Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 30 Nov 1977, p. 25

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g ip fciTQPage BOB AND RUTH BROWNRIDGE were lonoreg b y their many frtends on the Milton Rural Route 4 mail route recently, wben the popular couple retired after 30 years of service. On behaif of their customera, their niece Jeasie McCann presented a cake in the ahape of a letter, aymbolic of their years of service. Photo coourteay M. Brazeau. Bingo, talk on plants at Sr. Citizens meet The Senior Cîlîens ni Mlton Club oo eld Ieir slternon gel lgeller on Wvdnendap. Nov. 23 in îhe Canadian Legion hall. Presidenl Ms. Dorolhy Ed- oueds upened 1ke meetngkby oelcoming the members and ice guess Ms. Mae Ceso- lord played thie piano ferIthe inging oi G Canada. Dean Parrollcread minuten lcom the uni meeting. Ilowasmoaed and seconded Ial a notice should le sent iv lie alicitte radio ntation about club meetings, s oel as adertiong in corniig ecents' on Tkv Canadian Champion. Gamen ni bingo and cards oece payed Jean Hassel- leldi called the bingo and Community services courses are Cureol nrolment foe the Sheivdan College Communiiy Sersices Division sands ut 14,408 studenîs Ctinsitly Services en- cvmpassss Ire scctions: Cunlînsîne Educalion, Management l)relopmenl and Traininîg, and Re training, Gary Prîllan, Gîreclnr of Csntinîîîvg Educulion, 55ys tbulthe prvsenilenrilment of 9,355 sldenis is an increase of 26 per cent user luni yvsr ut Ibis lime, plcing PSherdan scnd among the22 tnm- munîly aullees in Gntario. "Tecurrnl ecnnomic staonîîc rrlsînly bac ad omc'influnceaon ibis in- creass'". kv suys, parico. larly in 1ke businescour- ir sent oittn vvplaîv lai morandnmarr buînensen ar lsbîcg te ike in invta in emplayer educastun. m- slead iof goîng auside le compasy fr more skilled aavrkers popular 'You ave 1tookli aIthe trend in educaion," stales Billon, ' enrolmenti n publie sekools in doon. Gnce t1km trend ils ithe iglier educs- tonal insitutinns, one osy 10 ofset il oould lie lv proide the opprlsnily toc people te, advance Iemelves rom okere tkey ae no." The mot ppular conres are the careerorenled c ourses sucb an secrelseisi and business, credil courses. and those in thenpecatin- lereil ares. Correction Tke Boy Scnu paper drive otîl ke beld t1kv ird atur- day ut esrk month ' nul the iet alurday an eprted in ast oeli's issue vi The C'hampion. -Do your Cristmas shopping in Milon stores. Mllie Dance asisîrd players. There oece abou sx tabtes o cards. Mr. Parruli bad about 12 ar 14 îineresled semiors about is table, okere lie spolie on laking cre o your bouse plants iv the inier. He oas kepi kusy illi Ilirrques- Mvmlers oece ail glad lv sec Miss Mary Lyonn ot for the isi ime sînce ler ilînens, and oished ler oel. Mr. and Mes. Lloyd Cruotord and Mr. and Mes. Tom Bradley are leaaing sooninorlthesunny soulh. Gîtte Darcocok, reprter for Tkv Canadian Champion, mas on land. There as a fiîly good urnout of sentior cîlîuvns ai the Independent Gder oi Poresters dance beld Frîday, Nos. 25 toc senor cilîzenn. Ms. Mallda Ieegun undt Pob Reit oece the eldest lady acnd gentlemen. Mayor Gon Gordon pnned a corsage vot Ms. Keegan and Mr. Red receed ancarl Nie. and Mes. Fred Amme gvl une af the spt dances. Wedding Thomas- Bradley Trinity Anglican Chrch, triend o the bride were Streetsille was tie cene of a brideamaids. pretty double ring wedding The bride's dress and the when Sanan Kathleen attendants' gons were mode Bradley and Gregary Lang- by the bride. don Thoman oece nnitnd iv Blair Clarke, friend nf the marriage recently by Rev. groom wan liet mon, and Kart Gerber, asited by shero were Tom Williamo Conon J. E. Maxwel. and Brion Evans, 010v triends The bride is Oe daugtter o of the groom. Mr. and Mms. Willia Brad- A receplion and dance am tollooed a h oa ley of R.R. t Hornby, and the Caad nheginPReets groom iv the non of Mr. and vai. ioStees Mrs. Norman Thomans of atvi ngn nloe Stretonile.the grooms grandmovîer busan Tbomnon, friend ni Mms. E. Thoman romn Elora. tbe bride wan maid nf honor; aIliers came from Kitchener, Brenda Waley, sster of the Toronto, Wingtîam and Van- bride and Etaîne Brycb, couver Island. Dedicate Union Jack for silver jubilee Thieold churcb ol t.Loes in Patermo oas the settiog recently toca pecial service oben tbe liector, the Be. W. P. Noble, dedicaied a Union Jacki whîch vas given by Ms. M. Keegan ot Buringion in memory vi ber hunband, Morley, and a flagpole and spearhead ohich ocre the gits oi Mr. and Mes. George Pelletterio in loving memory of iheiroo, Larry. These gfts oece gîven ai