Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 26 Oct 1977, p. 4

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4 Th Canadian Champion, Wed.,Oct. 261977 êhamnpionl Editûrial Page Passing of an era Tbe passing of Stan May Friday night marked tbe psssing oif an era. For many years 00W Stan bas heen involved in Halton Plowing mat- cbes and otber events tbat are se vital to the farm community. Neitber Stan nor is team of work bornes were at tbe 1977 Halton Plowing Match. As a matter of fact it was tbe first year since 1866 thal tbere were no bornes at tbe match. Tbe istory of tbe plowing match gots hack along way. The firt matcb as beld in Nelson Town- ship in 1966 at the farm of Jacob Cime. t is interesting (o note that the site of the match is at what is 00w knomn as the corner of tbe Queen Elizabeth Highmay and the Walkers Lne. It was probably inconcievable for participants at that match to ever think that the land would sometime be used as one of tht provinces husiet ighways. There were 12 teama tof bornes in (bat firot match in Nelson. Eventuatly tbe Nelson Plowing Match waa expanded (o the Halton match. By 1949 interest bad grown and in thai year (bere were 65 teama Of If me htcomt confustd it migbt because wetre trying (o follow tht adoice me keep hearing from Ott- ama. Tht alternative seema (o be (bat. in tht early stages, me should junt tune oui tht instructions and apply some common nense. Wt'vt heen earing about tht sad state of tht tconomy, tht effects of inflation, tht bad timen on tht stock market and tht unexplainable uotmploymtnt levels for nome ime. Goveroments, as frequently bappens, are prtsned to, solve al thene problema ith their levers of power. But tht traditional remedies havent orktd and mere still watching a declining dollar. So enter tht iatest goveroment suggestions. Wt're told on one hand (o reduce our expectations and iocrtase our productivity. Then ere told (o reduce aving and start ptnding (o get tht monty back into tht economy and create jobs. This tends (o he confusng. 1(5s also bard for anyone touched by tht deprennion, (o nptnd when such depletion of reserves could mnean huogry days if a job ta lost. And mben thte present and future arent being paioted mith tht rosy glom common in most of tht pat 20 yeara. thtetndency is 1 but op There is a lesdency for politîcal bodies ta want (o pass tht bock mhen lbey have an unpopular issue to dea iîh. Mlton Council ta no exception. From time t0 urne counicilors bave attempted (o excuse (is and tht ast counicil from aoy responsibility for th rapid rate of residential gromth in tomn. They mould bave you belitot (bat tht planning and final commitment for al f tht hosing developruents on treamn or about (o tome on streamn is tht doing of previous coonicits mhich sat prior (0 1974 and regional government. t ia lue that prevîous cooncîts provided a major incentivt for gromth and did tht initial planning on tht Victoria Wood developruent which will ring another 5,000 people totown. Frequently councillors bave attempted (o aah their banda 0f any responsiility for tht approval of (bat developmtent. Thoe counillor who are in thefr second terni would do welI (o think htck (o 1974. Ont of Ibeir firt deeds wasa o endorne tht Victoria Wood project. Tht Ontario Municipal Board aent the whole package hack te the new council hecaue th old orne bad approved il on, ias way oeul of bornes entered along with 23 tractor pulled plows. By 1964 tbere were 55 tractor pulled plows and only two teams of horses. This year with the passing of Stan May tbere were no bornes, apparently for the first time in the history of the match. But organizers feel the event is still a popular 0ne. For the farmmng community it serves as a time when the rural folk corne together and tbe