B2 Theanadien Champion, Wed. Jas. 18,19178 Trafalgar peewees champs dlean up ait Deihi tournament ocr th1e sieekeod, Milton Friday coeing laeh laLckedi ofthe hirst period. lAndry's Assora Sahieday oeeing At 1.58 of the oveetinme, anotsei Trafalgar Ford T-Bsedo ino hed by the bîd and goal was anoisted hp Steve ended inia seorelessodeaw and Steve Mead biaood home a T- Steve N shated aoa wslh the "A" friendty people aof h = ohw Mead and Dave WiIIal. lot everyooe's soojachs Bird score wilb the hep, nf mioner Chaoship on the 12th billeted Che boys both P'i-nia Soyý galedngh harning. The toaeoanient Landey and WiBlatn. The gaine. anoal Dels eeWee ao Oaueay igt. ainT tal he thwd pe-id oat lewàas garies ending in a Milton hench jamped over the atone i oce Toarie t the ndpaet eeoaei-909e oeee 10 ho deoided by boaeds, mobbing and fait h1,0 pus togelhee presoorosl anro ai the games as 11015 off the scoresheel The Newo- oosa oloIegm. cneltln snte n1e packed aies ovee Newmae- slayed 0er in nearhy Bim- moaeket teain applied fierce mhe oholo on goal meee alno and goatie Paolo Zulian. play, 1 bel. A.ecca aod Sîmcoe tîc 0e roor na1oed 1 ed lîiti10aeh leani creited Toaroament officils theirel emeege hed but happy owd In the licol game Satiritay gante bat coolid 001te tho wih o10 apiece. Tooroameol cloarei th 10e , rting that made l tirsrinn, the T-Bîrda edged doooie emde officiats decidei ta1 have a the eenaioiglOnttt whichbN Noooak minut agsabynie peejol ho ptyd. The T-Bled, sa ah ppere Theý ar ed in Dolh a 0e Bab Laodry ai the 540mark The secon gam agais tbrath eadloc. were.fieed op ceeeth1e T-Bird Aaeoea team tu a niandstllt Tse and ohen the gamo mas game, lîoally oceedid a replay on goattet1 the oh b scell. Before 101, The p W heierroleWl gmet o the pyers enn W heelers oll w ins eetaed toristig theiroavilr- andithe 3c hoaying oveeailothe mhe dump Georgetown 7-c caoshi dame on Boa- li0e on day *mTet The Aheelees continue fouigla 10 a i-t dram. George- Capota firod a pair of goals aller lie by the Stoney in the cbompiosip gamne, arenane theîe ssloclog ssayî on lague townooleoch oith thea goal while single marbers came Creeh oetmîodern. Milton Milton metl0imce sn another semanm plat as Ihey have ccl bles a osidoay in0the opeoiog trame teom, the sticks of Chein caeeîed the play toc the eociog to-the-end finish. ocer th league escoolter sînce Nov. as BeîasWard putthe iitera Adaterri Barry Rlebot. Boh maîoritly of the game but Wheo il mas ail ocar the T- theice 13. They have jusl lîîislied 001the scoreboard. Heipel, Eddie Gaeton and couId sot put the puck in the Birdsihad tantehbach lrsm, a and tel toppiog Duedas -2 obile aest Milon and Georgetowns Glenn Brown. sel. 2-1 delicil Il coBlect the reeeice sstecd lhey doooed ecc badl seceral gond Stoney Cceehoan0te oppo. Fioallywitha minute and champtropbyowitha 3-2min. centre Georgetoswn 7-3 aod deeo scoring oppoctonities through sition foe the cosoltation 52 secosds remaisiogio th1e Laodry opeoed the scoring the ice with tho beagiie leadees 1-1 thetsecond periodbutlier champiooshîp aod the game game. Les Bardossy oelled oilh 3.39 leflin thelfiestteame bigla 31 They abîc hîl Accaolee 3-1. clubhcoutdlscore until sio mis- peooed lraslrating on the th1e tping goal toc Stoney oîlh an onassisled goal for a taar The Doodas game oas tl>p aies i010 the linal period. losng side. Creek i-O Milton lead 'Me t icalaslthelhheelerssaeied GrantlEveshbudgdet! hetioo McCaoo scoredlfrom Barry Thegéamlsiisbedllied so Simooncamnehac in the and di th1e play, the BIus carried ohes hr lioished oft a tieat Riehol aller ooly a minute penalty shols oeee lahoo t0 second wheo the T-Birds were mards the high ^ lîcks and the1 Fi110 tbeeeay passiog effort ith and ahallhahtbenplapod in decide the oisoee. Baedonay eaughuop iee allooisga -os- and hi WheelBantaossiwon thecon- Barry Riebol anddnartedh b he openiog siana.Aee-saO emeegd aslthhemroflthe 1lhreakhanddtappod homeoa menow test. Sian Fay diserled a Bob Heipot. baelle then coolinued as the nighl as 0e scorrd oo hîs aI- goalby Chris Pelersltolie the out th( Briao Acdeeahech pass t0 pul ANCABTER Wherees oece thwarled lime lempt score. Jeff Mactio made il 2-I escepi the Juras o ethe board laIe in Alr a seorrron li-st per- foe Ssmcoe mitles bo h1an a and Pa 1the specîca perscd, Twoi od. the Wheelerslfiedlmice minO~oule remasiig io the nssi miut, lt the second on the second and added a .7arç and U if u e.