THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO' Ancaster's Lee Jerome wns McKee brings home second Staries ad$ahots bp Jehtalâatnr Les Jeroe ot Ascanler minite verall Ontaro Ama- rtlur Raclng Csub champion til pasl sasns, but Milunts Bave MeKes as rightl on is Jeromen victorien ers reengsizedutai te annoal amards igit and bosquet aI te Bingemon Part Lsdge in Kichener Salrdap. Jerome, sombr 57 lu te manp Miltan ans mitu mode llambrs Spesdmap a weeilp attair during te suommer, onbnsedit lt O.A.R.C. tor placing seond aItte Rommage Trspor Gld Csp Serien aI Caysga, paIonna taurt aI ite Rom- mage Transport Gld Csp Sertes aI Sauble Speedmop, wtning te Rommage Transport Gold Csp Serien ai Delaware, vising te Ram- r mage Traosport Gold Cop Sertes Md-Seatos Chamo- pinnsblp,wminng te Ontario St Car Ausociation Pointa Cltsmpionnaip, placlng sec- ond lunte Rammage Tran- sport GoId Csp Serlen Anul Twln 25's, ioing te Hu- ier Tirs Flomboro and OARCracing cbompion- sbtp, placisg second in te Rommage Traosport Gold( Csp Seres Season End2 Campiunssiip, ioingases Fealurs races aI Flamboru Speedmop during te regulor1 seasos, isslog te Ram-5 mage Transport old Cspi Overoîl Pointa Campiunsitip5 and isisg te Galingert Mots Club Citompionsbip. Mcees, o 24-pnar-old cr and trucit salesman mit GaI- inger Mulrs, toghtlnecit- and-seck mit Jerome durisg te enire seamun, losing te copiossip in te lot race wies is cr, plogsed itp crosit problems durisg te narlypaprt utftse teaso, bruite dom. Hoese,MeK.ttes uitis sitars utfte limeigitt osp mop- Mees, mio drove te1 poplor bIse ond wits numbr 37 Cie, as itsssced bp te club tue ining te Rommoge Transport Gld1 Csp Seriesuut Souitîs Spesd a, as somed te mot populr driver on 177, ptoced second in te Rommoge1 Transport Gld Csp Seret Mid-SeaousCbompionstiip, plaesd second l inte Ontariou BtokCar acisg Associatious Pointa Cbompiunsniip, wmus te Rammage Transport1 Gold Csp eries Assool Tis 25is, receivsd mossp rom Redi-Rad Coling Spolemu Specioliolu for issiug te Litle Feature t Flamboru Spesdmap t leot once dur- iog te reguar season, sitarsd sitseclubs recogni- tio tor îoing te Motion 77 Car BShum Seul Club Dsplop, ptocsd second oiitseFlomi- boru Teacit Puints Chaompion- sip, rsceissd money trum Red Ballus Garage Supplies toc isoluf te Feature rocs ut Flomboru Spesdmoy fbye imes durisg thes regulor season, as amsd te moul sportsastibe compeitsr bp tbe O.A.R.C: and ploced sec- und sitseGalîtuger Motrs Club Ciampionbip rcrs Dose Moglurd, proprietor f Milus Runproufi, n o hbbytpetiusiastl mio bas jut cumpleted is second seaou t Flomboruos a dciver. Es listse O.A.R.C.'s robîr-uf- lts prurr s 1976 and as te ecîpieul uofuter itusors tit Muglord, drîver uoftse sumbor 30 Plpotoult, placsd seseult ite Otariu Sturck Car Raciog Asociation PuitsluCiampîunssiip, as oord bptbe OA.R.C.tue bts partcipattuonitse auard oisiog Mtio 77 CerBSho WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 16, 1977 on tse Gallisger Mtrs Club drivers isdom, padded