eampîoIi mfTÀlrff~< 16 The Candlas Championo, LY Acre io Milon Bsn large 4 Odoon sidessplt mnolons fnity 0.oualk- 1.n0.5' Pas daoblarias 000 5U,0. 878-1478 8m49 CRYSTAL BEACH Rete to vl hnei quiet1000 .305trnns. 2 a no nrons, scrot is dre 00108$299(0. tuit prs OootiBarnent PHINE BILL resu tra coLZEI REAL raTATE LIa 270 84 te Mlttoit7979 Ossn230003cPm Easers-1,8447496 106m480 Wed., Nos. 30, 1977 -"GODDARD 23-'à9-8166 I R ISTM AS GOO0DIESH 0010 386 otlonrinohOu giosmteg futtyOtodtnormsd YOUR Ioton ae omo'ac' CALL NOot! 878-201. JUST REDUCED arELL't1 Santo roe OIt OI o our maocionlore biy on mOrts Mon smess aresri s îOaat ooboanin oouvrursif letl0% fineons onO monint rspn 0 il oni Clt 8782051. COUNTRY ACRE PIREPLACE int heo sa inca POOL lo suanor fun! BUNGALOW oIsui ou a11 MYaOOMtms'ýusoC Osun1 LABODenaugi forSpot 10 ALLacombieOIo aoks îno THE8BEST oOOu05051 Oai! For firahrinfrmtaoasseBo and Siene Edins Milbono879-2051 Torono 239816 1l ACREALo001EnST ees nsuse ad arnd onO 8peecl ailesCnstruclionr L15 583 0190 ne 803 1ions (ARlOOBIfor18essart- Neeosomi-detatIOS hnme on 9 anaP rgram. 5a3.0 On.I Corceica Inenugont, estaîts lotos masIer boOnnOO. Lnts5 ni utsst soOcs, O Campbel f Cncrt, arinr, arien Con a sir ut!on LiS 853 0180 ne ýyhns8786. 33396 t 88 AC"E fora t. oCnnrOna oea e ..ciyaltonom cita gond banocead 1100 foot in. 169000. Ail onCa steactîin LIa 803 0180 ne 853 caraco CLLOiLL r oeo, ,10 ro xctao e Eorsn Tador nomeo n 5 codo acres 6 enoom sîdOBtnit con s ail are C ncetebuildig lor merhnotlr top on 1i1, acres Col jstie Finlay toeesootrng Royal Trast Car e Botle113000olia St , Guelph, 8230100 ne 8-1 Rloyal Tust ROCKWOOD AREA 10raS a 84nSacre snlp Cooltrynoms.osaiftte e staisd. 3 Bodînot uaowO oa rne toi nin obmnOd, $53,900. CaltiJsso ie lso 83- alf'nî856-4678 arpsenn ans Royal Trus Cnt nf Canada iRsalornî, 173 Wanal NO DOWN PAYMENT Asumrnorannaa,PeIt e $415. ha odracarame01as, tine 878-7303 86rn481 j £hrnth Services j HIGHWAY GOSPEL THE ST.SDAVID'S and CHURCH PRESBYTERîAN NASSAGAWEYA Penet lAsisisosahits HRHPRESBYTERIAN Y nIe i ANADACHURCHES il Walkfield I60 sd .Omy 25 IC D Mito KNOX CHURCH Sonday. Dec. 4, 1977 essn sa Re.M.Choismonsso MILTON 12ad uoday oin uaivn 87820640170Maie Or E Tlions"VVhtreesnamassa an Sunday, Dec. 4,1977 878f0660 NASSAGAWEYA fî.45 a mnrSniooBOStchoc Boa TrsreJ Leca Chrcmncool 1:0am.M ,ig ,S.8768 7n NusYaciicieis 6:00 pm. -PomitO coOsI 090 b - CoireDirecrirsa 530pcm.-Sucpsr inrtaesd ho 7:OcPm.-EaooeistSortirS Me I, osan ortrl ira 80f f.m.-mesesao- Bibis Sondsy. Dec. 4, 1977 STDAD' 8:0u .monidarse ,Yong Bibe SocieWySoedap APELîL 8Peop nsen$iOreoSesai Chuçh0uho1afl PELVIL i'ousaesmslroms ranaeusoil t fao mMomeigWowaîiac bs nssOti sencresrncn aitmscoms Nurery FOOitiOsS EMMANUEL TINITY MITNGSE8APTIST 8APTIST M HLANGOPE i CHURCH CHURCH 30 naoSt. N 878 2022 C 87839rtSoe.0 Mtrn ast orLn LarOiesrOCOOOi Sondai Dec. 4,1977 Sondop, Dec. 4, 1977 Sondas.Dec. 4, 1977 945 aSa unasoSchnci snd 9:45 am Biis cornuafor ai 1030o .m. -Brroisg Bread kdoO B bltiClassoa Or15.,-SndorOrOnnt 11 00 aoie -usssmoro oand mot s1o a m-xo no h 7:0Opa .Gosce eitoce a700paGadsaeeaeitnooktof eBman k 8:0a0 s and Bile 7 00c pm -Erronre aiaorsns o e zea l o iun eis Red ngsîartWcos I luhig'Toeadap, 7 p.m. Th.e e,,.. Tueadasi t0:00ha.m.