Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 Jan 1978, p. 4

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4 Tisa Conaiean Chsampion, Woit Ja la,1a7a Esaaishad tan1 ïke ëtnabiialn èhtampion Puistisheit hy Dîtta Priating and Puhlishing Company Limited Jirn Ditta, Puiciassi Roy bass iditO B0b Pcv, Nes Editai: Paul isiavuso OOessvO Marousi 5,~ ~~~~~~~- 0v, la .ia .v, ata,,,5,5r i,aa t91 Main st. tant M loc Onai oL9T 1N7 Phone 878-2341 Equal opportunity? Witisin in tue next too weeks Halton Board of EducatUon soilI deal with a recommendution con- cerning a net tugis scisool for MitOe and tise need tar a cocu- tional wing at tisat acisool or elaewisere ici tise nortisern part oit tise regian. Tise hourds stuted palicy Of equal educution and equal op- partunity for aIl commas tise hourd ta providing a vocutionul wing in nortis Halton. Tise need for a oew isigi scisool in Milton is cleurly documented by population trendsaund overcrowd- ing ini Milton Diatrict Higis Scisool. But aises tue hourd deala ails tise need for a vocationul wing in sortis Halton, il wilI ho tors hy ifs commitmient Ici provide equal oppartunity and ils desire sot ta apend any maney on bricks and mortur aisen existing pupil apaces exiat in vacationul scisoola in Ouis- ville and Burlinglon. Tisere are approvimately 400 people f rom nortis Hulton travelling ta tuone acisoala eucis day. Some of tsem sapend three isoura a day on scisool buses in order to avait themaelvea of tise vacational training avoulable only in the soutu. Accarding ta Bourd Chuirmun Gary Morton and Milton Trustee BiU Lawaon, many atudenta whio could benef il trom, tue courses opt out hecuuse of tise long hu rides. Clearly tise hourd iv fulling short afi ta goal ta provîde equal opport- unity and il wiil continue ta do sal untîl a facilily in mode avoulable ici students wîthis a reasonable truvelling time. About bal of tise studenta naw attending Wolfe in Oakville are tram tise sortis There's no question tisat tise scisoolos enroilment wouid sutter if a new tacility ia estublished in tise sorts. We aronder how long parets and troustees in tise soutisers part of thse regios would have stood for tue situatian if tise circumotancea were reversed-uod it wus tiseir ciidren aiho were spending tisree boums a day on scisool buses. Tise tact is, they wouldn't stand for it. Tisey would have balked and screamed long ugo. They wouldn't accept it and tisere ta vo reason why otudentu tram tise vorthern pari tof tise region should accept something; leva, juot because tiseir homes are in tise nortis. Tise hoard cannot decide to deny studenis iv tise nortis tise saime oppartuoity us otisers evjoy, witis- sut tirat admittiag tisat tise commit- ment to equal oppartovity ils no more thun lip service. To retuin any sense of equality tise hourd must provide tise tucilty in tise nortis and then go about tind- ing ai tomate uses for tise exceso space iv Generul Wolfe. To use stu- dents iv vortis Halton f0 justity tise existence of toto vocational scisoola in tise lukeshore communities just doean't rasis. Commen ting brie fly $5,300,000, up from $4,450,000 bud- Cutting turne geted iv 1977. tbepartmentui esti- mates are up iront .6 to 55 per cent Milton Council begun budget river tant year. Councillora wili delihorations eurly this yeur, and have iv abarpen tiseir pascita and tise lat tisree Tuesday evenints iv keep tise '7B budget tva reasonable January bave been net unide for figure. if you ant iv see boa it's debaho on tue 1970 operuting drive, drop ivto toan hall