Campionsbip. toer dasit ara sud padded centres in te steering lm' tairly happy mitit my wbesls, melded dsoru and performance tIis 550505/' t ilted in tender panels round said Mogford, a l7-year-old out te possibte changes lu ite seteran ufthlie hobby racisg instiluteli sent seasun," circuit. "Id tube lu be uinte Iassetteldt, a Miton salive luop seven sesl season. Fr and manger ut Milton me, itu a mater ut gettisg Memorl Areos said. "6111, te proper equipmest tlu rus mitltoese possible chtasges, otitite guys luntat top me iaveluetink ot tuIosIs. group Vou base lu ave te Hobity racing is a hobiy. W equipmenst." iave lu kesp il taI moy." "Tu gel te equipmesl Hasselteldt mas nooioalsd titougt, pou iase tlu pt a lot lu rus onste ise mas com- ît money imb racig" Mog- milles micb sprules te lord smiled. 'I dont aul lu O.A.R.C. and saseiting iis boti toc me ni." I' W position again. Atbtacfau eulpa ue, "Id lite lu itesp mpold î'As pritsiîp mte uspen- ,job," asselteldt umited, j'i100bl cags"Mogtorsaiden-"And Id lile lu ses Dose 'to banselucitag l itstrn Mett e esp hitioeterlain-ror "av re arnigeTthefrotrment job. Ad wmitIcas I sap sn aIl priaI lTe motoMp bout te presideul Iis yna?'l bItellrite asd th Tordntt M aDon Cocititrs provided te mrter mp eradsilIbi sa-bet lendership tiis club itas ts and milî probabîp be bstp- ever itad. I1 iel ssbs S 10f c sul 5055.' continus." Mogtord snid titere milI its Coit Preoident Dus Cocit- pos ible ruts citonges in te bhum, mio worbus ite pol- rsas ut satetp regulotoos rp division ut Cad toc te cars but beisu't mr- Paciters and is a native ut ied bp the coutu its bas Paris, Ont., naid il is import- A RACE FOR1 nstituled mml uof Ibe cbanges ast toc Ibe club lu caretullp Rick Jacklin wl sn it car lrsadp. pst is course som toc Ibe Beehivsu' net wi seul Imo lu Ires pears. "Titers o ite pusbditp Ibaltfuel cellu and isdom "We base to decde srestwilt be maudalurp miether ornsu me rs gong and taI baosiog ut electris lu stap w Ib six cplI der esu ly fuel puotps milI tabe place gises and te preseut age seul seas,' Moglrd aid. specîicationsofutour sbet 00Whavedatuel oel lunmp car melal," be saad I nd1doul use eleclric ,presently, itse menos tue pompe aspmap. Thte bersblp sas ontp se "est lo s £ tcreen milIlu emp unlp ititîlbotore 198,"Cuitrs >10lb. - sa* havee opp oss lu " Mc Prsdeu slftlt dVAeR-C tIe ettpsns f ulbng boieso No ue cas us der uaeid Iers wod let.l RCtiis otd and the crcîl ut Mlusn Fîpeci bet saidthee wuld e eghtPos-the.Ibeir coacit Oerry nîible soutlpchaonges seul Ieos usel geseral seasus. At possible chanuges "Thte club itoual toutut i te Vers Guudtog. Titei wil bo voled ou aI the seul ecnsump and Ibe direction ut base saîd ituieser, mteetng r lu Ibe 05W ypar. the automuivefied as meSl," dusI esettfigure o Tbc smbrtiip as rs-Cocitiurs added. "Thes big goiug us aller te t -ed Iberîuîuiogbas po-t hires are cumisg ouI mith six lu Ibe Atos Sabres, cietae li us ajor cybonder englues againsfor eveing and playetl chtanges