B4 The Canadien Champion, Wed. Nov. 30, 1917A c i n e u e ies w n K n s o o r e À&n%-ncta-r hkaI*c T..k;rd@Acioerjveewn igtn ore local peewees By Peter MrCuske trrrck ro pace the lovais in the The great MiloThsanderarro as tiare Wilas managed bird peewees toovk heir e lveg wrk rv set Landry ap sevond ramile Baday aller- vnhs firsît o goals. vooai Milon Memorai Hs firscame at 8.10 of rhv Areva as rley wvre rlramped firsr perioti avd rhe second or by Acasrer 52in Tr-Couniy 5.0v. Lavdry alied hv hird pay. The loss ay move An- in he midde ramne ahrle aster inlv a first plavelire bth eams acre a mas short. aii hveloai Tbirds. Rvbiv Bourbonsars aas in The muvh larger Asasier the penalty bs for boardrng rew sed theiresze vifete- hes Sabres svored ov Jeff iveiy andt naaged tlovuit-fggtohbreakrthe shuoar. muscle the Milton rew Milon vaishot the Sabres 30 througbot the gamne Miton 13 in the opsdrd ontesi. sirird aith sprrt, buidiog a Betttalea qivb two goal yoad. bu at riTBirds arre damprd hy bark otber haanvhrs airer Chngaavoasy in an exhrbi Anasrr rrd h ganse anon cotest Tharsdayrevrning toah commandi oi the pay, 4-1inivBramalea. The Cbrv- THBirds pasarng beame guaavvsy AAA iram vas tva rroppy and tbe loais sfopped maeb for h loai Tri-voarty skarrng. Maor peer oavh. .A eam iv andie. Rusty Trasa raid Tbe Cham- Laaodry sorrd the prning1 proo the bya rrmpiy forgot la ga of he ganse ihe firsr pay hokey. He sard ihey peridifronta goaimourh pas vire sramhiing i heir amy end avd it appearrd t here lee ise deferveme n v h litmi. Tbe peeverstidsr echek the Avaster pvirntsensho srood ai rh Miltvrnhilsen ihose pons. That vas Mhe LU sta ke winninrg margiv. Itirs îasr vve viflirvrr The Opirmiss estentird gaesaherrarre meap her Trr Cvanry anheater Cat Taîs ri h trvah tv Il gansrSatardoy Thnderhrd coacelsetbkids evarvnganith a 1-0borerce skip prarrcev ai s eh unro vrrr Duatis Bises. beaase vf the Ivagh seheti Tbis vas prhaps the movt air. This may hase hart thvirr rsrrrng. evrriy maleheti skilis. give the liptimrsta hasei The Avasier tefenemen bren invovled i his year. poundd terTBrds arvand hapvrh galtendrng hy the1 and in a short span in the Bles'tDan Sperghr ant ilMî vpeirg pvrrvd hrr T-Bîrds ton s NvrssKvvflachhveptithe hadblutiherier The lovai fv srrs secovnd garrsing ail1 varda arre irîtîvg Areasier ihrvagh tbe gosse, came val vi their ova n d The gamr aarvvevvfthvsv aibth ov y vpposrtrvn and rare evtets abere there this aloard he maroan %arernosv pearies calirdj squaod Ivlaaneb svrrvg a aai ons i erve tam. o 5 tavbs. ahere thrrrany hitool Bob Landry sereti the ervers mode hy the ersa prming goals vi hr gome fvr Midwayas hevaghthe firsi Mlton or 602 f a para îrvm prrivd Jeff Sanfrd arrirdi Randy Pfggir StrvMad the pavb rvothie Dardas zvnet nrasdhrTBrdieadhs oand lt liso ahardawrrst sbvi. tsooniy 10 seconds latr fi Spigt madetrheinitiraisar,1 apprarrd the Thanderbîrda ht Sibe O'Brrer brri aoadear Ancatr fr va hrvagbornd drvartherlvmre second rrmv. paeb averea alirv Spighi rv f Bt thevyod vas sbrtivd scree berily gval of the as Jim Oorear andl Grvg gosse Saarshy sevrd for Aneaster O'lBrien har bvv tbeiiptî- to tirrhe gamrlesrt(han a mîis ir ladivg goal sererb minute oltre thelast T Bird Iis >,cre