6 TireCenedien Chircpon, Weed. .Jan. 11, 1978 Glît at open house Manor employees honor Stan Allen Si Allei. iccienti cetired admioitretor atlt to Cetleteil Mir ,alil ofironoractaopenotie bdl Sutidey by tire fcattînt Ci'eîî- otal Mellor Empliiveo Association. Appeoîimlitcly At) pcct ccd prentro cepitiees ci tI Steor cttecdcdi the iclirvici gel logetirer ucicir inchlîdrd severeit yceceliatilitt A mc rbte Bulovc cîcki uta gives tc thie peot adminisîtra- tee by membrelt the Atsocittc. Mr Allen tisoi , ovmclRIA, ad Dereir c,cck te' ,h to11t alon Manoil ic, aitence faii and ilcced ic,îv celired m plo>cs. A chita horse lili lii Tre as g c liic retire titi citic'e, li tt dire gtietiicctielc. i rtir- lhbc nedeiirthreleiiple, lie taitd tire gateti, oaddive ire îuîped îîî,î1îi eco ý ttckivg uiuthl t he resiicetc coneciitis malle irre. cacd I wacclto l ar tcofibis gccup ofi prescrit aniitiru di ihoccuhoi1ceri-ied.' Mic Allrn ccggectrd n-un-Ad rvcplocter,, irtcu. lfiti ire nt ictiîccun dues ttru i doste .Olrîîtctt Mb rtiti A lit reti aito t-lt rnr 1 i- i tutteric its presct ;...iiittt iluOc., iliitiid lisicr (etIcii %tîe ili. ONE 0F MANY GUESTS pressent for tire ettrooo vioc More Sirrcirca former employer of Haltox Creooîi Mecor. Mr. ced Mrs' Siti Allro welcomed past and prresat rmployrrc during tire cf terooo irelvirî I .30 and 4.80. The periy vico given in ironor ufthlie retired edmiolirlitor by HalEon Mexur Employers Asscaion. ot kefek SORTING THROUGH lire gui-t give dxriog lire cflercoon o-pro boose cf HelEon Cexienniol Morier, viith irer irucired is Ruthr Allro. Mr. Ailes mec presned vitr a marrie et oir fr0tio clcff et tire Hellon Mnor Enîployers Association end a vioririench f romn Halton Manor maixteonne staff. Barrel saives ley co-nditioes iti-lit-id l acireni maeurii TiusIiu 23.1 Scevir St Miltntil teliuellicg cciii,, ucuiti i lîgit l4ie) cisi cccv Ci i iNi rail-, ' uni, c c On lies, Pal o-t tee a it i ks dddti o lire metdîns. >ivîchirg thre barre)csecuial uctrcfic ir- The hectelu celo-uet ile)0 echi iec cîviplelsely dc ot rut rit c trdfi g Io litill ti liPE Daceegeu tic Mir Jack o-., I'irtFord icccitiitri IO)PP ccclii the crcsh har retsccîth pceccctîvgcserione inu ies SicM Jackiron. Hc ecvped luth ceinure aceortivo 1 luti $450 damnage n crash Atwoc, ciluîîîee t he iterectiooflMaincSt ccd oneteeto St. Tirsdcy. Jan. 5 remultîd in S-450 demages lue tO Milton rexîdente. accord- ief t e lt Regîool Police, Rite Meccaralo 37, cf 792 Cabot Tract, Milton o-ex mair illesrteoff MainSt. natn Ontarie St o-b Are collision ocetered v-ir e second orbite deten iry Neil Mc- Donald 18, of Concessioe Six, Miltoan' Mr. McDonatd es travel- ling est te Maie St. at te limeis of tire collisian. a- We have slashed our Prices by 20% - 25% on ail other stock including LEATHER COATS LEATHER & SUEDE JACKETS, LADIES' SPORTSWEAR and GOWNS. Shop early for best sellection. f Ceetheord item Page Ose) In 1972. ais e purent ire sccved ce lire Miton District I ligir Svchecl cemeoter strer-e igcu- totl Hetoot or lire vitciicity