iuntse club su to,- cylinder ssginss ilI become luglis sluud O aîd Hasstlfldl. standard equlposent in mos Pîpers' dresutngfrt "Thes addition ut tuel cella oem cars beors ssrp long." day esestuf, sit (a tuel cetlistuboscallp O "We rs rocisg wmitIthe iteod.He as pleait egular goasitk ith a aveage cunsumer La boiug îsam tunîgitî bolju iladdsr tside il lu store tse sum" Cucitiucun sid 't put btslinuger oc fuel tnt, an updaisg utfte Ist inktaIpuis tse DA.C Fîp1ers mlI put os trames, tres icit topbllloio a ssrp adsatagos Peut- rmasur againsi and lto tncit situlder strapo tlun as cumprsd tluths other leamns lunteCest tocrte drivers, ireproul cctof clubs sn Canada." Junorc B Leagor IO.AIR.C. pres happy SECOND SECTION SPORTS AND FEATURES THE CORNER by Multon Fiyer is niuking bis move lu the siot. Fiyeru lied Ditxie ho stands in front if the Dixie 4-4. 11th the puck whiie Pul iMeCun 3rs tie Beehives 3 to Acton Sabres liuserlia crtasafthe - liIore out o-bal o Flyeei lost ýonupiduy OtDiit 1a oltsîde of 'ooot Sos uiîg bis sedoîitîbte sîcooldîlt ,ntby Ibe n op pepr ite top il Ontario 'DRIVER DAVE MSKEE of Milton was omong înuse nonorsdat aheune tt- ario Amateur Ractng Clubs omards night in Kitchener Saturday. Heus jictured, centre, surroundsd by Mus trophieo and is pit ce-s, brother ~t t '7 IIobb e s Dae(left) and Hank DeBoSr (rsght). it 70oby6Va o Dose Mees ut Milous u a poplar masnutaitse Otariov Amateur Rciof Clubs aanuta ardas igitt sud banquet aubhe picied up oser a doms pices ut silvermre as meli au mm t ite ap- plasse. "Wbat elue cas i a-il's bess o super ypnr," oid thes popuar Miton hbbbp drise. "Tieremwatualt ut muet Put Ist the cr tiis seasuo, especialp bp mp plI creem Suit Mettes Does betherl and Hast Osor" j "Ws pout na lt uthouri ou the eue Iis per," Moter saîd. "If iloas'blforBobitand 1 Hast, uud espectully oty, sponsor Duoop Allas, me1 ouldu't lu miere -e are1 luda. It mou juIoa gesa eam effort Mees bas juI t iisited blu ts.rtitpese utfithobpyracing ai Flamboro Spesdmup sudj bneuds lu races seuler.Hesi bas sbumu o stnadp improve- ment socit masos be lus nsmptsd n the Flamboco "Au long as I cas attrd lu du i. 'm gslsg lu tap racnsg," "'jgg said. "il's baenp' tpe me Ib tis club is lso a social lhitîg, s oel," Mee sasid. "Yoa mesl o lot ut isterestiof peuple lu the GAR.C oond associtld driverssiitis club, and woti lal the uocial adtivtes eme ossluao eur, pou dont otot tu leuse." Mee said te muu ihappy ilb is finishithIis peur, bal deioilelp luluodo lu tube a good sitoltit e champion- shitp eil sesos. -l osser ttotsbsd morue thus tuurth placetiblu ssuos lu ths feture races," Mcttee omlsd. "Ise orser douectaI belore.I1itod sone t O beas eulyinthe srsoo iuit ceosis aid rîsiohes but lomtslîsbd isit my finish."