Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 Nov 1977, p. 22

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82 The Canadien Champion, Wed. Nov. 9,1977 Laclklustre Tridents lose to sharp Paris By Peler McCssker I ou pad your money 10 sen Mlon Trdents pay Parisin ce ieir necond home gamteothe seasn, yoîcer rohhed. The poor, lacklonlce play o the local Iolermediale B testn was enoogh 10 mahe oecry, an Parcs came ion a 2-i deiccîlt inc 8. Te score is ot indicative olthe gamr. Iflîlnre nolifor Laner Lesok eiog the nly sparkinifronothe neihe TridentsnwoaId have olt f-I. Lenoh's al trckc nas con- pleted chro kr popped i w n the final ice minutes oi the gar, rying tosalvage sonne respect for the lcals. Trdns coach Carl Hymners was 001 sympalheic ccclk hîv players. Pollooîog the aoo match kr blid The Chamcpon ihal one o the prokens oas lach o diii ticoe and ad haits h01 con vot bc correcled ihool practîce. 'dc avnt played o gond hockey gacon tis vrek,- Hrmersosacd He poînird oui lihat the plavcrs' reacîcon lcmecas slooandtheiteai generally caso't aggrennîc'e enougb, To susianiatr iheco os hr a id Pars as sieenglh on deienoo avd dont gvc ikeir apposicin cany oppor- tuites -e ont plat agacinscca mrecsxperienced tran tao Parcs.* e sacd. Tridents cirer cisily sIocs in l frntofth Pacis cg. Wih lh( cioiret 72and the tikrd pcriccd jus undrray, Dacc lipel aod a ieat ,eepac'bd vn froit o the Parcs goal The pvcb cias elieco the ccci avd the olss efnea as 15 leet acay Niherv'ould bring hersicksdown, Whev the% ficcalt rralcond chaicias gvîeg on thev gicla shot acay. kut i casoc la0 as the Paris vtmnsder liadt walked in front col the pair ansd made av easy pad save. Maykvbec ie. err foc, kuogry and pancced atlthechasceaof scirivg. cio binocss' Th sancpericidon avvlber occasion., Keik MKinnois kad a reakaciay ih Skip 7ccTaah. ihk't McTeack i the open and NicKinnon dracinîg the goalce Ici the ni.t bc passed brhcnd Skip and hino- the play, Ths oas lypîcal cnl Tidevts' play fins eveigslappy passcvg and sorato inn, Parcs scnply poaoedov theclocals' nîsiahes and calhnd ot o Miltonii Mlrnoieal Arcna ci h Paris scveed ficevl hallccay into theopevcigperiod, They ad bee putticg Tridcnts and Dace Ballarcd inder pressure' for ier a mnute nken ai 10,20, llanv Novca scored loecA ilcl andLarry Torti Tridnvs alnislvcame ck îmnîedîatclv ocii the acevil, led lii 'clTrack, Dave Bllarà cis cin nvet for Tri drnts avd prcdaced a nagvclccevl glose save araccvd the aise mnvae mark. The Mciltco delence liat povkiens aI the Paris blon- core keepng the puck in te Paris esd lin everai oc- cainste deecevcan nos bealco and the play renoaird ia Paris rcabaccay and shvl on set Wîlk the opeiog period dawnsg la a close, Lrve Lesuk keohe in anvd ied ap the gamr Il1 arry Eliolcand Heipel ciel' gvev assivs With 27vsecnds on te board, DlonvHarriiv'ckvcedheiias kap incfronta' enmadeca perlecl drleiiv past Pais eineder Das 'binas five shol cavîe frcv Jîi Cli ai the poinvt olîcbr learvv. 'icod aiithe icvec ofthevnet Thevv'ecovd pciiid 'carled ccclh rv(itiiiil as er keadibaci jarnpcl as a e- hourd fontiovtcilalard and tiid thegamecol2-2 Aithe. 17'ecood goal o asolt evvagk tv oake vp Trdevts, Paris norhed the go-akead gval ai :6 seconds io thepericd as Ai Hill fred narply cil a precîne Nosak pas Hll added anoîker and fired a hol ion the point 10 put Tidensdono42 The lcoin pal on the pressure and slacled kontiing Donc Hearis led many ailacho and compiled kîs iorechcckiog job iih flaie. Hc. McTracb and Lesuh iee he only Trdents eaiiy eîng efectver ihn evenîng. Bol Paris soo capitalized on Trident nincuen and John Emerson picked op the dise, hustird cros, the kioline and pu Parisahead 52. Tke game appeared 10 e getcog oui ol mach even aller a sroog