18 The Canadi8flChampion, We7. Jan. 19, 1978 N. Hal Assoc. flampîcu BUy AnSL Expand ARC workshop liet tfflTHE =REALESTATE when province approvE 6 8 6 M P A G ES 1 The Allai Rehabilita0444 made1977oan04tstad6 4160646n467 d t65 ayff th6e 66874 closie tb 83,000 selsg ticket sales Ceose 500, ldounîe y8r, aid06ep4444181,Ca a4108518 g a on4864 8 tiokels 4in6 local aires. The naid. g arna g^. ..t outrsieMrHilman 74646 olfer well 884 Anallisi undergo4 a $54.000 cie4840 1 taallo fo4 804,4 880 461 44440. The cool 6686 4a=fig4o43l0548 making prOj taothebulding this 08. pro 4, 0 ets o CaalrysidE. 644887444r lwo years. 4a 64 (fr608 1>6te e67 of alssaoi a64 A MiEhîi iM [D H AL vi 476 final 04474886600 ap» NHAMIOs groop 44476644e 80 96e said 0>eci6in87-raisiog J84a 04 g7 88laka6 ugtY M07.117111.17 cha7,16 of1444 heyoeItalien 44711 o=h,, 646 he 304447940 on hae A b modi or a s leonp g ash e ale 866 Association for the MeoOallv 16e stage 00644 s484 per4- 41444466 localed i0 Ac0606 8 moOdi, third priwe $200 a >6eld darl M Iý 444444 144044l644 546940ed lnone h po ioeel lhey 484 imaodie Oeorgelown 847 Milton, 664616. meeting a8 a i444165615 "et11 00044 41g 440gvei,41t themrnalves-wt minima 6610168 46446 I86 1esring Týckelsar4BU, b64664d,86 . 086 va 6 Toot ie461te NHA55144 annual superviioin a4 co4004677 'F004o oe 486 14 AsociaîlolIkeeps 50 cents Vicepes= mer4glan 4446Ilbas447464 0440s40s0ifor 47447 ticket 667. 1116 8lo6tor, De ~oqy LOOK ME OVER.. l'mbrnd ewandhae. uc 04577 44ishowl1 rait be yo,s oo 41OÛl C1 s lle $2 000 do., payrr477 Thv443are5sili714fe,0ioi00446e odfl re47154070iont 1i17or n1ak0v011l,.iPi000n0ct 6764110 provai in pv apr he said. he644 the f444 can lise la- The addition t0 the ouest gelber, do Illeir 440 CasbiOg .od4 of the former Ooroky and cocktilg, shop for grocer- ublic Scknil building on . ae d 40 lo16eu, 00416 only Steelco Avesr l 410 54444445 occaonal4villfe;4rom8i0 14a14l4 72 b, 35 teet and il uslo. wil0 contant 1 marie 0440 a4 Theyhasvieben rining for the4front.140460444 exribk'onfrtegemuina special art- the 444,0445. a kilo tirea for ment" ai Couoîeyuide, 144 t6e 04484444 047k and7a1607406n sett40g4441of6414440060home dock an7 ail ave eaged 644644 Ors Oilohii3 espla4ned 4o-0eluîr05, t5ýre are cornIvi 4447 men 740 ime in 197B talil retaedil aduis 74,44 The 44454 rineas Ibenc sîli 4,0,7î4s jobs al th4e444465544, Se 1404 beds open aI 16e group andnineomioul[ beadded eeslde4ce, andlfourle0 4454- 0404 fait soi 0,044 space 440 dents have already beeo -e5 d4di0ion 1 b selected f40nt t6e long 54111 t0 uoiiiooiate a to1tval tn -0414 lîsi, Tkere are , '041a14 . ently i., living aI Country sh -I ilisi4y 41 Consumoer 4n7 The ,ccai.liestore f4401 s4c,01 Services 4010 entrer shouid belp miC1 s 444011 Sos- aout80pecentîoftheelatof me4sand~ vil dlowo a etter the -a441kia4 resîttenoce' inplay et 142,44444374 w45 the [mla scato a tcl for î Il11 wilno 5b,log the e4aiol4g 20lper matte il mi leasibli ta cent. IN1es 0,4040 40ex 7444444 open ,0 Saîurdavs pl.iiood A 514411a4 14ormul0 i 277l durlngs374eg l 444star, use i ý1te (unre744 i Iou r 77 dn, 64064 ),oJc w65c jorn 6444te 480oiaio flLu 's ta Ontario, slie g ad m M y.82 lut68 year wu6 in l Georgetown dtos essbers 1I electios 0065 glasI we6416 si Mes. 14I1816 ess a rideot ,o l rCidl!4î 14,45 heiog 440 6y the Provin- m Te North Halton Associa- ot Georgetown lus rasaurer, cial1444a16ati46 and76as in ta 44446ly second iAnne6W4>6>6oî<3Of Gen tows rec8ordi6g866ry and Lucilie Vinus af Streetaville HeIpe meri, WOrn8fl A&?Zn gie sm kn edaios; Les irs give p smo ing Olreelavîlle, adall services; Jny Kie, Actao, There's a pack of cigarettes smoking do m0 for differeal campaign and mnem>6ership; in one out of esery 16444 resos,' foie. McLe'od said. Audrey Hulmas, George- 4-40c64 handhags i0 Ibis "The local lolerageoch Court- lowfl, prograi; Lieo Virus, country, Mrs 104464441 Me- cil, whîch isclodes Haltas resfidenfial services, Lee Leod, 'EepreseOlalise of 1>6e Cancer Socielies, Haltos Viviens, Miltan, develop- VON 4616he Halloo Couocil un Lang Asoiciation,. VON, mntsal boni;e Barbara Ab- Smoking aod 11eal16, said loegistered Nurses Associa- 469, Georgetown, nursery; loday. A6600g 400664 fronn lios, Cosana Red Cross Isabelle Weaver, Miltas, age 25 tb 44, wivs, secre- i Oaks-ille Braochl 867 the recreatios asnd camp; Jalie taries. leacheru, moffieru, 1the Hallon 666474of E7ucali4s, 46 Ciosroy, Actasn, bulletin asd percenlage of smokers 44 a studying Oheoe resulîs in pa>licity; Karen Pitt, Actas, 1,111e hîgher, Mors. McLeod liopes of fîodiog effective historiant asd research6; sa,7, ciîiog slalIslics released melh67s for 6414468 bath6m46 Rachel Clifford, Georgetown, hy fleaIlt and We0fare 0075046640tlogise upcigar- fanlily services; asnd Jack6 Canada. ettes." Vao Der Berg, Miltas, pre- Theoourscy veals tha 37.4 "In the meaokfle, shte perty chairmas. p4e cent of wo4444. 25 t1484 ,,oid. use hope 4>68144444654d Balance of the eoecutive years. sInoke: 6,t ooly 30.4 knosnledgc 41 ihe beallh 40- comlnittee mnclaides Gay p7 eto unnae 4 trofets of smoking 40411 >elp Daly, administrative assiat- 6e,4O44. Ag 41ade tee- 1athseestraite the decislos 841,1Mors WioIs>6au, drecOor ager Am7.g prcntock.n 444 it. of ARC Industries;, Carol th ages(7p441544 10 141 -er the 06tbr T el pedte word, fRobertos, directour of8 of wmen ho mokeseens te Cooncil sa participating in Ti6ker6ell Narsery; Dayle ta have44 unholze 5046 164es National 147,calîoo 6044> Ferg4uson, Audrey Hîl;mas aou haser cenhiloe the on Smoking îNEWooOI front asd Edy16 Davis, preoidens aSoo3O erfcentda i mhles6 Jan- 22ito78 and la0ff44i588a of the asoiliaries is Actas, 40064 ssgrll anaioas deraedb ariely iof fr44 literature on Gleorgeton and Mi46ton; 68>6 4sokMAr c ete. e smokin6g8and il os quilliog. Od67deaa, di4444804 of Court- somlO4p"Ifn il oore inîerested, jusl lryside; andPaulie Steven- 016cr M147445 74dicoie finat iclephone 045-M05,- Mrs. sos, dîrectar of Hallon men and 4400444 uhi, quit slcLeod said, Oevelopm4Stal Centre. (huli*h Services -ST. DAV4D'S and THE HIGHWAV GOSPEL fo $10NASSAGAWEVA PRESBVTERIAN CHURCH ro $10I PR ESBYTERIAN CHURCH P64484O6481Assiambie. NI CHURCHES INCANADA of4Canada .0vKNOXCHURCH Wakefi,6484 .,,77m.25 ress sranrce%-. , Sunday, Jan. 22, 1978 MdTN'Om 5e8s4 NASAAWYA 170Main Si. E. 878-2054 220 Main St. 878-6341 i10:00a.i -W,h.shno 878-6066 nayJ.2,17 ST. DAVIOIS Mici.l.,: udy a.2,17 7i,.7,'v i.,CAMFBELLVILLE 86R.. TvJ Lws 9:45a 4,, sadaySctoi O, Lay Aw008 il 20. - -, ai .x878M 1.00.,,, Mo,,egwoip 44864, nVoî~ 5,401844 6:0 ...