916 Tht- Canaduen ChmpioWati Oct. 261977 A walk in histoà'y Town founded around Main l i fio Milsn A hstat-y ualabin Mition bus 50 staut-fn fhoMan Stcause if sas herethe eutiy town was fonded andthe mst sgnifiestit factort-ssthe t-Sfomafie Ct-eo Infereuf i artcent hstory waa ba s rsaourageti puing tht-eaiaintata a ctit-tnt-tsni. as s with thsimtO art-ste-rbegaît Lookaog icam tht-rua ot-Gace Angican Chutchar gsi anc gismInpse aitht-ites u fl mcesfs lt-o atrabut-rissant iettn cossestMan St. Arfnaii tho tawnships hoedecang the Sssfeea erec tara ryr ti reen 186anti ig0t9-fheaugh pt-na osu retsfnbhtoht- except for the ccasioal abaet-tteadow,.a ft-u fodian s-atn filds n the o t ale fat lantsoratt apat-h oainsdai -- n tht- ares Of theibrfecun iere net-o peohbis iatsot-Fishebo, Waotinr. Tîmbor %Vhah tCsnada Lynosasdtho'tapifi or tintest-ast bki n the nootisThe aiti fut-hty tinditht-a iti pageans wratttonn the bat-ti Thesfasttreordt-ofatheopass-500t pigeossastai aarpbellit tinta nu Set-fifsret-gat-tiotthe lrosi as an oah tarie. Saonnepst-oandotiashas at-sest-ti fo thetitiish Nait assdthet-oereonapte asti ht-tch sas io a Theaugh ailthiis musnai tbtheSitoon 'fie Creteh. wich uat-bsis i-s îat,ses-s(tass15t- squat-e mt-s f0 Lahe Onft-rio ai Oahilie. The t set-m un hoth an ohtacle anti an apport tstfy fit a nusnoons -tt-n flodti lme. In 1797 capsin Joseph Ba-at set outfriom his home t tht- Mhwknil-flage on ht- Granti River st-at-Branfordtu t trusetf York On Dec. 15 be nus afoppe t ttButis.ton Beach htcause of tht -rit-ofnithet-eut-t- Afor Wiiaum Lyon Muckenzielt- defeufeti t Mongomreryn Tuers Dt-c. 7 1837 ho fiedt-towardn ptesetn day Hulasn. Thtrots ihis eut-iy referont-t- rom hin tiat-Y -tut- put-sotes, neetheit-os, gasneti on us aond hos st-ut-tht- Sisst-On Mt- Cee et -scort-fuse thuf my conrymus Co. t hutmees huti a poefy guut-ting thheitige. Tht-ct-t-t-hsneiis up t times inia a rapiti t-ast-t-t sn s so un y tht- Nosemht-t casns.- Machkenzie-anti ose composion, is apte f high nufteasti oaing ire, suc- arotirti n nudsng art-ms tht- ct-et-. hSmcos tisue ni uhout f796 touls hon tht- cret-oh ns namot. Tht- ct-ttks nt-t-t designufed hy thtein itant-e irom Niagara i an tht- souih sideofa Lahe Otario, anti lt-ou Buringion, ins tht- sorth site. Oah- a ilt- an tht- north shore in ituat- t itht- mnouth of the Ositen Mule Ctet-k, not ai the moth oifthe Ohiiie Ct-t-tk aus rtrtn Omagh Community mourns death of two men itttMt,.tt-ti iltttrtitO at att-t--t-tttibazaat- ut efforts. Tese were Mr. Flor- Friends nittibs at-ctatt-t-t- ittsae iCentrecon Saturday, ence McCann, Mrs. Grace shochedt taran of the- -addco ut-t 22 Rtt R Les w 1-McKnnon, Mrs. Betty passtsg of Sattit-' %iaiof comd th hst otaiittos and Wikinson and Mrs.John Seamptto Hiapta ttt e t 2- aitt s;stdthedaza and r Ntt-s Got- ton ongratulat Brmpton Hospit