Philbrook talks on anitv Find reasons In a talh an Canadian unity Haltoo MP Franis Phlhroh salal Canadians milI hava ta final rssesfoc staying tagaUsar. Speaiog mthoal notas la allon District Womaon's lstite, Dr. Phil- iscanh calleal Canada a "historical impcoaailily". "To put the Imo parla (French anal Eoglish Canada) ogether as a contry as a ecvy, hotl espramant," hasala. "Il as a mater of neceosity -Uey allnt atta ha ovrtahan hy Ameicans. e allnt cama lgther for the nuaI positive thiog." Dr. Philhcnnh talal leadr ship exparts cas tahe cre of Ue techical chaogas hich itI came "litadnut about that - ei hava cansti- ttinnal changs," ha salal. Bt ha stresseal Ue counry cannit e on as a "book- keeping eccis." "The question e ail hava ta an- omr s mhy hoalal me stay togeUsr." compariog the cultures nI French anal Englioh Canadiano, Dr. Philhrnnis salal the French mre heca icol, estalishad the luc trada anal ctahliiheal a ditint culture. Eoglish-speaaiig Canadiats tleal dta davatap cltscaliy similar ta tie Americans. Tha moarchy craated a chsivenes among Eoglish Canadiaos, hut that bas none han ailtea, the MP sala. Dr. Philhrooh salal ntil modern communication anal transportation Uscam tha ao parla ai thacountry togaUer, they ivad separataly, anal mre ale la hucy aoy proles haeco entham. Ha salal somne idaas ai Quahcos ".quiel revoltoO" ecame pervarteal Ina si mant. "Bamefh line la hacamea i he sala. Ha salal somnea sapacalit mas( idealistic hut1 anal miognideal "franisiy racina' afttr power. Ha as jot neoms lIane Lavsqsa pomer, ht st hahinal hlm. The majorif y Quehec comsider Canadian, Dr. Ph The separatinla hacama the Qt mhomwaotealpgil halnos ahI "Bourassa mait the Lahral Fai Lihral gavain salal. "They mayr separata ht thet - - -1 - à FOLLOWING his taik an Canadion unily tb tha Halton DistrictN Intituta Halton MP Frank Philbrook mas prasaotad with a bs graupos prasidant, Mms. Glan Campbsell. Grab bag workshop g rabs somne attentionE Theai tversity domneos Clubs irsl open meeting aI thei>ycar attracteda alarfe attendasce Thursday rvrnang Theclubhpresenttsd a 'gruis ag orshop ' ai St. Pols Unitedl Chrcb ttarticpantshadlachoice of 100 iiifa simaionymiste sessions ta atend.sars Drus Cramiord o Contry Grdensavgera a laion laitage plants, Milton Hgh Orbosi auto aochacs leacheragave lps oa 0,01er car maintenance; Fred Murel, credt assstant athe Bank o Nova cotia, discussedmwomco andlcaiedt. liharian Selagh Canay spohe about the library. Jonc Andrews, a Cuospheilvillas resadet active n a recycling progruom, esamiard the recycling issue and Marcelt Zolmu, ambulanceat-a tendant ilsfiallas Mssas- saugu .Ambulancei service udvaseal on amrgency irst adinlthebhome. Thei University Wamen's club itva clob foe omea ha lre aiivesty graduates, aispialord presadent Erna .Xbic. Thc aie ai the cluh s 10 pramnote neret n higher aducaaaaa anal coolaoing adugatoc rmamen anal to ara aismea nteresteal it carraent aitairs. The gcoup. obîcb bas bren n existence about 1.5 years. marIs îsoatlly CUsoally one meeing ayea s opentathe public tut mora open meetsigs may becoosdered. -Cbristmas parties are jusI aroucal the corone -Thees a Champion classiiedta sut every neda. Cail a7a-2301 onda a tieodiy advisaic aill elp yau moral your ad happens