Historîcal socielyd iSurvex'Or explains road v= ibgaDa enh Witen lIedreotgtl te te moutit of lte Humiter moite the ncrtit-sueti roads instruments used -r Tr lvan Hetnso itof te townhip, tey River. Witit te instrumnts run atan agleoft83 degreee transt and Guntltcr' Ch, dhacver Halton roade la let lte laat lot aiteorb ay lte eal s-eors Ital tu te te rosI eet maids. The trnstrrasa devie u mysteriaxe jttga, zigs and errors intteasueement made utleycodttetlt Inihatseeyey el gr earîngs Iro saga. Te mystery max ex- along lte way. Thte peexon nortit-teuti roado perpee- headactte, Mr Cooeingta m Northt Star. Tisx mia m ptained last eek ity surveyor mito got lte taxI lot gel eitler dicutar ta Higitway 5. ceetmexled. ian eperatton. Mr. Cunni Fred Cunninfghtama tallion more or lexai titan lte 100 lntead,they werefOrred to Twc'oftthe ely surveymg bain ratd, beroot. Siat early sueveixfig it lte aires. arslew upoitugeprertorches had to>cth Mer. Cunningitamt spolie aI a Mr. Cunnintgham reportel. cls yi re o h meeting oi lte Millt Histori- Ottex reeds were itulit ity eotascheeu, cal Society. arespfomn brinThe transit us Wite te plans for Btallon lieu ot paying taxex. Te cuiul n a vi more laid ouI in lte lte 18it stakeo mere deivex oely on lasoreit thad ta be CentUry and early Amt tite orth aide oflthete00xtmtt Io Engianli for repaîco. ai Ceelury, sueveyittg lactel rmadls. lA a rmasa it e raid etîie that ceuid taitce ay. lte peecisiex il eejeys loday. oee paet et a xorth noult Gunthers (hbain Misakeitmmee tnitaitle and rosa, ocitas Ttird Lkeeand litceali a chitot madeu titme ltaI were made mere Feert Lixe. someimes 10 lot engith of eigiti î,h altewed te remain, Me. dtdn't maIt Up mitit te Curmngitam, tld lte group. iteginningeof the eetportion, . Higitay5,tteiaxlroad Te jogx in Itete maids loite itl in lte arta, max peritîtueliis day. loratedmitere il lit exsate Stmîlacly, teien ltecn trom ievasions and cessions nortit et Lomer Base mraudieg parties cming Ltxe teere iteicg laid eut lte arcULaite Ontario. lTe nurveyers xlerted rem lte road, biil la 1793, exleeded oti,aeritedtiteicmoayopl to train Toeonto te Dondox and Steelex Ave. liten iteome as ltet atgted otiteo Sortie ced ImIter Boxe Lixe), ocroxo Windsor. Sîretex, ttet iteadeel xot Ax meti Ut evteg a agate, titlime taiig titeir miiitacy purpoxe, Douaa Sit., itrt meaxuremeet front dmîigned ax lte itaxe lremn waxtat aiogmex eqoired te wicit future tarme; tould ite cetmnertteeat-eot roui in laidout. lte nertitere perlt lte Tite lirairocessisteu le regice. surveyedmwere laid outin long Aciteewledgieg lte errere. nerrxa, lt, iollcwitg lte o xteeey oet mot paxxed plenetitytetlemetcralling fer tee et-mexl _ atoo lti LawereneRiver, mailsxtoite coerletlitYaloli; *. it alec for toteli. le lte terated eit a peine midmey eret of allant people mculd itleen lte nUrt-eclt lt ie le teir neigleitre, roade. lte torveyoe eoplained. T A coxncesi utl sripe ef T preveet enycce gellieg tonde. mie codea qoarterin leseth it aietreceo 0 depttt,iteteid. Soitetecer arest trryt te lte norlt ot BaeeLin ttextrlm rOxnx it e regtee. eiih wcre donc rbe h and wecI.; nort et Boxe Line in 1tt9, ocre deliiterelely laid SURVEYOR Fred Cunningham descbe Ie tey rocxecth andl eulie out en large loIn, Mc Cun- early metbcids cf surveyicg witich opened Up Th lnd ws lid ot i 2» ingam sid.Halton te xettlemett. On be Labl bi ae transit, on erreepucele, wiîh te turc Uaîeecene once cemplateed eorly surveyiflfinsetrumenoft. Popular Bank o ece divded etcn îleacre tuMr Cnigha htte lotea arittren nacd m ei.wat argit agleay Te ceni ltsere 1320 teet mite Hato Mr.Cn mdc Every fIve U lees 6tet wa rbbyrgh MRS. EL[JENAihn n wede le n lt I r e ma itna S e a de u Stitxmee cre ee lega g GIFTED CARD & PALM READER 25Mi dreae the meaxorexlent dr o m Hmilo Haro & ADVISOR ON ALL PROBLEASOF L!FL AlIke rto n faces Inortit cf Donfurthi Edwin Alieteeln 4a, ai no Howr Baie ______________________ teakt and etter le Milone and Appcncimately $1,000 Ot The book by Don Richardson cf Victoriae uneseedxletle e goeda were xtclee tree lte B.. wen