The Canadian Champion, Wed. Nov. 9,1977 3 Town's industrial park stili facing road blocks By Bonb Burtt Mitons efforts ta ave a arge area ai land srth ai Highvay 401 made availahie for isduslry continues nu mot opalla ram Hattn lOginiCanilirs. Finve ekaaga the ttogian- ai Planning Cammiler gave a randiiased endrsemettOu the lava's saggested afficiui plan ameadmes. Il t is raiied, the amead- met viii designato 1,400 acres ai lasd tue industruat uses. Regiaaal planers have cantinuuity sid the ,400 'Aithe prampisg ai Public acres vas 100 amifiaus for Wrhs Chairman Jack Rafila Milta. The prahiema ai the cauncii reierred the vhlo serviciag 1e deneiapmenl mater o the ofiiai plan have raninurd lv ho a can- change harO 10 tbe pubir cern foe panners and sonne varhs rammiler--sa 10a1 regionai rauinriltars. more inormatinaruid ho Even thaugh tOe panning gaîhered and presenird nu commillor vas suisiied il rount. had prairrird the regins But vhen the rammîto ineresis vi10 a namber ai rerommeaded a casutants condiians ihul have lv ho sludy ta pravide the anavers, aisied. Regionl Counil many raunitiars raled vasai satisied 1a1 the againsi the sludy. aumefloti deveiapmonl shoal[d go another sludy tnt varraaled ubead. and thal the inrmatian heiag saughl hado't hoon ciearly ouliard. Ia the end, rount ldîd agror la gel prîros on studies that voaid otine prnbtrms ad propoed solutions for in- creased raparily ini the Arlon. Miton and Gerge- lova sevugo plants. Milles Mayor Don Gordon and Counilior Jim Wtson inerpreird the feeling amnong raunriltars s as indication oi iheîr apposition lv the dve topmonl ai induslry in Mlton. Bush fire A carrions match or cigarette is hiamed for a fier ihal raused minimal damage la heush hohind MurtisSi. Mdde chooL, accrdîng lu Milton Fire e parlînieni. The incident orrrerd vbon severat studeals spolird smohe enmiag irom ihn bush res ehind the srhooui.e rordîag lv the principal ufthiO srhmi., David Haey. 'AlihaugO my students have 10 ho suspect. i have information lOre wr severut menon tat area as collt."uaird lMr. Ilaies. Fire e parimevi offiain slaled il couid have hoon a studeni or un adult and lhoy are rvntînuîng hio in- vestigation. Counilior Watson accusodt courscîllors as trying toiv "scuppor the t10005 plans ftue industry"- Ove ut tho boy concrns about the additional îsdustry c inMlton istheo oued otho 16t Mile Creob. A 1973 reportj cvmmîssiuned Oc the Min-v itry vi the Envîroumont con- cludes tht the creek cas accept vo trthereefilun c fronthe îscreasod Obuos tlv the sewage plant s But eonsuting rsgîveer r. Jack Norman says the plant accouovinforless tban ivo perv cent of the polvitanîs goîngs inlv the stream. ilakville Mayor Harry Bar-c eil says lOre are some roui prutlevs vith 10e 16 Miler Creeh, lie supporled a sludyi il iu'uuld provide a solution r lu 'lilns nee ood tewnov i dustry ithoul havîng ac tortOerenegalîse elloun tbei creek Facrd vîlO sîgnîlîcuol gevu lb in the nîmber ut nov homes and the needlvoattractE industriai groulbh. Mbilonc Couvit boels the industrialt amevdrinin s o etil ftalîîîv Business evelop ment (ice Bill'iMarshall claims the tonviii ed n f inusonofahout 512,000,uuui ino10e commercial avd induvirial commuvila rach a ear tor thc e nt lOre vors( to endopih a 7-30 rsiden- liai industriai assessmont Burlingios Mayar Mary Muneo aultiard somne of the concorns she had rancerning the sovage sludy and the industriai amendmeal, in an interview. Mes. Muara expressed con- cors ahout anolhee sludy tOut coutd rosi op la $56000 and espliîed the nee orhe1e sludy hadal Oms ndocu- menîrd lv her satisfaction. "What nov information do vo bave. lv suggest thal this study i l ta s anylhing bhal the Mînîstry's study oi 1974 didn'titl]us?" sho vondered. 