whan an airm first aid moanures int workshop. to stay tc adical maya deani anala am wdeal," taeP nre aloog tisasaala. "That gala fint taris'c soi-Engliis," olcal id," ha adlea, nntbsg Ihai aithangis thara ara laies epeople i ha to jonoCanada tiera aranon semant maca lama ta leannatisa union. misioformeal Dr. Philbrook paisiteal ast 1sama mre thara ara concerna acrstae ý;sonne mre country whther runiog Uha adalealthal la contry teway ilimas cao lie wrily Premiar yeass ago is th st way. BWho waolad DOtario. The choie cuntry aiea peope moola a nam deas." AlUogh ha sal ha has nj ofpeople in reprlantf disillasionodUtha cr Ueselsos Parti Quahenis gavacamet 'iilirnah sala. io Quaha, Dr. Philisao salal mawre lacteal theadfatntof the paty at the locher voler net laction lanot theana ) gavromant omr. Neithr, ha sal, in sfec choice. action for ils ao saka. de a mess nI "People ash why the prime arty anal the ministar altsot do sama- rment," ha thlng," Dr. Philhcnnh raie- menleal.Il A dacisionoas ot mont la taheonot ta rush in and reacI iy mont a talcralspaately, ht la at antil the sioeh clears aod oaa haie Ue situation tahes caca of masl." Dr. Phllhcna also salal thaeemasn on pot io asting ime tcyog la canvert the tam coiemitteal sepacatiola. Raîhar, ha sala, the ordinary lles that exso among paope husinass, lahar, service cluhs, chol aochaoga visits - naad ta ha stceogtlsanal. "TheraîIl ha sevarai milliono diltarant lodividual cla- tionshipa Lavsqua ont ha ahle to do anyUigabout," ha commenteal. Asheal hy a maier of Ue aualieoce hthar France contrihuteal anyUing ta the saparatiot faelinog, Dr. Philhrnah quippaal: " A madal."- Ha calleal Levesqua's visit ta France part nf "amaaI ofnrvs". Raplyîog ta annUsr qustinner h asiseal hy French langaaga intruction hado't starleal walh the young, the Mbi saad t as starteal ilh civil servants, hacause il moul have tahen 30 yeaas toc Ihe chilalcen ta gcom np anal join the mach force. Ha salal Woman' the aecision mas made at the ime o FLQ prnmioaoce, ook by thsa ohen dramatic action mas callcd for.The MPmisao sal i)gether: ha had a hnoladge Of Thte French, tld a quantinner mhn Wednes askeal mhy Canadian childeen mas ha fraie aller athnic hack- Block gronds had ta study French ches o that peaple had ta remamher Camnpha they mare Canadians. "Once melcom yaa came ta Ihis contry, Ihermca yaa'canot Datrb, Britishor pot lac aoythlng aine. Yan're McNah Canadiaa," he said"And opeahai Canada han vms afficiai Armt languagms." pals Gning ftacher inoathe Turner qaestiaanIo French-English Miss E. hilingaalism, he said fluncy the sil, on the lien langoagas mas an Elinahe assaI hacaune lhay mare the C. yoo two main langoagen in thae comsie mnrld. lronsid, Skirtiig a quastionahana whal mnuld happan if Qaahac naparatas, Dr. Phîlhrank said,"Wa can't afford la final Don ont." Dr. Philbrnoh laid tha arnnp that lhay mara tha licol a iTr ta invita hum ta speahan the lapir nf Canadin sity. Mes. Wjtl H. Wilso, eha iotroalucad the spakar, praseoleal him wi1h us! tha hook, "The lastitata Slnrv" at the end aI his talh. Local Blood oi cIinic su Multons nana Rcd Cross Sa n Blond Donne Chonie milI ha moosa held Ihin Thnrsday, Nov. 1701t mao the Royal Canadian Legin Hall on Charles St.; 1mcaI Lic clinic arganinars