VOLUME_ 117, NUMBER 30 MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1977 fapion '0PGS SET Wintario cornes through Surprise: new arena is ail paid for now Srprise! Miltns nen and 10 date han collected arena and community sports $87,500 tbt campatgn officiais camplex is ail paid for! eapect UaI figure taomnwil 10 Wiaaria grants hanein araand $120.000 hrn ail lise creased an Ue prjet and committed fands are rollec- are aow expecled te total ted. $629550- nol 1$299,942 as iad The arena as f0 ave cos eariier ieen expected, Treas- $ffl,827 but tise end cusf mot urer Dan Loagheed told ie listed as $1,104,000 due 10 Milon Coancil Mnday ntghl wiat tise treasurer descriis This means fiai nnly as a "btook entry" on Ue $U,550 ili ie needed from donation ffixe site. Ue public saissriptios Dereloper Murray Gotd' campaig, ta puy off tie mon ni Alliance Godfan Hol- prject. Tie public fond goal dings gave ietomn tisesix as orîgnally set at $190,000 acre ste, nalued at an ap' praixed $35,000, part o mbîcb as in ira of a parbtaod dedication for a subdivision his f irm plans in fie Laurier Ave.-Derry Rd. area. Winario bas nom said tbe $32555 gf run e accep ted as a public donation, and mîtt puy a grant based on that prîce. Atuat cool of fie fisished armna Ibm, ix S850,000. Councl mîtt put in $95550 from tie promeeds of fie sale of tie otd Brown St. aresa, us micb fie tomx hopes 10 set $i500000 Tise federat postftait. rounrit approved $55,80t8 if office deparfment bas ex- Romxey aid the commtter "rotrax" Ibat the runtrarior parlssig Ustfart.f a nem $196,L« but if appears tbe $64000 tor puvtng the parking Pss ffice bitding, buta. deat objective bas nom bers lt, providîxg a nem Zamboni bas nst et bermcosd reacbed. Thte grsup as totd ice srapiof macbtne and a Faîd-raising csmmttee any esceos fonds msutd be set time ctmb tfor tbe nem rea ciairman Bill Romsey, mbo astde for a future tsdoor Tbr rxtra cots bothered attesded Msnday's meetng swmmmîg pool, be remtnded somre members, esperîatty a mitis snme fettom committee ecouncit $76.000 bigure for additionui members, as asised by Mayor Dos Gordons tousdattonn and backfitttng cousicil for sonne isdication of suggestion, tiaitbe comm- Ibat iras dose somne montbx mbat Ue committre oxtd do itten bring in a report on mat ugo dur 10 probtems mitb tbe 0000 - give up, or continue bto lptans to do, as acceprd cbos ee ry toerase fie $96,00 tos hsd by tbe couxcit. "There asost mucb set ouf 10 ru on early infie Dornne Monday's meeting, cbmrr.," ettgineer Bitl Noten- THOUSANDS 0F MILTON area residenta lined Main and Ontario Sis. f0 view Multons annual Santa Claus Parade Saturday affernoon. Above, a clown takea a minute f0 chat with a youngter, and on the bottom right, clowns Maraha Gunn and Sunan Smith take paina te make aure they have their make-up on right. On the upper right, membera of the Brampton Senatora Band parade past the crowd. Thousands see Santa Parade participants shivered Everyofe lues a prade fîroît f0o determise iecause montbs ut oorb aod endless Nova bruta fluaI as mode Kelty firegif, Margaret Tbrmr tlou and tise tiousands of tise cromd as spe.dlove, bors of effort fol ooty on for tbe bobo by Ctffe Bitl and Stev'ari. Diafa Ftryb. on Ibeir ovir younstrrs 'and soe not so tise emire engUs of tise bbaîf othOe commit tee but Jîm Baytof and ronsîstrd of Caroiyv iprgeof. Margot orîgînaliîya youngf miso ined tis streeta parade route fr000 E.C. ron bebatf of peope rnteriog a onden and mesb frame orîernurg, Evetyo Irving. trayait and nt Saturday for Mitons Snta Drry Srboot att tbe ay ftoatv and tabîng part in covered oitb 2,000 Kîeors Dorees Bilt oece wr Claus parade ere far from atong Otaro St. and Main St. many otermways, Sbr panted foers mbîrb ere made by Tixe tirat oas drîven by ovrroial p dispaitd. Parade commtter ouftbat concren about the Banks of Nova Scotia staff. John Surfrgof and Fred orgîvaiîfy. is ede, traturing morr chiarman Karen fJryv saîd fnavcîvg mon ovrcome and It representrd Ibe diferent Murat arcompanîed by Judgev oe ,hsan 60 mnes and 1t bonds, tbe parade iv cerfaînty biog lbh' parade mas pt on mîUsîn nationalities of the banis staff Fred'sns.vx fst, lobs tbrlled youfgsters mbo ad considered a success. 