sport serves as a tie with the past. Regardless of whether the plow mas powered by a team of bornes or a igh powered tractor the quality of the furrow bas always served as an indication of the kind of farmer a man ia. Some of the large four furrom plowa and tractorn with enclosed cabs, radios and CB radios make plowing a different sort of sport. But tbe annual event continues (o serve as a inding force in a farm commutlity. Stan May will be missed by is family, frienda and tbe many people be came in(0 contact witb tbrougb is extensive involvement in tbe farming organizations and related groupa. some savinga if possible -jusi in case." Even if the dollars saved are worth les n the future (bey mould provide some bock up in an emergency. We're also told (bat some tagg- ering sum wilt be spent in "make- work-projects" and me get edgy again. Every nem program at the government level generates a neta departmeot or bureau and when the onake-mork-projects" are long gone, tht civil service is still larger. In a business (bey might thînk ofit as oogoing overbead and any businessman will tell you (ats what cao kilI you. In govern- ment it tends (o he different. If we might be permitted an opportunity (o try and cut through some of tht confuntd instruction (bat in coming froru Ottawa me might summarize il (is ay: mwe really dont know whats rong and me really dont bave anv solu- ions.,, Common atne sn't stwaya politically palatable and so some- times leaders can't txpound it. But really tht citizens probahly knom as melI as anyone bow (o face tht difficulties at their omo levtl. If (bat common sense can he applied (o our lii e styles, our expectationa, and our objectives me might sur- vive despite tht confusion from Ottawa. offict and tht 0MB manted the oem council (o take a fresh look ai tht proposaI. Tht councîl approved the plans and sent (hem hack untoucbed. Because (bey did, ihey cann ot real- istically ipe their banda of aIl res- ponsihility for rapîd gromth in Mil- ton, if gromth and providing homes for families mas still a popular idea, me monder if the counicillora mould he as tager (o forget about their role in bringiog bousiog (o Miton. A reality Volunteers are out colectiog funda for Milton new Sports Centre. Tht Centre is to be a reality. Its already under con- struction. Wintario fonds are avail- able if, as n community, me are prtpartd (o contrihute. There mn $2 in Wintario dollars for each dollor you contrihute and tht committet and tht community are dtptnding on sufficient support. Do what you cao for tht volunteer who is giving up lime and effort (o be nt your door. Support as you cao in the interessf getting the centre off on a solid finsocial footing. STILL ON THE VINE and n the fields, tbese pared asas Halloween decoration, the slicing, as pumpkmns are anxiously amaittng their annual in pumpkin pie, and the splattering is done hy f te of cutting, googing, slicing and even young rascals wbo decide to spread tbe aplattering ai Hallowe'en. The cutting and decorations around tbe strees. (Champion photo gouging take place as the pumpkin ta being pre- hy Peter McCusker) Sugar and Spice by bill smiley Ii.tprtis gnd1at itrtotp oncetina %hl uibultguuretbarktu tttttss'tbhasvetab Tbstvb gui tvg Datis ut i ito u-tgond a imne uts .1t1, ilis, cdut ttt, t.ubstarS, ooS tsini.,gatSitta ar ,uattr. and ut you butur i,tburg Lt .ait itu-tt-utaSi labout, ttrrbît iutttrt tlîîîiutuu iSt ru- ra -cu-s ut t tes mS tbha ît ia tuu ttt u-u hig ntet gars oui i ut-rn, utti ut.rolun'Yutta ,trabttnrx.ca thn utrnisi iitlst t - t-t nsgt t-s aso i thr deritusos ut tr ie lutta uautp i u t,leius cttrad 10 gel ba,gstuudertbit, u suuuthrstightesI provo- catio 1 tg t tbrnauutbu c ir a Ses ber lios eýt-st-r ut tua« tars ane tbaa t ndii sttitttrisbetruira irakuo v,, ist u\touti t-ti goiiags' she ssrsattttt 1isuu i(at a.parc buartad L t ericmintsurbtut, tichdubeshbr Shis the uot, miti s att Sga orruts and gastsndivis Ad gaints uetghit.a thero,ruîttutr ds ititing tisra stetostîartakr itur cuit tiia bttis i ut utt l tut-r zsup % tuavet brai-sl, ictutltue-thankilua jos, inug asut cru ne (uis NgMilltinssnt peoaple rîsi tutni oltus sgs may t-r pret-t grosas tutnt-ttsi-t. ui]prtisgre us t-nrhit. 