It was a mad, GQ A Kinsmen weekend in Montreal The Canadien Champion, Wed. Oct. 26,1977 7 ýTRA1 31 -the CN ie may nover ho the came aga in, ater 282 KinsmOn trom Ontario KIN BRYAN ROBERTSON is surrounded by a oei rr Okil oMnreladbc gi mounlain of boedle bags" at the registration' on the weekend, for thoir Fait Couricit moot desk for Fait Council '77. Local finms donates hoted by Milton Kn. DologatO Mlac NlcCuiiougb gifts for al the visiting Kin and it was Bryan9eof Mississauga checks ovor the front of te job to gel anc into every delegate's banda. engine, just te make suro no Kinsmon triod to ~ htch a ride there. ~EIianipton tuz'e ~g. If they are Milton and District (M.A.D.) Kinsmen, they do it big. Rent a charter train, organize some business sessions and some fun events, and whisk 282 Kinsmen from across Ontario te Montreal and back, ail in the short space of 40 hours. When do they sleep? Not mach, as Champion editor Roy Downs (a former Kinsman, who should have known better) learned on the weekend when be accompanied the group through 40 hours of tue, frivolity and felowship witb a French fiavor on the GO MAD Fait Councit convention 1977. Milton Kinsmen took on their mont ambitieus project in their four years of existence, when they organized the wild and wacky weekend in Quebec. It was a big succesa. in the eyes of aIl partici- pante, aithough registrations fell short et the expected 500 te 600 whicb meant a financial Ioss on the weekend. Photos on this picture page and atonies esewhere in tedays issue tell only part of the story of the GO MAD weekend. The rest cao only be told by thone who were there. As one beaming Kinsman said on the train trip home, tI wisb I hadnt, but Im glad I did!- GOne MAD. that is. THESE TWO KINSMEN grabdatt\ ikso TRICYCLE RACES among members of the shut-eye during a Saiurday hustttsesssi--,on ai Dist'- 81 Exocutive ighlighed the Friday night Montreal. Cari and Dan it ast wmî-. to1 reqiies)t socîx. .x'ty ai Oakville. Tw of the execs get set said thoy woro saving up thir eerrf or the lo go once around the hall othe mini-cycles. evening social bouc, mi liiL'I IiAI NORM CAFIK, Federal Minister for Muiicuiiuralism, was guest speaker at Saturdays luncheon and o pîctured at i rgblcbatting wilh Fait Council chairman Lester Wood of Milton Kînsmen tin overatis t and District Governor John Murphy. Convention photos byp Roy Downs THE 282 KIr.SMEN held thoîr business sessions at Unversity of Mon- treai ait davSaturday and had meals in the unîvrsitys main studoni cafeteria .Tho 55 avi0W of the crowd at the luncheon. MILTON KINSMAN Bian Giidea "talis in love with a Princos'ai tho rogistration dosk Friday night. The Princos s the Babama Princoas in Freeporl. whero theoiîstrict 8 convention will ho held noxi Jane. Katbv Richardson fromn the Princoas Hotot chain pins a 'fait in love" ballon on Bians cheat. Ho woars the MAD Kin conven- tion uniform o ngînors ovoraits, T-shirt, red neckerchief and traismans cap. SMALîLER SEMINARS were held in the universitys many sominar rooîns. Water Sweet and Lorne Cox are pictred conducling a sominar on inetnlersbtp expansion. ONE FELLOW found the laggage rack of the train an ideal place te sleep on the long ride home. MAYOR DON GORDON was presented with a participation banner fer is part in making the visiting Kin welcome in Milton. GovernOp John Murphy made the presentetion while not club president Barry Tonne r (in his aiwayspresentblack tophat) looks on. MILTON KiNETTES helped in many ways 10 make the weekend conven- tion a saccess. They are plctured serving a Fridan night dinner at the Galaxy Club in Oakville. Kinettes also served the welcome home break- fast in Miltons Legion Hall Sanday. ... ....... WHOOPING IT UP at the Oid Munich dance hall in Montresi Saturday night are five of the 282 Kinsoies fromn acroso Ontario wbo attcnded the Fait Councit meet on the weekend, From tefti are Moadowvaio Kmn John Hammond, Ray McWilliams, Mac McCuttough and AI Johnson, and Toronto club member Tim Barry.