'IlthIe $0,300 budget. and tise banorrs read "Merry Tbe A E. LePage foat Superistroil tursed out on tise cotdesf day ent over reatty eji ' Tbe aonuat prises tor'tise Crtmas" on Ueir native toitomrd tbe ibeme MoUer Maptrbsrst of tbe year. Miss Uryn nord te bet fSoats orni 10 tbe Bank of longue. Chrstmas and featured îîîttrr Ciair Majorettes shisvered is tise rommttre experimenrd Nova Scotta rtry toc tise benI Rîding of tise ftît ere sexerat ridrff in native cotd and 000e ifstruments mtb nem truffir pattrns aItixheme. tbe Boy Scouts for tise Olive Bergîs, Deirdre Bergin, costumesv (Cotisuîc became unmanageaistein Ue the tarf of tie parade and runoer-op f0 tbe bst tieme rot d but the parade ent as fet that ad îîoproved tiing. ond te A.E LePage entry scbedutrd and tise bands Commttre member Boonie av tbe bonI creative non- Alniost drovvned playrd on. Hilt said tise parade bheîr flot _______________ Cromd estimates are dif- cutmînalrd four and o baîf Tbe "gtobe" in Ibe Basinuk of ~ . rats oerr tdgrd vratl appvaarrr.ce and tbemne pur son-tbrmr rvtrîrv, 'ArAe poitslvfoy appearance and weeMcv. Frrda i OBrien. Depoty dent aI tand 1976 Comn irotaitLes Wood aed onPage 17) Tin bfl oy STiIi Tgfts îor Allisougis fxo-year'old Mattisrm s isted in critical condition and oncomscious t Sîch Cidrr's Hopital if Toronto, is parensoRobert anA orvo itartin of 'biltuon are vtliii opetut that bc ii recuver from a sear dromning aI fie fumly home ons Trafagar Rd. "We are still iopise for tise iesf," said Mr. Martin, ad- ding, "tise signs are ietter tian Uey rould bave iees." "Unless someUing sisldd go rongee isemlI line. Our ..Iy proisl.m s defermining tn misaI estent tiere ià;irain damage," ie said. Tests carried ouf in Ue last day indicate tiere is Ue pot' ibisiity of irain dmage due fa deprivalion of oxygen f0 nthe brain, ccordisg te Mr. Martin. "Tberrroas a mîsor set- bach, mbrv tbe doctors put a Richard srrîv f10 hisxsisutt' 10 monitoryprssure in Use bratîr Tbîru a', indiciro ofo oib parenu' hve bero in contant atîtindance aI the bospitai, saîd Mr. Martis, ibut hemwiltt folremiss ors ils tise aw firm of Martin and Bîttyar in Buringtos. "My ite as bren pretly strof g Urughoaftishe misle ordeat and me bave Our 001000 rnIs of feeliog very op- imisic" be said. Mrs, Martin ad ioaded ier treec ciildren, Muftisem, Amanda and Juy in tise family station agon, mies MtUsew sitting in Ue front seat put Ue veiicle into reverse, cauoine Ue car to drîvcmay, Ibrougis ari frncr. taodîng sîdemays part- îaity sobmrrgrd in o pond. Fouiio\ai'uodio\raviiuand saily revrunil vO ber moîber, but Mcx. Martinooav usabte to tînd Mattisem mix bad been Uromn fram tise car misen te neiicle iit Use pod Batton Itegional Police ar- rived itin minutes ni Ue raIl fr000 Mrx. Martin and addaist-deep to searcb for tise boy, but tmo passîng motorixta, Jacks Knonp and Aody Anderson frnm Beacis- vilarecredited iUs savng tbe boys Ilife. Mr. Kfmop and Mr. Ander- son ere travelling in Ueir tom-trucb. mies Uey saw polirecars racisg ta Ue Mur- fin residence. Tise Imo men roosuttiog engiveers, ex- ptaixrd. Wbeo tbe job mas te:tdnred, te tomo dtd ouf knom tbeerxact