cemmîlèe doritg fle' cwlte 1957 ceotrooiel ,)1 ire c ut Ofro- Yeeeos iII. 10.ir peesoatly loccci c ilo traditioens haîppening in Mlilto, cubes ire i-libed mcetecblloo-eea the'iuo-u Sdl aed peuird tire loig cld tuo bell 100 ticeo t0 ler bi luir edmîttri ire gel thc incplitoo tue r cettlcl o-uic sîttîug aI homec oc New 'care EcFI liitchiot thc ledecat cers renouai celeirectconsontle ,îchctccd tiret Milton o-us doiîg nothnglt mark tire cci tsahe made acouple of iruocîrd phone calis t0 carutn thcecccecayicermissiouad cariclcouct irlictnliht solo hel in ite enscucu' thct Mitîlon îceîîd lire eveotici yecc. Thii ctcctcd the (recd ccd. ihîtîks ta ics iehicd-tirv scledirction, tire c iîccv asgcconclhsuce- ocdiî New Year'e Etc ce loîcali tgvtccîec ure ccleeted, rousead relreltimc'lc are cîccîîgfodte'reonyt lit reciin yces lire hicîcco- C'lub lias lero avec the syon cc'chtp'ii theccvent ilc not eected appro- [)-rate t tire finie, ir cisi heielir tcciicvd dicc'-tiiihil lonChivlhec ticimmerceclandiilcecchec iregie, hi, c ecîîîîî'ier asi i iii ti ct,îi , cale foiî'~0 i-i' lit 1c îî,,îsiî,î,îstiated it'elo cilcit% Ioder hic guidance ilt-o pCti ,lce tiirmed and scil iiirifingcir.liu'lirtii nuiicitrtc tiructcrlu v1brt rceident iit the g coup aids lici cassumceîoduted -a îti tl inliser diiog ilc irlii ltsm ti ccltit- th iui,oici iepia ii ,ilie %aions uildtings en tîttîi-iiidgiiut forteticgs uchîci gîtired l'bc udrk is curnl t., 't t te si fur' t ast)tue lit a,h,s' lie s piiilisiig cc-cOlt sri Th.'- Chamcpion avii tie iupt-c hae cule day. fihe t- le,1 toit cd aotna of iris deamo- a ivrog h îs fthec ircd lt-i huit cchlîet puirlich erci,I irttîo in the teuco hile t'lih'ut alui tc i c i to' erit t îi dt rtîc ri 1957 flc 0i'ulpipr ocr lics liot-il 'ii ut Dil iiiriser t lis s iu,iiiict d utht th, pubr- ýitcîtI, tctru lit 1965hand z,;1 -os iaind cis 90 le lAý i iv -ltird 'llie t avediac mciciti' proudîiy cond titi ici.înationail tico-peper [vitl-O lit ergotant ,i p a 0lt titi' io tîtit oi rri li s o i li, sories lire bcad ilfc d cesr i tI otiol it-r ecvpcpcvv A.-.,., saison in 1l72 and litr that :~1)t @ptrn Jim Dilis honored . la OWNA's ceouet ebatteefitg soir-committre, beedtieg administration. Hr coetieued îtirheadup therdmiistration cceceitter lireougir 1873 aed 1970 and ie 1974 ase eccepted tire cdded rote et cîce-preti- Hie o-ex peexidet ot OWNA on 1975 and pete bulai yeee vtctctcg feSo puihiers anod ulteoding o-'ebly halctions aceltex tire proviece. Hr coceîrîd hix terce ot tire associaetion eoecutiveo-îhao yecc oo lire bourd as Plast pexdent in 1976. His orr to-îceltoobim ccuy oishulltips In 1972 br accoîîîpuoird OWNA dîrecîcex o e xlody toue o[ Newe Brîtoccts tourillce tectailes, and itn 1871 ire wue tone cf 20 vctvsove froce accss Caeadu ou pre leur of Germeoln, Cyprox aed bieî. Hit serîes of arIdces oc tire lItter trip o-us pubr- liîcied in Tire Chamcpione He basxerved oniSheridan Clîlege' advîsccy commttOe co outcutxmxsioce1967eand tracce 1974 co 1976 o-uca remblr oi lire prccincial lîce ced Shirley Dîlix liveta 419 Cacepbell Ave. and ire a fi cffi il of woo, ai onei lime ic saultre bave icccred full iî, puartîceru ire teospoper chirleey douxs part bouc dueiroc and cffice cîtt iri con1ce o-rote a coogvcoloine ir e peper. Son Stevr.. 