248 The ui for on fSM copier and 187. Kmn (lCallogbc oas used Lu comspare nesfs acored hîgln single for the wîlh aXeroxemachine which boys oîfb a 238. Bruce Lisk pnlice renfcd cithouf finat roff cd a 234 wnhife Teresa gefling permission frnes the a iefbel233,202oand goncrniocbboard. 184. Wondo McDougall baid o 22 and186 and Jldy Bell uThecboard decidedlnoburk caine up cifh a 223. Morion Op ifs nîfîccrs and keep Uic Gies -216, 18 Chrin Tasker .Xeron mauchuie benoune il 00 Darrîn Cule -194.' 177, 000 clieuper tlion fthc IBM Wanda Lyons 191.180, Dnris -ode]. Schbocauser -188, 179, Grcg The police cneseisninnn DOnfos - 188, Brion Liait - 182, wOnfed to returl the nen 177, Keninhnholi - 182, ond copier lun Xerox, buf desideof Ki. Ger:voîs and Sendira in Ocfnlir 10 ses lio the Valîceciocarl lahhrco 0 10. machine nperated, and o nf Qance and Brooks score Tann win Gea-y Dasce acd Art Broohs eacliseoredlwo goals tuitend Tans tuna 4-2 1ic1003 oner the Otario Proviocial Police in Susday evening Industriel Hockey League action. Asdy Haroli ossisled on both Danergoalsand one of Broks' to tend a bod cn flic effort. Ted Kennedy and Solabie Cnlbeck afina garncncd GPP goal filrsr Nom MacAoally froint Art Goddard and Roy Smsith, and Bot eaumsontlcio scored trotin Jin Sdger. In theopenicgsonne action Saccr's Edgc doahlcd F.L. Robertuon 4-2. Ben Nybol acoreil Io toal s for the SRai Edgc. Reins Martein and Les Wilsnncoaclcd for Uie oitller lino in fle ic, Assislîng t6e goal crs ocre Milan Ford with co. Wîllie Ceelon oîli Io. flanc BOufel aod Nyboi o bh Inosi high or knoe-daep. gnotait ramnai n' easy seih a John Dean.r n Jn Defn c aw n and1 ,1. 7 1,e Li&Gardai cnat.i..ee thbr «y wOalk aenvd Mlo 8784121o auto Wilson and Jack Dur- ante fircof Uic FL. Robertsn goals. Ken Parfout and Son Wilson assisted oc Duronfe's effort. Town lliranled Rockcclf 7- 4 in ganeUiree. Af Joncs scored twice ith oir inarbers cnesing froin Paol Moaoiain, Roger Clemnics, Dene Arbîc. Sandy Couîson and Wayne McConeell. Assiste oent to Harold Pe- sn, Gfflrge Prior with lino, Cooloun, Gnrd Heiselfeldf Uirec. Mouritaîn and Arbic. Harry Rowland acored fronFred Haringa and rad Toselli for Sescell. Jobn Vnlpe froint Peler Grîscofd aîîd Bill Kioigli seffled Soch's second carker white Roc- land scnred again feom Steve Joncas. Ed Wells tallied one froct Volpo for Reocîll Enis &coreai n 247 ond imn DeForct b.nd n W4 ando 215. Job. Freemon - 243, D isoan Hichey - 233 and 207, Pal Dico -3M, (Majuor) Job. Vasafiehe- 221, Dong Mor- tons-224, Kathy Ens - 23, Diane St. John, Dona For- rell, ond Wayne MeDoisOol coch gortait n221, atevea Eni - 212, Dnle McMurray -200 and 204, Phillip, Gray 2 07, (Miajor' -blia TySt 204 and (Maojor) Hal1 Gies - 200. Kim Deporont acored high triple ibia ceea for a 657. Lise Morton rolledai ô= w hite sotch Jcsoir.0ai bocledai 615 foc thc high tripi e for thc guys. Diosco ihckey - 012,' Son Veensiro - 6S0 o Dale Mchiurry - 604. TEAM STANDINGS: Dole'atutanin 0 3 foe 72, Patti's fenait con 7 for 64, Phillip's feain wnon 4 1or 55: Lisa's feain won 3 for 54, Dioce's fa c oin 5 foi- 45, Waynea Ifeain con O for 41 ad tei'en's eaia-on 22for 39. That'ssif for iis eek. Dy Day. Deluaapa Trmodilletter Lme Foin Theia ttn HiesP"e basaasei bthedaiaaga ie club concaaded ibis plant Sstasrday sabiacunsedne Scatini in Oragevii. Oat Mf tihe le ponnb brac. Milton tleame eterfrd hn lii Aside frat roguisr curiig houspili cri tino wec ibi oek, aise Indiea bave a saaogithetorenfisin s ial si pecisi in-club evth.Tsy ec , is B1 as"S chd"ed ibis W, y Doissa aie ie Mlti h e a fpisi tutiods twa gses Rowiey aisp, Kena Armstroang af csriag aad a iMgot ona- vice, Pul Laidiso second cisecua belivien gardes. Tisene asd Marris casnidy iead. specisieavanst&aisesyaprvide la aise "C" division, Musan sais Mf gondai curisgd ou reeoete by hiie camanraderie. Wom ' ihBill B0 is"e Thais paai weebond saw tse vice, Croig Sorties sta, cluisbilsh a Colts champ. na Job. Yareca iead. ion. Repreffentiag Miltin Mibseigis nelthofithe MUi' the divisioal piayalfa On ton rinsis came nwny viil tise Acisaoni b. tois te riais of Sert cb.copionhilp, houa curbaid Stewartsip, Babtisild vice, extreaaoiy weltu i get ts tise Son Sowiey sectond andi Ken Siaie. Arnmshrong iceai. GLEN