AN ESTIMATEDE $8000 LOSS resulted Sunday have been laid. Store owoer Robert Newman told night when someone opened a port on the ide of The Champion hie carnies inaurance on his stock, af ire hydrant in front of the Lido Restaurant on but the inaurance company haa refuaed a dlaim Main St. The reaulting guah of water poured in and hie has a lawyer working on it. Thousanda of the front door of Robert Newman Shoes Ltd., gallona of water poured onto the Main St. before acroaa the road from the hydrant, and ruined regional workmen were located to ahut it off.i approximately $8000 worth of ahoea and stock. There io an automatic $200 fine for tampering Police have a ausuect but to date, ne chargea with f ire hydranta. _________ Council discusses policy on presentations and plaques l'aques, prenentafion and former mayors tai 6e dis te z ,tisa wsn fls train awan local. regianal. pctres psrd prolensplayed inîthestown hall SacArtairiaaldbserelire- pravincial r nationairecog durîog caancîl'sdelheratonO A pîtare allant mayas af sented ion ant a-rk tefomrtana0 atf The inaI itrîti for dehate Ciincilfar Htck Day frîtth1e Diiscusson about plaquestpetformtrgonof Milon, %VaS apsaopord patc oan pre-ianetary aards arertaoo . ,in public buildings sparked aO iHe t Seninaid 6veis setatians in trains'anti ti and prapasrd $150 and $200. tîcrly enchange, ahen Trans- pîord essaîhoanlfor dim- dîodaals wînnîng hnrs, tauncilfor Harrison thoaght îay StelBuildings Lt. Watason. A systeta tf plaques, serti 'alodndoal shoald gel mre îîttrd to dîote aplaque for ittates. tonrnanients and thon a tram. and that th nroltirehall the ftrmi i The decsonas tuadd a fitancafssîardstoft$100tor regianaf aoasds orre un- tbuildnîg an Streles Ave. portrait of Brtan esI. sa 1e f150 aas suggesird by ulpatnîîcessary Sevrral councilfors of- tat mayor of the former CferkfRoy Maint. dn'podtng Inatheod.ît anrrferrrd ecrd ta 1e ire -ad- Milton and the fient mnayos of tanihether the ndîcîduaaf oebock ta staff for more slady. iertisng by panfng the compa ny namre on the plaque. Depafy Cerk Boy Main had filed a naggesled plicy on tbuiding plaques. ohich imdi- caîrd the ntat erîn the son- stratoru nrame shoulif nul tpparon such plaques, The staff repr saggomîrd a deparment haad, commaut- ty leader or campaiga chair- maicold be linîrd on the plaque. ai the discrefîonoof aonocl Itsaid thermayorns tamand possly the nantes ofail thscîorcîtlors shoafd ie înciadsd Caancilor Jîm Wason d- agreed oth aoffthe depaly ctrks recammendiatton. liai Concîlar Jîto Ker frt the soanay ahich bait the praîssi shaafd 6e litîd- a ethîr thec dîd a good job or Ietire chîrînnam shîîatd go an the ire hall. Cîttcilaor Hse flarrison .îdded. fianthii1e con tractc's. She alsa frt il aoutd bc aataîr for 1e HAPPY PRIZEWINNERS at a dance for senior citizeno, held Friday al ia sites varme ta goann off the Legion under the apensorohip of the Independent Order of Forestero blidngsopeord drn fils in Milton, were Bob Red and Matilda Keeganl the oldeaf gent and lady in terni if fice ttrdtcale il la therpeaplf aMittn-thry are the crowd. Mr. Reid, 80, received a scarf vest and Mro. Keegan, 76, gîtntoa pay the ahot, she received a corsage. They are pictured with Mayor Don Gordon who -aid awarded the prizes, and 10F Chief Ranger Mike Evershed. A large crowd touaciflac Htick Day frt of senior citizens attended the free dance, conilr'rmsshold e tîsîed. ai il wasnof1 hstorîsat Sides annsaO hi0uli1iumDt6i5O îtterst and shaîaid sat e t c-ittstred as -poitictiaidl- é R %cistiag.*' ic asa frt the infl u hM EN Il thvdîotto t(ieplaqae. tfda mage ita ttetd in a ans- Ftat 00spaciaf moman in yoar lfa gine t6*e l a t it* tavs the companyn scar accident involvig al1978O t alOate ivn kifl cure Sp ove of Canadu's feadina an i, sîd oansffa Strcry drtvrnfiy Sevrn L. t experts in cosmaticn. sfarfiva wilh Our beauldal t taie o ad Clenients ffarris atf6'tth Lîne. Mlton.