ElrnmPion Real Estate 14 The Canadien ChamnPiof.Wed., Nov. 30 1977 DRASTI CALLY REDUCEO Thp Ow.101ha$ p-îhased onoth., m and mustO'ail hout 40iysoi cnsier his re1.00. Nowool$36,9OOOO Owth xelen iIH00,v$ LAKE BEL WOODO-Nl.,I pns-tteon he vO h shore of o oIldetOnly vI$1290000ý HARO TO EAT a $42,5W0 Th, modern 3 bOdoomH1bick soin, a 4s o incuds ivng and dnr oom stria, 902 b5910 bIH4oadlom flli'sem01t 1nd a, extra large lo COUNTRY SPECIAL -Ths -yHo ýybnow soIH9h005000 1 32' ,..n polOanHd eatue3 bOHIHHom, flvy kitcOO double garage, bodIHHO1and01Hm ore o o $59900. A GREAT STARTER HOME setoalarge 0v, 01H00 1 clown bt , inhed rocHHI0 ad 4th bdHHOdH900taits, vlko bseen adlarge a0da00 PcIodtsoit a$5500. LOAEOvrh i mldesnabe faat.asldin agoun9I0oHIoH H oý oFai Lake Akng $56500 SDEAL FA MILO HOMEon HOquiet stroo1 w9th a large00104 lo "' inHH k11.1h00 0I001HH01om, HHodIHH01double garag and pav.ddl-9 A00,n$50 900 POOL. SIZES LOT ilfs130 doop and fhs HfflHOf,01 OHkPlt ,e,von 301H0onm ,,wi.0011,,0gHvd0loô. atah0 garage andpave d iv o HH01 ng $56l001b.Hf00HfOR9IO SET ON A LARGE prOoot thI H 0H50 H 0001110 119.9Lake in Atnthis 4 bH SR,0100m 1,1 itH"s. fow ,o àbanvs, spa kln ., ...dHH 5fl.09f. t nkcfon ' large iving and dîvî.og 0all fnihed rcraion rHoom and l Illa drv anHrad garag anddoublepvd drive Akg$,19000 CONSIDER TIO LHLH.dinH a . 0090 es:dent.al.l aH HovroIHokiH0Firy Lake, hHiHH1100,4H0epllfîtest es 3 bedrHH10, ffal$ klfcon. dning area, gr91H11114I000 ei5H111 IHIo91Rit irepI0009and50HIkHI1 OIHHHIHom, gH1H9000HIIOH, iolv..1ntAsn.g $57300 COUNRYORAM HOME -Set-vr1 ,rsIhi 2500 sq l.gonn bH9101hom9H v ls4 ed,.m binH 2MillStreet EaSA ton 853-2086 Canada Trust 877-9500U At4()j1naar Mit9o.Beooot11t'ses, 1Y.$acr1elHt. Hedsv,,0 mi' g pqoo uooded by deckChange and saunaHeate 91115 10111110 1990and4iving9 10H0190lh 10001001 . s.09 $79,700 Sprivg feonad p9H 0410011boOiuh. kng $92.500l Cail 877-9500 or 453-2900 OPEN HOUSE 56 SARGENT RD. GorvgetownO Sat.-Son. Dec. 3rd t 41h 12 P.M.530 PM 3 bedroom b u ngIow, estate saleEtras,00..d ec -ru 36 1 09$14'w004 9ba0ad0asfilacep1 wo00k HîvO ind lHOOlO o90om, da saunabath w iOhchag oom and s9030000001 battispIluII$lI fe-d yd an m hed 0HFllIj....o$55,5W whan,llqo.dflOHH0îO 11011HF., 00 d1t.HI0110010 please ca011 877-478 EP --AGE 0 N T A 01 L 1 00 COAST TO COAST SERVICE 2/3I00H000040010 100110109-,400. 001000 3be4,09011 - 016,,, oo4p9den, 0îp0100l f100111019HEr10ir11lce - 32 x16g round ool & uipmen $74,900.-$9 0. NESILFO AMONG THE TREES Very attrative Et wlI b0ll12 t.,.y bik omeH019 o,0î hodîovos , nknc, s ",araie dinO4îoîîHoosed OOo 00oorchiî4OO93.d1qafl1OCi-Oft.O0Ph.pp,,q 000 AvOn oq$63300 ORIGINAL. NATURALLY FINISHEO, OAK TRIM. 0440 10 1the hafctof thoS 5,0pfflti90 91401 home09190 3 b0 10s,2 bathsfamil1room0w0 h firlace, 00doubl driveand 100400a. Loîoed et$89,000. BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME 4 bedî$901.1000410ranch, fin0shed fmil1 ro091000î1001000c. 