High unemployment mnay lead to Higb unemploymeet coald tead ta civil onrest in Ontario daring the inter , Otario MPP Michael Breaught ld an NDP meeting je Mlton Wodnesday ight. '[ne nover hoard such rad- cal taIS among yoasg peopto'" Breaogh bold re- porters atter the meeting. Breasgh is ose of lhree NDP candidates seekisg the NDP MILTONS NEW ARENA on Laurier Ave. is taking shape and should ho completed sorme time in December, lthough the Dec. 7 opening date cannot ho met due to numerous delays. Parks and Recreation Superviuor Larry Arbic and Mayor Don Gordon toured the building while workmen AUl trecandidates toc lie Nos Derontattc Parti leadership o ninentroutdl 'et the cnnio*eiasthon tnop yetoeitt v i eleatad iv tead tha parte The three'men t tire in li ton Sedoosdie ttght nyrali ng totha lîii t onotteginon Non Deovtatt-. hiti' thr vandidatat cotntvvd t sup- pot te ocialtmtchangs ttat lie yatn htn traditîttnattp ltoght ittr. lien enclipt syaaalantylais nnttthe nood toc the patt im ,ddeo'athe ecnmcpvîtvems tho pro tinca ntic vg ttttntin i'vntre MtIF Mchalait-t ai d n td ha fortyh lid nt tosd onn econnitequesionsin lie pant -h(,v-î lenitad iiitalli nI lia econan in ntha pot. hecanne thtng- naamad prti gavd lBut the-paýttrnnof piant layonll acrin-tha prontinca ndite etaiimictnorecast', (ht iipoint voutithe ak aliiaofn oue mannitturinatnfectoc lave chantgad ai]otht* lite ctiiav a linafumes ohen he aciinnt isnt-oh antI tht ot-. nt honting, the, are hîgh de ntand- ain povnt ai iini iv pen- vida thttvgn ihat husness in ana hie ta Bast- ofietninnîn tle tevtrP oeaifnacttnntttnsnlish ing tlitrgsnt thle prnninces and flic pro% n cere pushing fhrgs anfa liaeatonie ipaltfîs and nittnncipalivite are barn- ng arondandvlnaying people nut donfhîîgtvoingsfr nmsle ilin thliagnîerameni lavei dosa' trivle pa ni -The ecnîi-v-ttnacltn preditct a it tao s Je hn viille ceairda i te nt 10iii r Ilse is toit- ne havna ta homme e an a v viat noitt altarvatîvon and innînt lai jobshn li-creaiad haro pro- connng ravioonsouocas n St tinte n stresnsnolratinna andnaiave o infarce le iv laitonîsto lho espon- i hic and fa stop ahunvng thle Itnpttalitfy tlionneanjsyrd, Saltinonnacili 511HI' ait tiann a id tOtario han thecayacitie nfdeneoipng an linonv tai meena ho aoodn and aspirationsnai peoperherenand ptaeoet tn -c lane ta moka cle ht a lonhappeord and oliai nîîid lane happosod. f tliaa s onora s lera the Tnoita, haneotald mtealyit ttî-in tlic lindlîrg onithlie ourca industies-. Ha eliamed ilie Toies are* antng tlie panllm,le safntarinonould ace rani pralamsasan esrcean lie îtrieoaov td nhevneotn1g it akas -Shatnvoa ecnnn t- îîîtlîîg campard toata 1. vcas.nanh-otta tlan asn nOîdntarîiosuîîi jeii ihuti Joa. andS hîvdon unhonhaeieanadlinn indeni výit th le pcîlitmn ne area lctaf. Doannanid le frît lie canid preoesflpnt tayi a sac lai ester-t snsld lia caminof- ale (ishaa MPP itt Seanugli noîd itha NO? nlold lia an rod ofiits reoatvonnhîp aihl alith',le Torien are vîti li r reatovsnhîp sifl tht- ibm ler nI Commerce, Ile rrtrated the commit- tv-vit ovîthle pariy fa dont etI(-tcitete sth the ecnmy le audthliaparle wsnthli ale vne ovtet ie iealiai louînd pranent atctear-selfnf civil unrest leadership is Ostarno -Young peote are beiog turfed outon te sreetand 'Wr itl be tachy to gel pou coolt expect thom 10 juot through the inIer ithoot takeit." social unret" ho ad h Ohw P said Breaogh ouptained the peuple have core ts eupct o tavernu generatly are fuît high standard oflitvisg and durisg timon of high onem- areonos very frustrated. ptoymost. "It might sot he any more thon trouble on No one il listes to the lavers'" Broaugh naid, bot mas os the street ulesos e ho asn't confident of that. rmts,- ho said. Rotary $5000 for centre The Rotary Ctub of Milton Dich Knorr decnibedte arti-the firm openod in Wmndsor, tas approvod $5,000 for te nom vties of Canadian Mener and mono 10 Hamilton and finatty CommunmlY Sporto Contre aI a te producta produrod for the lu Milton iu 1955. Ho dotailed - rocont meeting, as weîî as a measoromont of gas or the varsoos prodocts from the c___ ontribution of $100 tete iqoido smalt reidential motors 10 the Santa Ctaus Parade Commit- Ho roviemed te hitory ut nery largo indutriat and tee, $150 for the MiltonoDistrict the compaoy from 19OO men commercial applications. -High Schnol Band for appear -_____________________ ing in te Santa Claus parade ______ _____________ "é *ýtAand $tOefor ram matorial lo be made in1o Inyn by reidentsofu Mopleborst for lter distribu- A ltter of tars w as also Potteiy for Christmahts received from te th Milton Girt Gides for spemsorsbip of a bus for a trip lu the Ire Capades. Prosidont John Stewart annooncod the donations fottowing romsideration hy the poured the concrete fluor on Thursclay, and are pîctureîl in Board ofDirectors. the players' bench area of the facility. The arenu, an $800,g00 Doring the meeting on Toes- project, je to ho the nucleus of a community sports centre day ut tasI meeuh Itarian T which includes outdoor playing fields. TI yntîcie'n1.)ithe pubhîta happening io induntry. Ba-iugh maîntotord theo tten ilisthe orher wohnt parit had aionlenrosnsc- thteltirulnoeo udestood lionci nnwokeonoiioending ils oliat vs happening. uontnttn n d attowrd the Oroough saîd an NDP parniî ingoilirsiliaud in governmrut undeo hîuleader- formvationt ,ilout mht is shpould ork clsely ill e G' e e e e e e e e e e e e e s e e îsdusufy, is pesaîdîse train- ing forejos htiare csmvng onnntreamlietpîsg inlîsding markeals lacCasodian pro- dune. He a od liai liaeOntario Goaernmest doentpoada traiig forjobisthat emini rpegg-Des DOWNTOWN ~ L~WSTORE ONLY 100% Grey Wool Reg. Prîce FLANNEL SKIRTS PRICLE20 ùd Selected Grouping 0f STEPHANIE K Sizes 3 SPORTSWEAR 38-46 3 u OFF PURSES lAll Styles & Colors) 200toOFF SPORTS JACKETS Vahous Styes SAL 000f G AND VESTS Reg. Prce to 40. PR/CE . Special Group Of SL BLOUSES $15 -$25 Reg. PRCie OF U IORS Large\faretyofC lors, 5 0 F Large Selection of Lightweight Sportswoear Re.Pis 0 SLACKS - GAUCHOS- SKIRTSRe2P2-s Wool- Polyester- Ultra Suede e *1 Large Selectios 0f SLEEPWEAR - LOUNGEWEAR Asuorted Types and Styles Delicately Femînmne Fashions L II< F In Bath Cozy Et SoIt Nylon 20 OF SofN, Warm and Cozy Long StShort Steve 3>I1 GIF SWEATERS Acrylic & Wool i O u 2 Piene - Limited Qoanlitien SUITSloo% wooi or Polymtgr Reg. $90. Nnw $45. Reg. $52. Now $26. Sbop Earty for Seat Setecion 1 *0K -OOK.OSOKSOK- o(_ e e s e e e e e e e e 50J -Santa io heepîng bosy ai Milton maS, pmsing for pic- toros witb tho litte toto. -Post pour Christmas mail oarty. Dec. 3 os parcot deud- tino, Dec. 13 for out of tomo rardo and Dec. 17 for in-toms yole mail. THE CANADIAN CHAMPION Authorized as Second Ctass Mail Postai Registration Numtberi0913 Breaugh ingîicated Sudbury mas the firot obvions onampto of polentiat trouble. "Thore are 2,800 people taid off and yoang familles are goisg lu find il difficoît 10 meut their responibilies. I ill effort every indstrial ares, " ho ou- plained. Bill Compstey of te Brampton Labor Coancil said there are 5,400 people onder the age of 30 Sn Hallon and Pool Ibat are correnlly unemployed. Ho said tore sa an average of 40peopeoper day going to the Councils office concern- iog mtomptoymont insorance pamenlu, Worhmen's Compensation mallers and roos problomo itimmigra- lion and Canada pension and rolraining courses. NDP leadership candidates say economy key concern 878-3272 878-3208 s SAT rZ;1 : . 2 .A oEc 3 2.mr d cN j5 I 'lALL NEWt" w C d For Tour Lif.,~ as4Mon.5Srue. 6 nlw Th.8 P 9 St.0 DÊEC lronsas SMrsdyD.n.,b.elStlp.mend3pm. FREE MATINEES Spoenmdbyth. Dowentlmop end RayThesSos Show Tmos: Su.S. Thuo. 8 p.. 4 mhýý w0low