penalty iiiig efort hy Milton. Jokn Anod cas offor siaskîng. uinheo the lcals nent on the atach ikycee caughl up ice again as Bill Rohh kuniied ehind Trdens' neand passed out to kndy Morao ho iîced an viher for Paris. hcorighefinagoaiothe second period ai 1726 nan Moran, n'ho unieaned kms second goal, agaco ron Rohk. Trdentasiated 10 tkeon iheir neîght around and Arnod ]et fly a smashiog cheek bhind the Paris ne. The ihird perîod opeoed and Tridentsn tmked tie os for near. Paris talied teir final goal jouI avec Ina minutes into the ply as John Bialas sood ai the ltopen corner af Tery Coes net. JîmRonbertson ad a clean shol aod gond coring oppoc- tunty eariy in the period as he rohe in over the kioline and ltl km shol go The nkni non on easy grah lac the Paris netmioden hut nithnoo on round Robertson, iti quesiionahie nheiker he nhouid have cone clouer hefore reeasiog the rukher. Trideots nere honded four punerpfay chancesnin the ihird perche and one ai 16.04, the local pnerpiay ioohed as il it nere shorihanded-the Paris penalty iliîig nos thai efecive. Terry Coinecas lucky he kad the goalpolo for riends ai 13:10 on the ring aved Tridens' acc and eiped themto reboudkbacto the ailach. Even nîth a pocerpiay SPORT « with Peter McCusker q The Mlton Minni Hockey Association cciii be holding the annual dance ai Milon Memoriai Arena Lion Hall tihs Satioda y eveningand tickets airegoing fast. Any memher of the Milton Mnr Hockey Association, league convenerswl havetickets. Mltco Houoe League ockey wcil siari appearing in The Champioon tihs week. MMHA pesdeol Joe MCCaiioanonis fiîo0ly discovred thenscoehees ereol eig tocoed oln the local pressoffilce. Fnac not, yoang playeco. lcom lhio weehlfoward your goalsand shuooolocil e listed ini point type, ote lcteasared for an long ao you prenerve pon copy Ths wrek'nnreporticsll iciodehaCk dates. Miltloo Trdentoscciii have the ice Friday eceiog here an thy hosl Caledooîa. The Fiyernniih eitravelinoglfar oclhlt Aclon. homne o the Sahres. Hopellly Flyes w iii snoal iheir games thks o'enh Alhoogh lhey only play on, lhey canit do any Isorse than lani ieehos record o lhree lonnes and a ie. Tridnts faed nohbtelcast eek.Theocanccouldn' have lakeo a goal il il oian handrd t0 lhnm on a iliver palier Wdnday heagainlParis iideolo cern dul and coach Carl Hymens lamen the lach ol cee ime-proclîce fion km iam's ponition, They had praclines Sanday and Wedorsday vo the Frîday ngher here shooid show 100 per centim proinivent. Wni, ai a receol Milon lynno game 1 non realed hy the companyo ail starpeecceeThunderbird right wiogerRobin Bourhoonain, 'Boac'andlmade ahbelinothenirnl periodlthal Flynro oold score while on iheir final ponecplay ni the icol pniod: lhey didol and 1 had t0 loch oe ahot dog, complele o h munard, Bourhonnai aîn h elly ellon and cool hlp hut ici an opposng plyer koo he in on the ice. Thal means yooog Rohin ilin the penalty hon a loi. ho loche han over 36 mntsini penalties. Bol eam manager Jim MeLean bold menlhalnoineamhbasncocnd while'Bor'hanhbeeoonthe ice. Thn MiltoMner Hockey Association peope arr smply ird of al the policilv srroooding grls and hockey cghi now They have vcoud arguments. 1 elieve, foe the encloion oonerarna girl [rom ther synlnm. Tacy Horni hgirl andthe localn are aved ten pocarly kv the Oitario Mner Hockey Ansociaion îOMHAi appeai o ihe Onario Homao tlghin decîion coceriog the GaiCuomgs case ofHuntsvile The OHR dncidnd the Commngs girl would he aloccrd te plav hockey cilh the hoys in ihat area, Now ihere in no orgaeced grls hockey narhat spolonothemap. Hoiever, n Hrns cane hem. nshn could tavel te ulînglon or Georgetocwn te pay girls hockey. hoif cithe lcolo organczed a girls' sysinno. Iai could bc fine Why cool ithe local girls-nomen gel ogeiher