00001010 410.09 19901. large ivi$g19900 and $00 bat0. Country 0119000 00911 ptio oo lar oge 40. Onvhall- 9199d one acre4lot . As 9 $112.9M. DOUBLE YOUR PLEASURE IvOIn t i 0 bik 3 bdmb ungalow,00I9 dou1be paed drive dol ggdouble 400IOîk, double th averae cuplbards i 0.1h00 and dobl h 19011 90larie o 0lý.10h0 Ol.oOîo0P- ,soltd.LhI.d 400.100f9900 3'/2 ACRES NORTH 0F MILTON Cemufy 2-storeyhome 1EdOv)d t- Original %ltsFatur- 'n clode tane losa9100 000091, Ok mental s1. 0o91lght 1.9 tu '0. etc., .,tc. S00. $0011 010puIO rsOP9194090 1104et $1280W. 8 ACRES - '54,900. Al pemits1 available. Jus onth of 9401 & Guelph Lno . xc, lent îîed bildigl ft ptetl 0pond sit et rea FOR A CONFIDENTIAL FVALUATION WITHOJT OBLIGATION, PLEASE CALL US MILTON 8788101 TORONTO LUNE 826-9218 205 MAIN ST. E. MILTON Devofi Lawence090 34 Duncan Achbald78-729 Toy S$004000901-24-4149 Nonne oOOObOg16-828 Mry Vila 878-0381 on9 o 9:3 o n100. o Fr!. Sot. 909o5 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY RvatRd $b9ick$0buildingi 499...... locatio,0. 90009100 on0h9e ec,. and200spart0m. 11, o or v buoîvOOOO. M0901a voî' MOHAWK 4804 15 010100, bick hom,o.2% acres, oe'ookg pod and she100,04 hy t0000 The contre halI ps ivitsVIou oR9OI9 1. 19001 pls anoIsgnt dinivg room, exceptiHos[kHchen and man orvOOIit0,3 comHoOobIo bedo90ovad dio ve,99 double $01090 Pcomplets the ~engament1 . oiotd et ovIv $114,900.00. ESTATE LOT 10 aresIOW ,0 romage09, tesd91ith pod sites, balance 10 AcrsHi..Hîqan0ddr $45,000.0 54Acres-W,h mature trees an ond site $039,0000 20 Acres- Prti II CI-a', b lance ,eed . 59900.0 F0or 501101he nfomaion Cai: IRENE PRIES 519) 821 3600 519) 822-2066 ff I ERB L NEUMANN~ a Ir Hornby Ch0mig ol sle10I090401l04189Mont 0Uhou".Nmy renovated on 1 acre tr0edlot, n0001golf0cours. Features a plit-.1090kit- chan'diing andfamly room a10100910091904pa00l1î00and fireplace, 4 $0d199100. 2 ba15,, Ioovdry o 19o,..0and4et lacpe04garage. Tasefl eo raIdO$0,H019199I0199000 iving. Asking$89.Terme0open. Georgetown Far -,0 acres woovlhOuS, barn, sprin0$and 10k. Town 9101oî9crose prp9py. Vefy neaf town F81 these and other lots and acreages coul: BILL KELLY REAL ESTATE BROKER 878-6800 lA.E. LEPAGE ON T A R 1O) TO RE A LTOR, COAST TO COAST SERVICE 5 ACRES, HOME &e BARN North Burtington locatio, v9009909009910$ 9091.9904910101e and 19 0 rmlderfr1î o00O $0090paraed for 191$0familas. Tis je a p$pO0991l1099000110ia. Brn40 x24 wi001l01i000r9'x110 coWd e1sib. odapted 0$ 91$40h90 0if eare. Just reduce o1115,000. 3 COUNTRY HOMES ON ACRE OR MORE RattioîvHk0 F001 91,10004 HEtAppIoy Walkers Lîveon ogoHCloS Caîl Jîm Neil Country office 335-8887 or Business Office 637- 8245 for inormatiOOon o hese dstnctive propertieS or Cther co unry homes, Irms or acr$$ge . 900111 CareHoro 878-5108 RYI 9HAVE $199 U ttù Gil Puilen 978-6222 Bl re 878-4944 FOR MORE DETAILS CALL Sand!iKinsle 878-2674 MQ0878-2365w MULIL EISTNGSERVIE Tor. Une 826-1030a-i Milton U Milton