B4 ThCanadian Champion, Wsd.,Nov. 9,1977 Flyers fali to league cellar with three straight humiliating losses By Peter Meusîker W-n aMultas Flyes OHA Ceairai Ontario Junior B tesos ass laplay ihockey, they vos The Flyes sslog Disie lac a lossanad baled Derbys la a ose goal. 15 sec- onad cvanadama Boltes ite socola are ad. tep are br rîdt An exhiitiona nIblalast slspîdnly sat Pipera drap a 4- t eaduteronevpsriod Ofplay andasitbac tnhave Bramp- tas Lgan Chenys atit aay oita 126 ockey gameltere Fetday ai Miltas Memastal hrersa Tht nasol Ithernaty pro- blet Ftye e liioertres toancs and a ai s m ent aile:- spsnding 1he moat ai ctvtbrvclîmbtg up 1e standings. The:' yIren te ciasces ai tait:g nae tird place ultb theaidan Fixer fansaers holdng greal sopecalîossaller te moals drnpped Georgeown ast Fc:day. Ovt. 2, and pîcit- cd up Pol Marnaramnite norîbenusiti Fîvec'retrs tip ta Gegeown prndacsd a -lios Nus S i ii bea aitalîe las the basmeal an Mlon trvl ameel Actas Sabres in Aio Feîdsy Actas ponced asniBrampton -t Satrdac Mlna nay fSos ponts uponathebaabres and if the oas cnne t10s nll bepusssd. Ficers paysd aiaîti Baden lu a 77 dram and lait tamiuts n penalies. Tbal a a fli pev:nd ptaying sb:îttbauded Paul MuCant: fired a al triait, Seas Godnscredmwo andBruoce Ellilson and Dog Trîmitte svueed singles. The aiade vantet tuai Tesdaymwaate ftina a eek pacited ilS ganmes. Sires Flyes tla lred tb cotinue, The intlnmtag day. i8cdavudan. Flyrs rslunaed nu Geargeowma The Ima eamsawecvusd 11 lallbhead ut ans peod as Piper Iereit ùrtllilbu opeard scr:ag unsnnstvd and Gergetomn Gemîn: Jas Southtiad te game lent Dang araes lan theua-cond periont Gemm:m tob a IaS nain Sasses sel- bang a poser play goal trram (bris Mitas OBras Gordon crrd tbe eean-p master ai .iiand tbree minutesn taer Gvmna qseened asobe ram Paul Ancelin. la the Iird permad Flyes sarsd n a pwer pay as Faut NlCasnsored, ass:sted îy Rant Godiag. Prom thbc33lie. sceryltag tvest damabll. Flîvro maoaged toa - cumula lv 35 tintes in peai- ieu aller ibis point, in tact te 33aminutesuamiothebial il-lu4 minaIes Georgetomn tanin advntagv and aslled tua powne plat goas rata inndan and Rnd Gandîng uerv aaded fatne mscndctsior nnlcetun:g- lu Ibvr bvacb duiof as alercation,.and Ires Getta: aeu- alun Ibvamanul. inamia: sored ibes goals n the- tour minute spas. abînS îclscidd iapaue ptay gals and Ial pt Pîpers un ice u a airasbealîag Gergtownotiîe Home tss Tbe bats opeser on riday appeared tobe F lyes' fats aI]thîrogb 1e peiag- periad T8s aedo t-mbsa ite srnbien. Abaisser appesd aitse dressng rootailterthe open - ns pviad must ans beys dîasîsaus beaaoe Flyes came ouni played las al 1hv second penaod.Ibetl]apacl. I maau :1 Bra mponapanaerd tbe adecalîn aloof Ieir- bencb ahea lShey ptledsi goals in lvu- an egt mnute, ublcet: yeru caaed Bamptun (ibvs-uuausd tbe ce i0 litiucganed asbona Ftuecu pautianai play au togccî-nîntcd and tbey sirnpît picbcd cnry train pt palîr Dan Morray ad in thesecond pertd Tie nsaîsgit caatitaed it t tslird as Brampos tt te goal igit fine imes, tres as paner ploya, an Mloasa single Tite scriag tanteiraI pertad naried mit Pool MeCasa froos Rad Gndisg. Bramptansa Pol Caok cspied abtoot a ball mnute lter ram DosnaWrightNtaie be oidase inste qicit goal