810 Theacadîca Chorpiaa, Wod., Jas 4,1978 TAKING AI)VANTAGE aI 15e tee surface aI the MilI Poad are Godlrey Marchand, playîag goal, and bis sac Jeca Pool Cold lemperalares over 16e posî <ceeS aad o hall mode il possible for masy alodents asd famîlies b lake advaatoge aI 16e large frozen pond, caver 15e Chrisîmas hcilidays WHILE AWA'I FROM SUHOOL dotrcag 16e Chrisîmas holiday many stadeals baS adeoctage of 16e frozea MîlI Poad ia Cealennial Park. Pickup hockey gares or pleasare skating mere eaîoenl doring masî aI 16e halîday pertod heecose aI cold lemperalores eambiaed with litîle precipi ta totos SHOPPING I3RAW WINNER Mra. Jeanne Walden ai 1119 Bell SI Milton mon a $50 gift certîlîcate 'ît F'lara Shappe doriag Mutas Oboscloco op s atoatoal pre Chrîcîmas sheppîtîg le» a I teck ticeresa deHroya helpe hec pick aat a 'catI C »Sniyil~ < &tagun fr 4 ~ >~MENSWEARLTD MAIN ST MILTON 1714472 9 - c N 0 N Phiosobits ~.: r Sy Edîth Ohoape hîceet ecaybaeabacctcci Sot asIc Scacleeta c Il cake A POHTAHLF. Tv attered aI Gerrys Pare Fmd Hakery ras 005 aI Ihe Soc ccl OtQG proces ta MUtas Dosoloma Groupa annoal Chrisîmas ahappiag asgeecae te ccl aetc ceai pramolion and erser Gerry Tîmbers us pîctared presenling Ibe 12 seS ci espeestaeg lace bot alec a blocS oad otite set b minner Hec Lidalone, 341 Wilson Or. A talaI aI 25 ci bcîcg bccoeet cceb merehaatspartic.patedaodaltccedoaer$lMoeinPrîîes atheta Wedcagcectdealot shadaca îtcsetg c ccc ce latîecsbcec Oc <toc cci aed hec ,cl'aî btde>hccc peapiciece cc.î ccc <roUet> acsdcc thal ccclccthc'a'occc Di rit g HARROJ> ELFCTRICAI * INOUSTALAI MILTON 0F' POIL LINS AFRIAL CONTRACTINO MAINTENANCE TELEPHONE $ M1LT0~ CONSTRUCTION LIOBTINO 1 ANSWEIINI 878-8161 0702048 SEulS! t g 103c MAiN 50 E MIITON ONT LOT 332 I *CONFIQENO>AL i .cOuoi.EOcb *PEOSO5ALIZED 818-2020 Y ~Is Our Businessi ~ELECTRICITYh 800K SHOPE BOOK SHOPPE I 91 Main St Mutin h Dcc '1 be ,, ici> kete, et <1h h TUES.-WED.-1HURS. - 10-6 b loch atceaiiect taî O ~ *005114 SATURDAY1O6 h *Aaaaae.iaae. * OOOaat 11051. FEATHERSTONE h PhoiuSlS-3o2o Ch.'p....d ELECTRIC PUTTINO THE FINISHINO TOUCHES on Mutons new Sports Centre is ose of 16e painters contracted b work on the job. Work mas scbeduled to Se eompleled Mooday, n Lime for 16e poblie skating program. ... [fi couid have my pick Id like my flomers sent through MiltonGreenhouses ~g '"3h Flower & GifI Shop ~its~ iii, 1/ 228 Main St 878-9501 zSw~ Weddlng Bouquets ti~c Se motte ycc 10 ~ <c our speclahy ~s»~) DROF IF FOR FREt 000KIFT Cheerfol arrangements * Br ght booquelaTadoor green plants * Gift seleetto r NOTEr oceectat plastees dshecaadsasea . ceaCte desteseesa tii escale a peesseal W d Mm:: ~4 HALTON BOARD 0F EDUCATION ~,j THE JANUARY NIGHT CLASSES AT MILTON HIGH SCHOOL REIIiSTRATION Mîllas Hcgh bîsasi Tcesday Jccîcacy 10 1070 tram 700 c> 9 OC p r FEES. Payable ai, eagîstoatcoc Chances shacld be rada payable ta The Haltes Osard et Ediccatias SiMiLAR CLASSES ccc baiîîg ctteîad thtacgbaat Haîrce Oe0oac Par tcrthet ccli 15e Adoit Edacabas Otfcce, 335 3663 tata 030 a s ta4 30 SEMCSTER Il CREDIT CLASSES c Octlcaytae asa Oakadle cadi beace 15e cseeloatFebtcat9S 1070 Pattccithetcatcctitiatlae calltheRrdttltEd calces OtIte 335 3663 tearsO 30îe4 30 AIL CLASSES ARE EIGHT WEEKS N LENGTH, UNLESO OTHERMISE NOTES - coassE c ascecco 054 stcaOîNaOATS Mca ccc,..>' 0< o»»oc.79c>l»9 aOc ccc c ccc> c»» <ccc c b>"'» 0.'. c. 7 c>cc>.7 cc>> <ccc> gh Soc» ccc» Pc>, liccBc<c>ccl <'c t ccc ccc> W.», OU >0'> c I ccc'> 3' c c I c c c0> >1>0 ecoccecîcco c c c a c c c c c ccl" e c I c I Mccc J>.> >5 I 000930 c c> c <7c 1>0e> NO CE »,»,7>1<>10i0<"c>»'cî<oc>s>deîoîclî coote Sac the tegalat tees 'coîo<lc'c 01, ccc cîl <ccc> ,cccocottcîcaîseh<let0017cc>c<cleecl O,îati Classes, Paccrîso, Foocotote Oet>ccstttea, etc Cetarto stedeets rîlI boy theot soppisa ditatctly trar the I cattoîctat ENGLISH FOR NEW CANADIANS Petsacs catshtso rseoctîesr Esolcoh lNawoasodiassotarharswhcrhhrc orptace Ihets spekas asti carîttes EsolishI rap seraîl or Mutas Dotrial HioS Saheal oe aey Wedaoodap, heoisaiso Wadsasdap. Jaseurs 4, 1978, tram 7.30 9.30 pr. Pao tas the coarse os.m 0.0. MORTON, ES. LAVENDER CHAIRMAN DIRECTOR