-F,470444878 Y~Towv il 041o4vm4w C80084ls,6. AiWelcome, M II,8.vOv 76.44.44"ig5614s _________________________________ TINITS January 22,1978 8-00 .p ,.y084877 ,l ORNT 945 .m CSoo4 0,5441 54847448784inigt BAPTIST 1110 a..Y, raen of00,44 Hoiy vY,,,0eopi4s CHURCH comnonvoîî~i~a 4372440evl. , _- Nuseryv484ilitie yo454 0rwlct, id ,54 . Pafor, ý 0047 5,044,464447485 ad4 oo Sndy cholJon R-, W E Payne6 4866ii44 galsoo4I Sonday, Jav. 22, 1078 EMAUL MILTON GOSPEL 9:45 4,,, 8Bibl 5,54,1 foi 811 BAFTIST HALL CHURCH 3060Ontaio S4 Ni 878-2M2 11 a.m. The mo15asf864 18o 4hristi44808458484 4774846445 Bile 6.76544 878-3908 lItTh. N».. or Th. 7 00 p.M Se,,,47 lion~, 4404,04- O JOR Armstrong ,7665C48 '0~~~ ~ 1,4 4Eki SudvJa22 1978 Soodav, Jan. 22, 1978 1 eie. 9:45 a.m, 5a8 57,444 an' 030 4 88k4846 "ou Taesdav 7 p. ni 47- Bibiel serv11575,4vice - l.1i44 id Girl66, Clu 1064.m.4 A6687blv8476604r 7:00P44 0861845 1446446184444451,44 554.h 56,44 5 46 6 8:00 4.74.-.e omd8 4 8,66e lits 564f4 Toesdav10:00 a r ~ 14i4 am 55444874445of8he0Gopel4o AWWelc614t4444 1 48 Chost: for.16 i 4084 06te7oe o Coffee hout avd Bible stodv unto 4 sl 648nt0444845840 bol ST AUS CHURCH wemnedav levant. Rom: 4:16 ACUN 0F 7t30444m Meeting 4or 4764041 fug.,.d TEUNITEDO n ,bl 8,5t5747 BOSTON AND 2 ah .. ,fibsml o HRHOFCANADA 4444me5and644or OMAOH 4.1t655 od. 6644,4858..d4477678481 PRESBVTERIAN , v W L4.ma447 - ,od4446 84444Tli667 B.. ,DMTh. 444,ni4M688 Jauay22, 1978 R- W.R6,A., D. 1144 . 0604647 56,e,6 878-4428 11:04-64,06Sc.. HOLV ROSARV Suoday, Jan. 22, 1978 Nurery04466ie ROMAN CATHOLIC BOSTON CHURCH 9-00. 064451p687446 ANGLICAN CHURCH - 139 Marti S4 Num4..4F848468ie 0F CANADA 764ov 345i65,g47644i, Pa44 M Ephiphanvîl11 864 48, o ,Associatif 41 008a.4 -W048514684468c 1Sandav, Jan. 22, 1978 1. ST. JOHN'S MASSES C...outl8446at6 o 68vu4,84444l NASSAGAWEYA 5atu,dayEen4ing7 1544 p 064455 [ENTIW HAH PLAN Gulh64 a.n. .4754040 41 5,,,,y400,930> 11.00 a m._ --1ý 1,, 11-,m- CHURCH OF CHRIST 4, 141244,4047477 0y604 ST. GEORGE'S 'MISSION CHURCHES R.oh58,44445445 LOWVILLE St. Peter's mu8se« Ai@ orsoi:11.0084 Prive, 44846 444 94507 900844, 481,84 Z4Dgniu FA I 451 6757 MiA [87i,44 4.8.4 878-4873 874447n O ur Lady of Vi4t84y 706467 8762756 M40M4, 878-6663 N4,585844544554nd 7,448,4647natart ld 10:008a.74> 5uda, Jan.22, lff 484l-4v4bb8 878 13T7 2,448 87don 6866 28774064>684 854 9M0 ORAGE CHURCH 1_________0:0087 868460 -Bbl 886odssl 31 Main 454 Milton 48 8488g E. A. MITCHELL L10. Te074. 878-2422 1100874m -0 06nig Vi64666844i TrafalgarSquare, 310SMinOSrSSEB 930: 6 444 00 a,4 44804 841 bomno heL-$S Milton, Onario _ _ -_M a . Ga 878-4110 il 113 .1 uf.,ChhSho M M88e $9p4 88o858O 456- 1483 Toronto Line hrdy"h Coeai of Chrstalu 10.0 . . H sdaom uno 56. R 6844 6 6B