6 TheCanadien Champion, Wad. Non. 9,1977 Practical joke alarmns regional councillors Members utf Paton otOr coneillorO Sderoad would hecome Regional Counicil iere re- Brown mode hin lresen Esqoesing Rd lieved ta lern 10010a prenant- taion amthout as =ma 5a The cammttee, comprsed allon that urged regionalssmîte ad 0some 'counitrs af defeated or retired council- rends ta named aller same were tgning ta blieve lors ram at yer'n cooncil, pas and crrent regional 101 Ueiracommeodationn bon heen nttisg ta discus counicillors was noUing more ocrae sheions. Only Uen did psil odnie ic thon o practical jahe. Bonakoleg eod their deparîture tram Frmer abvlla Coan iltr and mre serions report rgionl paitirs. Gtord Browns ld regional exstad courît at waeb Ibt a coam The real reprt renom- ta some cases Ue recnm mittea rharged oith bringîng mends caling Rend 2, Branle mendaians wilI ta turned in neinnamen for somne Rd. from Laheobore Rd. right over to the area municipal- regionol rends adl recnm- op 10 Fine Highway, Rd 3A iion hecoone Ue rends moy mended names of historîcal .r.bp Rd.; Rd 6 Britannia boe under regionl jurisdictian sîgniicanile ta 1e raglan . Rd tram 10te Peel 10 the in ose area but local contrat He uggste naingthe Wntworth oundary. and in asther Guep uggnedaing User Fine Sdarend the ComptaIt- The region decided taco- GulOLn arnlnD.ville Rd. iechneintera aller former Burlînglan Gîher changes ouîd seenasidebcageon the rend Mayer George Harringol io eR. 0nmed Asb funmstacouxsed o 1ercon and another rendinl as obeo ReîsRd. 10 fsiontIsaIesRded 1vc tr named 1e Masos Macrîhur Sgdroe d;2Regianld tSrcam rrent nomenclature. lie rarognifiiol raquent Elm Trae Rd.; and 15 Sida- In ome instances te alîes former GObilla rend through atIon Hils regional rend numbr non Counrdllor Bill Monan- wold hacome Sodamn Rd. appliad but in other cases the jyed iith former Milton Ragionat Rd. 10 ould namnes 1001 ara on the street Mayor Anne MîarArhur. tacome Kelso Rd.; Ragianal sîgas mre used and yt thr Other rends were 10 ta Rd. 34 or 20 Sîderend ould cammon nomes iere applied renamed aller LonOilloav barome Nanagameya Rd.; 10 certain rends. The rom- 1/rn Connaî, Ernie Syhen Of Regional Rd. 37 old mittea boped 10 ese te con- Georgetown, G ckhRomit of berome Eden M is Rd. and fanion hy staodrdzng 1he Eqesngand a numta nIfRegonaRd 3 or Nnibol2 enjdorames, Councillor salaries Munro increase return to silence Watson Ai Ira-i Inn mambera of Balalon Itagionat Counit hava inlcamed atIon Regionat Taonrer Don armer Iat tE thvcýiItnot accptan in- t raa of 5Aprcvent or 486tt Ortîngton Coanvcillia Bena Cpietti mode ht daision pubi a weekagafnd couilir taonad at yack 1001 urtîngion Miayor Mary Mon- an hod ceîavtad 1e increane i and refued to avept a ti- pend Ina sitiog on the Banal ngIos PUCý Miton Conilo Jim Wath on ongraltlad (iprietti i for 'Ptt ing youa monep ti inhre >nna mouth iv" dot son askrd ho,% mony ohars ir hod donc the snma fi Watson hbon continually L rîdîcoîrd those ournillorsm ivho han-e voted ogoînni ouat f ilorvOtoary invreasesnsince 19-13 ohe an nara r iant established Ina raginnal oon- When Mcv. Munro an. paindnsehadcatercted hea invcra but 504 donc il il0- oui fanara he ai -I4 hope ibslOi cît oiol yon and tht n ou wIl ài lai ha sienced". . otso0n vviied Sac tht wou ont voeS the ase and that hr d continue toas olSi mono oincittocO hava ra- turned orrejected increases. Marijuana possession ation Regîonen Polira arretedoa mon on Martin SI. Mlton for possession of marijuana docîng the neek- end. Arcording 10 police, an ollîcer otcd te mon rot- lingvcigarttes