FAULNOR keeps bis egi n tht bell as ho flnlshod n throw dunlng n contest nponsairtd by Knigs of aiColimbus. The cantont wa held eit Ernest C. Dniry Schotoîf or tht Heening Handicapped Satufrday. heorl disce bas bea ee ducedby 2B perent sice opier price llst ilice save face find ouf ciel comsparable minecs rosI. Gîficers caine ucdcr fire frocn thc commeission ohen if diseovered thc unauthnnioed acui i) Orfoher. "Thieproblcinoait as a fail accomnpli helore if caine tn thie comiision," coin- cissnînc Harey Sorei said The Xerox msachine cas a 17.500 ies. 6e said, The Xerox esorhine coulof cosi about $10,000 for one esonfli. Paorref saîd. Inspeclor Williams Soullicurd said flic 104 inachine oould cosl aboutf 82,000 mor1e. in addit ion f0 renling the Xerox 4500 copier îibhOUf gelfing permnission, the police put flic b'adgef lo1o Uic red with the deal foc resting t Accordingto SouthliOrd, ai an corfier meetiing Xernx IcI ilîbc koVn the peice of flic nco inachinr ooufd jOinO 03,900 lest .Jcly Souchard Oc onvacatin olien dcpufy chief F.W. Oliver,.Obo weO auare of southcerd'0 researchi on Uic sohjcf, recomintdei Urenceetoi 1 chief Ken Sberrcll. death-dtffl aL Gkve Kent Flid. UCiOONIIY NEW TDYDTAS OO00PER MONTH 877-2261 lRSP Sa loYall * AS ATIANDAs. S Canada Trust has a Yvealth of experlence in retirement savlngs plans That's imîportant, 1,eia.u e a RSP should do more -l,, - - i 11 lp , r 1.01 If you already havesa RSP. consîder swîtchîng to Canada Trust In reost cases swifchîng to us is easy JusI say the word. Cai or crime ni for detaîls Ali RSP s are flot alike Canada TrustM Mast branches spen Feldaipeentîg andi Saturday. TORON0TO Vînga ai Ailelude362-61616 . Ouenat Lafsdownei 531-9908* 0100,91a Bathurst 534-9211 Egleino a Bathurst 789-29333" .Eglinton atWoOcll241-5248 -Blottir e Royal York 2316514 Lake5hore (l Mi wesl ofRoyal York)259-2351 *Bloo al Mill Rd 621-8320 -St Clar atYoaaî523 1121 Eglinton al Castle Knooh481-4495-- .YongealEihsm 481 _4435.St AndrewsPla2 "-484 Faurvîew Mali 491 -0567 .M8ayie Wods Plus (Finhbtiflent Bavit. and LestitI 225-7791' Shoppero Worill. The Ballorlh 698-2871 . GEORGETOWN1 Main1 a James 877-2266 MISSI 880890 Hao 10 sortit of5 277-9474 * -Square 01e (seconlev iner Woia, o 00 270-9102 50000PTONI5RAMALEA 28 Main451 -336*. Bramaies CityoCentre (2nd Flo0î. tatar latoia 457 -7090 S"05e Wond 457 -3201 .tfICOMgtatIsiOiLL lces MOIasltsa) 884-e69 MIiOZiMain aiCharles 878-2834.tiOit9iU1Lakeshoe a ralaa45-71il- OSiOAShncoeneIlOBond 723-5221 pn0ptFri3y eegandcatu00al01do0pen Fidaya0Beigofl -Open odayllni Satuîday THE ONTARIO GOVERNMENT INVITES YOU to attend an OPEN HOUSE with Frank Drea Minîster of Correctional Services St HAMILTON- WENTWORTH DETENTION CENTRE 165 Barton Street Est HAMILTON on Frlday, January 27, 1978 from 3:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. The public is invited to tour the building Province of Ontario Willes Davosn Premier Eight locals compete MOtte Mnoisis Mi Columbs Pr. Tisess bansetb.il Compeition bacsedi out elgit rsone Wh Weins campats la aise Dishrict Tlsrowaif Oaatdoy betwemn Milton, Ssrhangtoa ndadOvlile. Tigere sers 1%000 etsile Is tisa KM c avant lust year, in the province. Wissac On aise girls evat ,aige Chdy Siiey il, Linn Whistiec 2, Colean MeOcoilo 13, andi Dehii Kanpp 14. Boys' trions sens iea Faolkner il, Brcc McDnald M2 Stepista Dagay 12, andi Mack hka 1he4 AUi tasse front Mtartin Street Middle cboai. Of Martin St. and t5oay Scenry sahoals foyer 440 tW* part in the " avant. 701 MAIN ST.E. Heavy Duly Muffler for as low as *2526 with a Lifetime Guarantaee Coast to Coast *Hoavy Det Slîock Absoebers lS0"each installed, Lifetime Guarantes *SIDE PIPES *CUSTOM BENCHINO Milton 878-8819 HOURS IJ~e~4~IMon.Fr1. &M-000 BILL'S AUTO BODY SHOP 165 NIPISSING ROAD MILTON, ONTARIO 0007, air WE CAN HANDLE ANY JOB... from a scraped fender to a major collision. Our large qualified staff will have your car back on shape with a minimum waîtong tome. We offer: free estimates * free cQurtesy vehocles a competotive rates * fully equopped 14,000 sq. ft. modern shop oncluding the new to do any size frame job wîth greater speed and accuracy. I-g«I U!!L.I HONE (416) 878-2721 OR (416) 878-3251 'M

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