1i ut si-.îsK a-t atribhea liasLs, mach tuttsrisuurttubeg a uatanaon bis rtatro erti t havelhuusUtsinttit>houilera arittut insmyfotrisututagattrg disessuinty spive and atootltthltlatits otti rsry tuta1 iteu, anytbtrgrumortubstantialtibana banatis liB u iautt t-tu lur aitu t on t hSsii uact. liuutîs trtri itghblond tipressura dtabrirs, or the crud. i rausstiibobbie arousd ta Soirs of golf, ratch a fsoS. and 3tiaysptil tsar oi th iessrsisgoand put nagond da'sasih S oy, amtab tanobappy is br a tasadas. aiboutb i gris a bllle arderr rarb year, oSai ati inflationsf, unsopits. polution, srpaiitstaand a itberaitgoserstaroiibaî s tryto t riry rnickreloit fai briorr i dir so i rasI iabe i i ttbme sur drligbtino atCasadias flti lir bers on Esgiasd, Prigista ioiiasd jtsd(tertaasyinthie asitao bAnd believr tas ieiab, oneosi nibeas Sis dot,00 teSt irears ai sor ud and tiorboas Otobr rtaîre tibr heb Nlad AXstst sart, bhras toctbe tlais oas[lits paerte. 1 a dliîgtrd ta base tas grndsos. aittbugb i ,ould br rochanird o uS a graoddiasghirr. and hase spokes serîousiy to a dthrr about fihts.And 1ia tierpir cîatirîsiibai thr litiirr one, tiSa orstintos ospîlai ti ttbtariotitits lasi spriot. slrrrd no lasingetierits an s about as sistls as a Sherman tank itoi i(uibtobisi l hai oasvth bre ai the .bautr ar mstog testam m btte Instead aifibree eycouid ait base bisas of[ins ibse territle siarnis ls it Andi1 espertin tavae the ihrebarS os aoy Tisiart i amta stkiitoavaesGrade Nine ciass ta teacb What a peaure iheir brugtis tanad lares are suter copiit s iti tbe blase apat ai ofs io tdenssfoi Theboyliare ne atsnad rater Tertirls hases i set decîded ta berosarsexpois. Te bavevitreally fortaedyetteaasks tbri u tii presenti ta soctY in ero o Initact, taoieeedtngi'ti bokisi ta bave a job 1 liSe. Marly. masi persoos don'i have a job ai al. or baie the ose ibry're dotot. [icaoiakr kreesîosicis. and wtbts a veaor toohave have thenriting and speilto iSe ihis -The -s'quotitichb as ini their trrIcprd osto ibhe la-ors- rebrle s srsrriai tkor.,redd vtoa l- ir taiastaitg. lias oe tar moiti rosse Oother tihîg ta br rirtaneiy thaokfli fo s the ahîlitiy tssiers N i irbas onsomota. Altsi o' my irds haveo'ril. i ras itrdoaî,aiirr aos bsd oita brtisbda vanti iiakr oui itkr as aid rsbbîrr hout, Itase rrthad drorîrlredtioittasrrtesim bert, for tie sesi days ieay Foi gtad Vt onnt utti ia fr ro handiootar, bui i doniiscarr itir bidrers li.if gtimy irrib capped. dyrd tay batrse d a rr liai i fc-i. i csuld pass for 58. ttttii tich%ilbr Orsiune ta tashisi ibal i havr air le reids. asd daubhs hanobii thai ihrt art ail in tierse shaprithasi1 .i nsesaheolrohrnsuaaiiiten asin' siela thtst. Thts driraris a itefo ejtofaifood. u la t tisa îrsa i tan't smelssonshrtib btskrîbrreatb itodi ador ordrad taoirea tinthe tialails Thais the good aid t.iîrer liîstg l'a ittiiirerrnrsîl tthai Yvl ss toasaandttibratiButtaithersainrtttar. is ihashfii Whrtî i gît iti asd saserablr. andsaan drtbltttdodaosis front, Vilihave a but osairsi irattdrd siirdaesn'tsirssfiitithrettisttttt Ibe cai bas taken offior ereser pastirra m> garsgerhaso i lalirs do tttt tot s ir tlrtsm;and i hvtrittart, ttstshrd tis clrtashasbnkYuositd By Bob Brti t s shurt: aler tbr 1915 eecios avd tuittliared'stîirsi trip to Quero's Park ibat Si)P rasduiiaeSitl ohsons ated hum ,%thtihe iba tkase te -ontand dance