aar 25 sa on thtGor oad Maor oMt.desn. Cngaut iness of anIt Iwo day t don oa ilNtottnt-t- nteresteti The Haiton Farm Safety Mr. Mac tta ,str\ctive-tin a -the varionts saies hooths (ounci ht-Id their fait meet- cmuiatv tisltcýisa n sdtaed fortatternoonfea. ingin thehboard motntof the 00 prestdent oif Ballon 4aIt cour -t, t Guet lt-ae rn t ahile. agriculturai office on Tues- c il and had bt-t-spannicg tac uitangtatt itostott,Mitton day teing, Oct. if. Presi- a H Aartit stght an Ot t2t ind Betite[ Chut-tht-s. dent MrsC attersonsuet- He unsasota aleadet- ta tCongratultitossastigond comd the menihe-s and pr- seserai oi tht -1a1iclab- 'att-,tt het-,taMr and Ies. Dan- stdcd for the econing j May fsok a keht-c ststcst iait t s-tac ahattere mrt-ted Norman Bggae. sect-etat-y- tho pinag smatcsati uasn t itnttgh frtsbytt-tiac treasut-et-. read cnre-n a kcen contendrand tatinae t htar, t an Sait-ramy.Ott, 22 pondence and mtnutes. Bast- n tht- aampet-tsttaa atit hsa Taht-ardeo tthe danghtrof aisst aestng from tiese were fine ttamatttatrss Ht-tisa Mrattnd'tes Witt-s'tfLan- ssatog choques tur the nuscton taits*y, ttht-t t-t-ct-Teactot- Satety Competitian agricuttuai ascattanst Gtttel a shes ta utas uat tht- piung match, at Si scre ssmpath s ex-sMartshalt aha t s nrstng a ttophy and f25 choque fot-r tendod tanhlait- fetht- tat-act-r tbroeaat-mi tloaitg a tait ltst 'pt-tocand fi5 anti $t0 Grat- Johnonan sd.a s ttot atttt-ycle,-cheqttesto-scnd and lstrd - fumiy Stephen. tta ght. Biit-da greeeitngs and pt-tors.Contstuints net-e 1 t Wayne. Petrit- \tatha, Santa gaad tt shes ta Mft- George arttt a safety test andi colnm- and Eartha ' and gandchttd- Pcacb MeNIs Rody tut-ism.pte uith att-attnt anti wagon ten, aso st-st-talt hesatund xttts Ft-cd Ltster,-'atts, Citaon a chatted course in a gîtes i r -tesMeMa a-s l adto Jases. hGeoffrey Nntthcte. urnelismit. Fouttees ment- sitrest in th-ct-nsttt-c ai the 'atts Ct-ta Sait and Rats ht-ts ntet-ot tho contsi The ChatchaiftChrtst a attttgit taFutltt-t-com potition n-as In emphu- Montuy attent-tttttt i att1 tc tsgtatutattttns ta Me. asd stot-saleit-dttng hahits with much mstdb»ttttthhat-tt 'atct n ist ttttr. 20ct- at- ttm muchîsey. Tht- him.saaard an ()t.t-A29 memhet-s net-escretionn Thomas M'at rith, ,t e Congrtastuatiottns ta Miss ahtIittyto munoet- machin- ni aton s osaeisit-stnststt Naascy 'atabsnnon as eiag t-ty- dscossocting poner- pussed aatssasttnta,ttttt- abastitant-naoi tht- Fat-ton taheoits, no iose cioihing, 23 aitlaitannitasoaitftacIlattats for1778Jodges and ailipr-taOtinOto Pt-05t-5 Manne MertGabrtath bad sîadei-bt-c isiasat tht- acctdents. htes a uatt-ct- ntagh poistsasbanquatet is Hil- Tht- conici nas udised ate. anti att-nil dt-atnt-lti- st-st bat-t-hon Satat-das îht 26 isst yer momhOrs of t-oit-htatt-si hts taîb ttthtiyat-tassa a()t-t2taanti Nacy