00e saîd lOrre are some roui ocunrs about major industrial expansions in Milton. "Wr rani uapprove il il vo hnovotOut il is lvOrb damaging-and from the information vo hune nov, the indication is il viii ho damag- îng tu the 16 Mile Creek." Mes. Munro said thal the economic impact couid ho a dîsastor as wvoit 00e caims tOut unless there is a u'uy bound lvouhndie 10e additionui sevage, a pipeline vouid have lu ho eonslrvcled fero frvm Milton tu a sovage plant iOahvîlto ohere the sovage u'ouid bO r iraîd and evea- tuaity uhoorbrd imlv Lake Ontario. The rosi ai such a ta the ares ai $50,000000. "By goîng ahead vitO in- duslry there. are vo mahîng a commilment tv a $50,000,000 espendiluro lter dovo the evud? Miltasvont bave $50,000,000 and il viii bo a blt thal ail vi Halon viii buvotao Conssaitanis v'orhîngfove Milton and for the consortium of dovelopers promolîve the industrial park are confident tOt by closescruliay vi the îvdustey tiubcailod iinthe proîrri rouvd go ahead vîth- pipe lv Labo Onario. Anvlbeconcerv esprervod by the Buringlun mayur and viberemembers ut couit iv the tosut prime agricultîval She says the 10011 muid uic somne short tbrinonoi gains ai the eopnse ut sonne vrry rspensîsr serîîcîvg rosis luierd a vegailî social impact The pros an o cuof th1e study viii 0e debuied by bovh the public vorks committer and thercounicîl. but the study lu slvîng the overeiding cunsîderation oi industetai deveiopvesl nn Miton. Eues il the region dams appeve te ofiitalplan ameudmevi, v lb or vithout avother study. the rmalter is luos era h o ethe sut> lect of an Ontvariu Municipal Board hearing. At tOt point land use, seesîeîvg problemrs. the social impact asd the pros. pect of brasa capital spond- ng douuithe iiad uil be suh jeced toclose scrutiny. A CARELESS MATCH or cigarette is blarned for a fire behind Martin St. Middle School, according to Milton Fire Departiment. The fire nas not extenaive, but fire fightera and volunteers were quick to corne to the rescue of the buah. Dry autumn leaves make it a particularly dangeroua season for f ires. Conf erence on youth focusses on Iaw A contrenro on youth and The vvrkshvp is open lv eresed in tonding the aw iii ho held Nov. 2201aioy ioersîed members of 7p .oi Nelson Iigh School, the publie, Peter Gilespie, Large groupv are ashod lv urlngtoo lits sposorod hy oordinaive of Hatun Yoth proe-rgter. Formns cas ho Hulo Youth Srviros Net- Srvires Nework. salid thr ohtiatod rvm the Netvork. wor. Notwvrk cao Ooip lv orgaiar :354031. Thro is nu rost iv Keynoto speakor viii ho car Pools for peuple in- conironro participants. Toronto lavyereM. Zuher Me, Zukoris thoavihorvi a sohoal trt "A Guide o i avfor Canadiatis", atîd co ut h.r _ a 4 t vîth Jone Calivovio v d of____ "Womon and the Law". Participants ii have a RESIDENCE FOR AMBULANT ehoîceofvitsvv vf ine vorh- shops foe the venng. Wrh- SENIOR CITIZENS shop topîrs are Vandaism, Juvonîlo Justice and Correc- Opening In December, 1977 tos, Tho Youih Bureau oi the Haton Rogionai Police. HOME LIKE ATMOSPHERE "Evrything yvu u'anttoiLMIE VCNCE hnovo' lahabut avi, Studot ITE VA NC S Rights and Respossihilitios. For Further Information Cai: Logal Aid, "Wbo Kovs What Ahvut Me. ", Student 8304 CO Wefar, and -You and oue 5-52 CO Car". I NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING MENS *20P i LADIES" ppoim$y200 i Pak irs CLCHILDREN Coma Fiet Seraed - roken Lines Huh MENS CASUALS 777 1 MENS CASU;L $1777 Dmn; 1 iFvirs - 7 P.S. Ail Ski-doo Boots Ail Sales inal! SoId donina tihasale t regutar R S oE chne r eud mlliluide ONE PAIR 0F FREE LINERS N xhn R obe rt Newma n Shoes ýý 184 Main St. Milton 878-9877 OPEN THURS. & FRI. TILL 9 MWEMBER 0F MILTON DOWNTOWN GROUP "r Royal Canadian Legion REMEMBRANCE DAY BANQUET AND DANCE Friday, November 11, 1977 Tickets at Legion Club Room Admission $500 per person Sch"edu A That tho Hoton His Suhsdiary Panning Board wil boid a Puhlic Meetng 10 discuss and expladm a proposed Amendmovl lvi thv Officiai Plan of the Esquesing Panning Area. Ths amendmoni doals wîlh the rdesignation ot approximaiely 283 acres of land nown as Part Lots , 7 and 8, Concession 3 in the Toms of Halton His (former Township of Esquesîngl, from Rural tu Industrial. Proposed for these lands is dry indastrial development wiih recreational faciities. AIL INTERESTED CITIZENS ARE WELCOME TIME: 730pnm DATE: Tusdav. Novenhef 15h. 1977 PLACE: MuniipaiAdmninstration Ridieg M.P. Vendîtti, B.., MA (formernsEsuesing Muncipal Building) Town Panner 7tiîLUne, Re. 1, (avoneiii (Geogtown)Ontario. Townvofi'ieltsn ili 1 MM - ML- 1