BIS The Canadian Champion. Wed., Nov. 30, 1977 WINNING FLOAT in the Santa Claus parade wan tis one from the of Nova Scotia. Children and bank staffers rode on it. tÉ IV A PARADE IS neyer complete without bands and the colorful costumes, an ahown above. 1U1U L . lh son t WITH A HO, HO, HO Santa Claus made a trium- UNICYCLE wan a phant arrivai in town on Saturday and thouaanda breeze for tbis clown, were out to greet him when he came to town with giving the A-OK ign as thse larget-ever parade in Multons history. he rides pat the photo- Santa waved at al hia little frienda from atop a grapher at Saturday's fient contructed by thse inmaten of Maplehurnl parade. Centre. A. E. LePAGE REAL ESTATE float in the Santa Claus parade won first prize for best non-theme floal. It featured a model bouse and thse children were winners in a recent poster content the firm had held in conjunction with its opening of a Main St. office. THESE TWO HORSES and riders joined banda, floata and parades in Saturday's Santa parade. The riders are Brian McDuffe and hia daughter Julie. PreCivulnasSal Starting Dec. It £yt Ptr O 10% OFF AilI tems % teELECTRICAL * INDUSTRIAL OldIi s Bomtiul CONTRACTI NG MAINTENANCE Shop POLE LîNE AERIAL CONSTRUCTION LIGHTING inC asmPeLLVof te 88-04 heleve lht CildSaft y OPEA EPORUM 583A MAIN ST E, MIL[TON, ONT. L ICRPETSIAIjK] ONE LOWFRC 320 STEELES OPEN DILY 10-6 CASH &CARRY AV.MLO HR.&FIl. WE HAVE NO RIGNT NEXT TO SVERS CARPET TL ..PIN P-RE7TY PRESENTS in the Santa Claus parade were children from Milton Guides and Brownien. KafflFLOWER SHOP FOR AL VOUR Christmas Flowers " Fresh & Artificial Christmas Arrangements " Poinsettias " Cyclamen " Gloxnias " Tropical Plants " Hanging Baskets PICE UP YOUR MILTON MALL FREE F OVER 878-2881 SELECTION OUIDE December Secials Up to66%/o FF TURBO0 DECEM BER ON LY 2 2 5 HAWK S ECEM BE ON LY 9 K12 (OPTYL) DEEBROLOUR REGULAR PRICE 39.00 PRINCESS OUR REGULAR PRCIE 69.50 OECEMBER ONLY 5 218 " iSittMilan11715M2 Eaton ' aCentre 979-2042 Harwaad Place Ajax 683-5071 Agncaurt Mail 291-2020 1894 Weaton Road 24"-791 Shoppr'. World Abon 742-2048 Bramalea City Centra 467-7181 Wefatwoo.d iYl 677-7448 Upper Canada Mail 899p-3131 Square On.MIse. 275-1552 Newmarket W ACCEPT THE BLUE CROSS VISION CANE PLAN BAISNEED DIAPERS WSSWe upi UBU'4 ctlndapers inaod ,th a Gi tCertif cates Avaiable STORK DIAPER SERVICE 534-7531 LEA I Popilar Banki of Nova Scotla Fiancing Johnson Bros. Garage 295 Main St., Milton 878.9942 1