20 Tisa Canadieo Ciampiso, Wed N(P 'ýov. 9, 1977 in ti la tf le tc w rr C' i2 A h c fi p A FAMILY GATHERING IN MILTON includes from lefItrio rigst, Dean Gray wîith sister Joyce,a Arthur Brdoe îtepthert. lvy, twin sster le - Roy cf rigit. Milton brothers ... (Cotisoed frenm Page Ose) iotut to itîtte ies poardi in prîsooe-ol-ir toglait antdti teiriii camps _Sofoliemtiwe of preiiy ar. tier uvaoed lu -petttt [iti tttl ttt e Ilay (oaoada tind toc iv it cilîitt îîîi-îtgee' quite content tu be ept ittititilttiV ciittiithe pio l rectillit ILoy> tin tnt i in i ittilair Tise e hSe ere 25îîear r tkig li t (itîtet îtot st t I ttvilizhtiti tnd ooi- li-titd irrie o : -, [Iii 1 ý- ( iit iip i 1), ___ thou diii te as the.,clu x rocogerbucice 4itreilti bepretiltoi bardf'l Tises uerl toi a dcutl, nhl botaý tise olde Piopkroit. tic gelalotti hriyoid uu .e. Ti eefnyuieitcer. n Rey elddo t akii tu ttgh asymheoidrePiiscs ,iel ti i ui e iscistMmothprelisoeis. ii- -- - i Royselcoictumilutto gtl t anmoedin ers td St tistmas alsoed omicithe foi good memorierth e tam i tiii'l, fotrt li~ tl ist sisers il ttti t but t' - iq Oneistmas 0i6io5.e rcso t'ttrttittt iti Roy as pceStiily tise igis titt tt - - L tinSi figisi of it acttcte Iitl> l titi i - i tuSi tatiosrd near an rpistoter e i i i f i'zpnri Il t t il ini England. hisr Sîîrîtrt Si thpL , i Li I l Iti- decided te ase a parti frsic o i titoiitteirk- i tise rildece Witisvuatierer ration coupons ibey iad tise men -e c opped up hcltteaittnd - uitle terti oretie childeen - Someisot a costume tas madefor a Sanlta Claus and - tiey paîd lise rildeen ao i ii titis tisegis and pesentrutf fond Yufet as tbuutiiwu erc doint sornetiistg titind somneiig geod foc theiset iONii saîd Royausier itîsiltli * ibose Sîds rtlty gui 1to ire 1 t-- - Tise Grtay boibers \tece I lkt., i I oa fi, rtoitlur ttt'i, tir-ike ItI iII tt att dii titi t n f i I ci u -o i ot k tHe rtii-i. lii - L ' n 4 lo(is lnd oi ttiLtI Il-t1t1t, il, g t o ' hu tv l, , hil t t 1 i iltIt l it 1 SiA1 -- Iiti titi tI ,I LESN e l ILYMUT Popular Bank of Nova Scota Financ'ng Johnson Bros. Garage 295 Vain S., Milfon '078-0842 McGll...- (Continued ra!fm Page 7) mcntieg tise country or lied- îeg biodiog accommodations tisatil îlaltos People Ofisotis Iceguages tb matistogetiser. 'Bot hoi, tan me isati togeiber if Wr raot tbi toe'e? Peopte goieg tb urset isulidspaisFrernsh It is tise courteous tising te do isies yoc go0662aplate misere mst ofthtie people speai tisai teoguage. " Hec said Qurbecers do o recogoic a Canadian culture. Tiey say sou dosi tae a cotture. You are Amecican- tard aodare geiig moee ise Amrn c7266 atet simeVitu base bot the baille 10 bave a culture o rour owns Durtog a question period lolloo 168 Sîs speech tie proiessor saîd priesto i Queiec usedto beaucutid- suaeîog eletioos but bhey are nom- icy iog 1 Se tetral .They sec brier rote as becuontmore Chistian. i ion't sec lbcm playto ig an îltegitimaie cole ntise orsi 10 lie esplitod tisat Frensh people in tise Unoted States ar o nanyt siilr quest fte îndepecdecte. ecause bhre tbaitises îî uld Se ,iis,ubed St tise tuecican Ntrltotg Prt Plr e h ee at-siinilated t S ce liavet- e si tre tt repar- aie*because tiser te ct ce Sad it so guud.Titre are FrottsenchbCuitdianine tjueirc and geuupstofa1,00o Sere anSdlsece ni tise Stutes NOW THAT'S A JUMP. tee Flot et Mill St. crcempîished Fridsy etternoon and the wecther demostraîrd is jumping talents ut the eîd wco just porters. rcîbwuy station by jumping seven and eght oîl (Champion photo by Peter MrCusker) drums on b s cegular speet ic yrle. The feat wcs Tt siuancn e- I nad therisetish s aid, et tieitSuvete sie om rcisiiils. -liraS bhere un language antdhune ibeiron r% ,ýthSt questinner siS tise tSi- Snglits, The% donot usto kSus t Sei otis priuiesrr torn sat dtise otcnient t u u . Tiser iîîiisru, tut tier uaoipnlitt- cil anS cutlturail ton ci igitir l' I . 1.S.