tht- Agicoitot-Oi i-H cuhs ons Ang 1tofti bs -tt \ ttc as. i acatttiedbYs tttNear's at-rt-nitgtio taIt-tceint- hrd usti a est otattat a- s1attt anNist cane Stenact huis aiahtcsement nght. st-ty atvcand sntcccstctintc tttscactsada cbeque,un tht-y ut-t-suppited asd piti hs chorcbitatttit %aadasstm isnbouqtioftaiiont-ts anda fothehtSufety Ctousci mnnty actvts-t - acm.Ted Shetnoeth ni Orange- Mrt. G atbthas hnttstt angtatittns anti gond ilt-ut-commestetions the hy mosi af i bs fteedtas , sabts ta MisssLynse Stewrt competîtionoat tht- plnntng "Uncte Tonam ntat ftstt ttcon bt-sg cbast-nitiatnnoftht- matchuasd1i3 othets hait grouty ma-d ta aieitsas Vh act-atatthe- Internattosali bt-tn ht-dinsOtario. atios predtcnascd bhibt ttic ti t-a tiunS 'sMatch ai Ksgston ssu tht- ast onet-antiailitihad Shuts anti bati ntttatttit tl-e t-sstsIy 'tissa Stettwart ii ht-t-smoist suacoso foi isthe t-sittht-tht- attai tpct-tnt ttntari t-ta a uy Gst speauker-us Water- s ssnt-std by his sttt-nMsaicltat-atvtsîîfsothe- Scott. aiocalifurmer whotis Get-tst-tttnt,atrs Mtt'astttseartt, ndas chos-n iso engsnt-t-t-ithuasoted Stott ttvI seetc '-es--s asaid scsmtatattist-in the costt-st. mytemont compusy. Me. Ms -Alt-trtnt-cc- aid te its aheatitable-gOtstat Scott was chutemasnifthe m att-ict-s andtinttt-iti theta as ut-,tiattIiiictestuttd cssnasttatsc-hch uogtentt-t htcesctt-ttttptth\ , tc st-ierpt-sot-st ssong aiti tht- soaw 'nning aehticio irodedt stbsc sbtsttsttat-t iýsca tntSpncet- Wison. cmbtnm, Thts tiange shapeti spectal] its hsi-t-i-s iii-tton%-tt-toftthe cmpttto , sga mstbylan, leuat nsaa-'atsMi.,tscat t-st-st sstsstststt-itbt-t-caasibc-a tachd to the-t-eut-or-e-oty nhohat, s-s ithstasi bts -,t -t-art ntghitn Hit- hice o-machtne movtng on since tht ,leittis tltas-st (ret-ss sisschbaaat-isOo bghaysnundet-25 miles an Me t;iilliirt-tti) -,saidst, ,s 5 tisetss hour t,-eshoneti pitares ni t-tst ntbt -ssispiotta h, li ia iet s ha puart thonsunds of emhiemsnwht-h ht-otcdttsi i tcsï, iaytt at ititri tttfthe -ost- 'iot hast-bten matie antithtse Chut-aatsiocss(saet 2-, tsbthng cott atathc pion shoaatn b-tii otmtifthe-t-is Tht-nttasiacata(ii tatgit instatt-h an suidy danger snoivotiA tup asti reoshytccs-sss 'A t ht-di t-c-sssicheqtuets for tht-te iConfisooti os Page B17) St. mapsntof0indicat. apertason unstRon Ho ssan.5- ais. For nomt- the t ieam spelit-t opportiniiy- uthough much chunget in opet-ution. A nomhet- ai milis tiepentit-tios tht-flon ni But let un tut-o sesi ne tf0the t-so-y ni tht-Ct-teh for thteillfe hutht- mmi durahle nut-t-ponte astitht- ioeiopmetf nitht- nus tht- Martin Miii mhich in sit n mii nwthis f5tfitc on Miton. THE SIXTEEN stitl wends is wuy through buuh crowded bunks and ulti- mutety croases Main Si. ini Milton. If waus significunt in the eurly devt-Iop- ment tf the- community und ai une time uciuutty crosned