bcas draplayvds goal. Thrsevrgaprvr musti xevinal paeb rnserondr hase annrrrd tbe Mitron fr- wardsasor rby didvi ssvna ov deceni atoeb frvm thar pint N o i e Btrton. Mad, FIrvîrsand Trer earer bviprd vf the rer r coahe s elivor andTwito G eorgi bn tvhebmsleduvn antiTaa Mitonr Rvin Bvurbonnais The Milvon nvscer ombrîr drd is jah as plicemanir. rpprd a ai1 deis ivi dropprng a ira Anester Grgrrvvvhaundas ardareref raughres. vr sboby gevantiatr e Tram mnagr Jîns prrvd f pla%, allrrg babrodti MeLvavnorad the ffieîias 3v0 mssed a lovif rvghnesv n Drirvarse lapses and peve Ancasers prt anditharvone hrshîsg hrvvgbvai the goal a as seorrd aîrb an arly pariofiherpvrivd wrr itîrgal shvi nvi atird. abvas. assvrdrvg ta cvaeh He ntrd Bvurbonnais, arbv Pal Mrov iGeorgtvwna 00 lvsa gvvd hilrvg gime rdihrirliinrriband final gval beausrhersa ovid boy,.rvkoh vl 2 seorsiiditvibhesec- four penalties. Hssylvîr vntipridorndifrvmtbat vîdereIan the saal 12-yvr pirvronvthvMlvn clah avbr vii preeer paver wavaitiba in vp anti strird ta o hvi r roaghnrsani bv ftvn gym on sourd ivor penaltirr. Saart Trnv scvrvd tbe "Our dfrosr as t laypion ve NSltan tlly in thev ird tbe mon nmor, Mose hebysve pristi vn br sashrd a ben lldivslrrepaîitb nvt cvvrrîvg pars rvm Sott asîng tv avr b fbrver' Elivvdabvodagithepuckbvat NIhiLean raid. He asy ntrd rom îns d the Grgrtoav Stirtan ptayetia ongvdiga .nse ar-i Wane Riaes lsa Ken Jvpaontan Mlnv anti .ssrtrd vs tbe pas. Rob Cranhrry severd tbe Scott i Hlsvn aas rvbbati vi fina tregoalfor Ancasterr ragval a fu ira nuesatvs Bes Ffmonbrn vhev ihe iGeorgeoan galîr Tbe Trafalgar Fard per- brs Peaarsoni slvppvd ares travrîledt lvWest Flam- lflsvv's sbvivwhile lyivg an brnghvon Tarstiay errnvg.lis harb Trris Cvle and Nv. 22. anti drvpprdthe Doid Dlillnasosvatierel hometvan Sab rs3L ln crng chanosabva Bah Laodryfr a ho( a i wçpitl place your personal greetings to friends, neighbors, relatives in The Champion Cal aur friendly ad takers and your message wiII appear in the December l4th or December 2lst issue. (EARLIER IF YOU PREFER) CALL 878-2341 fal 5-2 by Wiiais. Prier MeLensi lieu tbe ganse for Chivgaacoasy line in tbe vpeing peiod. Mitron atshoi the AAAtirns 114 inv bai iren fame. Cbrng oviy seird ove marbereiv the second periad and thai aas off the stiick of Stesr Brs The Bramaira tram beame more physival inthersecond peeiod andaupaer the Mitron piayer Wrih ive mnutes re anrgnithgamv and Mtilton pressing t ir il ap, Cbrgr Bvobbre Hayaworth wetin aiov va brai Foula Zaian. The T-Bird defemse as eaugkl up aiosg te hoards aben Civg player Paul Davisvv pkrd the puek free irons Zulian ailer he had made an initiai stop The final bOly was 4-1 1bar prve n i lie a mont vp- portasîstîes serer irom in frotof liv nrt. Thtsascaris g pevarmns and hîs strvng pvartrvsai play havse made tir n ovithe bey fcosivn ibme(iplimirra' vohr.aten seab Knfliaehr shatoat. lira lavrili iv Tri-Cvanty play, iras ahly sapparred by atliat tenimîrîrreftorts hy Gramme Iflcken. Grrg Mveey asti Don Rusrsell. Afler il gans.erIr tirfenre bas oHoard vsly vine goals agarnst, anti vniy in onr ganse bar the opposition scoed reinaerîone goal. Canrîierohi rvedit mst amy lie gver ta Ibm ioraard tises viba arr tirrployrsg govd