aome budget. A quicis glimpae of tise Toesay evoning. You may not figures gives you somne idea of abat enjoy tise chvpping procesa, but tise councillora face tisis yeur: yau'tl uoai acse boa il happee expanditures ibetare cuhol total eachyearut budget time. TRANQUILITY LANE sleeping uder nature's blunket cof pawder stretches to iuf itity. ie a woman applying makeuP, motiser nature pvides a base and isighlight materiala on tise face of thse earth, making tisewarld ail tise more attractive. t(Champion photo by Peter McCusker). Sugar and Spice Into a new year, gingerly il muai bse vive l b ise o cihose people who saiito iavnew year it ig bioîes, freat evpectatcovs, and tira resoives. 1 am more isclined toi bactc i ginertiji inuit docked as Bhoagi accattiaf a voit tram fte. t thivb, tromn expericace, Bhat you have to liy yuvfandanaivt. or oidand rlgiaus. ce tuai plain dumis, ta espat tise vevi year is goiaf iv ho ast houter thav tise asit Ftceoample: hisov tmfocnf t coe year otoer andafgict,1 tkvvcclmocgiiaf bavetfetver tectisandtesssa ie 1 knoccico goi tv ho utel> voishorgasteit ai tise arrant th'ecetyof thegefrnmntcben I makevout thse heue fo icom taxon tise last day ofAprcil i kvcc tisai morerand more oi my iriends. relatives and colleaue are going tobc srckdovis> cance , eart attacks. a broken maeeiag. or tise vrud. t baocc tisai cy dacfhter ccvat ho ablte iv g et a jobs ais a touviset, aller a ftctlings ycarotyreeattnfcoameuvd racsivf tc bids on tise aide, 1 am qute certain tisai my iccc gravd- boys are going to fel aieadily more ditti- cuit tohandit( Onie oftemn ot utefour years tit, made a dreaittut suggesion t a lady in a store vatlovag hefote Christmas, as myccitrad 1toohed arvusdccitdcyed pretending cce itidot hcow im ce eavb athnr. i t foi a raine lis year, bsut am perfecti> accore tisit ildoent atiscc me iv krap up wius inflation. i saved tomne money Bhis vert for tise tirai cime ta 30, hy costîsuiaf itidrive a 1-year-old car, but i ksoccevery dollar tuched accay land paid tass oi) cciii lie ccorts 82 cents mises il tomes lime tv apead il. t hnow ul tceti tisai dariof the vomning year1 iiiuhavetvasdergo te ordeal vf a tederat vtectcov, sn ccbch a huocis vi viscompeapa iey tu coscisce me tisai tey cnrntt country isetter tisas a suovis of tictisys. t am tait> vcfnizant of the tact tisai ao ita ingstc ie on my isavi in 19780for cotai turpitude, pisysîcai lassitude, and mental inaptitude, sot co mention a acmhtr ofothevutisgthatvcan'thiecasSi- lied ta a lamail tournali Evvaomicatty, tise country ta, dependiaf o orpoint of ie, eiBherup the creh ottisaut a paitite or foiof ocer tise laitls cciii a motot atuvis iv higis feue iseci fait, my studens cciii bhe ab- sotitte ccvrat I've ever hait, Bsee cciii ho more of ihem , cigh isi ccieh on deug s, ais viii c atcoisolcs, five ccli gel prtgciast, sa it ho taken of oi tise fusny taylory. Wby doa't i just shoot otystit tises in- attait oi hcacvg cala 1978 a iii ait tise bvgeyotenrtding ci> chouldrs? Vos cou> cccii avs. itecaus fle cotise fle. Ao oMy daugister once remarised at the ageof six, avnd whiici 1thavenc c oaacdered one ofthbereat phlcosophiai frais of lise lotis ceotury. Gi voure lVi ise ove year vider. But l'Il sc one year smarier, ateasin iaiesry. in' avi iruc isai l'Il have bece tecih. l'Il have more. l'on fettîve tisai eupisemcnm catted a ~partial plate'" ens hait. bat i cao alcvuys OelaO toatieev o aitl Ufiiet for certain, bal tisere comtes a poini tisca agly starta tuvbcome heautifal t is face isas a lt of charactet, tise> say, meavivo