> second obes 0e deflected a Beot leame, Dlodas eveoed 1the single marker in0the third shotleom te pointlpaslT- Brasîfi court oaite1 s hase Gsllis period totop Ancasier 3-1. L. u ~ * Brd goalir JefflHogg. oith M repie, Je YGad 1pu1te Asdercbeh SCOrod licol bea6G flu Gr> 5B IueS The peciodronded and theT-bu e Wheeles ahead agasooslbO hes hiehlased aFay te- Birds wetltolherdessing as they îoiy a mine let in the ra- battritd a minteia toh1e DuaaoeStarkhsoredfour goals and asited on lOo o100s t esoodowno2-1inogoalsandl1- 1he gai dlle pecîid ohes he Oas th1e second period. Four mission lead theCaoadiao Tiremajor osdgets a oa 7-4ossocerlthe 7 in abois on net. mhe' lcîggecosaconea play eomsog lalec. Chois Capoilo kniobed DandanBlues Monday eveningal Milton Memocsab Arena. Coach Dawsonotillisinoan Flambi lesos Bsh lespel d starled on a Joe 0'Gcady rehoond for Warren Selch neliedl tw0 and las Wanlesson0e oa complele siseoipi t0 shahe apt the initim, aod ho. hy laces Riehol. the ecesîsial oiolog goal. the Miltonsscorsng. replaced Jeff Hoggsoin ih in Tri-o Eacls > n the final fratrse, JelI Graham liced the Laird I oas a 1-1 honkey game aller the lirsl peesild os Duodas Paolo Zidiao. Osmes 100 Stie Foy sent Mach Bradley Miltonogoal when bhrreved hadl polled 1he initial tally aI 9.35. ooly 25 seconds solo the goaIs oero certaily sot the in fo e Owîiniog goal. Cheis a Brias Aodeechek btasi. Phil play. Slarh's linil goal lsed th1e game aI the mldoay pints falt of Hogg. hececal oavs Hsosmes drce th1e sisilors Ross rained Steso Marshall5s lcomWasless. he hal made oece super ta oslat oce as he scored foe sholoulhbid janlovec a minute Staek contisuaed t0 ho slcoog and lired lOrre consecalise keepîthe T-Birds on the game, Doodasoîlth lice msinutes te- iso the fioal trame. machees tb mack he emidlcame. AtIOO2John Lroprccland butlhisomates oece olgiiog saiig. TOURNAMENTS Selch asoisled. Ai 0.16 Dong l3orey and Wasless aotisled, hamch belli The pamntmas i,'; î. EORGTO' Follomisg the samne patiern andal ai 2 cott Peioe asisted. - eil labro asd th1e T-Birds ce- The Wlseelees' mad] trip t0 as on the reesi Sdlvsr Stick Milloo's Selch scoed aI 4.23 Icoco Brad Nadaîjo aod Gercy sposded- Gorcgton oas sccsslal Toaroamesi. the Wheoeer Mazaao, gîvsog Milton a 5-1 lead alter 100 peeiods. Selch WilO 09 le on the gamter as bhey complesely dom- came ap wil10 a lackloatro and Wanlestscored ao.50and 21sonids orMilton, Landes lied the score wî10 îsaled th1e garne, hloslîog effortlinlhoir opesiog costent Iheir bonIs 7-3. Gleso Bron agais Port Coîbsaron in the led 1the say wilh a paie of Dooscille Tounoament os goals asnd ans assils Other Jan. 14. Wheeler mochees came lrom The Wheelers Isere just soi JSetOcGady. Barry Rebo, uplfor theopeniog game as Cheis hdamson, Slao Foy aod PI. Colboaroe dropped the GeanIsEes, Rsebo and Chess locas 5-allerctefiict peait Capaio each asssed onolo hadteodedi1-1 MarkhBradley occasos ohsle sigle teamedaup wlh Barry ieot helpees Oece earned] îy Bob foe the lose Lally. Heipel. Fay. Doag MeCaco Esleeiog the conolation and JelI Graham round. the Wheelers dreto hit home the pressoas San- Flambero and disposod of day th1e same sas clubs Iheon qaite oassly 7-i. Chris Hilson Ieads sockets in Hespeler victory The Milso oc 1e P.L, the coach, gave it a big effort Robertonockceis spl a pair mîla