oatiosnotbe Laurier Ave. site andsoit testsbhadvnot brotabrn. boit tests provrd tberbosrn ste mas unsuitabie, us it mas a former crebebd, and tbe areoa mas moord 30 fret amay, but oseride of tbebuit- ding needed extra bacbfittiog and tbe fouodation bad to be deepenrd. Tbe engineer aid fixe final rost axn't aîtiabte uxtît uo s tbe confr4etor'xs price mas toobhigb and1fbrlirm bas bren xegotiating for a tomer price usttt recentiy. Otber etras ere extra gravet uoder the ire surf are, 'oe etror igbtiog, rofored face bocks, a drop fania and some extensive damagebhyruîs nîtberearty part ofthbrconstruction. ICG argues Ceady vîdEthe o igue- Crasurprie" 10 btmgut "oreav"Sracpr"tîsbdm bt we veuttoo urbdaet uddrdetanutbi0t b e mîli r tert butd a oem arna. Couvrilior Orian Penman wsupset. bomever, t thxe action of tbe staff in o trling couvrilthte mbote story errier Herooted$S5,00()mortb ofmînor additions f0 tbe brn ad been brougbt bof ore rouf ci., but te $3,tOt to rrpair tbe land oas brtd off. -You mnay bave gotten awv itb fl this timne." be vaid. but if if ever bappeos agaîn be moutd -vote agatnt rompltton of tbe projerf'- Wr bave no aternative but o go ubead, il bas to go ubead. oaid Cvuocîttur Art Coneil as arned about a mostb ugo tiere moutd br there anything rite comogl' .Croardtor Jim Kerr wanted to boom Staff assurrd tom titere shoidnt he. Cousittor Penman sogges- tedrcouttcltveeds a rue of thumb for future major pro- jerts, to avoid tastmmute extra cots ike thîs. Wr are mu vi orst exexuies,- te saggrxted. He atto feit rouent xtthoutd have set a more reatîstir tme trame for the aresa job, ut tt mat drbated for a long ime. tises rused to get il open by Chritfmas. Parbo and Recreat ion tîr- ector Larry Arbtc said the Dec. 7 openn date is n poxsible, but ire wmAt start goisgîin Dec. t9and thearesa sboujd be ready for its ftrxt patrons on boxîxg day, Der. (Coninued on Page 17) Kitchener hydro route cheaper The Interested Ctîoens' costîog Ibm province millions ime is gramîng shsort,lise sa id Grsup (ICGr milI try non- of dottars, Ontario Hydro Four yeraugo o sludy cmtld vincing thseprovince toixotdup ays. haveiseen donmbmhcontînaed. exprpriatioms for a major Werre nol totally insensitîve Tise ICG ias trird meeting pomer corridor Ibrougix la Usm pomer needu of Use Premier William Davis, but Ballon Butis by argoîng in province. Mtfau contens has iseen bld isy tise premîerro tavor of Ontario Bydros frst In a nutaxell lise ICG's office UaI bie i ton buxy. "trrce rrueriauKitcner pripo t toifîhve afour oever Taytr wiiimeet Annordingff la 1iC G monts long independent tiea. after Christmas, Mmmn spobesmun John Minos' a tour recîmm of liseinformation said. monUs rviem of tbe informa- Bydro bas in ita files and Mions said thxe meetings ion Ontario Bydro ban uabout computers on Ktchsener, sisoutd taise pace nom. and Kitchsener il shom UaI tise Monns saîd. miti Use premier.Bes Use pubietî utiity anîrd 10 tahe 'Aaleveretise resulta of fixe only one mtb tise power fa pomer from Ue Bruce nacleur revîem are, me mili ancepl moise Ue deision lie xaîd.A generaisg station, on Lube tbem. Mrnns said, deision lu boped for lxix Huron, fboughKifcbrner Tixe four'montb renîem meis Minn osfendedisan nomes os a loned domf 'if Usre'x a compromise terviem Monday Ibm route via demand fro thtie ICG. For as misere Davis cansaxvm face, Kichsener is sortcle apor long as Hydro box nanîrd ta tises Ibats mbat me mont," and safer Iban La' ng elec- bud the lne, tise ICti bas Mînmssaid. ririîy acrox îise province ralird for an indepondent In a paraltel devetopmesl tbrougisBalfonBHIiS. tody of Ibm nort-xoafh lise ICG bas un exporsenced Tise ties nergy mixlser rouIr lrhr Ue ose Dr, . systeots paffer-Km Sater Drcy Mcli.oufb iled hie Sotondl narrted ouf on lise tf Saler Efergy Conultant.