chai vou look ise sometbcsg tisai tuai occam home (romi tise Ctimeaa Wut. Sure my buditien wciil b stiest cciii evetytiis tram a atipped ceenta lu a accoles colon. bsut a coupte of themn iere marhed op for tise bigftisai regcstratiov tact year. and came thevoughish ails yî cotots and a iseigisieve tact ofaile. Maybe my kit ccv't gei a job teavica Mayhe iv' a gond ting tiow ouvad yo tube ta spesd yoe cccrkcog bouta cccth a buncis of teacisers, as t do? O.K. my grundissys are meati> tottei Bui tisey area't an mort rties tisan their motierca 20yeatis afo She's iustao by bil smiley begirminf to admit to us cchat she was doosg ivien ove thaufst se ccas at Sanday Scisoo. t'mo stippif iseini financiatty, bat miso isnt' My peisoner-of-mar pension soaret by7.5 per cent on Jas. t, nu i'm on the gtory trait.I it nocc ainais 60 bocks a monti No question, iseti have a teiterat etec- ion. But oohat's ta worry sotes ose Grand Gurs, Pieere Hinsset. noya tisai If me at thisti posiiety, thse economny witt pick op? Who cao argue ivith nometiia as tatid as tisai' Certaîsty sot tise pont dope who iss iseenouat otiork tor to yeSrs. tien prnb- abty not tiino pesitively. No doohi. no dooist St ait, that my mite ciii ise on niy hock thraugs 1978 for ail tise tingo meotîoned, and saime neo als she'it thîisk Op. Bos misas tise bell' lmo ased to t; andioe'eestill mansand sotte, athougs sine might quihiste aout itht designutios, or parts afil As tor my stadents test tat, tisey coitt andooistedy ho tise same mised hsallof mîsed-up adolescents tisey have ataiayn becs, and oe'Il get atoof fine once tisey realia r.e Smitey isabit senile and must bc humored, Lasi yce cous pretty baod, and this year cittbc worse,but liteis theIlle, and isure tauis tytfiere in tise groonyard ithu yoor hand on yor tommy. On the News Beat There's reason for hope ly Bb Burt Turning the Pages of the Past From the files of The Canadian Champion Tise tirsi meeting of Bhe froup tormed to reivebis Bhe domatacca business cave in snnme aiays mas ise literait> buodeeds oi s miior meeings tisai hait preceded il Otticora cireo etecteit, a tecc idoas arr isicisei arousit andt a acco meeting dot i set, Needlessat loa> pavt eforts oprvide snm uctîrd torve on bhait of domatocco meechonis aisna prodoveit avytisîv t mettehiome ahout. Tisnse maysot ecBher isbut tisea.oniise viher hosit. you couldo't teave tise mecingf wiîBout feling tisai tis lime i ccouid he dit- forent. Tise grvup tormeit under tht Goccatacc tIopraccmeat Ares iegcstativa bas yet iv vistameame. The grospifeclthe iievof a name sa a tinit crucial ste tv ho tuber and rcgisty o Tisera am a vumber vi sîgoifîcasi tacts Bhat pravide cause for vptcmcsm. cor shtarar, Bis s Bhe tirai lime a amati gesse has hait tht rîgisi tv set a budget andt charge tise coni of tht mvrk havis ti tht pariccîpating bar o raves The graay ilii vnot suppcot tiota ir town and the provincantceeriraced in Bhe pat Tits ttca y thettmviiovvi iseen vommittidtai tise core ares. Il isas, but forewhotever inlinons, isere hasn't eenthe proper mnacimey ta mage the hans of Bhe expertise a tao bal-or for thot masttalr, the province. Probable oneofa tise isesi Binga goiog for tise grnsp ta tise cisoice nsBil Daignas as cisairmna. Doignaaoppoes t aassa rare ksatis of bal able ta move Bhe group on a gises direction, ai the noms unse maiio More tisai te direction Bhe grnsp gons oai concrt wtsisemiisesof thememisers. 311e mandata for tise graap as otrar. Tare lihe dasote ares soto a place moine ai- trcive ta sappe ait mare stable for marhans. 