isdaovar and ensed the man iv stap ot Ten itino dscovaced the man Sd a seaît quotiîlp nI te daog. Burned Av candîvad -sed soi-l lerd lr dimnage, wSev i divivg prto val lîght ta the buildng. cvordîog 10 oltion Bagionno Polive. Not Inn marS dmage as Smon done, voîd police Ot thap are otînuîng Ibar inesigigoino th1e inci- dent. T0e shed is located on the norlh ide of Steleo Aie near the iassagameyo Toms Lina. Check ights Towno staff wiît ask the Mînrp nI Tansprtation and Commnctions 10 vhevk the tming of 1e traffîc lighsi ai the corner of igO- vay 25 and Grry Rd., foloio ing complaint i cMiivday's vouni meeting Coonvîttor rion Peomnan saîd 1e green igt Ina traffir on Deray Rd Osnt long anongh and somtimas ontp Ina crs con gt throngb bfore il lurno ra. DUR LCATION "-7 *k 0u Ourtinglon Coonvîttor Pot NicLaughtin chagad Cîprietti îîlh gaandntandîng ohen 10e leItr lom Cîprielti aejecting the invraveinnavnlad in Sae agendaInarvonvîlloas and rporters. -Why did p on a a soaeil nthe agenda iflpocia not grandntonding.-Se onbed. Cîprielti naîd ha coutd have nuiattpcetunvd 10e money but hehoped toset an ean implin the Sapa 1001 othars notd foltow histlead. R aid Sn hped puhtîcîlp anald oakavcoonciltorv covsidaa thaa oinn ponitions. "oIn my pinion. sing an> orcoma crîtacia oaîtolbte t fid il impassibleta 10 înnlî the aoaainrease-inlfacl.l1 wonld lind il dîlfionlt 10 de fend 10e $8,95 s alro.ha saîd in a tttar lv M. Par- Cîpriatti tbld rounrîlth01 untît rcent ears salaries paid inthevciviltsrnviera ts than thova paid in paîvta îodotay Ot that sn on longer lana -and itis hacanne nI the wa e do things" lthec ihan the lino conr vîttoan thera ara no thran îîho hava îndîvoled intentions of atiiaOiOg part or ouI lot ther stîpand. Anecahier mtion adovoa ing nonincrases forco- niorslaries hod een de- eated. Couniloc in favo of foins iithoul an ioreave hopedrcouncit action coutd val thie lanae foarevîcainl in bud- gat datîharationo and union negotiating, WHAT A COUPLE, compieted witb decked out mother-in-Iaw. The mock wadding wan staged t Haiton Centennial Manor ta heip celebrate the nanding off party of Cthy Beevey. Miss Beevey wao on empiayee with the Manor for the pant two yeorn. Sha iii be maving ta St. Thomas wth her oaw husbanil affer Iheir marriage. Mro. Winifred Nantais in the groom, Jien Murphy the bride and Andrew Nanais pioyed the mother-in- loin. (Champion photo by Peter Mcçusker.l Aller a paoog notIon Regîonno con ficmad the drci Administrative Con discontnua the agreemnent o ilS agent. tracoocar DontF logan 10 hoing Beef information meet discusses animal healti Lice. morSies and internatl e natdîhoabesI n oste 0S parasites cera tbe tapirs ni 10e pas1 pear inarhtan have par pound il gain. di scnssîon ai a Beel Informa- accounîrd 1cr $2 million dam- ganinlOpavnîîîanl. lion Meeting hatd ai Lee age 10 Seat carcasses and Wiikinson's Pars, R.R. i. hîdes. Georgetown on Saluadap Ma. Campbell damon- Non. 5. olaald the propar melhod of 5 Dick Levick lrom Cpana- appliîg grube t he 10 Ib iitnducedaflmmclip on mai'sSock. tlîsîimportantlto I animai SeaiS Ma. Levick cear cuhSea gioaes lvavoid empbasiord ihat OacI pro- abemnicai reaclion. ducarsnshoîid ta reducîng ASheolSpoOaimal mOySe dollar fosses due t0 slown tceoted Ina carbias and weigbt gain. unnhrittinesn and inoamed ai 1he saine lime. Il damaged Siden caused Sp iv important 10 read ait labels parasitas. Ina tnt csulin. ha saîd. Thereare produvis sich as OMA.F.HartSpeciotisi Taamisvl avoulable in intact- Gong Dîrbia covered o able 10cm 10 vontrlairnîn umbe otareas o nterest major typensofinoams. Rnmansin is