22, gruducîrd lest year -ilsh a degrer ie cocaixc tcili3g tirrer * ecccoftslI it ctfleexound la catereti, o-oirig us pccîecl ,iîîîcdtcetcr aI Ce ocdian lIcmuflily ems- papeco Acscitioe, Torono. Macrk, 20. i, ctcdeing irnccra icenesa University cf Gueilph. tPaul. 17. und Cathie. i. lire cludroîx ai MIo ttcit Hîgir Scirool and Ccccl tocis stodet Beieg natal"Citizen of tire Yeee ix grttiog ta bo e habit in tire Ditîs famity. lices fetirer G. A. Ditîs mcx Actee's fist Citizen en t1t aed iî ireobr Dace o-ves Actee's Citizen on 1872. Deve and Jim ae co-o-Oers of tire Dîlfs Peieteg aed Publîirhitg Co. Ld micir ecstudlesa etnsive commcercil prielleg depeeimet in ad- ditien 10 tire Ibrer Northr Halioes o-eriry poporo Tire Chaempion, Tire Aceon Free Pesx atnd Tire tedepoodeet, Georgetown. Me. Dîtîx said ire o-ex >'embeeecsted" o-ren ire tered ire laed bren eîogled ouf for lire Cirocber ironeex Ibie yeu. ilt la net o-bel 1 have donc, rtvil o-e cury- body, ccltrclicrly, ires dote," ire scîd. -None ofi l ireppelle if 000 ucerk by yoexelf. I hisser; o gcond geoup and fortunutly lirre arre aocmer of rexcel- reni grope in ibis cocece ceil o-io bnlp muite tiigs fiappers.' Otrere %o hacvc ree iroterd ceili Citizen citatioes Rev. Rd lcuoie, Duor Brueir, Sîco Allen, llcîuo BesI cnd Aody Frunk. Investigate break in Miltov l'rcki cacd Tecllîv croIre, c6i Minl SI. a brecî nlî Scdcesdcy. Jau. 4, report Itlinc Itegconal Police. Itcemscae î,ircoîlcded ac ceirocotiomrer iiit irWetcit ri c ireixs, rasls. tires and a Dodgsmanifld. Investigaion.l lAer lice brgalo' in 0 0 iionlu clasif dc HOUSE Check the Real Estate Markelplace in today ir bssue of The Champion Some win... Two cars (Continued front Pge Ole) doeed graets te te mue- in collision wo' att e bte cPeilo.y A twocar crash tthe sol tureeg r gomîg trex Loghed euimetirt te trsetien of Trafalgar Rd. faree or proo teee i oee lais~~re ii the tend Steeles Ave. Tuesday, ordr t prteit terrselersrat, gant stuctre ilJuif 3 eetulted in $1.400 dam- egoiesi bîgbee tuxes. fube uisa tot accusaet, bot uget tor to-o Act.oe people Lougheed noted the pro- Miltoo wctil stll beeeb ecg- uoordiog t0 Haloe Regioeul vision tee golf courses ooutd octicaly by fendieg tbe proe- Police. eumu chanc ecres for vitriol insttutos. Kectb McKenoce 38, et locai golf courses. Tire Mct<ogbeeayshbelacotei Action vives eotbbound on originut report o-ould haeve mitted tolex reteece brser]don Trafatger Rd. ie tire proceess ltxed golftcoucres lou00per marbet cele esesmaee ot mobiegealtrfo-het,uats- centcfltbe murket velue. Tbe but, presevfeateuieoco ndvoc vebîrle decen by Ceri Blair Commission wbeoti ft,ble suys tbe goivrmeet Weir30,eaise ofAotioncol- revîrered tbe report recom- v-il fauce one rat ei tfine. led o-itb tbe MelCeesie eue. oceeded ettoo-eeace fee e tex Tbeee