report. "Oar quota for each clinic is 300 alonosanal mcd lika 10 seaae aI mil350 ot la his ana," chir chairman Margo Kent s:jd. Thaca mare 271 atB th tchiei, held aarlier B this yaar, Mos. Kent oaid. Studeols fraie varia ns sehanîs la tonanal alhar nrganizalino pach in 10 help with clinic adulies, sha noteal. "We socam ta ha pickiog np neyeraI oam danos aaIeach chiei anal more nem donors ara cerlaioly melcome." she 54 saial Clinic hor are 2 o 5in the alternoan anal6:30 t108f30 io tha evanioz. The Canadian Champion, Wed., Nov. 16, 1977 B'17 P Loahng for a nem home?" -The next protestonal ae- Give lanal aI the Rad Check The Champions Real bivity day in publie schmols Cross ulnir this Thacsday, Estate Marheplace. sill bai Monday, Nov.28. Nov. 17 ai the Lagian Hall. MP1 meeting, hela last sday at Ligoy Hall, slnd hy the Scotch anal Mt. Union hran- tf the Wl. Mrs G. dl. district prasadeol. ed a larga cromal 10 etiog, mhich lollamea hc luochan. Mrs J. bb thanseal the guest lmociom, an honor of presadant Charlotte m as conalocteal hy ýChisholie A paper on ]ver îohilee nf Queco *th mas gaven hy Mcs. ng ai Nelson. Cour- wece gisenhby Mr C. 1' make nove hout vl ndot-s-town apg. Yvv msll lika 005 ai el estusppal ks, expert, couait- servsce nd lmosay ng rates. Complote sg services, Pianos ald and dismnastcal censeandaalInsu sad CALL US TUDAY LAKELOCK CARTAGE LTD. ,23 Br'tassssa Rd. B78-5222 If Busy 844-4487 Vour Christmas lights ... are you sure they're sate? If Vo, e50 ey.5 0 y5'o UrI g h S ha55 v b e enes nd lgb5s _^aai (ce sssy « vaose P caine tri asacaretglly haavheCSA mark of , ý .s'dssscad anyset that has a pyssual ,amsagaid skals or mas ' Fastensstrs lg 5 9b55505aiy and posta o c s 555 l5iee thy 0o Scoos vaPinsdss lsi s won 1 bea has.d s5 'sldo Yocan valp cosevee eesqy Cy sot vwtchin9sg our cbsîistmas lîghts usî, il tes the 0cinr bous and sassîsg Ssam vft beooe setîsîsg fos the assysO milton hydro 250 main st. p rhdoQ Phone 878-2345yordo" ~ERE ccsofl ansaavlLimi.sonouponspar.5item cusvsased AND DONT 0ORGET TO ENTER OUR RED HOT SWEEPSTAKES!t SAVE $18!0 r -----------------------~---~- li i :Ipi ;f,. I I Addra., N. I 1 i P, 1,55.1. N I SAVESS A'I' $3 I dd-, , g Au".l'.lC. ,,N CA, A iNI, N, g5 LAWN A&4îhENEQIIdNTCER CORNER 0F HIGHWAY 25 AND DERRY RD. SOUTH 0F MILTON 878-121 .Counot0 OFFICE FURNISHINGS &tDESIGN b :,g, th -d o Zh- n g o mly 'Ps~ e nad pQI. asd'a gent of w k,, h ar ,g a siae fo ntns p mog wll an flor gt Cglg def,shIgshI5tu,s nd wa g5cdnq, A Freh Approach te i __ Deign FtC"oa.. I!L Deign CuMil SPocuimominfOmo ji InlsngrDesign am Dearetins William L Off Dsgs... ni udledfflRW d i Odia. Oln"m8420742 r raALBU localAL U Rotariauvs hasaibean idsihigasaser Sels bai practacally abe 3o ycrclie gfthe club. sai gcoup in 1957 ms nvolveal n prepacase the packages There mlI ho tamaliarfaces as the groop hou mgt ecogine Bus Knighl, Lloyd Davis, Gordl Milosh, Bah Maiu, Dewar Thomsono, Bill Higgino, Don MrrIt, Nels Picistar Bill Duchmoclh, amoog nîhers. R..ohlly 1.y-o o1.. .iaI Th.t. -hy, .ynorlodopmd-oOt aoe. " 1h th. -t -mpetdal mp-Wnl1. t h b-[-. Aod »y- oor ldt p rîoe o ain t h hbutIy-nlasmoh.t hyoife,. Fo, y- en.Ieaieptopm oâ OaEDlgoaM F.W.B. FITZG,%-lEt0AL D INSURJLANCE Srvng nca 1934 216 MuSa St. Mlta, 878-2326