REALTOR ~I î a mIN ROCKWOOD-Ce8tury homeoetra >large lot, 08060 ren1ovtion 'In0d the pIce i, better thoo rght 121,900.00. 05 087 0office (St, 82133 reIiI > pesenttngB01000 & u 0 8 8 2 MOHAWK AREA-ExceptiotOI a JA vl :1 à a Q 0tacrs withaonttof , 00toIn.arast8ottOdO8>O homes0. Olgh and 6dryooth a a e.N810 etive01 homte 90ACRE fat ort, th of Geoooe- Opefor loff0008. For informa1 1ith ood barnand new fenct01201, mainload 8lottagt, liont 00Pries (519> >00 $16Ot0. Ato Co- huse and0barn0on popeOtt. 821.3M00o (519) 822-2066. struction Ltd 83 0190 o Alteo Co tuct>Ot Ltd. 853. Repreting t>0 08170 80000 0080>008 87-816. 01945 or totologs 878167. Real Estate Ltd. holtor 33201 ..... 33199 _________ 3170 The Canadiae> Champion, WedNoo. 9,1977 17 Parade comnmittee pleads for support M-111810g-1 w00 08 0010 >0001ion.510> 3233285. 3316862060> ttbO in Acton. S6.9W01/,Opar cent0 1 181 1mortgage, main0>6 o 1 undr, 10667601. >, 006h pavetdrive681 Atecon60 stuct00 Ld. 5301900or PR>VATE Country ving on 6 ktchens, firep>060, 3 bath1 r0610s, pl>u0s>,i0e6c6d2gar00 poses.on 60 gl>,h106No. 251 possession, reas0nab>0 853 100006606 oOt 0 CRAL h. BoACHo tRoît 16out>0extrah2100 il>, 160100on80ma0n010 4>,0 ta6610. 8106e o atd. One0 0 0 02000 o lpl i $ , .ot A 1,80190or021 nins187 0105800730 3 197 6697,0062» 0EA74H Reir o 1040l hm i colected tecoer expefloesof 04,355 for hi0 yers Mifton 0000 Clous Parade, te Par- ode Commitfee >5 nery 1001 ried it0wmli>han, t0 osk the Town of Milton for the neces- ary fonds, aocording f0 Joyce Hagevik. puhlicity agent for the 70>0008er grop. ,litsloold hie a cifîoens effort and fot the Tomo's. Mrs. Hages'îk stated em- phatically. "fi s for t he kîds' henefit. thîs parade, and yeo vie are really having pro- blers no ,gettîng 02700rf for f., she sai The nine memhor commit- tee has oollected to dole $2,021 s in hcet sales for a draw fealuring a colo, f ele- vision, a Canadian Tire gîft copo of $100 anda Christ- mas ceofrepiece. as mol as donations fr0nt seneral Mil- ton companies and service clohs. "Many years ago. mhen the parade fîrst starfed, the Mil- ton Fîre Department loohed aller arrangemenlts for te parade. then the firemeo ood the Legios dd 1, bol they vlopped hecause of lach of support fromt the people," said hrs, Hageik. Wth leso Ihan foar weehs te go0601» fthe scheduled parade for Non. 26, the Commilte forced tu equest mone>lfrom lihe Toown of Mltoo, nald Mrs. Hagevîh. The committee is plannng for 01001 bands woî h 1e possihily o602 1616 accordiof f0 Karen ChrylI, chaîrmas of the commîlfeer."As melI 6e hane four maorette groops com>ing out. abot512 clowns, l6 registered 00010. 