o-er et enjuries, re- deterei and nOc McKeougb Tire imptlitons et tire pro- port police, but ditaages te sa suggestbtg e mbleset poild reterc ure deemeatie tbe Weir care eetmated at xcbemec ilbetooed pode coremeeybomeoo-eerxnd $1200 aed $200 frtheb tomne ftexibitîty for tbe mue- business people, McKeet r veb iee ictpulity te oegotiete taes o-tIr golf course o-ers. The lettr prcpotai oould ble mmrtltoenet eft liose prie- pold McKeougb boxs axked 1I ] bts ooeieg group t vooir ut REURS F0R OCCUPURCY DECEMBIR ISth lire ullere lire bas pro- pold Accordiog le Lougireed, Milton o-ill beorftl iry lire pro- poxed reformatiftlareir- pleceoîrd ireceuse lire 1000 Thioe prpsa oudse n White Oaks Shopping Contre stilltoex poy avirere of taxes PRIME LOCATtON, CORNER OF BRONTE AND ANNE BLVD. fo0e irt alle oIr th ie pusi s onn nsttutovnsircue poid gatinlieucoftaxces, butlthe M ILTON gruelu hauve iaccir eec on- olouiliy coderwa thl ie piro- f5 ULTRA MODRN AIR CONDITIONRE STORES f(1,500 Sa. Fl f perSies o-ould ire laed ut. For PARRING FOR 250 CARS inetunce, Mapleirst puys $20,000l a yer1 te t o le lntae r F00D STORE a RESTAURANT geeclo. cuile lire taxsx ood friso PHARMACY si MILK STORE amun t $135000. Tirelo to rd se i DRY CLEANERS * BANK cotîcetu îîolig lo- lire Col1 stnAgeicoltueul Mtusecum 5o ocuubeq 4eo oot1liîoe N1)1 Mucicpal Atfirs enli tre) vo-crI cu) hit 1-416-781-5638 i-uerytiîg the provicce pcyo s sî in taxces otIiecir y IN MEMORIAM Multon District Hospital Board of Directors expresses gra teflappreciatlion of the dedicat led service of the larte Dr. C. Keith Stevenson Member of the Board of Directors 1955- 1960 Member of the Medical Staff 1959-1977 The Board of Directors roffers sinceres sympathy ta Mrs. Stevenson and members of the family in their bereavement RO(N~ orATX!U (DIVISION 0F RALP- SMITL TO) 685 Qlueen Street West - Brampton 457-8291 Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday. Saturday 9 arn. tai 5:30 p.rn. Thursday & Friday 9 c.m. to09 p.m. * RAPERY EMBROIDERED LINEN TERGASER TERGAL UP TO M0 OFF witftCcnndhem -l0Wwde Wite onWiteandi Ends of Ueusand 'oD RegelarAR Igd. Beige onWhites Ditcontieeed patterns N04104" Wble - Regudar $12.90 yd. TREMENDOIJS w "0 *f SAVINOS wirftcaoIlut9.98 vo *UPHOLSTERY* SPECIAL PURCHASE CLEARING 0F ENDS JUST ARRIVED 5M Wîde Upiroîstevo Faeic 1Mcc Dupont Nylon Peîots Velvoîx end Hercxloot Etc, and Selecîrd Patterns and Joyoco Colocîs - ' 54 îWde 0 N Cotocîs -Reg. tir.98 and cp *N 1.98 vo. ,2.98 si $4.98 1098 4~WE HA VIE THE WIDESTSELFCTION 0F UPHOLSTERY FABRICS, FOAM AND SUPPLIES FOR MIL ESAROUNO!! *FABRIC* Pee-Inventoey 'Z.Icon' Treated COAT LENGTHS Clara"nce cf POLYESTER ALI REMNANTS es utNcttOe iceo KNITS. JERSEYS CREPE flSt"Wde -Many Colu ic e n Peleo le, c thc, rosira ETC. 2 Pnoe an Peomot psefiactfor iolooîieslon Reluced Up To 4O0 H.ee (),,cl,, Nsoîvevlssait S. c ,cctdîrvtic 000 6039019 FABRIC-DRAPERY $03POcc Loc have te si UPHOLSTERY 111V98Y. Prc .NuW-m' btieoto d. FURS __ NUMEROUS OTHER UNAD VER TISED SPECIALS SALE ENDS JANUARY 31si, 1970 I.