deparîmeal. FlyeEllisn credteom Paul M artnand Gordon, 13scondsafaler 1e Brampton goal. BeinsGordon caeed hbn braI ni Inn rot Ettîsasns a paner pay and Flysen' secsnd pwer play goal non aiied by Dace Trses ram Genffthbanad Tndd Sheppard. Fipers ap- pearsdabharp aadboagrp toc te Wn. tante second peetnd Flyes cntnaedlten e teirscortaf pawer adasoerd the 5-iyod mariner as Gordas palied lus second nifte eentaf tit Eliana and Gaper Pont asaitaiaf. Wilb 8assaoite ctc, 12 i naiste pertad. Brampon aarled lintga nff. CopIns Raadp Hunos casd flent Rab Campbelliand Ned tJaisas. ai 1034 DosaWrîghtl cned rot Pool Cook n ad Johna Vas isea. Flyers nîtii lsd 5-3 ani 5042 mies Canokscared te second ni is l itrick teonanua Rses. The iraI nfIfmas paner pay goals toc Brampton ted the scre al5- tbn.02remato- tf ite middle rame. Rob Campbelltlting is iet ni Ina. uaassinled. Te vseocnads laIes Bramp- Iona ad t eaydas WrightI scnred lent t it Priera pasu aI 2,5a, adora 1e Itie as 18e viocS ad enpired (beaysJtm Rabers acred trot Vas n lsa on Opnwer pay tb 0vecr Pampton aa7-5 yoad aller Ina pertesod f a hockey. The tird pev:ad o asnot as bad, an Flyvru lasgbt ard tb bagona bal ta noa uaîlOsip 3.40 mnahe18vnlîsipertnd and BramponaSi t fracaoîber poweplay goalasauVasnisen spred ale asstnsg ons ibres îtbecs PrIersanad Wrghtl astted. M:be Bresc bniged 1e lyra lmwnav itsind las Robearts tins sarled thlit iird pestsd is set,j reptaciaf Murroy. 1 PlyePool MeCasa lai toome ftas bseacond ai tas eenisg mit Dans Trses gtliag te assîsl la cascioda tbe Flyvra efiarloia tas Biramptonaend of te ce. t Wîl ithte avre aI 9-Oand5 3.13 emaiaiag, Flyesmold assin ascore a goalsa misaIs ta sainage a bts. Impassbe' Brasîptona Cbsys ers sol tîmasd cornaftaeis pal of gaid yet and slled for tres marinera In potthme game nut nI rvacb. At 2.39 Coob cnt- pled bts bal trickt assisbsd 1 by Dans Lomcacia. Wita 1.2717 rsmaiaîag Campbelil scared j is sconadagaiaasnassisisd 1 and aisn as a pawer play. To add onsaitt b îjorp lit Peters cored ita 37 seconds le ram Dos McDaaald. Bramptona say usott' Flucca 41-30. OURLINGTDPI Plyes transtted Is On af as nSatrday eanngs aobe aded al9-5oss ailes holtding a sut S5-4 laad gisg isbtathfisai paiad. Fîpars bad a toogin teit iy tais ime and coacht Gery laglis bad preaiosty cstplaissd abtout te acitoas les ime tas is Isoos Thte may ins micit Ftyes s altaeisgamas is an- deansintaitbahy faIl ins tiird pesiadaneraiite fiai stages. Iis tadicaies tasy ain conditisaisg, as watt as caaatderiag titae ior games la lîne dapa. As t insaiter cotesta Pipera bstd commad i ins sonly gong, and ean came onaslroagaite second peiad la tsicte game and tainstins tsad. Orisgloa aelled fias goals ia tas tibrd,ts asn potes pisys. Ftyer Pierre Plte tas hit mîlb as unsaprtsasiie coadocb penalty ins tasetird periali. aad acabbed as auo- mata ts tminutemisas tita bts game miacoadocl as as addsd basas. Coogas Siens Slliagitoral acnred te speniag goal aifte fats osassisled and titils - t EX-GEORGETOWN GEMINI Pou) Mactin bualles ia for a rebouad on Bramptn nelmînder Marlîndale durîng Frîdav s borne gorne bere. C TC midgets lose Mitiata Canadîan lice au ila: biitillailNunccu lasr Majar.Mîdgtt ee trucS 6-3 streectu: îttt juil tuaîîc btark Sp Streetanîlis and Dan