Diane Woods MS victim feels "a miracle" allowedi her to walk vi a oddrn i eli i eooid stand andi1ponhed him aas 'i dcvi vnerd po. Icon îaok', nue emembeen ellivg bîm. il wasaogiddy moment oh hbe aload for the birs ime aller aimoni irer yearn in a vheeichair. "Onrolnhe grealenllbivnga vanas vng my grand- ehldeen and being ahle la pick them op and carry îem" abhe aîd. Mca Wood frai eonnracîrd the vncrmbIe dîeane in 1975, bai ymploma oece erîdevi in 172, accnrdivg iv hec phynîcian Dr. Donald H. Aihevbead, on iMlon, Dr. Aikevhrod ia relciovi. howveer la decrihe the recaîery asaamiracle, "Wbal bas happrard nov, ta pari of the diaae." br saad, addivg ihalcrelapsesa tneraperned a'dh remisaionna are val oveniaman, -I aorery piardd lac er. bol val nrprîn cd." ke noîdý i)eacrîbed hy Dr. Akenhead or a severe cane. Nra Wood had lovi ail maamenlîinbeehcbdy,bher hraringandrspeeh,l wa regriabîr. aid my barbond tlad me IereOa no hape." abe recola isoibe ime apevi ai Saonybooab haapil, loaliy bedrîddev aimani bhrrr yearr ana. "Meviaily, i an aili aery mach alune, bol I kad va ivemeni and coaid oly mnakelovvny oonda in place af npeecbý Wble ber condtionvi proîdolthrpontiverevshe eold maie cal nI hmspîtl viao a vheichaie. Ms. Wood recalin the feeling ni frustra- ien tit e nhamo nîil uaahe la accomplinh iery mach. "Common ahoren like dînhivg op dinver van imposihle, il weni ail nier the place." Aiihoneb revricîrd in phynvcai moremen, Mcv. Wood conlîvard hr Bible alody esionsa eaciog ai Hallan Manar. Bai dayn virer nîlli long and heîng hme alone oas bord. -l oaa an glad vhrn aamehody viied me" "No.iaforhebfrv imenbhe visbeit aok acronv lobher netghhor'a home lac coller. Fac thee brai ime. nhe iv chie lo alehec hoaseworkvîlbh a kecnneaaounmalched by the normai booeie. "Hon i liver la brabe la valh la the dyne and greni pople and %aoikna odt inoou sng tbai oberichair," ve oalen wulb satisfaction. Wiie gaîvîvg a greal dm1i iyl> inda Kirby Oly a "miracle" cati decrihe br recavry ienm mliple nleroi, accordîvg ta Dane Wood, viho vaihed lac the irvi ime rncevtly, following a priod of Ina and a hall eara in a oheelchair. "Donnirs are nery rincer men, bal hen con anly gonsa far and tIbnlbey monstM operale mulh God," Mc. Wood aid in an inerview. A member ni 1e penlermital Chrch, Mrs.Wod alribaird hec portai reconery tb aih and "a beiiid hal hero iv a Lord sibo iv able ta heal. The "miracle" obk place in er cbrch, Hghway Gospel on Onario Si., or- cordîvg tb Mca Wooid, vhen he renenîrd lo be annoivîrd by er miniver, Re. M.C. Chrinlennen, an Savday Na. "On ibal parlîclar Son- day, 1 vas an depresird and had rery lîlie patence li. Somehovi, 1i nl cannai beurrve il aclaaiiy ha p- pend-avd yeit idd" Al hboard membera ai the Church laid Ieir anda an er. ioloing the on- naîinmeni ovd prayed. "Il narîrd ailh my andn, aoddely I gai o lînglîog in my bond. My banand ted bks band an my abvaider and al ACCUSTOMED 10 ding ber exercions frnm s wbeelcloair, Diane Wood- is n0w very prnud 10 stand on ber nwn during ber tripo bo the physitberapy nessions aI Milton District Hospital. HOUSEWORK 10 a joy for Dlanc Wood, whn now walks after npending lmost three yeors in a wbeelcbair nuffering frnm multiple clerosis. Mrs. Wood bas ot regoined full control of ber bandas but il 10 only a mtter of time, she nays with great confidence. peggg'so et miton SALE Hqg Mo T'qhi Nylns SALE PRICE '2.40. G di* TOP Reg.FrîoOice$.03p' ,.19.00 Show LewW Rohiared Tee I ShowS.çgsrlHase ho "EnoqizoRs"ag nOm 0Salo Price *3.20 »ALL DAY LIFT" Amon o Laina 3.,.1, ¶9OO again a] Whiie in bervheeiehair. yeaadiy dorsa aIl ber xrie ien s.Wvad ailevded regaarastavdingtop vo phy iaheraprrsesionvs in Milton District iHospitli iv iihvugh the direase i airengtben amni avd ieg charcriod hy rchipses, 1nýsc Slira Wovd ir cvvfidevl her v1a istthe hbaptiair credilt ecer>o ivemiia invhie Ihal th eee rrerea mde il havdravd legs is lypari vf possiie lac me iv aik.'