~ Glamour Cane fifîrd vifh 16 iemsaolour co S Its garbage'-ta ls( ilaItthe Ms. Harets nas southbaod odiadjnifrh.- t cooatcilorsonanns, chied in an Fîith Ltns ohm haie st riaejutfrh. Coucilor oseHariso. cnaatof ath1e cr andnfid tan We also have an alrtvg efecfion of parfames E6t Liîst the treightes ntt thehe rosI dtch, acording ta oons îoîîîsilaors, vhesaîd. ffalflan egînnal Plce, The ogns V n eso amefrnt a c ar continurd throagh the t Lasanhlp yoa choosa yoar gf.t diittaI troms ran i n bo tnd AItl iaes ili 6e gf mvrappad, firas. ittotinhs taaasicloe Ce dtstrk oe luad fîetos T tr ni as o an out-hydra ple efre caninglat t sllîtro, corporaton, date of set Cali Magdalena 878-4M8 oeigan esntiprnîng Damiage 10 the mnifbus A Qualified Beauty Consultant iltpi e isatde de ar-onedhyDovid Tayor and a et aenti hia' tstnainea l hvdo pole is iatrd at te tdded. titiconcilsrerconi $1i)0 rnendatîo Pisi res psîoîided the orsI thasîyîlsîo ,Coavaîf hlad coiitsstaned a portrait phinvterîaoha offferMre she Ms i ,%isefMacAthresite "FOR THE TALENT BORN WITHIN US" 1',te itio ter aii thal See Us For Ail of Vour Music Needs 11w t1%'a, intoa tiieho agi, anti oas haog an COMO FOULK G IA te front nait aI the coansil Full Sîza, Beanfifuf Chrsmas Gft shanîbers. adjasent ta the tayoris chi, before fasI iteels meeting. N w 7 9 Cîtancltor Hse Harrison atîtdered nhor portraifs Rowdm a$ac,9 ra5s shiiatd be hanging is 1he tuwntiresGiaDus hall. and nggesfed a plicy Mandolins, Banjos, Organs, sholif 6e set. S6e fr11 pc- LUkulefes Musac Books, Janis. tres of former nayuen Brion Harps Amp fiers, Acces- Bm!., Mike Ledwilh, Sydsa s Kao, Noep Childs, Frank Thonipson, ec orfaKaos Noet shold 6e hang fheree 't duol Whisf es. Lssons avalfabfe for hm asy onue mayor shold 162ms MAaIaneand. vd lie singîrd ouf," he sauf ITN,, ,, rm, utr in n ie Coanillr Clamnfa ennea 5t0 20 Hftring bano. reminded herthee1974 counstilMnt 15Tus&a1$ had authari e piatre f sa il o.toaIt1-us.&sit 06 Council Briefs Delay oversizing Laurier Ave. Durng ameetingon Mon- jecfs infthe arroathe north cacered hs capital lestes. day enening, Non. 21, Mlton nili hase la repay tie ton rather thon dehentures. Cnancil: tas thewoarh, plan interest. which is less casllyto da naw Appraceif a fwoaitad a -Delayed a decîstan an ahen serrvices are instatîrd hall cent raise in inîfrage spendfng $130.440 10onersîne on Laurier Ave. rates paîd ta trnceaviroers, services on Laurier Ave. ta lsesiock taicers andf the arconinidafe afotm drain- a-erd inspect-tr tue1978. t age rnm the Thonipsan Rd. lfrcided the ons sharr o as pinird oul ihasi' peapr area nomS aIf the Ttmherlea of the chasorlinatan aark noa reseise 18 cesisa tole dnnelopment. Il aas nted and partaofthe sewage plant ahilr al]iither toanofftciaia thal denelopersffuturepro-espanstoan cant con 6e arc patd 2SE- cents 'W. goofed' Must replace Main-Court trees A daeveaper nias amven onineos, meeting as a Sim Watson, a ridereaas permission toneut donnfoar Commîte n the Whole, added to the motion. callîng an large old frees blnaking accens recommendd Main and Coart the fItem fa make a contrib- tOn anew biding al the corner nesîmenta Lld . hilders nI utionotonard the trafîta iîght of Main and Cort! OH Oineghf stores and 12 aparIth alt s goîng 10 ha needed at Miflton, Manday nighf, but the menfa, repla ce the four terra thalcorner. anmpony musal replace the niilh sx al the 25 fot heîghf. Same caunciliars thaaght cfmpped frees, plan M0 per At the onssnce aI Councîlîne the rider oas in jrst. bt cent Watson ciainird 6e as serros and the motion oasý Revie tow by-c-iw Watsan saîd oar panning staft failrd as. that corner is a mess, Wrgaated. governing auctions concilasattfaalt .to.tfr