Duffs defeat Guelph waltz in 13-O tally It ase reelly ne ceeteet. day atterents at Milton Tienrs sheat ha bees Memerlal Arna. aay great trilI fer Milton Tbe Dette bed an eaisy tinte Outtesie Quarriea miner raid- ri15 Guelph anti cestraleti taa Se> bembait a short- te gants, aflleiegcelyea bell Gea uelph allutif 134. dam shebta as Aseltan Guelphs arrivei c115 enen trugis tre pariades. Il parsiselutiig a goal- appBareti Dette leok pit>' en ttIe, ta ey nd emp t 5eSti Guelph cranta. mit5 a fai eti et Mof= Ire Zulias and Jne Gaston titigeta. bath eecredt bel triebe le Tlie RayaI City miner raid- aseiutleg Anlin ta kis ebut- gelstae pled riit a sbert net. Deug Brapby, Pal rSeen teant aS salnent, but Roeberts anti RiaS Shnnen libers ces ne ehallnge Saler- each netteti a pair and the Juveniles los. spark charge for playoffs Milte WSen Industrael te Tri-Ceurty play Aneticner jarenties are local Jureints deteairi gettiet un. das Blues I-S Mcnday a Accartieg ta cach Gary tan Menterial riale on Hudlson, te Aucticnera hare day tey cere pased b., ltest te park tat carled rie AAA squad S-. tent erier le the year. Menday's geme ca, "Anetisne, P-amse ar ent berd htttg attair ri15 andi uS>' tan laies, oenksg lest geeltasdticg by afler te apen man la leants. Mtoines TintW enenreti,' be enid. pested the skataat. taI generai, Hudson uaid Ire Miltac pleyed a hai fenils te juresSles are cet lisg gante and esstroti shooling eaeegb, bel are tr>' play, but iack et fiish ing tarrhe pucktaccle geai mee15 made the ta the eppealtien's set. citse. 10on Hakirb seer Tir excellent eant play riirer cih16 eft ins Sas d=ett te grnep anti cond periedtrriire t Mit- rSun- tOak- s fast, ebeter rd-kit- et te et te gante the ce- lene single cas secreti ky Jntt Heggie. Mtas ted 4-0 aI te end et tie tiest perleti un tce an- amsistld geals Iry Zulian and Brepby. Zulian ten poltei bis seceoti tramt Rlck Shan- non anti Brian Dean. Shannen rnedd eut the tiret parieti seerieg tramt Heggie anti Zuliat. Je Gantes tatlindtihe Only uceecleteti. Gealteeder Aaeltee etappeti a peealty abct awgrdad te Guelphr as Rieb Shannen wae catledl tee talling ce the panS in the cente. Miton tante set tlyleg fer te thirti periti ad appeareti te base leken tbe atirice et teir coaches, as tey seared eight goals in the final statua. tram Shannon anti Dean, Ibmn Gaston tramt Roberts and Dean. Gaston netet te bel triek ftra âemale Brepisy and Robeets. Brapisy trai kalgeti te Iseine tramt Gaelae and Roberta. Pal Raonertarieait tre in saessioan, te tiret amsisteti ky Brapisy and the secoeti tramt Mark enslds. RieS Shannon addni lits seconti et SockeUts drap pair Sunday contests Susday cas a besy day toc Miltan F.L. Robeetson nevice socketa as tey tracelleti ta Meadecrale fer en exhibition gante agast Dixie et the Mlcaleuga Hockey Leegue end returet Sente in tIre aftrnoce ta bost Guelph. in Meaderivale, the Sochete deeppedl a cloe eneceseter 2-I but playnd ietl trugketit, aceerdicg te teant etticiels. Fersarti Adent Mmad, cke Iras ntissed the trie prerieus gantra cae eut tlying toc tis one and set ap Itebhie Wilsentfr eMgtanes ely geai. Justin Fraer spachîd nt tietesce cr15 sente enliti bise- lice ketiycbriks aed gecti paseieg tetheteorcardc. Bret Gervais aise tercet ie a tep When the Miltoen eluk re- tocsedkeome fer tkeie second gaeeofth5e dey, tey cmn loine agressive molid hockey tramr Guelph anti cern dreppeti 5-2. TIse etuitare juepet ista a 2-0 leed betare Traeia Cele ciantnetihoeta rebound trentea abet hy Scott Hiteen te col the deticit te ose gntl. Guelphr taltietin lete second perieti te riabe the tatty 3-t beltre Uicen tired bente a kigh crict aket te ctose the gap agais. Enteatly, beeisg playeti tee gantes tic day loch tas Guelph cas ariay i5 trie ce- amcwernd geais ta ebscbh the victary. Gealtnder Jintmy Murrey mede Srreeoutataedtag carne ubreakacees and Aadrec Wilson, Geett Pollen and Trami Cole al pleyedcvel fer Miltan. Thre club tabes se the bouse league "ses cn teir neet gante Seterdey et Miltas -Ttere cern ereride et skiera aI Kelco osn heek- enti, Suspensions hurt rnivdel. u son ette 553 mgnt5 p toiace ueprehs sai