« an viire recovery lstl Where one che did ber haie M.S in mc haviE avd muveievai a a heelebair vr ait eres bal the Lvrd viii chairMr sa Wod nw a l e ntm Bell rate reduction for Brookville area Sonne :i2OeillCanada srab ne and (va paria rerie seriber v inbte Oroovbreila iibc :i.5 cetsand25 cents aai01ibe Campbelirîiesepeeiiîrlc bigberiathIii -fvl-ricavgrabnaiaready tbaninivtha' iîaila-p ar bore baie irditidoal ar Ina paria raie area ai the a'amybeiiriiie lelephan v i cei aveboexraage Tbe basinera afiie ibeir rates ecaedlab$9,5 atiiheeaitîartiig al]iean avd $6:35 a îîîîalh respeective-aciers la detrî vine tbe type I> begînaîvg Dec 7, lBilli f ridente bY ant Harrer, lirai Oeil Canada Tbe Naiherban Service manager, raidiaoday, iviprairiaent Ni'I Tira tasaairedaclîon ram pragravi forithi, Campbeill the precrilrates, whicb tiieechaage adil aira br t ara iîeraar e ffeare haaeduna pirrd bha lae ,7, Nie vna c hardgie r eeyquarîr Haresasatd 1Thîrapgradîîg rudefron te b iltup iea a it n-rachati elephave the rachaîge, NIer.Oarnesr viea otiiag grillCanada raid 160< millioena< ceaflir-e <r <xridiOtarioanvd Qarer Thtisnere ivarrangemntîlIl ai'ingsabaut lie redormio iri'aiirilLitrcaitv at Airea of flite tiaviera iof raalaiiee't Liii andîl rt h e earea otaînrt i-pariy fine tlai iiiîdiaciY ,aovd the iruniaiitd ohr aid ade- i tetiin aitheie lpahyb îat alcrllîiti peu ode arr ittie andI.-)îhîderaad. The orinc-ar sviefrc- costtohell Canada ia 58,w.tonniivera, %houoaaad lîke îaeh Tha ie ate hi ai lab ria iti iv addîtoaa I rurali t ha area Dr eo hiegi Suspect arson try Attempled arorai ,a bhcv he elarardbcelord raiparirdtinaa eevdt aha-abok t atcheavah a ridentivlvtiinga book ai haea otraigaretcedtin 1 inaicher accrrarlglIolaa itin the ttyraing offle gas 1 ilegtoaa1PoliceA Nilontankb > reridrv eyarledtpicehec parbedbfus cr1 roaitraîoil75 palicr saspect lac Viraililîe. , Miln vn tire e a rilcr and arec caiiiig accekt'ad tber ietigatian l4th ruis ~ *~ 465 Main St. Mon.-Fri99 Son 9-5 878-2338 Came in and yen She fine Zenith Vauen we bava for pna. WnSrb the Grep Cap on ose aS Ihene ierriSIc g- <-"-sets, Voai eha bppy pou TRANSITIONAL The BALTIMORE - H2322E Handsoma Tranniiionl yid fati baie console. Canlern. Beaotflliyfiînîabnd in nîmloied Antque Oak mîlb tha loob oS fne dîiesîng. AFC. 23" Color $720 Ouar Lou, Prie .... nonsole. Pol bas ail brane footdesign. Caniers. Onaiire Orolly Pins vnrsaand veinai bardannd solidn or dry-snnbtoanodads Onnorataivfrnt ai maiarn iînshas aeri Zen'ithCotaornini', iintîal he rata, pictuautoatir ahanneinirange, Canges 26" Zenith Color Sentry Ouir Low J/nie $965 ZENITH 12-AC/DC COMPACTSj A terrîlîr Chrintmas G t Oea Home/Auto portable for extra versatilty The. DALTON -A1122J - Operolen os normai bosse rorreni or ieam yen ar ra 12V bearyff. DeveaOShe 100 '/a Soid-Saeachasse. Gin-on SarsnisaPin- rare TaOn Cusomra ma-aat biHP flvi-inns 7-poiton 0W' anhannal vaienior Ato Ailarnod 20" PBort abinet Black/Whit i Ouir Las' 11iî We have a complete selection of 20" Color Table modems in stock. See our Zenith Stereo and Component lines. The Canadian Champion, Wed. Nov. 30,19773 ARE you READY FOR Wl NTER? WE ARE!! WITH WINTER BOOTS *LEATHER *QUALITY *m WARMTH Io* COMFORT * PRICE Gar prîca in Von 5 rîghi We knom, me aaork bard ai kaapîng nar puices an mvi dMM&as paoible. Gar casiomars KEEP TELLING US SO EVERY DAY atw 10W PRICES Grandmother * Grandfather Fathers * Mothers * Teens Boys & Girls C'mon in AND SEE FOR YOURSELF Clarks b MoIat* Mode tnelngiand, o kiavitheb nma, yoa knv ihn quaaiîip, ,MDDIH Et buED8 nIGn GRADE ODALITY LEATHEA, GENUINE LAMBSWOOL LININO FOR COMFORT AND WARMTH. Weather Guard Made in Canada, r cpi andrablier rambînatian, rianhitaida arv'&lwaairproaf. La Vaflee * Country Lane Made te Canada, laîbtanabin hîgh grade quaaiiy inaihars. nrpied frelaradpymih aa licalf. MoeCOUGAR Md inCanada, ar he fashian ranarînar teen agers. BEOT AVAILABLEtIN THIS OROUP FOR WARMTH, LOOKS ANOD DRABILITY. HUSH PUPPIES Made ta Canada, MER S LINEO LEATHER BOOTS , WARM AND SUPER COMFORTABLE, t ,Than& EtFri 'l9 AMember 0<The 'W DeenionnBusness Grsup 250 Main U. 878-7665 Multen ri 1