2216>019 groups, horses and ofcourse. Santa Claus. One area parade commit- tee memiters are expeciof 10 generale a greal deal o> enlhusiasm s the poster con- test. The cooleofst 70>06n spoosoreli 67 the commtlee for grades one tofIvelfor a elrmeotary schools While the Chrstmas parade oil tealore a themr of "Chris- tmas aroood the Wor>d'*.16e posters may depcl asy type o> Christmas sceoe. said NIrs llagenth, The clos>ng date for posters s Nov.lIo ith judgngttlake place Non. >9 at t6e Millton Nal. ohere the posters will 6e on disploy 77 the puble A lrophy oit> 6e oarded >6 a child in each grade oîlh the added bonoo o> a Miooîe Meal, hrîog gîvro 16 rach line rom Mctîonald s Roo her wi»> a>so be reelo distriboted to ai> chldren 12huth ~srvice~i j HIGHWAY GOSPEL CHU RC H o Canada Wakefild R>ad 0H 410. 25 Paso:Rev.M. Chrstons 878-2064 Sooday, Noo. 13.,1977 9 45.- - Subd.y Sch- 11700-1- Monng Woî,p 6000p1m Fan,>y 010601 700710 -- Evngelistic Servic 8000p710 Wedoosday -02>,e Stdy and praver 8000p.10 F>idy ig,7Young a n2 trom Oonday 0676> 30>0oia 01010,02 50766> PRESB CHI IN Cý KNOX Mil 170 m Rev, mh> Sonda». 945a- C> 8:00 pn->S Noloolo Fa, MILTON GOSPE> 6MN HALL RA 3SOOOao St.OîWN878-2022 CH ChriSaGthooe0161>12 Comme»,i l> The NO>706llh818- [611737008 Chrol Paoloî ,r Sooda», Noo. 13, 1977 Sonda»,1 tO:360Btkg Bread 945 om t 12715er m. -OoodOo Oohoo> 20>10ht BbeC> 700lpým .-ospelOService 7100010. - Wdnesdao ohîp. Sermon:. 8000 p 0.0P>a6e1 and Bile,700710.- All ansWel>vonOt. ol>sra>andt 07000 Services (>,»ooîîolod 100> 381,0000>4 > 1 am >the od> Toesdav Shtphtîd: The Oood 07oPherd ICoftto Hour 10207 370 m I BOSTON AND Noloolsvira, OoGH Snd av Se-, PR ES BYTERlA N CHURCHES THE ST.OAV>GS and YTER>AN NASSAGAWE>IA UACH PRESBYTER>AN :ANAOA CHURCHES CHURCH Svnday, Nov. 13, 1977 LTON St. Oavds vi,nos E> bCampbellvlle liniter.10876 Anniversar> av.,J Le->s 100. m and 645 p- 78867 70810> 7>70,e> Roc 0eo M ilho,,ov>o> Led former00>007 >00017100017 T-ahO once Sonda» SpecaiMo,, qes olo>Oand Nov. 13, 1977 6Th. '020 No, 1717 >1,0 rchShoo>s 0,,ls 410,o3,,t>ogs onngWorshp il-1o n aciles povided TRINITY welomeBA PT>S T CHURCH 21A'0>>EL .4372 o 001>LI APTIST 700>0, HURCH R- W7 E Po, :sioSte,o>M,»wo 63406879 3783908 Sanda», Nov. 13, 1977 jO R0»ns»o0 45 avm0Bble Sool for>0> 2 Nov. 13, 1977 'Rs606th Book o -n Eoî>60o odo776>07 007pv> Roîno he A.b> n e, Bo 7 0o S a, n, ...... q -L.1Wt 761001 slle Eitmn P7a,070>1d Toosday7 7 .10. th c>6101,l7es> Wednesday 8 00 p ro Plel n»000>17 ty0:00 a.M10 1 Bble7>,,do ,, ad Bble0îtodv o, seto >L»ofOG.d ednesday Frdy, 7 p 1m Mleeting fol Fave, oo1o-ndr,Oe vBoys ,l,,i d B il aFria>nd :Oes e rvo,ded al all ces and on Tuesday 1 CHURCHOF CHRIST Mo,011, ANGLICAN CHURCH 8859 Oo. W. R.LwisOB h AFCANADA Sonda», Nov. 13.1977 878-44280 CNA 0 002, 0b,S,,,Ooe Soîîday. Nov. 13, 1977 Stîoday, Nl 13, 1977 ajjjge BOSTON TR>N>TY XX»> 100- ,M- g W. oin50and> 9:36010 m Woohip Service and i ST. JOHNS th, LodsS,,po,,e, Churchbbchool NASSAGAWEYA G800,1i7 -hi o h Nursry t ln»»>i5 068phL>007h 7h 7 l 401 WGo"' oOd' OMAGH 930 a010 66>7 C610muo.,,6o 000»- 77>6Stodo 11:000a.10 0061011,6Service1 and Cho>oh Schoo> 770 C,.. h,ýýheo IC»»' 74>, Chunch S.h66>o o v n o i > Come and ne pari ofcol fa 7ii ST, GEORGES Worship LOWV>LLE il 00ao or vnnq Prayer ROMAN CATHCL>C Nursery & Church Sch6oolU C ST. PAULS CHURCH CHURCMoHS 0FGRACECHURCH 878 6535 THE UNITED I 317 Mai,SI. 66,1167 v o sh ion>004600 onPsoro CHURCH OF CANYAOA Te>l7241 t.H >ded.j 006I Main S.t JamaisSi. 