- "'es disoppisted lun01y iisitet t the other tracts te club eucsd t doriog te seaou," Mcttee uid. "I tsiled tlufinisht o teotraces t Deaare otnd Coug." Mees sud is creemplan lu late il essp Iis iter, eoncetroing su buildinga SICw traiter toc the bIse usd mits 1937 Clus. "As fr as the cr gues, il's gong lu gel o minor tacelif." Mettes nid,."Thte suItrlus aiceadp ieen reboil su eS lu mring osnte lutea." il au te au epeouie hobby lu race in te club," MrcKer suîd. "Bt I orser guI in1o hobby rclîf U ithte intention of Iysof lu mats i by1 ite te sport and so dossoy creot 'es lu Ibis club lus te sprt adforte tocial ocisîies.«- Mcttee bas bers iomisuted by otembers o the .AR.C. l un eoruhe litune-mus couiuler otiîcit itoles tse cloits buioes.tiresrsd Iis pool seusos usnte comtte oi iteen- loclaisourîl end o! 10e sergauratiiotýiSe a old lise 10 ootiueis as cItpai-iiors seasa aiothessane tubr o sitolt i te chitont- pîosbîp "Thet rait cchampioIis semait, Les Jerome, itud s reol snasoo," Mcttee sid. "His car as mrkitig for hlm, biu ceeumu s wmeitio for hite, bis loch mus gfmI and su mou bis drisîng. He bud il uait lgether for aImaIs eserp race." "He s aatougit gup lu luul-mbeo I ieal im" Mettes smiled. "'Tiere are gise lu lu tomne gusilraces seul ear mies mp cr lu radp lu go ogain." Ructug Club Preideul Dos Cocitiurs abot hittuclubs bîglifbîs Iis poil uasno, lu prepured lu tii doms ond lsîsu for a mit-lte Pressdent lssry ihappp abot the D.ARd uhppenigus 1977, " Htgiligblo. teres iees pleolp ibis er," omiled Cocitiuro, a î-pnarssteran ut hobbp rucifg."Thte upsciul races t Delawore, Buble Sourit asd Cupuga crtaiulp rari ausiighitgitt. Thes omueru uft tiose lacits boss supresssd as itereut lu haithflisclub huckit, bîi t atributs lu the Club usd te sbow me pu os." "The oumbos of memboru and te qulitp usd op- peuruoce of the cocu tIl seaon is osother ighiîgit otitî c roubl iterlseeu d," ('orkbitrioud aThtseuesm- Pelîlîoo as escellent and me hod berloros 5 and 61 ors in the clui)al rcanif ul certaîn imes durtuf tse seauo. -'Hooeer," Ccbues sid."Inmp mtd the mosî impreusivs spect outhIis ueuuuu ms the co-prttun lulesu itse divrs ond the cummites ith myself. Ws ail pulîrd tagether." "Tbscommites realtp folumsd theougit ou ait aspecta ut ths rgnination ut its cloit" Cnntburns nid. "If tesasotl commtille aslted a tup llîîis engins and ias dons. Tiis la oanutoite jasons tIl club stands tgether. Tiis tisd of raspent Thte .A.R.C,15alits ldesl,t citrteed, inorporalud stockt cor club lu Canoda. Il lugus lu 1964fand as cboeuesd s a club is 1066. Il tu u non-proit "Thes important tisg lu remembor is Ibt il is suta roceru doitb ttallp," Cueit- itrnsasid. "Il is a social club ou msIl. Ilu diticult tluse figures is o case lith Iis, but the G ARC. lu pruobtp y60 per cent aciog oud 40 per cent uuilizng." Courtasjul compleleil is sitit er os the club committee. Hesserved toc tour peu lubgiulsg lu 166, lufore takitig a Imu pnr ubuln us thes tract. In 1075 ite reeiesd uticiotlp, sîthougit be raced once tIlu eoso, ioiof te Mid-SeasnLitls Feauore. Ccitiuro bau bees nooontîaedtl u 000on te comoolleelfortelb19785sOiOi bol bas nouIdeidsdd fe l eus or relires 'i bossu't made a res declio," sid Cueitiurs. 