PýRECISÏON MARCHING was demonstrated by groupa like ths one from Cardnals of Precious ePrescruptioa drag benefits cas Blood school, in the Mlton Chrstmas parade. be part of aur Extended Health There were 10 banda and over 60 entries in the Cars Plan package. Let me parade.tailor a Prescription Drag or paradeEHC Plan package for your BLUE CROSS MILTON DISITu, Boy Scouts of Canaua,wo the prize an bet runner-up theme float in thia ý ear's Santa Claus parade, with an elaborate oat depicting Christmas in other lands. Repres- entatives of the organizatiois accept the trophy from parade committee chairman, Karen Uhryn, pictured at right in the second row. SIn Memoriam Donations for the Ontario Heart e p Foundation are kindly handled by Mrs. Francis Lee, Apt. 201, 81 Millside Drive, Milton. Rceîjt andCardtt)ill i, Issed For further information cal 1 ~ 878-7591 1 BFGoodrich Traimaker Polyeter * xtdn78sertes design 4- pty poystercontstrutction for a smnooth quiet ride *aggrSoSsive btock treud fo îscseasnd ne teixde utstevaistytin BFGoodrich Rdl1 XTnP tract os ompoudo ecptonet startisg and stncp sg traction itodar ty P catointe coni5tions. *Potyester/ steelradatconsstructon and agsesssoe 0pnetrtead for att.xeather *Pestect woteOsmate tnr steel Oeted radiato ý;in excars. CAMPBELLVILLE LIONS float in the Santa parade featured children fromn the Scout and Guide groupa in the village. Plus a friendly Lion. WaUy Crouter Travel Christmas Special Batnff Ski Charter SAVE $70 PER COUPLE Specalgroup rate: Cross Country S349 DownhIII $399 Depart Dec. 2 for one week. Inludes: Day- imne fligbt Quebec Air, 7 nights Mt. Royal Hotel-sharing twin. Banff Springs Hotel $15 extra par person. 5 daya lift tickets on downhill plan. Tranafers, si breakfast vouchers. Excellent Snow Condtios 462 Stale Aveue Est 878-893 A78-13 27.95 878-13 28.35 D78-14 29.50 E78-14 29.75 F78-14 31.10 G78-14 33.00 H78-14 3.00 G78-15 33.00 H78-15 3.00 ExtraiTracttont Potossa,- a tysi thtîc tread comspoundsttftr incroased tracttons uts sno sacitic intreadlite. BR78-13 49.60 DR78-14 52.60 ER78-14 96.00 FR78-14 59.15 GR78-14 64.65 HR78-14 70.30 FR7815 61.25 GR78-15 68.40 HR78-15 72.60 LAM515 8220 h HOURS.8.:00DUNDAS TIRE CENTE IFGoodeio* Wed. & Thurs fl0 MILTON DIVISION 1Flay 80&6.1)0 713 Main Street East 'a SaturdoyS:fl.00 PA MINOn" Ouluo 7H0 The Canadian Champion, Wed., Nov. 30, 1977 B13 Get movin' to Metro Trust! Milton, >cton, CampbelMlle, and Homby. Youhamea n neighbour whol help your money eam Metro Trust Milton Mail Brandi opens Dec. 3. Whenvormoreaczrn.s monîhis terest-i À d cltàonvu 'cutfl wsest i mitihit balance. But sith the Metro Trust DaiN ilnieresi Accotiit. tour money earns hi,-hfer dail\ interes i. And tbti eans Wou mate .moues each and eN er\dix. frin ithe lîrsi Oas cf deposit to the daý of \wîîhdr,îîx al. Typical example of how you can eam $2072 mors thraugh aur DaiIy Inteoest Account. Based on $2000 minimum balance. Date Accourt 6,250o 6 250o Balance Monthly Daily . ' eresi Interest Nov. 1 2,000. $10 27 S 1.37 Nov. 5 8.000. 17.81 Nov. 18 6.000. 1027 Nov. 28 3.000. 1,54 S10 27 S3099 And that*solt ithe he(in n iii l ie 2Ot e l tings \Ne have to citer Nou. For instances et\xeotl Free Chequing no strings attached. Èree IrteilIers ('heques. And Personai Loans ssth no hassies ai iow raies. Corne down to oar Grand Opening on Saturdas,. Dec. 3 ai M ilien Malil. 5 Ontario Street South, Telephone 878-4173. The coffee ison us. Drop ia and siti s he giad io show vot w hat rnonev managenmenti\%i h a persoliai îouch cao do ti.\ou Oni Se MetSouth Miltosn peninghsis Metro Trust The MetropotanlTnist Company Member Canada Deposit Insuraîc( orp)ration K».l ý:-[ C-re ýl* 1 *ý ýqrly Bird WinterTire Sale 9 - . - - . . . 1 1 -