fitsas u iharcertaaount ofcontempt thai mtckrd Wtttr paced!the tite os tbe veaty electeti mPP But isse tIbm tbe MPP Sas pracev ta Se sers scaur osong anddan5cr manv and the tile s an ap- roiatvonetae- rerît t5tttftliard arris it ýaht tt-ist os-s t iven titrs as t.ugrui suutt- rthctsrit -uts drama so tatt sbaadn't biattsarprsu-tt whev bcepups up aiasocialesesit eadng a sing sogtsnsteadof deliierist a pttirat As s tSe case siS ait poiticianso reed is trequesiiy csourd upon is attend o dinner or banquet and say a feu ords. In his case though. Se s just as api 10 sg atrmw ontsas say afemmsrds ltits proalhy sot a bad! idea eruSer. Mos foks tsud jst as soon her afew verses of "This Landis YsurtLand" as alectureeo the sod siate ai the natio5 or sad site of the tosersuse paria. fesdes, thereis proablhy noquicker may o piase an audience thon wmuSa mcii sunt ssog. Reeds anto cas snip hoosi Ss per- sona] popaarity us the ridîng and ilS o leader iSe Stuart Smith, persona] popsiarîts s nice ta have Reed tokes about Ss bano payîng. ite adsi bren iecird lont aben Sb aa oi tri invitations ta be the cuesi speaker ai Lîberai fonctions arossd the province. "Doni kkid asurseif.t. 1eydool moni lao Star tas speak. ibey asito er tae pay tay banjo and sing, Sec satd. il's liSe the MPP soy, il ysu a rosibotS ai yorseland loos nthet (chier ide of things romtimttime, the wtbusinst ess rosid becosea asis depressint. mari. one ustssurte- ippraoes in !he (taion Retissai isout chambres tas teeks agto oprset abrîeitoithe tBi .5 Cosaitalet, Allerlisient conctiint and stien un(ounded statetssfoe moniSs os end about the proper esie and fuure of regîsol tovresmeni. the soles presentaion as liSe a breoiS ot loesS air. Soies soys iSai theke oaiissue 1to ieS the cosasiiiee sSouid Se addessing iseit l, hosalocal torerosarsi ras Se estahhisheds that il is capable and free 10 mun is osas shipt The moy ilits nowthie sanicipaitits. loai and regiala, areevees saîîheereatrs and sevnts oandlsi he province. For yrars nom. proincial poitiitats and highty piaeed cvil servants have heen jihhering ahoot returnisg power fessa Queens Park 10 the sauncipaiities. Thats ait tlarind ine, Sut il is sot happening. In esers:intsavntîhererthe province staais bceretusotot responsi- hlit 10 the sasocîpalitites. thererare con- ditios and sintgs aiiocbed. fioles sastissthai milS thecrsat ofo retiosai gosernen arsnadtheatger locat usits. the expertise ta ras thershow esisis iocaiy, But esessnom; the eetîonand ares coniscas hardiy ta ve ustihoui the biessiot ai thegterattihbte fthier. A lare eperci-vageaoi iita,ýtwsand is-oallusitrau-sstsstid lor out.tos ttî apptvt,i ,tuutfi baies tshe bsays the deistafls hattd bc naade tmcaity-Soi not aasy oflhesaaller mach hope of ever wtatostotoaaosy and severingthe apron stinsstrom thepoaOt tnit Se ai Quero's Park. Miton coonriiioe tis atoson put ii ssccînctly: moere like ahideeaantiîngto run away trm om e tarume stilneed the aloa ,sme siai homne. Roada is prohahty ose area shere the paternatîssa syndroestasasi ohsîss Each yeoe tke province atimaites tonds 10 municipalities in the peovî nce. But hetore aitscaiist fonds the province inssts that the sauncipalties ire con- sutansioprsvîde what sknsan as a ods need siodp. The t suiy romssfor no les ihan $25,000 and il tlls couneits enactiY sahat local staff cotd hase tolt ier in a 15 Cntinued os Page 5 Pages of the Past Frosa Chapion Files One year ago Token trots the issue of The Canadian Chamopion. Oct. 271976a An estimaled cool nf $310,000 in repaie the Fred Armstrong Aes Sbas ronvinced tht majnrity ai Milton Coonctilmesahers ihal a ses arena is netded. The Minîstry of Labor ctmsed tSe aresa 1001 sprint sahen iO mas bound tht arena. nom si ytaes otd, did sot meel 1970 Na tionai1 Building Standards for