'I csrtaioIp dont inlund lu moth anyllouf titanorto istprove the clu. The slp reauon i mightt sut rus for a 1076 posiion os the commilies lu itecause ut tamiip crm- milmenta. ttserp Selurdap nigitt, eserp spring and sommer for the post 15 peara addu up lu a lt af let ime iIb mp famdp- But, pos base lu lu prepaeedtl u pt lu a laIt lime lu upralu a sonnesatl niai." tbe OAR.C. it ite ru- cepteonofsafelo lealico changes i0te cues. "Thte importaittibtgîis t bsep te roîsofil canif doms -Cocbboeosaîd,'Thte gupuuiîîbs club aredoiif al for tefou of l.aWr aie dffleceul classes aid heals foc loîecompelîlues and emuulllliliuwy. Wr ail lu issp te club rompetitvr Eoerp otrmbec sbould be compeiiso Raciof bas b rerototsaochallenge."- Her sid, Flamootto Speed- map moulil reotaî te home trucitforlteO0ARC. on1978, bol te club olîl 0e travelling lu ouhrtr ecits otrasîially ttrouogi te urusoît "We duul ail tolsrasel bun fes," Ccbriad- millsd. "Mos!taIfte drîsers are moccîrd or base gis! lreeds TOry base outre lbîîgsto doedoiiglth wrrb besdesoworiton iheir eues andleosveluarcssihe coos tryside ructuf Wr atou itesp hbbbpractof eouctll tho-a bobby. Dm santdnts t. osasOs't sc..OslbThUýb.n 2, GfSmt- ssttvUb 5 r-id P" t SuO TOsboautSM agaîsor 10e top' tugîts qorstoird. -Fies te gotes me lis!. o reew intern a! ose pont «'iîaybe Flyerc doo I ase tOc bller istiîsct, ou-,i s conclosion. Flores, licr ohatever reasoos. played a slrosg go me ugo nstlDitite oebîes berrr t Milton Memoctul Aro unoda reios. deoo- ig 44anadlbhrealeltngto lobe thte iiir o einte tird period. lîoasDiieOet- ottoder Oses! Gbppsb wo robbrd mou! Fle shooleci wi us bi ghîiig glose baud Rod Goodtsg bepi i10e Iragu gorilg race, setof twoigoals wmiterFao! McCusu oas bocbinofocorinebtsf O pais fr te total Flyere bIbv Thte goult mas ietully penalty -ee as el Flyeregoalîr lui Ruberts trseeaatO51 ixiersbots and sboold Or cedired oîlb us otsaodîsg goote boliers te pipes lu refleclion osnte steing il luses solleced it te Flyers oser the crily pas! o te mots, coach tîglîs suîd tbey dos! bhasee 10eaiuo tsay o îb otirtreanIcos aller tlo and ibre guoes ia oeit Il s teold slocy il loch opro- per coudtonig andie ime. Hoo cao Flyees espeol bo comprle mt leams oho are tabig two and tIbeer pac- tees a oeeb, as oeIl as gumes, o-ei bey bibre e lue us bouc ose oei for pr cîice usd taie lis games' Thte teus blas l0 51ig ploperi b gisetem a lcyool and taI borts te lnoeop Neo playet s ioold Or gises 10e opprltîs 10 boase hibr vniil! rpouos titFlyersi ou te peucîlce ire snsîotlaled gam sOitutioui otdueig a leogosconlrotaton. Thist froîlcales te Floeres eeca- io coachIt lgît-descotbrd te loeres prsri stylr af play as grtiOg a goal oyî0Oî She r.Iippslriiate,! triai hocO and airoilioili i iý deleusîse o' ires laitnr are sol gond esouofi checiters lu du tiis' its saîd. -Il's tuogit plaptof Jr. Budes teecircumtascesi-_ Tmu regulors ereolut o Fîper' lînsup lu Budapus gome. Pierre Pilule mas inîsiiof o Im gome su peunsiouud Robt Froot oas silîluf ouI a uboulder ijurp suftsred lu Adtos