PIONEER DAY at Fairview Sehool gave grade three pupls ioneer costumes and brought their lunches in baskets or in Joy Holbrook's class a taste of what school was like in days handerchiefs ied tos stick. The day was part of the study of gone by. The students arranged their desks in rows, more thelife of a poneer farm child. Fairview school Pupils taste ir , ad hutos summation of their aludiest leh a ta rjh teahers ard. They Se haal ida had it eughea earranged their desks in in aaPioner tme. atadrena aiaowsi istead ofinlgroups. as t'arvieai ublia Shoot niaut. tudicd penmanship, p daaaîaard Badnescda ' v iuuk the ptedge ot attegiance, h Gae'etua and Ibre warte on slates and preparedel pupiai thh BrtaniaB d cdied apples iith an iu eh sahaat had clases cnducted ipple peeter. poneer l tforuathe due But it as theustriainesseb The childaen i lad teen bhat mut impressed theas ettuing the liue af pianeea hitden "In pianeer dupe iaiuahit daaa an heia ea- >ou had ta ha quiet," aid i eio in auitiaacaursea 'ililîp Pataniare. grade p ad poerd %a he ha SaYu had oana up oai pioneer life tatk or la asti a question Sande Itlaketuak sait ahîdeeaiiee ati(d 'maater-ad"diislees"îîi pîuaea limas She ailded lbep bail ta a'eîte au a utate mitht chatti. beaause e ta hitde hait papea Suindya ltaipuiated out tha boand iralsthad aenterethie schatlb tic tteret dauai theu. %hiiaTera tee hieang addeî tihey bad separate plaNgraunaste %tîell Terra adher aed JuleSias .aggian t he lsaîd thepk tiheaptiongu'thyu Bdp. e hk pa abu n . th y.Sngh i aigte thha gudideth"uh15e tiaghs duatgnduds"Soth Tay the leauges' chgaî Th teaers d cheagritt 1 aihe u c hde iked tests noeuas ol haaîdBîaedesansidhe'd Dia tdRardson the that map aad n e atam at Tauae Iande lssage"lseasîr t)anîîaaueaaued tsehasatea t kor ecaahekathi îis aaat loT aea a imente ,oktrevgîtauntatedas aueadigindon te atî vîîa anabîldeen taund ditti i uIts ch trenfuaaeas aî , iltate 'ac sî he dat wsa euaaess adeas Dont make a move without us! Local and aîi-ut.luw roiîaiiq. Tua wit iti aur cleaul watt aiuippad trcks, axpert, court- ouas sarviceanad man taig aes, Camplate maig servicas Pîaas maaad and dsmaatled. Lîaaased and lasured LAL US TODAY BLAKELGCK CARTAGE LTD. 5423 Brîlaaaîa Rd. 878-5222 CARRYING SCHOOL LUNCHES pioneer fashion Stephen Wiltse, grade three, brought milk, cheese, an apple and muffin in a handkerchief ied to a stick, while Kelly Rea, also grade three, brought her sandwich andL844 beverage in un old-style apple basket. SOME TIIINCiS TAI IE A LOT 0F EXPEIIIENCE! Oar saowledge of the trade, couplad wth our i/ears of exepaalnca muakas îs the professioa-_ ais inu udaartîstng. if poa Wdfll a leBm of prfespras ofasinasohadle your daertstng, a cpeam wth espertence under its belt, gîve us aO call ui PHONE DISPLAY ADVERTISING 01M234142-43 ATTHE C s ANADIAN CHAMPION f B487 PROCEEDS FROM RAFFLE of this pioneer quilt embroidered by grade one and two children at Fairview School will be sent to aid a six-year- old Trinidadian girl the children adopted through CANSAVE. Each child embroidered a square. whch pictures a fruit or vegetable. Teachers encouraging the project are Marion Glasgow and Fran Gray. aauaeed by the aestaaaue ut teaubeas asnae tong gua au and the ahitdeen, niay hutd utd lasbîaned hats. anuther one in a fetam res. -tBayb huuht theîiîaunces tiîklthe leaaaiag epeienee tted in a handkeeatet and W guad, " aummented cariedonaastickuuveeibeie Maeiun Gtasgow. tîthea shutdeae CGiels caaeed Iheir teaubees patiaipatîng ia the tunchesaia basketa. Attea preet 'eee Jap ttatheaak. tunch a lem, imaginative lads t"ean Grayand jean ilkin- tuund tthestiake made gud aon t euaîg equîpiaent and the Paentsa atu helped make lttte girls dida't tet theja tong tha daya success as the mrnnp dresses datea ihem fleum paoncer astamesand sun- payng hop-satchandaShe banneta atte d. The games ia ha shuo arda 3199" j-79* . COCONUTS 3199" 1 COOKING ONIONS c- 120C FREH PObCI RO TH IONR..-A aPICS Celeey STALKS --- 9"HEARTS --494 Frnsh RADISHES-------------- lb-190 HEAD LETTUCE------------- 594 WHITE GRAPEFRUIT ---------3790 SAVORY SPICE- -- -- - - - --uch 690 CANADIAN EGGS White& En 8 " MEDIUM-------------t a 9 - --- 2 /a Dazan 2.20 LARGE SIZE----------- 1 oua 990 CUCUMBERS ------------31750 FineBq HONEY DEWS--------------89 GREEN PEPPERS ----------- lb 59" APPLES -------------- 41lb. 199* Mcttauh -Fancy -Cootitng -Ouabnss Loba Et Weathy FRESH NUTS WALNUTS lb.89*SHELLEDWALNUTSib.12.49 ALMONDS lb. 89'SHELLED ALMONDS ihl.79 BRAZIL NUTS 1b.99' CHESTNUTS 1b.$1.19 PEANUTS ib. 69* CASHEWS ib - 12129 PURINA DOG FOO DOG'MEAL ....... 44 11). *11.79 DOG CHOW ......... 441b. * 1 " 12 5 STORE HOURS MON.-WED. 9 c.m.-8 P.M. THURS.-FRI. 9 a.m.-9 plm. SAT. SUN. 9 a.m.-7 p-m- Forthe enture dayJak raerslii Every Leather Coat 2 0(off Reg. $120 ta $250 Now only $99 ta $199 'T'aiiasacisaiiu oaiilooks lotsuiibth Cnt Bnmrb. t h uthntiuîe'în.îPê*- 3sasc1,p cii' cia i n. aie paue arInauta i high calibretuanlsdO Reg. 25000 No. 199.00 Reg . 179.50. Now 139.00 O5u-r at-wool3 Pce. Suit Sale continues this week. 11201 Fnrrnertpl4.SOtolO.SO NaoworlIy JACK F-RASERi MILTON MALL MASTER CHARGE & CHARGIEX ACCEPTEO 1-1 i 0 r- CI tt