> i 'nityosa n d GirlsaClub C.tise Ht.ri.. dObiStOrdo Wodnosao Eaocsesate KOs cars 00f0.& s Wnesdsy 8 00cpm - rrsr metng aed csofsstO e0aat007 31 cm -Mesting for eeonsHBblrrir Jsha33 st bl 8.00 1îa Oscir oia iecoroset utGod' CaaenoEga oFriand I Fid, 7 p. m. BOSTON AND SdOSecaes a n n TIrsaor rmecme OMAGH -m Ig PRESSYTERIAN CHUPCH 0F CHRIST CHURCHES ANGLICAN CHUACH 141i2Eaoei.Rd West RaWMntr:t0F CANADA Rira r ortn 1suOLwis,BA ,8.D. SondayD80.4, 1977 8785696 f78-4428 ADVENT li Sondas, Dec. 4, 1977 Sondap, Dec. 4, 1977 ST. JOHN'S 00 oam. -BaiescOro.1clanisss Bible Soeday NASSAGAWE yA .%loross BOSTON Guslh ines.ficifoBmY 401 1fim a Mrnqorshipoed 930.aisrs0mcdo 9300 a..Motorg paves, ad rhosiorsm rccs 9:30a-m _Wo-ip e'.c an800 cm erecoor aif tOc NrrnanaaCnurtcnaat Sa Gspel Orrase Fariiar . tnnndar OMAOH ST. GEORGES 800,, a aneltofa 1100a m arano ionSeana LW"LL T e Chrhes ai innt Sacrte Ch ch Schonl 0sieLODsLLERd. inR omansi161 Csmsermo f6n. nonnanlt HOLYROSARY __________Nursery Er96 o cra cirnol ROMAN CATHOLIC S CHURCH ST. PAUL'S CHURCH GRACECHURCH 13 tn St. 0F 317 MainSIMltns 8M-6535 Tsi. 8782411 RBsc Joseph Rigonesoor Psstcr THE UNITED 8enoo.m.Blol omnriona RBmHaoldBedford, Assoccol CHURCHOFCANADA 9:3 on m-SnoorsCho'ch MASSES Mi tB.o5tJamesBSI. Sffool oSoîudso Eyerg 715r . Mkdisos- Rw.0W. Lotos mn:30 o n.-Juin' ChrînO Oafso8tOB.9t3O. ifirno a Bown, B.A . .0,Mir. Sh ndhs urseoSrCnfessions ufaoS00 îO3O.n -Banhoisi 8t00 p.m. asddsffetheo msntng Second Sandsy in AdvenB TI4URSDAY M«. Sanday, D. 4, 1977 10:toIoles-eM*nComsmunion MISSION CHURCHES Il Cga .-o mhiip9Semlus S. Pefers Tisosot Cossoheitr ant andBd's Bh Lrts -B00Bs n 1:0.m.-Choecsni'oi aj Oua Ldy of Vcfnry NrN a caiBlas TeiesRd. 0305a m Mlton en tries win at Royal Winter bhis tm T mi] les Gai a Vr c od aoing oa inruss is eara RoaaiAgricol- ai WitnerFai r10 mh iu- riinclasses rasgrg front Od caopa la caille, horses ipigeoas. reoe heoinles icu inn readrnls, sud presi- i nI 10te Paie, Reincd wdhosr ahoing Short- Don't make amove tithout US! Loal and art-ai taon toarof. Yaamiii iheo ar rao moul nqurpped ucks, expeet, court- aoansrice sed maae aifg taies. Complote raarngaseavicesa. Pianos roand and drsantied. Licenaed and Insred CLL US TUDAY BLAIKELOCK CARTAGE LIII. 5423 Brettamia Rd 878-5222 If Busy 844-4487 We're available Os. on edrnsdonoaiithe IncoinOre00sdeai5î5 HA LTON VIL LE meonaiContry Market B ROO<V IL LE BînaboillIefSto ACTON Arinse BiesSlop Eds Ileaosd Ouf Ropol MîlOBisre GEORGETOWN St.0vertsoe Bitisse nDupais Socls Tank SBos Delcoxs BsoksB$eop SPEYSIDE Bpeysids Ossoro i Blocs H OR N 8 BoeHornGoseerStoBise Country Fors DR UMQUI N DrossainSBitr PALE RMO PoisesisSBose csifis a ionl NELSON 1451555 Vorisio LO WVIL LE Bobseisse GaIf MousntemosVSliie KILBRIDE Coosorie CAMPBELLVILLE MehawInnf5 Earefe' Garage opera Emoiam MILTON HEIGHT Dami55 Varie UN ANDAROUNO MILTON ChaisetRestauraet Hnod's Drie Bseris Esso Aiioess's FruitMoarkot West Esd Moass Miton VlreSt Fii8s Wisel BiSop Harris sailsoy 8555550 Bise The Champion Elsiso's PhafssiSs Lsdwih'5 