___ThCndiChampin, Wed.. Oct. 26.1977 B17 SCOTT BAILEY, at for rîght reeeived plenty of intereot in is projeet from bis brother Michael, left and neighbor Steve Perrault. It wao a family affair in the creation of thin windmill with help and guidance coming from Scott's father and grandfather. Energy conservation1ri aCw9 WindmiII is family projeot By Linda Kfrhy oheh is cery important te measres the power efthtie what she sa turone esut s Feret ih ashoen a pro- Esergy cenervatioe s sa prevet damage to te o nd- wiedm il and i snt enesuala ermsoretpower,"hle spiOhcesof trialand errer hutelhe tamiy aftar fer tise Saiey miil asowei aseee zengoeid e see snmeoee out atmd a laegh Ilis Scttsproect, trois hehbas irarned a lot. tamil inoMilies asd their eecgy eo the hes aacty sti chers sg tSe dais, says hot oe are certaiy ail pretty A grade sie itadent i eforts cen ho seesn hecr A carinstrumetpanel Mr.Sa iey. Yenlestwonoder ieerested is t. Ornerai Broch hle sors a hatEpard tentise shape et a ftutre in prebabiy tise ete oindmi is cifid. Rigisinoo With the heip of is girand- theegis ho stili hase doas fr a tather and tather, i-year-oid ndiloabat Scott Baiioy put tegether the ____________ ojndmil thatwonris one id power and supplies ample enery fr acar attry.AROUND fot high with prepi oeighisg THEH E deveiop oer iver horsopoere ith astcsngowisd. "Itoneoof thoe o pr ever hacked Ik ye, it coetd issecis youout," BM cocos Scelleflaitier, Ken McDonml Scti's grasdtather is more thas familier oith oind energy. Ho as 50years Ot sailing expriosce ehind Jnsnl.sîconen s ro iny èe him and didatfaircameenteof wis entishpaiuti an sor hoat heildng, as oeil. en rne in r u s son .i am reticod toc, hut i and prnits i e uisrle sitl liSe tei tiiler areusd," tise senior Ed Bitey sayo PMI. oOs frits ore O nippis oith a seile. Ho is contetm-so aSeieeoh i piatisg Scettis seorst vrabwtcthte scheme, tho idesofetbuiding a ics smali oindmiii te poer a. . . boa. 1 "tes an ides, heut 1dnt Bnaes e bhof letsek no," ho sates oith sotie oraisaon ii seC ouea ameesi t fdohi. cokE e? ono iesntin os Scot saapparestiy as gond th e tegîsi e e an with ideas as lho s oith biss eacmSliOrak. hasds, accrdisg 10 is. . . father. A tort hut hy Scot and is riesds heneits fronem mit anytre the attery charges 6e gels s ine, tyomisned appuis tronm tiseoindmiland lighis sndeOpplein jln simili et seppiied te thse tort. w min, Scot has setterd somte disappoisîmnets ith the CAN YOU INSTALLA oindmult. A sommer slerm WATER SOFTENER IN AN îisd seapped theo hiades, and OLDER NOMEO il was amtaitereofreheildieg If n ceavher lanrUles. and the assemhly al over agais, , averagepresure isiuniiseaid thîs ime ith a soivel hse b'O ~heso roehnsi. Cenauisyoar that mouid 6e moed te tise "loal mnrer d'eirs dealer. drection et the oind. The oid STANDING 15 feet high, the propso0f thîs wndmill weigh approximately prop Ps ore reptaced oith a 150 pounds, requiring two peopleto place it inpositionl. U A hi[ n variahle pitrh pcop. àaui - - Omagh: Community mourns ... 7 taocertshows therr c. a colleer aa ioformativec and appre- Eght tahies ocre en pay and shop close hy, a iriephone ciaicd (y ail preseol. Thanks 1he loliowing Oece prise sigiies a phone booih. tas copressrd liy lorcecc onners. Mes. Alred Ford, Aiso he shooci aieosieg tlylh. ro. G. Tasker, Mes. H. symbois sed by hohos-a cal The roi rail ias oeil an-Dosen. Allas Clemente, waslhrsigeel 0kid wooae. titeed oilh a a yti p for George eadhead, Mes.Fier- tour legs attachrd t0 a lialoorro .Thrzoneimerl erreTeeeyehe. The useal straight iner Oran', a cross îeg cîilbr hld e intlra, iner lunch oas served and a dog aed se on, 1Mr Scolt. an Whllinigton-lace on Sot' 14.tocial lime cas enjeyed. expert ie elecrtii. spoke Ai the close coller aed Wioeers ien te Tracter ce hydre andthIe dangers dosols ocrr orrtrd toc a Satrty Cempetitien t Pto- lremn il. This cas oery inter- social hall hoor. îeg Match ee Oct. 22 wece estîeg ecotor oft he recet A rochrer 000 hrd ai iBoynerNormae Aedersoe, Bitl Beus- hbuidieg of the hogs' poe ('Celre n rîdav, (ici 21 hy field and Dougas McPitaii. finersthrough ttaiioe list oIE th rcrraiioeai romoitiir Cogratulations. AN EVE 15 KEPT ON THE WIND by Scott, his pwer of the windmrill which, according to Scottos brother Michael, and friend Steve Perrault. As fa0thor K, can meaoure over five borsepower old instrument panel from a car measures the on a good windy day. 1978 AMC CONCORD 2 DOOR SED)AN TEST DRIVE IT TOL)AY CLEMENT'S MOTORS 0F MILTON 500 BRONTE ST. S. JUST NORTH 0F HOSPITAL- 878-2328 MILTON the Gift Shop For cooking in the French mariner enameiied, cuit-iran "Le Creuset Wace". shspe and attractive colors mean that you con use thom as secving dishes. Corne itao eiher shop and save. Al places reduced 10%. 227 Main St 878-2353 thse Mikon Mal 878-5040 What's the about toda 98 Lograun? PP donl't eefeel tOi:nm dietog! Easy to fouow. I dont ro différently for my farnofly Neyer dull, t can etay on a di.t wherever t go. Pisntaotlc'i FANT'ASTICH' .DELICIOUJS1 FILLING!... ENJOYABLE!, The Authoty 00 re 8dl te bdu~ih ACTON MILTON St: Alan 's Parnsh Hall Soit Rosoct Parish Hall Willowtreet lttMarticeOreet Tues7:30pm, Tocs 7:3tp.m GEORGETOWN GUELPH St. Georges Aniglicae Sit.Joseih's Parish Church 409 Paîslev Road 60 Goelph Sreet Thon 37:O p. o Tues. 7:30pM. MISSISSAUGA- MEADOWVALE GUELPH New Wght alrhert YM-YWCA Hed Offîce 0OSpeedvale Eastl 6610oTurner Va lley Rd. Mon. 7:30 p.m. & Mo.73Opm Tues. 1:Op.m. Wed. 7:3tpei OAKVILLE OAKVILLE Sheidan ollege St. JudeAngican Church Reom B9125 160 Wiliami Sret Mon. 730pm Wed, t:300a.i&73pm FOR CLAU INFORMATION CALL. EAC H M ONTH ANI CIASI w.or = s ' T h e f l ~ A u t h o R t y .