teat tWarccn bvicb andScbt-tt McLanghitia arbed tno0t nifuEvu 1fr::: a lte damnages agaînal Milion Rîcb Sucan tlicSon i byavnrîng alirs prod bat thevSnrd pccunlsîopoîtditan triW in vcacb ufthlc e uaithtbe Gerrc* NI Nannacab Putso-rc stanidingpat S-:tan Mtiltbonup in tight ith :1lenc taneu, n d :05 aa l:rsl goaludbtheguccnsn auuîutcd ::u Su-e idai ahch reemaîsog in the opansg sus uaan btla a t flent perînd. Oalt cama netîrd the bluclion- pasnt blrevcl-llc single goals in t8e ttd-tramne goalis Icutîr Williams Fîyar Bruce Ellison uses bus wood on te Brampton defenceman. to S tre e ts ville AStringafpealtes ltalian58 lstamnnatus Stranad the bhird peitv:d trots te Ees naiga goatand aaoal exccvinnwarranltasoitse each. lanadian Tire cret as bica-clua"ille scred timce bo l'tiltîofreavb.Doaae Stark ed tecmoar tidgelo mnlh icvtss-dnaiag ad second i-liats.- S In Sonu 1te major miadgs;uskitmmed amwnatrsm - tiandas. ut3 ta Dusdas. las tanIsas poted a pair nI goals Two Hundred and Sevenieth In A Seies A Mark of Progress in Milton CbaannlnatinIf1e Sînlesa Miee ein iScuogiMilnacontnues tlits fltiTbe arasselbi rom MainbStti temlpond andCPRîtracitnnasdonseearliteîbhe cuvrevslprjctaretvbessutbtcntmMain Sit.oDeesy Rd, Phoatnnhostnrbîai pragressa aroodlbhesnage teeat ment planlacea. For a prnogressive d// Inssarave Frogamme p fflfJlINIII4NIII- eîat W L # uittve rate Ptyees mere as a power play. Jobs Hatchisasscaeed lteir secoand tram Keat Wagaec ta taite a 2-a tead. Fîpers' fîrat tperiali marker came at 12.47 ai lte perlant as Riait Jacktia 1teamed ap wti Mike Murcay tita assisted. Caagars jampeli aiead 3-t as Jeft Lysas tltied, 1.54 lna thte ptay. Ran Gaadiag batged Caagars' imise at 5.14, keep- 1sf Flyesal ine rassiaf. Caagara agat taaok a twagat tead ail13.t1, Bittiagitarat set- tin is secaondaofthe bat trick tram Lyaas. Pipera atnmwered 24 secasds t ater natith Gooistsecasnt Take a Break C'Murray Nu CAN do aometiag alhoit 8h v -: 8e oaba-, vrombies, tu-,, juin the bnnbnp la putthe8v aaaed gonds os the baotm i slallt,.i l:rtino-tasuget ta grlS asrsns'tatt- n- ttto-t Fi: ity heptle n ha base en: optnion- lac te8v:%ubait go ilirnugh it :v:leihut ihumpr t% ton ta-ltv lit aI N NohIa il'-,I-it S t:ilats 'fi eliii::uitho- pakbing i hadst-il ittil ket l %u, ia lit -t ttt:ttgt- nana ttSe GENTIE goal aosisted by Jacktia. At 15.12 Multas tied tse gams 4-4 mt siarpsater Brios Gardas dumping tins dise pasi Coogar selmiader Tadd Pearson. Ftyer Dans Tusser aa'bbed a sbaelbasded sitars titGrdas assistiaf ai 16.13 la gins Millasnte goaitoad goal. GOadiag mas aamsd as lte Iird star istse gams mita is Ima goal perfaom- acs for Multas. Tins ibird psriad mas ait Bsrlisgiss as Mmke Hlsttad jtsssd tings ap mita te iyisg goal ai 2.35 as a pames play. Rab Rose oainind is fissi ofstima tipsriad all3.0 and ai 5.34 Coagars iad gosa ima goals sp as PIpera as Billisgiutosicsmpistsd is bat trick, assisted by Mike Case. Carr and Rose mare ta ad4, anattaer goal eachb iefare ttte end af lias game ta amat tbe tisai tatly of 9-5 tasrttte Coogars oves lilyess. AFTERNOTES: Fipers witt traveltotaActas Fsiday. bost Dixie bese Ssnday erea- iag andi iraveltotaStreetucitte Tnesday eceaiag. MIWPS 701 MAIN ST.E. 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