Iis ime iv mark the ilver Jubilee Vear oi Queen Elizabethb. George Peltetterio, as Chrch Warden, reqoeted the arcepiance oi the mem- anial gis by tbe Recior. Rey. Noble incloded special prayers toc Qunen Elizabeth duringbhe service, and Miss Judi ales, Veslcy Clerl, read greetîogs andt good oîsbes received hy Rea. Noble tevo the Lt Gva. Tbe Hon. Pauline MiGiblion, rom tbe Premier vi Onario, The Hon. W. G.Dais, and ram The Hon. John G. Deenbaker. The special speaker, Miss K. Gonhîn vi ourlioglon, presenleit a oell-balanccd, cballenging and isprve the word, 'Honor aIl men, love Oie broiberbood, lear Gm, bonor the King," and, an a summatiolv the lkougkl oi ail of us having a oondertul heritage in belonging lv tbe lamily oi God, changed the phrase "Honor the King" tu "Honor the Queen".0kv btld oi the brigbt pageaolry Ihal Quevo Elizabeth the Second bad rougbl iv ber people, along wit a deep devotionlo duty, a dedîcaled devoton in Gmt, and a trong heltet ini iamily lufe.Tbe speaker quoled the oordn vi Privcer Charles oben he was querîrd about the Monarrky apd ohen be saîd, "Tkv Mnrchy tubl a need-ît is human. Lessons oece read bit George Aikins and Blake MacLeod, and sperial manic was in charge ofthe organisl and chor leader. Paul Young. Red, ohite and blue Poern rnkanced the allar toc 1ke pecialerie andltov large ilver and bIse pennanîs wotîl the initiais ER under- nealli the Quevv's rn added a loucli ai unique decoration lv lbhv country church. Christmas bazaar held at HoIy Rosary HaIt Poant CWL Christ- mas lisase rand les oas keld Noas 26. Agsîv il mas s suc- ceas, thanlis ta ithe ladies wo oorkvd so lard kviore and duringltebanaar. Msany ladies met durine Ithe year knitîng, eing and crvckvlîng lto ith1kv oeng andt knilling koollis. The grade 7and 8 sudents ofHnly Rsary scbool ksked gnmies for thv kake kovlk and made candit for 1kv candit boolli. lIber ovilin ere elknic. Poers. novk andcrannies, book,recordsandnsversl sauîtdruos. The CWL members are lokîingfrord to theiran- nual Chrstmanparty on Dec. ta. Ilînsginglvkcbea potluck dinner and allie ladies are initedto attend. SUSAN KATHLEEN BRADLEY became the bride of Gregory Langdon Thomas in o ceremony at Streetsville in October. Sorority plans Christmas meal The Naiember 2 meeting ai the Tbrla Tau Chapler of BvIa Sigma Ph> oas held ai 1kv home ai Jai WrgbL Members agreed lv support the PSanlapede' ugain ikîhs peur inte 1Sana Claus parade. A mixed Chrstmas parly woth avethnic potlmk supper il e rvjoyed hy membeen vut e.a Jatlle home o Prila and Charles ,chesoo. The Chapler Christmas parla* a il>lie DGra7. Plrdgv rtasarrela lic keld ai 7:30 .m, t Jancer Anleyv home soit thea an la The Housr in r ARTHUR A. JOHNSON O.D. OPTOMETRISI 214 ManSt. Milton 878-3673 ~IIi The Champion welcomed Santa in the parade Saturday by spon- soring the appearance of The Acton Citizens Band. Our thanks ta the carriers who carried the signs and distributed candy along the route. Thank yau Paul Acoti, Carol Ann Campbell, Kathy MoLean and Jamie Edwards who is seen in the photo. Congratulations ta ail the organizers and participants on a fine parade. A weekly welcome in every home. Pilerma far dîve The prgram Carerhsond Maragas ialradiiird iy Pett Ahlinaand Jsvîav As'va, andt s gravp dis- cs ion fllaurd A5 litasititull sucurstul auttiit ltassîltaokplaceroa Noai 16 ai the Campblisllr Mauraie[lait lereshmrvls aer i'sertvd la cothase i t tndance TheCanadien Champion, Wed. Nov. 30,1977 87 L$$, K You don't have to invest a penny. We have the MONEY MACHINE you have been Iooking for Our salesmen are ready ta serve you at no cast. Just cail us at VA sENDI> NC. FREE TURKEY with every purchase of: 0*5 tons of any ýÉý- balanced feed OR 0*1 ton of anyý- Suppement or PREMIX OR 0 500 kg É Minerais during the ~~FEED DAY OPEN HOUSE! Corne in for FREE COFFEE and DONUTS TU ESDAY DECEMBER, 6, '77 1BRONTE ST.-MILTON1 MRS. ELENA GIFTED CARD & PALM REA DER & ADVISOR ON ALL PROBLEMS OFLJFE 977 Broadvîew Avenue lnorth of Danforth) Phone Toronto 423-0130 Ontario THE PLANNING ACT AND THE PARKWAY BELT PLANNING AND DEVELOPMVENT ACT Town of Miltoni i,1 a,-hat lappliaionra, a, uvîtae, uTea- R t ,iîîtNu 481 73 ithe Ton ofailton ti uii ,eg ver i i Afiîs 801 Buy Street 7h Flear Tronto aari rviaia hahelth dai fDeeiber 177 hIi'spatuoftheivtorgi eqesteuiameidmvai Li e n ' yhausiviva beto u al adehsioa s OUn ie Seton 32(g) aifte Ahitapaivieesiva pa,-C ay riaup qasi tvu eaiîaqSp iaeMunicipal Board onan uauppictioan f or aet Ita u i W Darcy McKeugh, nitiveraviavciiai iu m MW

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