the- Muin St. three timon. Zenith crates Color Sentry. Think of it as a TV control roomn in your %et. t gives you that great Zenith picture automatichllY. - ~O tisa taasscon so nides t-R $79991 eSAME DAY DEUIVERY ON MOST MODELS nc-Anp'oand-îed botter thon rontingi * For as lttie as $15 monthly you cao own your own color portable ..on our easy tîme payment plan. RCHARDSON'S *FURNITURE * TELEVISION * APPLIANCES 465 MAIN ST. EASY FREE PARKING 878-2336 OPEN DAI LV 9 TI LL 9 SAT. "-5 Carey House ta open Sat The Houas Rtgoass fitst immetisut-it ito int-mono, tto tht- hoase shortly alier Cheshire Home for physicaify to campitiiel prle-t tht-opt-ning ceremony. handit-appOti adts iti lmii t- Carey HRuant-s pretsentis open sn Buringion os Salut-- t ho oniy nos goseromentai tiay, Oct. 29, niih abu o20 housing pr etci utahe to te LAE inviteti gumits pt-sent ai tht- huntitrppeti adutss i he ITE cet-tmanies. tegtons. I if iie atimini- 6BMïi11 The- home, ose o 1 niî s st-re-ti yRation Cheshireo MI LI O norlditiitt Chtshire Fountia- tht- Cheshire phitosophy ni 87-35 tins, nll ht- ofitiaiiy nameti povidina as mach ptrossai Curey Hoone' is rom- intitpentit-ce us possthble tot memot-Otiot f But-fingons etsidetits, nho iiitakh n ~For suedos, t19t- posihumoas 'Citizt-n ni activesolt-niesmuhtng tht- tht- Ytat, tht-fat- Rohert C. gt-nop sf0 a ifamiy., anti tht- leathers, Carety.Somne applications bouseo to t ieir'homo .Tht-y fromt North Rai ion at-t- eing iii contrihute tsnncsiiy. furs cosisittet-ti- Tht- ient tht-et-e sntsnhase is wition, Mrs Shirety ht-en st-etceti ant ilmi mn Carey -i telare tht- houso, a i-yea tuctrentortno Ontario t-ete, in townniowns PAUL MARTIN Bat-fingios, open. A rtcetpua iii mlwaniutSB. Lues Anglican Chat-ch, at-t-mn tht-e ,Li. sireet. Tht hoose, nhich wiii pt-o- T D A vitit accommodation for 4 b TO IA ahout eighf atiits, n heing buotEt-NDIEeJT OnE-TOR npeiaiiy utiaptedt f0tht- estd ni tht- phystcuiiy hansis eappt-t. Adaptions anti 161mORNET-oc DR.0TELEPHONE retnosaitons aeut-e r tt--tht- MITONONT. 9T2Z8 14la)978-9771 dit-t-ttinsniofMrs.Fumetu_________________________ Cmiif, a Totono atchiioci nho a________________________ is a ieating auihority on do- signing fucilties for hundi- cappeti asti oit-t-y ret-dnitns Presit oft he Onario Wei _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ fat-e Counci. Carey House nus boughf hy LAWN AND GARDEN EQSIPMENT CENTRE Raf ton Cheshire Homos, tic., achatitahle foundtitns. ifh tuntin originaly ptonii-h tht- May Court Cuh ni Oah-lu Iiqw sie. Atdittonai fustis hase FRDYESA NO MBR4ht h came ft-nm musy rogsonuf l nsI-f gthmT.,Nf 2 5usd On yRd4tah ni tto set-vice groupn. A $200888 Cre fHgha 6adDryRodSuhfMlo THE GREAT I COAT SALE NEW WINTER COATS AT BIG 200/ SAVINGS Reg. prîce:49.99-99.99 ANTI-INFLATION PRICES NOW: 39.97-79.97 ansan n ATMOST oit-un SSTOS