chocen by Reaer's Digest a tee- gi1o Police. itome et Eari Ideae, 154e9 pce mnby olr Believed ity police to Sie Lamer Boxe Lite Rd. ee Dec. years cgc an thirsei mnhyfau . cecnerled mit appece- 27, 197T Il bau sale been filmed in the unepoiled tely il iectdences et Thr majority et etelen oct- jungles of the Sctht-west Pueific. Ti s iteaki cnd enter cn Haton ce- ies ixcteded jemellery. xelca im blne itrt o lion durtet lte lace year, ilrermore and teleicritex ptoa fl ln nertia ,elierleeeeeritharged Sp Ha l . elssated Sgt Ketith cerforo, expert film production and ton Police, tellcmtng hie Roetsoen, seenierdetectire ot Christian compasein. arrexi ity Londoc cilS police the Crime Icvestigaltti lie this unusuci film which tells fer impaiced drietn Sucdoy. Ocaci et Hille Regtec A MASTERFUL STORY 0F CONFLICT Jan. c. Police Atiterlec etîl eppear te Aliteeo mtlt alee tare Jungle Treucbory vs. The Goepel cf Ch riet cortcnLondncIntfae the rîmîlercrhargeeleor ereatitnd lire charger inretriet tett ef elter te Buiuctlec Oiiotrtt Sunday Nlght (Jan. 22nd), 7 p. m. appeexîmately $13.000 in ocd Londen, raid Sgt, Rot-e ait theo etlee geede. son bot odded Alltertec mili E ma u lB tbtC rc Te dole, eene ef mhe gonds attend ceurt ie Loedonrai l Ec m mn rel a & s HeC S bore beec recoered, xaid citarges,(o mrilxelpt elice. Ne cort date hes itee set. Aliterten ix citarged wîit itreatîxganod enterixg lte Line Miton aiwhih fnielieANNOUNCINO threalened Mr.Sterril oitIte Sîcrett. police iexued o ar ceit fer it orrerlONut,. Aliteetoc ie ritarged eilh0N P I Z posessionec oc ex uregiseed ALL reeleirted meapen acd xevera breaktand elers nAN T II N D S E Milton and ares icriodint N T LI N D S E a1îpretmalely $7000 et gonds Duncaneelite rbetelon (MINIMUM ORDER '3.00 . . Oct. 21,17 An ettîimatet n3.000 et IN TOWN LIMITS ONLY) silcerare and jercellery wae laiten en a break-in aI lte i hoeo er Hln is MUKEYS RESTAURANT CM 1977 AND TAVERN O L lic Oct 19.1977, lte hoe et -222 MAIN ST. MILTON Sen qîlemeitn critnt et (Right downtowfl at the corner of Main c&eMrtin EA R L *ek dorîeg Nattenal Phono 878-269 tu order rOR Edoralter Weit on Smekiet. BS -BES11t» "GBoy, your car upholstery looks like new."9 loe .iii tii lido,, o a .îî ar ir,t % i iII lid>, 1Cr 0,1 iii l i f i iitciiir frin, flic fli iimi, 11 Ji ld cîuigî,tths \eitiiand c iiict, i î.icite iîietio% i i i d Tiidîfthe.A cirtieliiicciiitt0iitcar,îicooiiiiîi heoiiic Ilc Lil lioiiiil.ccles oîîici îiliîgîo iiCi c11 TIDY CAR We do your car wherever you are. Cali Tîdy Car Independent Operator pAUL MARTIN 878.2500 Che-ateeciae design lte rede. jeîneditytc l.Im acea tic unit et meanerement 66 tedt ted eeng. The eteeot teeglth mer lte cite itecauoe tl eelated le utii measorcmcct et lattude. et- AnySedy oeld Se a sr- ing ceyecîi iîoedayr Iftaie- ted oe liit a rcmpant, Se oox suee rmadeteccemaneof itecuait gaeg, Mc Cunnvingham ted ccmmcnted. on Te eacly seltliers ere sext seldiers Allr te e-ar of pre- 1e12, reldîrer tinut ere iece eu. e reegiveeland astndure- max mectrteeiay.Settirment mur p et coeeedeced tite orly pretrec- iron tin agans futue ttvaon. M f Nova Scatia Flnancing Bros. Garage St., Milton 878-9942 Thec Canaien Chitope, Wed., Jan. 18, 1978 7 V~an O2tt!gt HOUJSE 0FMPANOS Mr Cunniegham told the r C c r g i e a K A W A I k . A r l rcîcyrd& Hst carrer irrieder h rsk M n n srvceying doeduring Wecld 2Ftee sFc efNeî& e-oc Il or Scitoli l the ear Rer xdiioed dPone Fratued at epcominl OC 0 CW O WAT ccmOWNHIHCO meetings ofet l i ste- rcal docW OW cO CG l Society, ScIA ai Mluter L.îbrcy, wiii bc tali, n erg ,g3 radial ca,i-a rn tte ord Serat rc andreniteotint. aed a wocO ritep fcr membre 'z~ MIELTONQ 4BOY SCOUTS t%- % P-m*ier Drive This Saturday, January 21, 1977 %and the third SaturdayOfJ each mon th, 8 a. m. to 12 noon, e RAIN OR SHINEr ileWaSe tLM your waste newspapers securely and rleave them at the curb by 8 arn. Sorry, No % cardboard or glossy papier (magazines) can be accepted. THE NEWSPRINT WILL BE SOLD h FOR RECYCLJNGh EN [ ÇA LEI -r- ---r-r- -r-r-r- OPE TURS gogi lii MMBEOFILIN UWNIUWN wwuur 'q