hacbchrcbroî abilas. md li ther eryr presrint Mark Habmil. Peler Tvsrlirand Ters Eliavati line vifithe aller major fac- lointe Itea seraessba henero lFas ai the troc of Nltrbr Chleigb. James Clones ant i Mrbr enne- lierry. Sit niy hase tbey bars able ta adtithe Im eans svvrog. bal base playeti a ragfrti brantioaihocveye. lose 4-1 etown Forisard Adiam Mead and Graif Pelles aira played arit for Mitn. The novice Sachrîs hase a 4-t recrdt on therseasan jar-eni.le bantamn retarnvd 18 toan early Movday mvrning aitb teophies and medals davgiing frvmteir nnckn. The tearn came home as champions in 1ke annuai Kingston Javenile Tour- vameni. In the conoliation ekans- ponsip ganse Miton defeated Markbam i-0 in ikeir keni piayed ganse of the sao.The aînning goal came rons tbe stick of Jins Lovgdv as be deiieîed a David Marshall skv. Erre Ellison passedt i Marshall for the ansint. iv goalI,,JryDa ipped Markams big goal seorer Ken Dix on a virar break laie in the second period t10 rm the shutoaf. Acveding iv tram officiais. Milton vo domivaird the platy ini te iird pariod tkai Marhham dinai gen ove shot on net. In the firsi game vi ihe founeamevi played ai 8 a. unday. Milon racked ap a second period fao goal lead oviy lv saicb tbe Kngston club score four goals inv mer minutes ta demolirsbthe lovais. The arttionrers aere Legion beat Dundas Blues in 4-2 contest Mitron major aiomn Legion airer doabied Dandas Bluer 4- 2 in Milton Memoriai Armna brr Sturday in an infrac- tion ivesird content. Mltas grabbed the yoad cvtrsuaaiy apseltivg the opposition. The sent action fvr the Optinista ir a home and home reries agant Acaster Iis aeek, CHAMPION BOWLING arahS ige, res ,nenrvrv33ni m ns is ri e me v andermvt vaIns toeinglem Heryr analenaevnv 37 Marin savivottmvvt300. Gi Tiesîr ansM, C0 eves-vM, Sça voer prripls atin Vvaoanv i no. Henyi savivntsav vos, Ton nurflis5.On701 ino I D-Wikm. 2tertac etsVa. dervnn3.fov42, GuTlvrans7 orv 41.MtineitVttBr a. la5ufr 40tv, John trt5. Jamn yd 0 W 2 aith las goals in the frri peiod 10 Danda sv e.Perry Hvmlrercerveti a pas rom Jas Griffitha Ibm nstote is aray thesagh the Dondon tram 10 score the pcture goal. Gien Hosto ppped in the recond marberear a resait vi a Mitron fraonataîl ae acitb asist goig tuTerry Boud- ranaand Tins Pollen. In the seond peeiod Dandas ied Ibm ganse bt Miltas came ach is the third frame aith tarv goals. Mar- shall Cran arth assistancer frons Rosas anti Rienot ta]-i- lied Milîonos visser and Boadrerua amîrîd by Pollen fiied os insravcertaiiy. Os Taesday lart iserbthe Mitronatomrsîsiteti West Flansbarnagh ad asi rmet hom wth a 3-vnnovvrrtheir bots. Milton goma ris to pay Aneasier Wrtincstioy v mng. ninighu. asdt Ibmarr home for tara ganses as the arebmsti agaîrrîr Ancaster asti Wet Flanslivevgh. The Trident prvgeam os Mitron Mornrsg viii ras 2 arrekr arili bort Barry Cor and Rars Lave. The Tridentt hnarr ilcfom 8.30 a.ns *SALE * SALE * SALE 25%sAvI NGS ght, co refree flite 747 ond foshionrnght The newest luggge fit for a qucen! The tatest ALSO INCLUDES ATTACHE CASES A S STATIONERY IAR IS182 MAIN ST. 8786962 AUTHORIZED DOMINION LUGGAGE DEALER P5' O« LqUE ~ i . Mitnt Actinneer Aitong sol bard pressed pair wit single goals being Ckampnus and Alfonso Crisci infractins are ignored.