% Ktchxener alterntr, Minns Naticohr to Picksering linr Torosta goieg tirougis surd, for polinaI ressorts. Tbe main aternute route rmamns of computer print outa if Ue governmenî îurnv propoxed by tbe tf'r', mouid given ta tise ICG by Bydrf if deaf ear toitbemlCfl'xproposai, taise pomer froi tise nuclear Augusl ut the close aI Ibm -W'eIl get stopmworboruerson statiofn10 ouaa. o akue exprîpriation bearîsgs in Titytor's refergy mifisîer Sîmcoe, 10 fie in lUs an Atan. James Tuylor) deciion on tbm nxiting 500 hV lune. "me fet SlatLer'x report, due expropratios, "MNionouyard Isat hummering atie Bruce- Deemiser 15, milI go Ue ICtI Taylor last meh forve Esuaallernate is ost grttîng and Otario Bydro. Mînnx Otario Bydrr a green ulg 10t anyonr anyplace," Minns said Sater mus iired by af stant expropriations for Ibm sa id arrangement brîmeen tbe soutbrn secion othbel19- A sepurafe îadependent mnitry oenergy,mwitnbis mite long route A court of study mould taise ime, and payingSlaler. and thetICG appeal decîsion is berng amted c oncernîn g x- propratoms atone thesor- Ibers mîng-from Bruce lu H orses attract Coibenis, near Orangrvîlle. Citîznasîetions 10 tbe a expropriation orders inUs i mdde section of Ibm linr :bave p e n d e rs yrl to ise eard by the courte, Mtînnuuîad. By Linda K"eb flfimutely Ue ICO ouI taise For people oulide 0f the equestrian world, the issue 10 the Suiîreme Court M2,000 or $30,000 for a horae appears on of Canada, Minmssaîd atronomnical fgrbtfrths a iirwt f ydro'x toosisinget a îue u o hs aiirwt power frote rc station fine horseflesh, auch pricea are considered a date baci sosme ise years, nound value. Delayn ia constructiotn i Such was the caae at tise recent auction of lif e tolourd îe cruinersvand isrd tbeîrltruck 10 bîîob up 1b hecar. Matfbem lben sur- tcrd from is ponifion- iiidgrd beters tbe top ofth ie ir tire, andii on r"lt ,Irgr.ivtBllrdPii.' tialliro RrgîonoiPoice "fie 0must fane odged if 0f air pociset ielmeen tise fender and top of Use tire," liesaid, addixg il mus tbe osty may tise boy could bure urvined an estimated 12 to 15 minutes i Ue ater. MatUsem as Uen trans- ported isy ambulance tn Dais ville-Trafalgar Mernorial Hospital miere ise mas stais- ilized ieire gine tao ins Chisdrens Bopital. Tise Ima men mili ise consid ered for civilian merit rit- ations, said Sargeant Patter- Hornby, attendd by an etimated ,50$ people from Canada and thse United States. t wan a buyer'a market according f0 Sam-Son Farm officiala and included 54 horsea on the auction block, wîth aalea totalling $108,O00 A f0 price of $31,000 waa paid for Sir Certain, an eigt-yar-od chetnut geldinq. A succenaful junior and intermediate jumper in Canada and heUnited Statea, the horae waa bought by Carl Knee, coach of the Canadian Equestrian Team. Tomer Bridge, a five-year-old tallion, con- sigtted by Sans-Son Forma ment for $25,000, fthe second top bid of the evenung. A nale of approximately the saame number of hornea laat Auguat and in November of laat year produced $148,000 in sales. Thse auction la part of a move f0 reduce thse hunter and jumper tock at thse farmn for ex- pansion of thoroughbred breeding, according to Jim Day, manager of the frs and conaidered one of Canada'a top equestriana. Noted for hia auccesses in the jumping ring, M r. Dayia now busy tranin thor tbe for the race track. There la a better future in thorougghbred breeding, aaid Mr. Day, addlng Earnest Samuel, owner of Sam-Son Ferma was interested in the racing end 0f Uhe business. For further coverage ses inside, page B14. 102 PAGES -- 15 CENTS 0