goaltender Marrayp of games Oser the seekecd, delescemnan Andreeowd delealîcî Hespeter 5-2 oc oho rssbd thepuck well, Pat hasacday dci dcsppisg a ButlecandGervaiswho gacve lts oi~~ hearlhceakicgtlsSunadayltO 100 per cent. Formards IINIIC m e" Chîcgaacsasy Dillon, Pollen, Hilson, Ricers Uclsclaoaiely forcthe Milt and Stuart Thornealplayrd I'Jule 1,11"mhî*Jte ton clubthesîictory as only oel not Craiinega seasoo Are youflnancing Tehighligbs of ltse const ~ harge card purchases .as the spacbling play of lelI Take n a c wingr Sctt filso whoatl8-24%? lseed a hat trIcb oih lice- IL~bI maies Oas-id Ditton and Scott1 B r eak ~ With a contract boan at AORANSREBAC Ellwfld each picking ap to yu rdtU ini ATOORAS OORNC assists, tcyu rdtU ini gnOOnO srho cigcfoelon with - could be 12.15% TI4AEE CONVENIENT LOCATIONS UeolI Psllen and csscsecled . Murray Uk y "--SMil-W$,S 4 anSttMgo goalîecder Rolîhie Wilîson n _gaibsodsnSWSsla Trasîs Csle andl BreIl Gec- wh y. -dj wes. W0-Ios 1eolo 11ines-iY 878410 sais also pîcked ap ussisîs. Hoo i POO-in csrsaipede.obeo. Th-nrs-od 1 isnDie R hacday as the Thonipsan -. î gh py0 ernriaeah risS , feB 1 lsnDie H Id sreca thehockels had An operation taallakes a csinsenordiad.8813 Iheir hacds fl it s tlh1e doctor ao bolue t0 perforai leigae leadîcs Chicgacoosy may lake a patient yces t0 GodSl Flcli SJVIr 388 Ken Street Onkvlo cqaad ohîch had harseit Mil- dosenhoe tg Wht We'reAlAhoui M4408 tsol-inoanoeahiergarie, il + + + Bramaalea, If ttir one thlngwe should Tese tisforai thecnovice iei others finit iot for Sîorkcissquad came aposîbha themslses t's longrent ne soli der acd may hase are. O.H.A. Irtermedlat. 'e sacpcîedlthcsevsoslh a + + + leo breabs The t'O clubs Good advice map ho more batedtmÙht scoreleso saluable tien mssey. bat MT I E T periuds oslh goallinoder mosI peuple pretee cash M ILTO N T I E T Jimmy Murray of Milton + + + shinîog in henets. Babies used telbo nid VS Il oas ohesoas bhai one big adition@lan he tonslly. New hreak sisald delermîce th1e ibey-re caiied deductlsns. selesîsirsif Ih ge and c + ++ ( hinguac ,îî,,î thail hcab fsTroul ithltheceighbrs SM ITHVILLE COM ETS ihhoîsi a S00tii di(tcsccernarl bds is 5h11 lbey lise ssly aSn..Inay2.17 smslecdithe pschchnsloshatadhlleraay.SnJ uay2 17 goal cccaseltheChicgsaelssy + + +- teamroas aoacded apenalty AIL the neighlinrs are sbat. Chîcg defencemao Jin sbsiig aouat the betdy Thompson Road Bishsp mas selecleit by the oleaning morts Ia te" as Ching eoachiog staff andt Bis- Opeed Qineen Laa.dreat M m ra mn lisp mode no miolabo bY and Dr-y CIeani.g. on MainM mo.i rn deking Muirray andt slidisig Sg.. nillas doncr go the Credit the psck intothe netlmit just Union. Game Times 7:30 p.m. ocer a minute lf t0 play. Wer e atmayn brshing ap n Millons sfrategy of pulliog thc latent ai Muray Ionad' the goaltenderhbackfiredand Drive-Inweasofel RghayO 2h5odo resotteit in a goal foc Chiog. o., S" Av., 8784. Bee Thsa ompulimnts o oacousy wldnh oaltedl away ., aui matdy Uhai urg. er ich aolt t the 2-0 cictory toc the visitaos ri_ükn mh ic, alt tr The Bocbefs played watt de. .plteouaand acordbog ta- 1111-01-- £rLY Baby Scott AYDS BATHROOM TISSUE REDUCING IMPOSABLE Iwo DIAPERS PL ROLLS Reguler 30's 291. lb. 49* Whil. 0-IY RP-AIR COOL BENYLI Và%PDRIZ'ÏR TYLENOL COUGH $ HUMIDIFIER SYRUP 199 20 Vllé Il_ 199 *12.49:ý 250 MI C.,-11, B-Emý'J%* WHITE ROSE MILK FINAL NET SKIN CARE PETROLEUM JELLY HAIR SPRAY CREAM from Cloirol 33 40 ml 454 gin 341 ml 31, 990 _Tý FEVER - LISTERINE 2»lCe*-4&* Chddren's THERMOMETER A.ti..Ptlý CHEWABLEVITAMINS Celsius M..th ..#, $177 0 ORAL 750 mi *1 9925O's ECTAL 99,EM FOR 1 FULLCOLOUR f BRING YOUR FAVOURITE 99 , wn ENLARGEMENTS COLOU' NFGATIVIES 10 YOUR 1 DýA TORIL . T.15 COUPON FO Sp.,kil.g ir' x 7" EýI.11...ffl f- 7l'I's »O.EY SAVING OFFERI FOR CINE 2 Il, 1 OFFER PER COUPON. y- F-dt. N.q«ýJýJu-.t.d -F i. VW- St.di. M .. éRir TWO I.