mîndosnosa toadn Psihiity ot o nesa Milton Pool Office rîsing on the peesent Armstrong Arena site and Miltas Councit taking over the peseni pool office building ai Main and Martin Sto. for an extension 10 tke municipal comptes, met milS favorable reception fessasoun cubeos Monday evening. Officiats are gearing up for Multon's municipal etection on Monday. Dmc. t and chief relorning attirer Jack MrGeachîe and Six assistant Campbell Thompoon this metS outintd tht pemcedare for candidates and autrs iniereoied in tke ti7t eleciion. Mes. Ruse Harrison annmunred ker con- didacy for a seat in mard Tms tbis meek. he is ote of tire netacomers jsining the rare un ihai mord. Tmeniy years alter ita bletS. Mitton Mail rosas oi age taxi mweek tahen omner John Tomai otfîcîatiy spenrd tht iuliy enclostd climale coniestird indoce smal. Mayor Anse Macrtihur otticuaird ai the rihhon cutting crmony usin a pair of inscie gotd piaird saissors ta surce ihrough a sting of 1tif$1 ilus iasiened tIna red ribhon. lter donaird tb the (iptitaisi CluS for itsa rions youih morS progroams 20 years ago Taktit enfoîî theissae of'rhe Catiadiait ihaoîpion. îlct. 24.195i Multon Rotary lbS sut ogaîs carry on She munor hockey peageasa uin toms ibis aunies, ut mas drrided Tuesday. Ployers etthit t on sitn n i fenough areuin- irresird. a junior irasa sit Sec forsard iaitoo*s deer population mas redurrd hy ose Saioedayishes a 500 Ib.huck max sOeurS by a cradeises h: Gien CoiherS. Mltonon a1taSîderood star Apptehy Lise. Miltiov'ssaew oOOiuy tas us puhlîsbrd us uts astteeiy us ioday's Champion. Il takes un 10 oli- pages ai the ussur bdsnats ofttaering resîdenliai mater mere îîpliasad la MiltsonCounîl idis oeek b0urprsetative aiNeptune Oleters. 0In-ontilttthes cul ronsumptoîî bytothrds, Srsaud, Themreeis the cashI regîsier ohîrh ireavs everysse exuaty. Se saîd. Mltors spopulation oSes c lSe cidoui the 1952 asseosmeni roux mwas 4,592, assessor Frank MaNiven eeported ibis oerk. Hauteseastore Se rtosed ithe rmils sonne moreifamtliusshavesaavedîinandithe liguehas probohty lopped 4.600. Se saîd. lie predicis 4,70i by the eno aisxyrar. Tbere a-re4525 on the rotis taxi yeor. The tise local taxi aperalors havr an- soanred a raie uscreaxe. Catis ohich o-ere la5 croisarei()icens ts w 75 years ago Taken from eisoeixoiThe anadian Chamopion. iOct . ,1t0 Perir boires sammuit usnNassogaueya tireitiiuaskuiIe aatburned on Wdnrsday. 015 5in1t and utas a romptete oss ihere Setstsano surasss Ma. Sayrrs badl hought a mil]inturonandaas runusgti, whiehus sons saaaed tSe aid miii Obhro thry lîoîxhed sorS. a ltile raruer thon uxuot. rserytitg appeaeedioteaitrtigh.I t ius sol nosas Sos tSefitre starird. Orltando C - ,aifKeto mhr mas us toit ls itra aiunaltc. usas usin otason Miunday lilesatîl Se had brrsassauiird and braies' by a netchbor and ihai Se hod rormsas ho southitot poison hum or mureren iy sosar aiher ecrs lieussiltsisanle anda fttlsubject forait Thr formation ai tbe Mituasn(tu tian ile Associationbas tîrro authorzed by the itssrrnsuri. andoon Satardat the 1briftes urtsvedier.aonetfor eerfouramesaherx, aisa 4ittOt paurls oai ta- Round uni umunition.100tlpar mas. Twaonliiads ai gypsuestiesi ibroutb tsar tsar Tursdaa They catrrd osntons wagoa sign psobty o putlon ihnurieni. Il read: Hotu yai Esttush Gypsies Edisa ItPNiasse. of the ActasFres Press. tn ltuthie ptayuog golf, broke a base un one of bus tacs, and miii Sesuid upifor THE ie r CANADIAN CHAMPION AND PUBLISHNG CO. t t G , ,..tt-iO atoi T Dtts stt 55 ,10t ist-e ,,l i ',.t 05t t- Ptt i , or . o i ,t Pltcstt t , tausto tai , c ta5 tiititaiti itou 1 i..., It. vîsosa t a o tI -o,ti t, -t i u rtov-g to ts ua .i- Try common sense Can't wash hands S ae d )f e b d it o ie ýe ýe 1- [S ;S ýy [5

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