Queen's Park report By Julian Reed, Haton.Burlngton MP Twntysenanconnries taorn bth sides et the troc Crtain met from Oct. 31In t 197, andec th auspices of tlea United Nations t0 deine and daineaule hat sa nec a cern monty knecn 'Enargy Crisis" and te adopi and poet ideas and concepts chich ray ultirnullead leaaflac energy age in the cortd. The inpetane othis cneraca cannt be vr ernphusieed sinca il is the harst ime the nutions et the cortd hune crne ogether le discees the paehtem and il righl he noted thul il hae heethe imeoet tlîe or ne poticlcutjneying chereaiat conriessea cemmen pro btem and citt probuhty up- prnch the seltien tcem ilniied point et viec. The quet fr nscers in the anergn cise iti un- douhtadty auunitying terce n the certd and cîtt tend le unte us le peca rther thun divida s. il cas intecening te eh' serve tht citb the exception eftw lc cuntries. Scaden and Daomacb. tha ret et the certd is stittnveryrnucbtInthe practicat appictiee et the enecgy answars cbich mail ceentrîrs newcocncer are nacessacy ta teud s inoaa new cg. Foc instance. t i universatty agrard tht the consmpion ofenergy in ils varions toris shoutd he put In il nosteffaticient end ana. TiaI conservatioin is a vital pari et ur smrediale fture. That eneahta anacgy sources ment ha deveped and ursisbed un quicbty as possihle. The challenge seami lu e ieeto rs liese universatty accapled pris. cptis iltouiseand beltt hardwareeliigainl lie avr of publicepinion la hcîng abaut theenecevsaey chanesein sociries wh are not trcon- viiced efthlie necessity lis d Atithe date oethiis erslsng. lise(trait conclusien and rrconsosmeedatiievvare vol inaized bel the> generatly cliver lie areai il haman sattitameol planning Tisey recignina tisa ya r teb eviemilasce et ilalîstirs and information 0v1 thteaueetftisa diferent eems O eriliy fr dilîleveel purpoesvand, et core lie ieed lii disemia- aie Ihel ifomin aliisd gel il îl( te tianads oethie peepla cisc ccv bail ase il. linaetft ham snlrestmng reeonmendaionveeiieri lhienclevsio ilaerti strate- ges issuste lisectiai lplaisOf sssaesv'paliis Sicisa mv niiiScandanavia bai caulaed in assacgy deveiepmevl ihal a levai laien placeniiiOnt- arieSnie of he laectical reqicieieviî ii lie Nassenai Gidcssare bisng supplied hy muicipally oweicsgeneriis ing pats c iicis ara ice4 is> muiselpal achage Tise lat ientisivpiped lis civ subidivisiosflie isme healsag peeposvev Tise concept li- priliaitlise liienci ciflise tiscrmaisl gestcialss tem, gel s i i ilie geciage. pro- vidaisivarastishior maoy hieies, ai cciliai a icisiiaa liai dollar elur for lise speralir lialissi ttgsan cssatd do celi tsiexplore conciepsof his iad rathisr t han sisipiy chisîssg aîdîilîl Il is in- creusegty avdavl siatsalucb cocpsaelit nusily reaisi liai rapsdly iseeomsag rsain iaili aa care anargy ftlea Tisa revpîesishlity iif givel ssoets ere eartaily ssîîîsvertcched. ilii silvivus hi tis aaisve reeoinvsvevdatioscvvsial tha tiscisghis i evargy emedum. Ontiarios lydii. lis i acha attitudes lîsard thi' produc- tissnsanid 'slfils i iipcedact. 'tise iivistitiresting och 'eraionsaav itherevcognitioni asdaccvpatcais a]]tcour- iriassi tisa snivrsatty ilflice aneegy prîslisan d.lierre. ,)oreerty challenige.tnlfael lies anedilfcltieam lis t bcaeîpersenced isail1 rssdic' tions, ehier ii daniccratis orcisevstciieetilcvv is tisa pubicisai large. asîd proiniiasg positiva aetion.Wr hav a long ay t go saia cesisteaprgiiitofasi cge iif i'sirgy sabonsdance, esiergy eiepriei'..ad. havie. s'il 'l ils , 511 1 14 clithligits;ti.sin dcci tise ect s îslaeyoar vrtis cati and esliag te a optmum veme buisias heurs dring ciater. drivaescItaer cars; caca an extra sceater; pcy a ltîtîleextra tra isuse Ibal is lsghty avergy eficent and perbapi vlue rianlad. use tise eteli e nslead etftisa dryr; go tuathate.opening on pubie transit; sepra yoar garisagea aIsource, insist onmoeadurabta gonds; lorrn anargy hobby clubs; fxtîn ta teuhy bol culerflugeaI nr sawer cils a riend? The Canadian Champion, Wed. Nov. 16, 1977 B13 THURS. - SA. 17-18-19 I Zellers has low prices... no mistake about lt. Shop early for best selections. Horizontal Rocker 3-Position Recliner Horizontal rovking action ix a nec eepersence in relax- AI nain îsitlsng. TV matching or tuliy ravi nng. Deep- otion! Bullon soslsd Oak rame wihliseteme hearsvgx and padded cîmînet is suppirted h ynevsag springs HavO- remvachie viras ns gala chevk pîiypripylenn saut asnd vymeconier is ofet r cbrown Nagaisyde e inyl and havis vasini....... 13997 1001/.nylon combînallen. nînyl ieadreut. magazine paviset . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . 13997 15-Sheif Unit Graceful Vanity Chair deal for plants. bookis, knîik-kiacks! Medterra- Chosce o brans or chrome rame. 14" toam nean style in al metal wth walnut-woodgrain cusîtisonil sh ramocable, wasisable Orlon* acrylic tinish. 72" W o 60 H ex10" O overal pile vover. A special gftt tor someone special! *Dupont Reg'd t.M Zellers has lw price... no mistake albout it ýLeviton" Boudoir Dimmer Twin Lampe Switch rî i; PAI __3 EACH Eeganttadi* Foegy arull pCen as. 'n a ed Reg. 16.99 à 17.99 SPECIAL Salve Up To -ç4 On Hassocks Great gîif item for te home! Clourîci stutted iasvciki cvered n wilpe dean vin yi mith emhesved tops and pîped edgex. Appris, vîzex. Square 1t'2a" e tisa' o 1d' H; Round 18 *Osa xo14d'H. Oc- togonal 19' Dsa. a 13 H. BPKjGOFl2 Do You Have A Convnient Zollars ldeiM De Charce Account ? cr-g r t ape OrCeif8i.ffice qu e J ___ ___ ___ __ Open Mon. ta Sat. 9:30 - 9:30 p.m.