Fridup evenluf. Flpsrs'DtSt5 lu the iraI perlod il api- psared lu become anuther igit coring attair as luth itoogeîescîeed te oper. osîr tele. ifg goal assisîrd bY Mîbe Atos gante Falomer ai 734 Flye Flyess oese ouf home us MStrnas swsoesed Otis'tete usuol Feîidop Iltdate itociter ai 15.12 uoosted b) ai MinttlluAesa bol setursd Btrasoredon, Giodiugocrgednoaet of te 401 lu Actas Floere' dno the lead otiti vabrercountry and mers lwrslal at 32 iiîlthbe atdofarked la2loolsi. uruce EllisontrsblMustitoosActai Sabres are sut t inte (luette ied the gume o ititbts hbitaof i mîosiockbeyts second scirerai 853a umugsatoes bitltseboisement 0fg louisesuade shortmworb ot Oitie jaoîped abeud 32allte Mlos Flyes lu Ibsîr is 7.42 as Miark Doikt tobite slompsnd deleulsd Mdltuo-2 latitie obealt Robests Fidos eiesisg. olers beigstlp bY Slese Flerssllok22mituestin o roîbsitoul' 'es itas Oami pci ionlties asd uutaiot miuelater McCunnsoreed 1he So bres 4230 Boltte muci lus ,seofathe peiodliolie ofA SaSbrer coptaisDose te scure ugaîs otit thc 0usd hlopoîon aste day luerte cbecbîsg Goedon geabbtue noaclbeccss Cbopmosn te aSiit hosged o baltltik paslMilton FIses appeoeed 10l c golie Dos moceay. bugre ash 1in thesecond WadVciirr itIrthe score- peîdoas titeypcesied Dixie boa iri anodupeoedlthe ru tOerseud and bepl lautttg Sabesiseieig at il li of tse sous ai îlkpyshi Goodisg fies! peiod Flye captais iaitrdtheOfial Flieegoal Ris To-us aosoeredmwtb saclpsiite periotl oo o shouciMiloo's icol peiod otarber baoded drve obîcb leffs ui att3.04, ssttd itpBruce go stoo lasrsmore, Roi'IT,1iss itîlmos dcci tbe assis. The Flyes umpedahed 2 Mtcpusoooleashred a 1inote secoud pertud as somber il sbots. mie htli'g Guipes Pool eumpletsd te ? sinte leg bol srîap, fiig ose hume frot dsuppedbîot îsslaslly. Flyerî Rod t.oodtug und Ricit Jackt- eoîoyed aonoe goal l-aillir tbeough niut il thesecond The thiîrd pertud blosgsd permod and aos osoa6rli itseSubrers as Cbapmau jodge bhbîd las lRobertsa sred hsbatstirtckeithl fllosed 1he score lightini 'clatIBaLbe, Ruob Millicos anticittion oie tie aîîd John Bosi taisg assista Oites lîtu Doheeli cinte goals. aeed theltytggoal taleui te secund rot Tom Raploli 'Milos ployed Streetsitîs 10 s I csclude sior iig snDerbysi Tussday svsnmng tn lte gaine. Sîeelsitlsoand te Derbys lIstited perod play, FIters"Toe inteMlto udap sien- uppeoed luslou .i 10te ug 1 toth lyesiand Ses- stuigdprlteul aid orer ises go ut il bere. Friday's beîog Os es liote pock ina'home garnie.lte Fîeru iSl ofles No goals woreescorrd bost ilaboîlle Stades. Sports Scoreboard i ogo 1 - -4 o3i0 01i, 13t i 1 951t 3 io -et. . 4o2i stoo titttt1ltsi2t55M uSoabot Mltn 5 3 7 o sctotat 5I Il I p- Tstos Iit Gttt P, isi orcst a0 H Baerrys 13 1ot 2Il 4 Il t s rouo1se3t05 12 G-ists irso II Mt 28SAyiser sont. Na wn a oans t t4 t. tO11OOsMTU- sorttaiss. 0004, six soieixe 4 Brcaa t st2setut 4, ISt.s 3.Ot .P »ubt1 . Bmupuon , DOie , POtis S Las i,.sastaebvn U :>OR TS McKee 'satisfied' with performance this season