- .rored kp Ellino-anadtandy MacDional. Mri-County In Tri-County league action the javniles defeaied Dandas 5-2 and doukîrd West Fiamboevugb 6-3. t aras Tom Cbacbmacb sigbi in Dandas Mvnday vigbt as the big ainger scnred four goals ta pare the nin- nees. Bihl Lynns buigedte raine for namber fine akif e In West Fiamboraragb coacb Jerry Dean esciaimed Ibat it mat the nsrst refereed cnntesi kv bad emer aiinessed in is 20 yeaes of managisg and cravivg bnckey. Dean said West Flans- kvroitgh vovisually tpeared, hutt ended, slasked, cross vbecked and igk stickedtce loas-saally aftnr the play aas bloan dead-and ail the LasadDid Maai scorvd tan goals eaek aitk Berafivi and Jay Noriand adding 1ke singles. On Thacsday the Auc- tiovees denpped a 5-i deinron iv Gergeown an the Miltonsclub vouid ovvyiyce seven skatees for the ganse and arre easiiy vaivlansed. Seafini svored frnns Breti Cotes and Hahkiek for fthe onve Mitron goal. shvribavded far aillthe Kingstov goalsanad played their moaf disarganized game ail season. Jins Longdv bad a gnal and annisi to leat! the lovais ahite Don Habbirk added the other ssiib Ellhans and Wayne Chaimees assisiing. In ganse inso the Auc- tiners won 5-4 in oserfime againsi Brockviile. Oniy 58 seconds mbib te sudden-deaib onertime, Rnb Champans avd Ellison ted Habkieb nsbv ssaiied avril the Beocvilie goaltender evmiiied binsseli, Ibn suid the park i51v the vpenecorner. In the ganse the lead ebanged banda four limes. Tom Chacbmacb faliîd a Take a Break Ilood Uviortanareiy, the ove tirg mont ai asremembar tos veil isshaissviforgive andivrgvi. Conceit jr avn dd dîsease. IL nialiesveveryone sick exept the ove nko bas IL. A sharp nosv indivaier cariosiiy. Agfatinnnîndi- cstoamuvbarosity. Y'oa'ereacbed vmiddle age nhrv the mrneng aler fonts ail day. + 1 + The troevhîr i rg sonne- bing eîghi the firat timr is bai nobvdy appeeriaeboss tirifivatit t asa Be kovo ma ppreciate ou 77 finish tv *75 clothes. Sase 50 per cent. Te'y ose knlk dem' cfeoviog. Seraus ai Sperd (faren l.andrvnat and Dry Cleaving, on Main St., vent dvor iv tbe Credit Unio, 1,848 reasons whyme believe a Seoti Plan Loan is betfrr. 2You dont haet o bank srith uîs ro bormuw Scotia Plan Loan approrais arc Fst. front us. k s \iJý lk You can phone for a boan and ge vn Clfiltersua Pi .nC our l t--ý' I g mu o e tuB>get vour papît r r donc IJ rfil, ir lr lork fi , 'p'. resson for borrmwing is pus _ 52___ o onue las 5 o, Jfi th no % il ltr-ai s.k nvivra r rnnrnrsfig c g cI cade in ficfi ( th , Lr ,).r trs., r fi i fl ge i ir sr v i.ti l(.r.rrrrrn î ki. rc o og hrgi I rLi ~ Ouri1,842 Scoda Plan Loan Officers. vl 1 r alsrrikirrlg, wwdk us. ru - i -r rn r Scotiabank .S THE BANK 0F NOVA SCOTIA -ss 701 MAIN ST.E. CAPTAIN QUIET PRESENTS -ÇOAST-TO-COAST LIFETIME GUARANTEES - FREE INSPECTION -FAST INSTALLATION - CUSTOM PIPE BENDING SIDEPIPES, HEADERS, NO JOB TOO SMALL j - COLUMBUS SHOCK ABSORBERS FOR AS LOW AS $8.65 EACH HOURS: MON.- FR 800 600 I SATURDAY800-200 VIS 701 MAIN STREET EAST fRight Acrase Irans Copeland Lamber) MILTON 878-8819 ts edge Dundas àunbeaten cdaim HALTON SPORTSMEN'fS ASSOCIATION ANNUAL TURI(EV SHOOT SATURDAY, DEC. 3rd/77 AT THE CLUB HOUSE UPPER BASE LINE-MILTON, ONT.