tente ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O teitee1eO Stunday. Gebnilîn proveti icgOEO S In nytet 'y a ,I ,r glyte ainait Streeterilie ten ntaeb fer the homne eqeat besd parc et ckey jo r IIII e ts~ doeset tari ntS Menday Jan. as lbey racket up e 5-t cmn. petpliaienthneser 30 a11te arena Huadsen plans Eric nEllises front Wayne toc large. Miton crC ntajor ntitiget able toe te gaine eains heary Pretices Sais web le Chalmers ries the esiy epeseti play te the asseal Kitceeer. Scott Prier and rir muc5epelns Auctieneer geaI scerer. ttegts re okyNorri Finmisgtee cere the Support (lrocpnttdgnt hockey Millt marbsnten in Obéit Charles beats Gruesin White Oa Wteurta2ntest TedyKthnrls 06t h eigkt, but liast g-t ta sot- ecentual champion Peterbere Thre Ciharles Helel pinkei assistril ky Tetct' Theripeon Nîisen anti Steve McNally ekener's Central Leegan Ferra in te cetet-ticete. The ontebig beysaofthe Whte andRbe"Pie" Lee. rirtkfataland anacstst and "AAA" tees en the second FetesbeetstHamilton Hukies oake Hockey League ta seap Gerry Brouwer gel the Lare>' Saler an essiet. round. 5-2 te tbe cbantpiesIip gaine out et a prelengeti leaing ritener tee te Charles on a Gary Richardsn, Larry Dease Stark anti Deug othe16 tenttoarant. streh. kast tront a point tar res Dean anti RIcS Court hda DMtes tac sked ce foer PteColeie i onre s w on Grue Bshet, tbe teont mns- set up ky Mo Miisur. The Mai lonyinachettieater ot ibe osoaio eean - cves tiersesiscntheestarteofthe ses- tirti periei ws scretrass goal andasuisasaprcn to lai WiIyTrdatrtrniAitrRyI t1eTi son, were their vieilira. îternig tecss te cey toc Sckraetinrs hy. Te gnesi ed natr o softeTi Greu cnt ltt an e R a nîthels ecidgam cin Kevi ONeiltandiJiri Court titiya Lws ofthe NL, countytae.Anrentnr lest d diny b astian playera t-3 te Kitchsener in te tirait leati on asneeltt gu y skronti onsion deea kdsot cingles asti Boti McKeyIe bth esscrneirodutqatii fer t Joh anunssitedgol b ScroderContrctin 85.Keith Doyle asti Runt>' Chap- suspeensios. cosolsation tisai Iry etigisg J obe somn, asly te have AI Runseli's led right trent tIre ries ail kati to assiste. An a resaIt, Miltonslbat eniy Wkitby 3-2 anti topping MarS- Fritziey lia te gatn toc epesief chiette anti Actionerestemes net Susday. 12 ekaters anti a gealie avait ban 5-t. Charle shortgv altter wi1 th .,t. S ,,,,ts l n t, RockO 1 ODe sei sistin .ea Girarti pt Grue tack ste te leat cit assista testeics broStar Jint asti Ket Mil- Tise loae Heteilere tan teok oser cith Dae Deleapa scoring a breebesey geaI withie one goat et Rossett's. Leadisg tIre ce>' toc tIre cinr ern Ray Ckiekoînt with ose geaI anti tsar assiste, Scies Bennett 15e geais anti 150 assista, Gien Austin one geai andti 15 assista, Reidi Letter Unjust criticism of Joseph McCann Editer, CanadieneChamlpion: 1wdlriedt oetrepty teMr. atndMm. Boubnaieesandtthe 12 eliser couptes cehe crete te TIre Champion se tee. t8 calieg Jee McCane ignoerant, irrespencthte cbitdietr and iastil Oe te inlegnity et Jint McLeae, the maneager et MiltonTrafalgareFerd Heckey teari Then abeve famtilles ebjeet te the tact tttat ttris mae tied beens mapended after Ire teetlisbty pet en anether kides nastian admitteti te having the bey sign. Te mie thte sIrot idea et speetla f air play, te buîtd speetmntaship and teeth i ail terma of -playieg the garne.' Sente efth1e nonres et tte peeple che signt te tete et tact ceek are tamiltier as baving beesrntidenla et Milton fort1eite sonne tinte aed bsec ey iS et te tinte and effort Jee MeCane Iras pet ente sportsaaplayer, coach and ne presdnntetM.M.H.A Net eriy bae he heee teeeteed te hockey bot cas atse very activeInbasebatt att this witheut pay and most ot the tinte «"s Ual. ebasi.. May i say soet1ing abeut the incideet in questten. Rîngees aee sel attoeet ueder the rates. The O.M.H.A. reeee a gante ekeet et the conclusionr et eeery gaine. M.M.H.A. exesative ie chete oe partial, ceatd have keen suspended ifteyhlid sanctiened uaection easee by pleyieg enitier aneter bey's nante The tact tkat tkere cac a riegeemwas beeagbt te the atteetion et Jee MeCann and Ire, as lrequired, ieternted the et