'Wtith sur caw vetristait atit ersoaa sr ice cas t ser ccii ccc scaidn't civ.- Guifansi aute otite mcaeeting But lt titre ir co raisiabe about il. tise chsallenge heore theiro andi tbe part- icipaticvfmerchants a vary eaione. titia gacaf ta he icugb and if tise formaion ai ibm grave iv ta o ctise saciar ai thieitomatoms tare. u i 00tc sn ati cmiig. Tbrre arc mare emy sttres va Macs ai. aocc tisas uiere bas iseco in cthepaci 1 yas aitleastI the lat ear manyihave foidni thisec buoioevvvvvtse itn wle occ> levai tbesi, andt a lt ai thase stîi isasgig in arc finitg ilttugit The tact tisai a otai comaicttec s cm- pocceredito imylcarot visooges lt a rea plus. Saaiitcamiiteeraegeerallymore effaitice andt more masagrobte tisas arget Wite tise secev persos vommiatec cciil stee tise sii tyti hsace ta issoive viser merisuot s ait eesiietevi. hoppiof ait vi cisc ,acailable ri-itaites iftheyaretoefftevel re - 1 ai1i t h- ttai ,r e a aiila lit a gr lOt to tsiagtee on ahntai rccryti ing tiegardIeas ai cobat tise cormmi dares ne itoenvdo, itcvutamost certinathottihtyttbe calfot aaise Ouis fromn iiser csolffov tht siret. A Bîici bide andt a dandy sersvi ofumoir cciii ho moodatory standtard eqoipees for commiitoienmtmera. Tise situation os tise atresi sa serioun. Tht trendt oser tse pat year hantteien saime ise> stores bacc out ose llner asother, teaoing comonittas, membera feeling as if theyre iseen appalaueit ta captais te Titanic cchen &II tisse tllaet do ta reareange the devis Tise rosit aai la r-ogi, bol Bhere arc a namber ai evamptesaurvuvit tise provivce cciere mnrchisfacedoctis tise sainecst- cuao bacs isasite togetiser and hoicteret vaggtot bisnss commanities andcon eretedltisem ta thrvingcomMecÉa cen- trac titsotcmpSsibIstunttOufh, -rie refionsi ccvtha commitise beard a ctcoviig argumet inlavoirvfthse taos ropvatdl instoiai deveiapimest sortis vi Mtos Planning Directot ai Zuadavyi yresented a repart titdicatiaf Bhetoca va serve 656 et acrs,out of amaimu ofO Tise osi> possible stumiiock uisn Z- vadasyt's approncis gettiof thsetegico andt tise province iv boy bis formulda. Zsadaayï culcutatea Bhe semage caparit> requircd ai 4.6perans per net ace.The ntaceaie e- viades 345 acres tisai miii ho tequirrit lot mils,siitiog pands, rigisofccay andcuisnr usesoelsive ofta indsttut dcrclo Zsatiavy bases bic figurov n trdiv oa voperîcace in Milton, a seeigIof --citai cccyta go aboutit Btather yrocvcialyilan- ocra Ilke, tousea figure cftc5 people tee atme so Bhat even the, isaoiesi ai userai bct avcoemoiatait. ho Miltonsa tot at's isoood ta ocman moat semage capacit> iesethBe ttms iusl doenai aitaci baa> industry or big matat usera. Zoadanyi soya Minlitry> of tise Environ- nent ofiielsav areted taneOte On tiait tost, bat tise tirait stelp i gritiag regional suppart. Tise report suismittedi b> Z-ayi gves aissg a taaccer a totalf tise questions Bait have iseggeit ansmera in preeios regional desates. One year ago Taises tram tise Jas. 15.197 Isaue tiallon Regionsi Coaneil etectait a daeh horse cadidate an regionsi cbairmSn St Bhe inaugaral meetinginf tancgîon asitotoda>. Ris Mmoaso, a 36-year-oid pilot tram tita HitIs andt as rigst-yne oit seteras oi Municipal pollues, mon tise tise- mon etectvon, isut val> aliet cousoiilora hait muntixSt ballots. Thevcitizen ofithe yae ntaiagen an- nuait> b> tise Mitle.., Chomber of Com- merce, ccv- taé year presestai toivRes. Ral oin. A member of the vnmasiiYlo0efi yeea, Mr. Lemis bas inotoi isimontfi n the omaicity inoavariety oftays adsitn mode a contribution