allooîog the building ta sit Mlton Cauncîl's hy-lam Bofh aactonees snggmfred ahatting Main Sf. gnnerning anctons and anal hîgher lirencîng tees mîghf 6e "Wr dîd a drradtal thîng ioseers wtlbe retenied and a good delerretfor so-called lhrrr."chtmedtin Caanciiar undated by 1000 slaff: shadyoperalors. RoseHarrisan. Monnay. Anafioaaer Chrus Sahoafen calîrd the hy-lao -oulfaîrd' and anelfuseer Jve Sîimon callaf if "onr-sifed' daring dinanssions aI Mndays aummuffea of 16e nihnfe meting. Coasailînes admifted te 6y- be. blst revisad in 1971, nias peehaps ontad budtafsauf il haf been panief 10 stop-f ly- by-niaht' unerafors. huSitH anyane teoni brîsging nwgoods isf0 Iownsandf nellîsg Iheni Sy aaafîon Me. Sions, onneroffheClover- IraI Aucluons on Commercial 0f_ s ad ef ing smo gonds un part aI lus business and Se objeaird to a rluerecui plans ta nioke hum hall Ss sales. Coancliors agreerd the byflan shaatd 6e chasged tu atton i hs apreatton, but a frger fer nas suggested. Set cyclone relief fund The Cavaduan Red Crosso gias iDAiltS iiituachan- Soiety han ent $20.000 fît uîrtteîtiîvugh fus (anaduan Iodia. tîhere oant s 2.000 Oel ted osSoiet io eief peopeshavesdtd. haodredsaof î%îsk nvillages have bren destrayrd and anrstnatrd $625ntulltao n tîsîrîd Canadians of darnage dans ta raps. utisiiigtil lt nida cyctne hantes and praperten 6yvitctiis îma: ssud their olat hSubren calisd fadas chequesor mtitioierders ta woestscyclone dîsasteraof tbs an>i1,aitaduan Redf Ceosa cebtri.htacli.ortictaIte litadu an The Catadiaitgaoernmevt lRedtCross Sasit. 97u Wr11 alsoanoitttssd ilis donattng ttleY St. East.Torotnto. N4Y $200.thtrogh th Canadiav f1lH6. nîarkrd for "loditu THE CUSTOM CUT-TO-SIZE SYSTEM slaouuioelh No itvi MaudteatvorMdasr C p qe kitchen, bath or famiy room, forw the perfect "oa inmodem styUng. DdewY OnAnySfcvÀ gyc M75 E1977 TheCanadian Champion, Wed., Nov. 30, 1977 7 service $1,000 toi service A toscar collisionin -Askedstaff ta check the coiitg Helen Mine tof csteof an overhead light at flurlînglon and a," II i tannia Rd aad Highaay Gordon Reid of Oakville 25, caased appraimately $ffo darnage iii each tehicle, fdReecitif an aller if according ta Hallon Rei-.uaf $7.i,»)tt for the Main Sitfi rs Paice lai buildiag, falaaîng as The catisir., accarred af carfier decsias ta refain the- the intersectian aI Prince St. hlal and Pine Milton. MILTON AREA SCHOOLS presnt! 'tJoyfui Sounds of Christmas" WEDNESDAY, DEC. 7 ft THURSDAY, DEC. 8 7:30 P.M M.D.H.S. AUDITORIUM Chairs, Ukatafas. Racorders ErBonds frnm BROOKVILLE W.f. DICK J.M. DENYES MARTIN ST. ROBERT BALDWIN PINEVIESS MILTON DfISTRI CT HIGH SCHOOL Adots $2.00 Coîldrto $1,00 Beautlttt n a unique coaftei top sySiae. caf spacificalfy tfauccucaateyfil voue ktfhen, desîin. AIl seauns are perfeaf ly ioined ilS vo gaps or spacas. Maiching end caps comiplets poar kichen coavfer. bathroone aanufy or faMify toni Sac top, a cean piofassuoal finish. Beauttut bas a feafuraif scratch -csisa nt surface f601 giaan long years of caca frea service. If doesv't chup, coffeaf diri iv cracks. and is Seaufîfallfy aune f0 dean - Jasf ipe neufh a dunep cltfh Camas in the atesf. niant paptîlar dvcoatrav colauts. _ v EXAMPLE. THIS L-SHAPED CUSTOM C1fl CUNTER TOP - F1NISHED - REAOY TOC 7~ji INSTALL WITH RNISIIED ENDS 7Z' x 36" S NOW PRE-CHRISTMAS PRICED AT 73 OPNMON. - FR!. EVENINGSTILLI ~MlI.uh18:00 P.M.I SATURDAYSI x TIL 5 P.M. HOME DECORATING CENTRE 8836 878-5400 25 Steeles Ave. Milton 8836 " Costioeritals *Couie PCa op " Moiarch *F 150Pick ups "Bob DcoTo.&rn " Cornets R N --A Wînow sVan " Coagara _________F 500 14 Vas *F 600 16' Van ~ *LN 60OAtonia tics eqoîyped osth eleottîca. ailgate Ioadern 655 Main St.E (at Wiilso) For a Day! a Weok! a MSnt! a Year! Drop in and check our economy rates. * SPECIAL WEEKEND RATES *1 826 141 In