noin oataia laed deate inhen il coae0 î ssuing i lounvîl dabenturev but Or acknou- ?cîsn ofolthe Irdgrd tend erîng cou Id nana 10 mtte ova much as 35 cents for averp e ragions $1100 sald in detanlures. a lînanciol la accaping tbe commîltea recummcndolion ovar the -armer .ld recommandolion oI the vra adoan-lrasurer. counicillars imdi- o n agent caled a pralerence Ina tbe lenderîng kecounea l oa vompetitina situation and pasnîblp botter onces. lita Parmar esptainad o lot fl the savings couid ta losI il Sa dido t f0 10 the market aI h 1loe cigSl lime inith detan- Spaodncrs loren* lIcesptaînad the linon- linav aîl vio jl agnoiv iouid taio 1he Dconsumed btnt pavîlîn 10 now wihen an n.I sntaissue shouldSaesold hecanse IL bte> on-eiorbîng in the mar Sel aoary da> The Luxury Canadians Want I&hsze Canada noe 1978 AMC CONCORD 2 DOOR SEDANi THE CAR HEAUTIFUL * TEST DRIVE IT TODAY CLEMENT'S MOTORS 0F MILTON 'Sering Mltonvand AraSinve 1955" 500 BRONTE ST. S. JUST NORTH OF HOSPITAL* 8782328 MI LTON Operations centre delayed once again Hatton Regionat Coancils land mas in thse greenheit and any of thse tond or take out op- decision flot ta pick up options Ite said it wao doubtfolthtltions on tl. That leaves Use on a 5-acre parcel of tand Use province would alloin a works deparment without a adjacent ta Use Branle Sports resotrc ecovery ptant site for a works yard. Compten cold upset ptans there. Works Committee Chair- for a soth operatioms centre. Bortmgtoo Mayor Mary mon Jack Ratis sajd ater The centre wan deemed Monro said the raglan bad ta the meeting Uathe did net necessary hy Use Public bnow mIsas kind of a plant mas anticipote lrying ta bring the Works Department so Uat requireil before boying tond mtter up agaîn or tryîng ta the variaan groapn tat oper for t. convioce cooncil ta boy Use ate from scattered locations Cooncit decided not ta boy tond. across e region coutd comte under one roof. At tbe works committee a week earlier Use committee1 decided againot hoying Ue 50 I .M Iilt n S h o fDIv n acres bt recommended Ue porchase o 10 cem. The t0aocres wold haveD.0 . Sl accommodated Use morks centre bt the taff recam- p,,e( wfruto mendatian ta porchase Use 50- ocre porcel af $10.010 perD- acre mould have provided space for a renoorce recovery A LG O B ID 8 84 8 plant and a nein ewage plant for the tamn of Oabville. Regionol Chairman Ric Morrnw tbld tbe cooncil, olli- cials of the province bad tatd im tbe 50-acre parcel mas anilable but il Ue region whnenilfio tadoanoption il Y 'A LL wudhvtupyintereol we tfnlyddacqire the tand. f OME! Milton Mayor Don Gordon wanted the region 10 boy enoogh tond toaoccommodate a resonace recovery plant os w s a service centre. Quit spinning pour inheel s onaresource recovery. Il yaure serions about resoarc recovery pou bave fond be fore pou bud the plant ad thisis the da o sotart." Oabville Councillor Rn Planche nbjecled la pl asl huild a warks yard orr- source recovery plant rigbl obera the toino plonnedope spore if Mr. Mrron' soggesled Ibe -i We have a foolproof ghnmiek to make you money! NO INVESTMENT REQUIRED aILTON5 S UN VErND 1 NC. CVDii)T rENTI(RPRISES1 amsetmachIOO/Oine LTD. WIIILE TIIEY'IE 110T! Now's noa lime ta drag pour test - not when fil comaes 10 getllng pour adaerlîsing strategy off the ground. Don 1ici youi cornpctiiioo gel in line îýVLot' Li s assesyour 0000v tormolalo goa cîsra1 le ncd'pîogîdm dand medîin i You Il gel lest resulîs and hlgh returns foi your addertiing evoondiluolo- hats a hot combinationî PHONE DISPLAY ADVERTISING: 818-2341 -42 at The Canadian Champion Region to tender debentures