00010 HIo>nC6101000011 MASSES Mnistoî-0oW0 [,00 9 30 a010 Seni>0î ucb7b St.,dy oog 75pm ..,51B.,A ,0.,M.Th 06h06> 5076o698009 30, 100a m. 10:30 a010 Junioî Cl>oî6h Confessos:o, O2loîOo500 Sonday, No. .197 Sch..l nd N-,er ;000 710 3and 0110, 17818600>00 ii HURSDA M SS>ON CHU09CHES Them'T elluFoot ThetPlace o 000a..H Cm uinSt. Pefeo's Bein0 Feg0 ei- in9th Let-900o a 1100o . Cholh0036c,,., Our I51 00Lady of Victoty Nursery fai oties TttoloîotRd. - 1030a.ot. Nov 14 a7t6the1l>ll6b A & W1 .Iudgiog the poster coo>rsl wil> be Maor one So>gordon. Rod Lewis, Barry Tooner, Karen Ulhy, n od an art teacher >t01o 60a6pblicvchool. The parade rout017 l folwa n 67011606s earS, .»oeîllgai27p1m >om Ernest C.Droerv6066> >l> lg Ont- ario St andMn tao>Brown St. and >îoa>>h 016>6te Milt>on fair grooonds, 7aN61 Don> GorîdOowl» 6e pre entfo6te parade as the bonooacl macoba> Frie or( fot , l»>b 6etoth 1e 7es> theme float, ru0007767>6n>106> theî,e an or>the mostl0ea tile 700 heme(bflait. The trophie>. areon disp>,>oin The champion sv Iindo>6 .todg>l>g ,>îil]>e u Humser. rdo ((17 and Tom Truck-car services questioned inormoenolvn a pevposed mobilecarand truck rpair bosinessv hefoFe it agrees 70 John> iavole>dt of lîrshy peopod thevservice Treas- 0607 l>on Loogbeed 77001010 eîded against >.0>2>10>09 the 1660 will >700>v0 >o taves ohite otheo 006>p71»067 0must pu> taxes. le a4>v,larned such a businevs in a r607> dental area v>gh>>cause "an uns>ht»>l>v0mes Courvci»lr 0t>ok »aN7 109 ested NIrlavvoeldct vboo>d corne 7t>rnexi urk s7000601 mneeting and explain ho%, the vopi» mlop>te n oo w,»> agîoo tht 3 606,01 om atd bungalow 106h tht custom finshd dn ( 0' th bdoted r oc rîotom, l.>Iloe than satis1y all 00r 01il16s n0ed. Lots of 80010801tiaOl $800.000.00. 01>001681 fomilo and i>0961011066 Bill ONtl> 845 3737 orIts. 878_2679. YOUVE GOT TO START SOMEWHERE! and this 3 b2100,0to10nbome w101h th IOtOttOt,0 nkthe., a g iivig/dnnq roolîcombo and theoOOtntîoo ihed ec 160o s>lýh bolr0and oîift-infrdge ou600>2 ho >7At st S42 90000 vo ca001 >600 b>,ao"LOOK S000>10,1>BllO' Neill 8453737 o,,...70-2679. F. PENNEY REAL ESTATE [TU. 123 Tafagar Rd. GOakv >1e 845 3737 S T 1NI HOMPSON REfit ESTATE ROKM $390.and up... For a good selection of homes in and around Milton Cali you local Real Estate Broker STAN THOMPSON 878-2455 1 Milton :1 m ilton 9 REAL ESTATE CAREER SALES PEOPLE Large coast to Coast broker with complete morigage se-ces and extensive othe, bentifits, aquieý an experienced sales person to fepremnt them in the Acton Milton Georgetown areas. Broker's licence preferred but not neces'a'y Pý,3,e -111 MRS, STODDART ai 842-19M for confidanl,. in erview CANADA PERMANENT TRUST CO., REALTOR, OAKVILLE