-dgar thrlieti ot tis e oas.ti lvtî Latmtrrilr-Mecingn o-il i-litcsguntilttit etaiattheN'MilStn(Curlingtattisemlic blit eott r ClItS and fSt- ni eoiuickt t'i,îr gîtes tsi people ntr uerintg hSjs 1t ietihet ia<Starie tiigel abotit illiid al availtbie te- qîtîntid and i)t-t i i tîttetin tis e oeS ail icalibreiit iiplatyee lise iiet ýictioni,i-tl Son telertiuestSiigot nîletaýuit ustis etrgres trdeutiavare: uîti rîttedor aSol S Atn cS iseniipetitit--A grîîup sati i n t e ieladies e( Aer o (tonîpeîtte l 9uPg iopnît iguer iare tSe NMonda, Nent tooilNondtrai o(t7e(er Ste itiin NSte p ni *sSciltîioph% tise Trafaltgtir Niit ier Scil Aotia:atil T titîiîîtand ther tripetititit pot lege tong lStthelisaerish err, foetal t ocotitt titi Srit,' .h ni ti tloils i.thtei NStntltSocial A gittii Ltoisecrton r sholdng NSsxedtSocial B op 1et <el \tquitoted Sptel Nitedhteiil iCgnup Aeorg Si triowoftii NhsrdtSociat l- grtup FIdot rîiglis iter. seti Nited Compettse--A geuup trer'a nuisrfcrolertlu h Ntiritiniprtie- geup -rted na loltg osnteit TFiehing dîltirrieeretueerti toitS iseao trOg Pat t ilte iuînuetitie andtttcitl c-ucl nt otîî Nýleoil-nieaci- îtîg ris ai tise etnpetitite sntuld provitle aitiseere rintîs keep ties ame plot ers oittucti oi C;arOiStisotigr Acto logy. Sise auirnded Getrgeto istrictciIîgis Sciool aed taisesisoeTiiibers Courege. Toronto,. oloIîng micsir ie taugisiforeigisi reacu at Lîmeboune Publie Seisool, t)uisg hSm ime se tom- pleird ico iseptrtmenti courses îoludîig an art nuperines Aler doîng fultiture studies froey aa iWlrid Laurier Unîcecnîty ise ccurndiuoteacbing and in prs 0tl b er tecond vtr ttrol Lansundougbier of NS-. andAtes Jtick Ltwsen, it O t Arien gcaduated os Ot euier 30 frOM Wilrid Lu ie nit-ensity Wtirclno titis ber Otcilrof niArts degreer double materîne On Pamiip and ieeeds ai- icoded tise graduation er mols ai Kitllîcîeî Memoial Auditorium. 240e 255.latte ilht ripis. toieo Dsu-y W, Mes h66sinlerdo G ent fl eshisîh tiple. GordGent Otsnitop nirips mo Whiter71i.n1)oct iann 7M ens- iiW8, Grecbuote flt. Dffg Poi, 616 -kNi / CAROL LAiISON Question need ... (Cast'd ram page 9) annred rerexstlp tist aey memisers otfiospital iseardes ew pragram implemested have bees escladed tram mast have tise adviee et dis- - iealtis coi. Baises said triet iealtis roascils. tisat tiree memisers cf thse eserat Leasard reperted prsent Haltes ceatil, tatse cosseti je preestly Edgar Faster et Milton, Anse disg a stady os mestat Marie Russelcf Bsa-isgtos iealtis, coltertisg data dams asd iimself are former ispi- oni 15 different mental isealtis taI bard memisers. stadies casdarted ie Haltan wises isspitat administra- issîmees 1975 asd 1877, tor Fred Morris ciarged tisat analyning il, seeing it asy- 88 pet test of tise provinces thisg mas dase absoutil, asd isealtis rare providers have makisg reremmesdatias- isees eocloded fcom beatisTise coascil bas osly 1360 rooscits isy legistation, paid emplasees, Geseral Baises also took issae, point- Leosard asd a serretary. isn ot tisat iesideo tise these Mos tftise rest othtie $Wt0t es-gsspitt1isard memisesirst pear ibadget was spestons tiseeare alslmdoresadetabisisio ieadqaarters. Imo nurses ce tise Haton s __ Coucil. Morris said tes sot salis- -Tise daps are growisg ied tisat tisere are rcsamay sisorter, sisce t)aytiglst isealtts tests Le Ontario. "I Savieg Time esded. do't thisisisoanve got as atternative to c patient mho c08866 bous csd hasic have MILTON ce appeedis taisen oct rigit cmanes aree thât tisat T L P B type ot service casA ise re- ASWEIO t ptared. isct empisasised etis- rouni stitsîatiig about tise SERVICIE planig ohealthicare deliv- *oFceTc ery no relacng t. OCOURTEOUS Dlavid Corder cf tise Mis- *PERSONALIZED îstcy of Healtt i dicated tisat a0 an tise Depts Miister et Healtis 8705 0 2U -U meat wiatie said wiseshe- FIT KIWANIS CLUB 0F MILTON INVITES BUSINESS MEN TO JOIN A SERVICE CLUB CALL B]ILL KIG NOW 878-8787 Weekdays 12:15 to 5:30 ~or Weeds and W 84;4-7496 titrot nd ciGabiîeli Spoms Leîtet 878 8897 OFFICIAL NHL HOCKEY TEAM SWEATERS MAUL O/iitOiO IIA TFRS TE605ti32.95fl CUSTOiNG807l56R8O±13995 I100HAR05 PERA5ETR FR Y66RINM ON 085 M 8832 5 7T, 7 sa 0ci.. *M" rm sT. mSiih.'b sp.w 5 Oin"stMI-J to et 'Ir Dil (hý he he C1ý ho CI, "à IL