BSsper Sons Milton Drue Mar, Bsnd BiaiioslSro Ma cr5 MIS. Brssis Bt. Mass MilS, sselss ABS MBuh's ielsisY MiltsonDisticsiHeseisa fs.nB BerolceStBaion I RinieroaOseiie Lisda5 Resarast 7-11Fod St 108 Lobias Miltone FritMarets Haon55CourtlsHo honse aod hia son. Dnag, oece drriared Premier Enhibiior aad Premier oreeder, ailer cnmprtiiagie 10 classes, plar- îng in saen and mîaing ihreer ai the classes. Dog Gardhaosr alsarerceioed fflh peire in tOc Hedsmass Aard eel roulle nasa An actine Ballon 4-H membre, Hally H rreo cap- tuerd eîghlh placersn fOr Hol- sfei0 Laoaea Trophy Au ards. orneraI awards orsi Bo Me.and Mca. Chria lRchadonof Milton for her persr enriraaof ersey dairy catlir Thr paie picerd iiiih oib lOrere miry, Oarbrf le ROM Skippr. in 1e lrre- pear nid female Jersey, rîghb adO Garariley Rose- bys heila i te frire ear aid femallr nassan ad 1010io t0e inie-berd braI oddrc Raok-Ella Jerseys Lid., ai RR. R1 Bonny placed in four Jersey classes eapioring a 1ihîrd prise in the timapear-nid frmair rias. 1010prise ta the loue yea-aid clasa. a tihad piacingnîhepengenonfdam casas and a firîl place in the gel ai ire aection. In 1e Jercsey Specral nlasa, Mi. and Mes. Richardson plaerd aeond a 10 Siarbelle 0DM Skippr. and Rock Ella Roc ElaRM Re Doglas Wig e f AROUND THE HOUSE wthS McDuukI Chrtareset rolatis it moko notea ire cookios bl-r nobrea. pice a red eat on nchnhohintkeep iaopn. lisagh-tr mithclepreale mon srabnO saS ors h00in, aneuc nae i Ta aoadcrckrrainiwen Va ci rrsd aletrohsn cess tram cner Ier aeq Sporac e arodove roe.e doesa em-errus joban cedrelnageraria DOES AWATEO SOFEENEIf MAI00 ATERS APEO TO 0DRINK? nhe ardneoso mînlsolt rul desaenedla reaorebacieris. i ouOaea nom n pnaatert su0plit. aOOlnOt il istse raartatly bornhe DecorlOOnI af Hean ccrdng ta thoi recommoadton.i 844-9781 Fair Campiseilslle as Soarded the Honi ns.Gog r.Bcsy Challeoge Triphy or08efist prise Hosteini breeders fird. M. Wingrnne also mos frer niber Holnstein classes. ioocieam Seart of Hactihy isjint omner ni NsppBio Facy Need, mhirh inpped the bolcf u lass and eol On 18 in the chaapionsiP Oisif amard. 000r omners are Nip- ponis Hosilsni ofPosliior and Bruon Roseftii George- CiapioniHadhieid ni Miltono mon setiers1 polryeclasses iib is selerlions ni 01 Englîsh Blark Basalm, 014 Eoglish Dorkiaganad Wpan- dote polrY. la the siese acion, Allas SERVING THTE BISCUII A. Cono niR.R. 6, Milonsw0n Milton District Hospital iwon sacds meor priogîBann Caudette Norswortfiy 'W iBonny in the B80 section and Oliver Thursday afternot lorsa selertiinnifnaourpiga la the breeders hecd cias. Ken Baiiep ni Miltonon0 brere amards ilOhîs MagpieI pgeons. Mr. Bailoy reeeined a irai plsce and tIon send I place olsoinga. Hua 008no Michael aisa pinred ihied for A bra roirp, a Chisese omiwl B Alan shning pigeons icnm m en Miltonaas A.T Wandle mhOn mi, woaaeocnd plncerianiheRed A Saddle Faniail section and y a aibersecond place reen s à ihe Heimef A OC cias. 1 Waieriieid Parms ni R.R. Mlon piacrd iaih milO iheir f enniofWindy Stormmia 1he Regitreed Canadisîr Hosier Sinlian clasO Greofi Job, amned by am-hon Farm. R, R. 1, Hocahy, plnrrdfih ia fhr Tbaeaogbhred