et thre execative and i as TIIEIt tiecisien te suspend MeLeat and eet thit et ose personaonty Tbese beys are geeti eneegh ptayees tkat they dee't rreed te ekeat. Andtiententber, ahoeeat ' t'seeot wether yoesvte or oe il's beriyou. ptay the gante, eieMCn IF SOMEONE IS INJURED ON YOUR PROPERWY WILL YOU EVER RECOVER? Getting hit with a personal iejary or propnrty damage claim these dupe could be a rede awakening. Vour pre- sent liability inseirasce may net cover the cosg of today's inftatcd medical bills and t eîîperty damage sptttetients. To lreep yourself adcrqeatetc potectrd, ask yinar local Econemnical sarance agent foadie O inorrvie Nrrtnsttcrt5tmtem srctdtt lçra MILTON JR. M FLYIRS vs FLYMRS @LDTIMMRS (1964* 1969) $uturday, 4aiWary 28, 1978 angleo Imo 8100 pansa TH@MPS@N R@AD ARINA IIIEIIIIIIET OAAII FOR 111RNCE ELLIS@U ATTENTION MILTON RESIDENTS You are invited to discuss HALTDN'S DRAFT PLAN at Open Houses either MILTON PUBLIC LIBRARY 45 BRUCE STREET THURSDAY, FEBRUARY2, 1978 7:30 P. M or BRODKVILLE HALL GUELPH LINE NORTH WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY22, 1978 7:30 P. M. Caîl us for a copy of the Draft Plan: 878-5571 Ext. 252 If yoii ment attend one of the Oper Heeses please Write ta me, by April 14, 1978, Ienieg rie keori or cemments aboat thre Oreft Ptan. Pat McLaughlin, Chairman, Planning Commlttea. Halto" Raglan. 3027 Maevalr Road, arlingtofl UN 308 Tram captis Jeft Heggie rntindei oriSe eeering ri5 il ecoends remnaitieg tentark bis flnet effort efth1e gante trent Blair Pkillipe. The Datte neri beve teir ceek euteatut tent ae 15ey oues Streelaville in the OMISA quatitying raund. Mit- tee bec net been akle te keat Steeteethe Sthie seas, but the teng efth1e ptayees te tat teir tinte bee coete. The tit gante ef te sencira etarts ie Streetecitte se. Saturday, Jan. 28 et 7.30 p. anth1e second in Mitone Jas. 30, et 7 p.m Take a Break with CNMurray Hood Inflato ee chee the picrseo t.shopping pages are higker thee the peices enth 1e tieaeciat pagra. Thre teBeri chas atcays sbnetisgaoffits noteal seldent kils tbe mark. Lictesieg te be15 stiec et a etery witt ceevisce yo that there's riore te a steey tkae be15 sides, tisvement etd: a systetin et mahiag nteney tahee Iront tbe peuple loch like e gift cIres ils bandeti baeh. Betted ecery saccesetat mat te a tantiiy thet tirdet krep btim caittng te get ento the ba15rint. We're ceeeefat aIMarrey Ilcet ive-In cecit 0 iIr cee te as Steeles Ave.. 87c- ente .nd ce munI heep yee e itng riban yea re yearniet for akearyesnack. The Canadien Charmpion, Weel, Jae. 25, 1978 B3 -Tbis es Natioeal -Aneadvertiser gotl2lecell Educatioe Weeti se Smoking sea s neesmobile fer sale sed a eliete ter these caeteg ctasti ed in TIra Champion. te qait the habit is tteieg hetd Vos cae get gond results, tee, in Baehîegto. ty oneeand see. Worth Keeping a watchlul eye on your meter can help you save electricity around your home-and we have a free bookiet to help you do tl. It losts many wuise ideas for saving electricity in Iighting, o heating and appliances. Ien addition it shows you how tco read your meter and keep a record of the progress you're making ino energy conservation. The bookiet, "Worth Watching'" is yoars for the asking from your local Hydro Or Write to Ontario Hydro > Dept. W 700 University Aveuei' I Toronto, Ontario. M5C, 1X6 Get by wtth less. your Ilydro TRAFALGAR * WE'D LIKE TO BE YOUR CAR COMPANY k~SRVICE HOURS Mon. - Thurs. 8 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M. - FR1. 8 - 5 * Closed Soturduy DIL, FILTER AND LUBE INCLUDES - 4 QTS. OIL FORDI REPLACEMENT PARTS SPIN ON FILTER - CHASSIS LUBE Also Includles: tNSPECT: Exhst Systeri. Shock Abeorbers, tnrirrg Lîekage. Frant and Rear Suspension, Raditater and Heaer Houas, Battery Cabie and Connections, Att Bette, All Flaiti nevels, Air Cieaeer Filret, Windshield Wipar Blades. LUBRICATE: Hood Latehand Hilnges, Oer Hieges. Dock Lii -lieges. TEST: Coontt fo Temperature Proetiose Battery Specific Ges et Ai Lght tand Signais. Most Passnnger Cars and Lrght Truchs. DUR NEW SERVICE NUMBER 878-7253 TRAFALGAR MOTORS ILTO 410 MAIN STREET 818-253te 'i