anddbroc their 00'0 asociaion Whal happen once a girl gris heyond peninen age and in10 enor compellîo? (enior relnrccog 10 ocdge-antanjovnîln aean c Wll the lemales solli hei here competiig and aiog the lumpn? Wit re na s provdnlco dressngrentms for a Tri-coooly teste which has girls? Who ccli pay thnn addiionai conlo' Cnclaioiy notlthe girls* parents t iv a toichynsiuaion for ali conceroned. But nhal ilocal boys deccded thny wanlnd te play sofihali ihis sommnerl There is oly one local solihail oegaioalîoo and thai heioogv to the comen Wli thny alloso local boys t0 coesi their liorvys" Th pblm omixingvsees and sports is going te b rxperecevd hy the Mlon Miner Baebali Association ths cmcgeasoAnsisandn non thehboysncnievrlthemsnlvrs in the svine place as th girls. ihati S-ihe buh aIRoary Park Butl they play aI dîllereno imes and iodepnndeoily. What nl bappeno ithe T-haiiern arr jond. as the grs old bciorminginlolthe T-hall lramn o the MMBA, Witthe samne hosh do for hoh ai the same ime Onsuggstiion ould helhrentanload upkeep ofportable 'Johinyonithnspos"but who isgoingltoahsorklthecoslof thee nis'lt wil ieenting towatch. The Mltio Mec chants Basehali Cub held a dnner and dance at the Pcnn hi. Hall Salourday c veiog. Vours lroly nos ivedhutnasounalnioeattend onailaslminuteotlice. Wll. maye nen year. Mitonacaugkiap ce and aliowed a lwo-on-one break anay nhîck Coin non sharp enough to ave. Tridents 'ere coriefectve on the peoaiic hiicng coin as Anod con lonurd 10 kand oui stff1 checks. Lesichosrcood nacher camenai 15 20as e sioleikhe pork feovi the Paris defence- mn's skates ci'ile srappiog ccc frontof citlercel. Aller tmo shobo ke bad sccvended iu peundcsg the poch colo the nt Hi shatilrck n as conpieted ai 19:37 as anoier secood effort pacd off Lenoh nit the fiist'ckv go askc u(acroun insfrotoftahteParisonet.The poch camecoffithe pad and dropped in ront as Lesahlet thensecvnd shot fup Hbon and liîpel assîstrd on the second goal and Rlobertson and Robvoîl assînled on the tihrd ccf ic bat trick. Lescih cias acod ployer uf te game.ohivch ii e an- oounced aI eack Trdents' home game. The ioltonîng evenisng Trideots raveiied to Dans- ville and mre dropped 6-3. Tkey tce ed 4-0ater theirst pen od as Dunnvitte's Dan Makey, Dave Banden, Gen Test and DoaynenRutley cred as Tercy Cole. Tridents narked Inn powerpay efforts ce the ir PARIS GOALIE Dan Almaa goea down to et- tempt to top the Lorne Leauk drive, but ta too late. Lesuk scored a bat trick for Tridents in SKISr BOOTS iO0% Le BINDINGS __ AIL HOCKEY A EQU IPMENT 2OF JFE Accesm AIL CAMPING AI EQUIPMENT AIL BASEBAL EQUIPMENT El w-ona Mil TON MAL e 550 scored fron Lenuh and ion Dunovilie in Oie second tisai nacher 01 2:25, assisled Nron and Dace Norton period and ihey nenl ahead 6- by Robertsono and Cote, scored ran Jin Cle and 2 in the'Ohiid an Dace Murphy Yesterday ITuesdapc John Arnold. scored. Trident Keith Tridents traeelled to Six Nations and the club niit host Caledonia Friday evening et Milton Menuriel Arena, 844-8644 Namber 50of a ares TRANSMISSION Fudhbownng indcates cotmnatoesuhso- quentlyanvual seanic their 8-4 loas to Paria Wednesday evening et cool Be dune and Milton Memorial Arena. transmission inspecied, AT SHERBORN EtGABRIELE SPORTS LIMITED PRICE REDUCTIONS 0F UP TO DUR REG. PRICES STORE WIDE ACCESSORIES Ul <Walos 8 Goggles) UL BICYCLES AIL FISHING R2P fFEQUIPMENT L ATHLETIC AIL SUMMER SHOES CLOTHING .10MEF'W14 0EFO ILL TENNIS AIL ARCHERY QUIPMENT EQUIPMENT ý00W 20boe WN TA RlIO ST. * PHONE 1119 O.H.A. Intermediate'B' MILTON TRIDENTS vs TEAM CALEDONIA Fr1., November 11, 1977 Thompson Road Memorial Arena Game Time : 8:00 p.m. This od compliments of Milton Tridents Hockey Club à - - - mmffl ým m MU

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