siliios claaa Reserar Junior Cham- pion Oandardhced hiallîon aoar e orniW. VnnRch- ihnleo of Camphriiliie. for Orts enicy operd and Win. The enr as alan biratin the Oandardbeed cnltorne grding WIN NEWELL, preit, ioied i 1976claSsatiîsitil3g tbe home. Desç Me. and Mes. irk Oilena tea 0098 very goed, acco: ni Hraby capineed senecal sale of decoratiefla and 9 pines flachirrshonongnof Burlîngten. Weiab pontes. raldingibhe Reseene Campionship for Percheronnoîaîîonnnîaaa junior champion fiiip. Their For hec sampie ai Ter nrines nluded Pro Y-Lane Ph urearinlbtheid craf ifarmanit. PenYLalte Oe irur Mîdan. iieresiane King and arritooaiMilonwaaibrd Bacha Oilody aof i aîbthe Woeld Chbampiaon y apoar Para ni HornhO Ror amard Fier buoband. pacedbdabih her no miW J.Na ngonoas he Niaymar Fn a Kng ia Ore Rerve Champnn eoR place our prsona greetings to friends, neighbors, relatives in The Champion Calil our friendly ad takers and yaur message wilI appear in ohis section for December l4th or December 21s1 issue. SARUER IF YOU PREFERI CALI 878-2341 1'5 and cakes aI Uhe annual Christmas tea of Une Il Auxiliary la Jessie Beattie. Ellen Reid and rere ameng 200 visitoru te ltne home of Betty on and evening. lent of Ehe group greeted many of ltne guests ille poor soeather, fhene bm-eut for lUne Christmas îrding to membero. The tea included a Christmas 1gifla and a fashion showfng by Fasien Kiezetle of is success lsitirpoor teater. the Present for ibe Ira ocre biriion District Hosptal ornerai modela abominE lei- Auxiliary group coosiders the sure uear iromi Fashion rrrrni Chrimaa ira and gitKioselie a ofcuriiglon. Lara saile a urcess. artb appros Droooas aisu pesenl is- imaitely200 people io ai- rossanaoooogrspb hec oew tendance durrog tire allrr bo k ai p om a . nuonand rarning. An annual eneni thisyreara Win Neorl. preaideni of ira no hrid in thero boraitire buairary grerird guesin Brun Oirrinrr o Whte darrog the afirconon aod iabiro Farm on itere> Rd. eoaing, fi Oasatibe est imOre Rth Chaire. a membere aitbe samial eneni mas bedinlaa heorganroalian esimaira privaairbhome bol members proceeds lcolib e giraie at arr baprng ti antsinue the $1,00t) The mor' mwii be idra aaed t icifianea portable xs tac machite ai te boapiai ýWr rdidquir arti. bal Tes Champion rlassîfîeds , bhrrr are tili a namber ai 1hey'iim abe yoo p onecn g. entstms tueoaale ai tbe baaptai gitobap.« ahe -o ra>ur car rady far the raid 'llire rhap in oalrd and ainter meaiber abrad' Check run b a outermemah ao ýurncar, and check are- the auii droto, potirce uggrar. HOUSE HUNTINGI Check the Real Estate MorketplaCe in todoay'o hosue of Rie Champion The Milton DowntOWfl Merchants - DECEMBER 1977 W CHRUSTMAS SHOPPING HOURS 2 3 9Sp.m. Sp.m. 6 p-m 9 P.M 9P.M. 9Sp.m. 9Sp. S 9p.M 6 p.m THE ABOVE SCHEDULE WILL CONTINUE THROUGH TILL CHRISTMAS -m ya foonmrchas haveeieced oOBlO sB a îope hsOextaChristmaashoppfinaora eou ifn ot soîaapenandA happy Oo sand hel op itonaAOO eOOiOSSmy-wasVs.Pîwrspprsgi(if eauestrdi,silltemthrooaîaomakcChriamasashopping a pessae Li) The Milton Downtown Mrchants tLWPPWMOWB are looking !orward tW Sering you thiS Christmas 1 i Bëý,49 Rmmmmmmý - er ýd B6ý,49