Bhat i bii hiard t0 equat. Avyore oîiscofg copal iv Bhe laration andtconctructicovofthe tOccn'saionie surfac-is evg ureti ta otabe tisein craairni to cvusci incctiitngertrict Monda>, Jav. 31. Tisaii ta hen Milton Couei planst hv a]oftheBvcots and ectateit information needei t 10alle a decisivsvconcersinf Bhe locatin of Bhe second tin.k Two Miltn taxi lirons, Blue Cois Co. and Ceont Taxi Service base asisei Milles Ccsit ta permit a 25 ta 33 par centi un- crasse in taxi rates, isut Bhe coancittora masi ta compare Bhe proposaith rBains in nsrraiasdisg tomas bagore gisingfinai approvat. Frashel ateel assoSnrei plaine -v-1a meeba ego ta mace uts Toronta speraîlas ta bilion ait espas thBe Mitas pint. 20 years agio, tîomn the Jan. iv. tata issue Jobn tilofv Milto cous vameit viaiemnav ci the Sorts Htitc tîgi Ochoot Daistrict Board tisscecis Averagetdaiy aitndasce in tise bree hîgs scist t(Milton, Avios. Georgetownl tarin0 cota coas 722. Tise isospitai hoard oi irteora licpes to cati leaders onvcostructionsoftise nc ta ie stitapîa b> Fris t, chaîrman De. C.A. Maain repots. District Comaiuvîccer Mes. , Wbod reports 49 oovaen and girls areccurent> active ta Guide unit Orosnie ccvrk sn tise r ttHiattvstictv aninreae ofneari> 0 5 0 o 5 r I . c fi g u e s . P l a n s a re b e i s t a i d e tit dcelrate the 25th avnvcersat> ofbGudint omi% os lober tis ycur A tanncvf adccoiprvevncvvmPaY (rom tîsicît uppliei ta Mtons Couscit iiiis accisftt permivsion iv une tise foraier raipto> about t5>Cuni icsc tuynic tise requeni. Milton Soit District Associution toe the Menaait Rehordeit heit tise tirait meettng vi 1958 ut riuoshinschioot bot ccek Gere> Addison ia president. Pei Cross tirait vice, Mca. George Etttvtsecon iceand Mr. Kingitos secreler>, There oct ne papils entolai Acta readens have flooded as vutocir nsatisg ris i n Bhe court aires oi Kiofotaigb Court ont Ban ansi appae ai Bhe cous' cit meeting this ees,nbhfott heB North Milton Rtepayera ho asis Bat a tigisi ho istaieit ta aliso roosiaf shatisg. 75 years ago tevii tise Ttarsday. JantS5, 10 lssue About 2 a.ai on Tursitay, a fi T.R. cagîse, rassiof ligsi, vveetoah; a treight truahaout a quarter of amilesoth ofBte satiîon here asnd dahet it i. lits driver and fieanscere severeyshake p, but escaped withvut serios njuiry. Onaccourir of Bhe tact tamise, makiof i impyossiblet lv eat Grave Cisarcs, bath mceiv and evestrg srvices serehetd in tise buada> Scisonllt uaibnda>, andt ait ecept communonsericescillhbthed thiere during the cold weather euss fuel boesmore piestitut. Ther vitisena oi Guelphs andt Pstiocs gave boifi. Wilkinson asnd Corpi. Minchin, icco tirte!s River hernes a ecepiion andt bsanquet lasicceeband pvesented eavismtth aypureof$125. Theyccerr tccvoff tegat mn abo tougisi uster commait of Lieut. tiuti Carvatisers and bath wert baiti> .tttttited, tteel Miotiscouoitinilisseg ua t o paivfi tisai be mas usaiste la standt ccict veptYisg c the adteu. tise day tant ccrOk, Charles McGregot, Sr., of Gasags aent toto Bhenht oifa onio bis honses, mbits is icclinet to isite. Tise animai nippait S piece oit tise top of ose ai bics and odroppeil itheisraw0 Bnte nS, r.M. McGregsr loait il, iseongis il ta litsphyaiciat andbod il seedio, but il mas on deait and hait to hoe removet afier a couple oi dues. omalto iss limtent out ai tait andt ciler placesso eryfar away. Ever Pire- cautios isaud ie h taises ta iseep ifection sUt O of 5 Miltan andt base aBs base Raif- taiteit vaccination shostit do sa o longer. I.

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