B8 TheçCanadian Champion, Wed., Nov. 9,1977 Milton then and now Early bus Aheccýrsagol1 ciao pleaedltu ee buS l at 1 peoide local 'evice ccll'd cidvc ilacmvsp Court cacliocfoii hicccvolcl.ihchemc hcppivgci' to c'i tieodo I oic hopper cih tIlira pariai" .avd ilir childreco c cicvg ai the lPotcOfice i)iboardea buscflrcborne. andll vclcved ltha'.uspiciog cp vciolci"and prsonnel ai th hopilal, Aliciao cod hIe ha\ evnevee hliaita lcal ho"servcce I îr. hcvghi. 'aod noaachai theltowo igroti vg apidl> Ithi'. is a ecmi- 1Ici. parti i\, rvg Theecc so doahi hai the secci, s ostccdesirable, halibhacc oci hi' licol cfinie ehaie liad a local ho's servce uit recnt I 1ead an demn ThloiatacantChamopionofciheh W191ci ,,oc ive ad, *O ac.'clcti o1te cvo'.stici ioc I", ilac Nlcc..e' . oinand .Company gaie hic girl c'cpicyeec a ciegh ridc.Theo nciedhe ifoivIodci ehem home iecm ccciiiThi,cas occh apprecralvl:. he h il ccciandi ioipioci perali'ila clive iactcccicth(hicciig noccucpied ho the \goiciur' cii icod 'li sorcm cias a ccii ' onthicl haseacc ti, the ccm [,ait> t ici cciiileccciisîcccicclccvhome ce he >tab' iili uicliccci)tvfcloeeoniein St I haci ,alhicd la. ha i ceci stahle fce ccci' lcinad cc.cciiii cigcteo cai .cccithcccihiocc ch aiipnciciieci.ciccal i'.'c'cccciMenhcoilega oivder aboct hi. cociccicotc hehi',ici. Ndccl oco i ihccidaiiocccipepecosed.achcoecand ccciii ci hic' \ialkedi %0h>' vdd ccc occ ia i ,hoii cii' .c o p c cilii' tii e icdv ' \c cccoIfi i ccccccii iicci'ii'ic amc con-cc i ci-incvii'hc'iicic thi' iolirC arcc uec'iccc ccineic cciielicd b> 1,cii thiei Grandilcicici i îcan cd the 'cccarf li' e cccccied iccellevt la-iti ic forii' inelci'iiicici e "c. iii ccinc1i clhi'i cntres cipevded ov ,cci 1-qii-,cii'cablei'icicccilbuinîeso i ccc l'11,1h ices ac.,NMilo lleighlc. cp 'v \ iiilcc1cccLcccccc'dieicrmquicicand Lccoagh i\chsci'o d eideivc'arnein on h cc..c ha lctraginhch cane (ilýicci cch greeiccicm and i c iiinodt icicci' eghc p.ocecgecc service halecmev cold se liv go lv a holel ce direcîlo lv a local husoîvevo oilh hele .amplr caoes yod agu Il lhey oîuhed la roae a ccaaloîtde the oy lthey cold go co thec iîcec otalhe vo mahe acraugements for transpcatiov ho horse aod buggy, ce slecgh, Il a vsoiceoched la gel la the home ofarelatie inv ccv. lhey oere deoppeil aIl iliere. hcme localrecideulo alvoo ued the bus lc gel iv acd f1cm ihe staio oîlh Iheir hags. Tlh u a convoeeled for ioleuse hy akcgcofficc magmi cheelo avd equippiug il ccih lh iegh euversters 'aOemc ued cvciadcfhcggecohevsocovoecedlthe gocdTheceioau alsoaaadcwagonioith a aide body and salhicîet evl ccfolacthe bad c ao available lv lahe the geaap tu engagemevtscororlacuce in paadesoThe sahl' pro ded low utlgond service the ýeac'couvd. c hachie c aihec dd ncv ikle lahaoe him ,pend ioîcach ime ov the hu. bhtlho iiavdlalllerenjevd hiscocmpavo He as cci ci hddev in he ach as thehu moed alovgNMain'St pool hiclcithe'hbai'bercshap cd ih higcavdlclliercharhvg oplfront oe heu irlle tiesl ohecetrellad acimdcehobuscecvice. ic cahc ile i cao Hlîmecu lvInThe C'hampion [or Nas 18. l91i ihece cao a ecevre cî hal hus sevice andalsovllthe c% a in uvihch Nilio people Iccolîrd iv ihat vecghiicein o lviniv hour daho -CoCc'cvilloeo OacI l uds. Grant, l'hciipccvn , cgham avdCocuvi> ilech lv 'lacnt o eda> c meeing of the 'ci i ahille ia 'Toronvo. The mcetig adjoucrnd at i 34c hey ocre lnx ou ocatch the 4.07 traiv lv Trovto acd had rhareed the Hilmer bhs. The cli cer galicpcd hcs o hroccal the ccc. and the trincood in frovt o the statiov chrv hi goc iiecr 'h.,îcoitmaoagedit oarcd Tchicroc, oacahccl and reort. i loch 1 iliccv lico co c io dt heedîlve and ocheci lThe lavadîco Champio iichAndecocos icery- h usivess oco c hecccng oe inlhoepeeoacc'eccc lOcîthe hcdciNIay ica oh41 hýabiding a "iveoco ,talc'ih cas a gond pecoord hick bildcing c h a hean %ccli epi loch IIvlh ch e cii tavd secovd dccocNre wl ciaoeiad ptlicgcodcuse.NîMost lfhe hos. crhoOhhhc tahdo the secndfloor and ccci hrocghtc do hi) vanveicalor Io the irlocuno heco vedhd ihi' stable ui vol ano ohîcccovalie cc ii NnaMaini lcascac ascel lv the on.Itc occl l ands ai 167 171 %taiv hi Red Cross canvass Milton Red Cross Sociey of the lRed Cross ii be iii be holding a door-lo-dour greallp appreeiated. causs for isn aul fond- caingeman betmeen -Tcy Champion classi- Nov. 12 and 14. 'tour support ieils, thsepîl oeil for po mou Eiý FALL SWIMMING AT DRIIRY attracto O'Flarîty of 6464 Fourth Lîne enjoy hasiog the youngitera on a Saturday atternoon. Jodîo and large pooi a lmoot ta themuelvsig Lee Stutt of Bell Sclsoal Lîne and Lee and Chrîsta SUPER SAVERSIj SATURDAV e NOVEMBER l2th, 1977 e i DAY ONLY!j INSTANT PIITU. ES ere gîveo out, instesd cf candies, aitOche Green home on Soiok Dr Mfoodac evenîng when Halloween callers came trick or realîog, Voic Green phoiographo son Adm, 5 as Star Waru villain Dsrih Vad'r, ccd oecghhcr Jevoifer Douglas. 4, who ocsî dreîsed au a wicuni i dccv I have a ocîchriame -Clm juist aitch. See my hroom?" she hacîl Hallowe'en and skeleoscith skiohceies ho hauvîed the Satoli Dr ,Mi]llov doceclep ci Tom avd Evîd GreenHllloe'evvcighidd'l gelltheî tiecch ce eai ago olalird oth ladîlcoval candies cin ead.hecchblckmageoas pcuredby somecinstantphotovmagiecoih Eid'c PolaeoidiioeScepcmera "Halooe'c c a petiy ftrouveocainn 'treat' vur eghbohcc ad. iad Evcd. ccd al the ghoocsand gohhvs oc'vîglvoouc haueare lie idi oho play oîlh mc chldreesaail cr 'evund, Thcs Cer. I avird lv gice lhem ovmeîhcog pecual-aO ivstavt pclace ac 'The pîctrccoake a 1cm mnutes lv decelcp allter hey cime out of the ramera vo thee's an air o myiiecy and magie the ehldreco eem 10 enloy-eopecialiy on Hal- 55 ONTARIO STREET SOUTH, MILTON r 0 Open Monday thru Saturday 9:30 - 9:30 p.m. 878-8178 Mikton District High Sehool I mis/s ta no4ify t/se parents of students at Milton District Hig/ sIchool t/sot: 1. Mid-terni reports will be issued on Thursday, November 10, 1977. 2. You are invited to attend Parents' Night on Tuesday, November 15, 1977. 7:00-7:30 p.m.-Appointiients with teachers may be made in the cafeteria. 7:30-9:30 p.m.-Parent - Teacher interviews will be held. R. Ziegni, Principal ICR C-I-R FINANCIAL CORPORATION FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGES ARRANGED PRIME RATES TO 95 PER CENT 0F VALUE Applications taken by phone andin t/se privacy of yosr home CALL MRS. B. BURT 877-1292 çq