Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 26 Oct 1977, p. 34

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B14 Thte Canadien Champion, Wed. Oct. 261977 Around the Camp fire Keeping you alive, weII B, RecruLucui t.' FIIIT AD-FROOTBITE Set freafmenf for frotbitte te f0 graduau fy warm te af- tocfed area ity body bot Appfy aeds f0 face or ors. pace haeds insidejachefaender armpits. DO NOT RUR AND DO NOT APPLY DIRECT HEAT. Wear profenfive cfofing for einfer activites. Dontex pore uetamttiar terrtny afoee. St. JohtnAmbtufance) 2. FININ THIE NORTH SsTAR Te ied te Norft Sfar. firef fouit for fthe Bg Dipper star constelation. Tiese are seven farge stars fthaf form a pafern fte a dipper. A fne esfeeded from te tws end stars icaffed "Pointer stars")i oSfteBig Dipper if poinftSu fthe Norft Star The distance belueen the Nort Star and te Big Dîpper is fisetmesfthe distance befuenotfho poiners. 3 . QUICKtE LUNCH IDEA Prebea yor fryog pan ovor a campfireor camp sove Mate citeese sandwchrs bUllering fthe tde othrie sand- wtich Tost sandwtch senitoftides tente frytng pan. ffafeing tesandwicht requenfty mita spafuta. Serve wih soup and juice. 4.PRESCRIFTON FOR PHYSICAL ACTIVITY a. MOVE unwatk. clîmit. ride a bdte. -du.qe every day ass on as posible. b. STRETCH AND DEEP SOEATHE: taite a ftnosn breakt and roas. -dmaeg:daify. as neoded, uhenfense, o. PUSH, FND, TWST, SWNG:use oyurbody an i sas docgerd fobeused. Apple-Bee Lnes A walk in the The ati ods arr sol att quiet heso days. uhero f ise ...toe salmon rus is on IfIs bard lu eesteeer yor car past althte onesttning theroadside. Thte aflernoon t ulppedt10 ere il ait unladieu rcin Aldersitl ere dotvg large cavasaeu in sî-painlu. the iraucu were funrfng genty doms around tem. and lbrî 0000 mndering aodifterewoud br any chanc ofltading one et titeir cansases for a ire ig f at sutmon? 1 sue use ettos vggivg undr teegit ofonuse nou brute and ho as pulfing il b. ntoe bewaronusthou her nde ofteibridge' MayhOitOitOdOtOOOady ealosqumota of miatever fthe parivutar pnoisn itai heve ahmonconu tain .. Anybs, ennsyooe seond happy. ayhe il fui ite "geftieg bock fonalOOO" litai dos if Thte ladies mit tiîspinings unoco iavinîlefuns -ovisg the ladyua fidng ilsoiissasnltofaclift"'hersuhoi pitirO. as sieitad benonvrssenamorofu te doubîse colorsuf te frees, taIvie badl forgolles teî geeut vofcr0 itîliand had painled titem l n oe 0005 Anyboun, site had masoged lv gri vor h a iovcoy. mîvly- GENERAL RADIATOR SERVICE NOPI AVA LAB LE AT 591 ONTARIO ST. H N EWLOK e OF COMFORT 'tl9 Robert O Newman Shoes ii. 184 MAIN STREET 878-9877 MEheER'OF THE MILTON 50WNT0WN GcOoc BIG DIPPER 'r' ijs -du.qeiAtliast ttreeolim es achw S. UN. SItitM. CYCLE.,5SKI: Il fincous aerokîe c cfvtY, vigorous on iear rate, and make ycu breath der -duaaeAItast lbree imes eacbiw . ENJOY LIFE: spend ime alusp acf ivit s -dauztlws oarperiod ateaston( Keop Iis prescrption unitin e., adultst. f. POLLtUTION Oushage. ous,ou tons of il aiE homes. ofices storesand plants aa Seuage: 3cuoo.ffsoo.ffe taIs 30 down te pipe in Onta r avit sear. ArsPotllun: 6,e, iuos of gase5 Octri osaireabhear fail wooc purpfo hase arocund houn ail and he also bailmied sch asoft and gen orginatltailFun sure ilt ilcbeor vîitr. 1diduaquîit'paealf.and 'th il bihiieîruthe k-ites utrr.udv' hlky . us inoivit puy.s. uvhes voie'lhouparssu uarltinillvfe at hedaysu Tbreua aseal i ouns nafeySrsr ..itaveothethog tnavalknitbock 10 the o nvuur things rs quiet The fiotds arr foua frs beadu utfte owin odedn aongvllthealmoshbaoehbranches, o hoitd and amn vhod hy the svi tosvy Hwthorneitroe. îhîvsin iki hutlofisvrte tudier stuli hatlooksî .4 brownifirryberisakes sviul uft he scllod potl lto heos rýAmi isd's esLl haîinesebhiddeval]lvi novingiieaupiheîrsvecret. Aluv foin1 vvune'ofltheteseand wherithe crsedleanesr tiis sand dari rs the vfcain'hoi'y ioavov areadyt heoudd hit of purpte Isrutihouid- and ibese lhsoofh the milkt e 1 usrach agoîvut oorh vihos. astI t duedio railes chrîs AI torne tee s a ragas vinel iahrd ptivaiiîu.and squasht.and a sevend itîh glde cheddacrhree, Tv yvc ladiesnwhvphoedimerihr manymass biksoh' tlinavvsi donv'ifeiv oalovoiiv',mre. Adlul herevliof v0Li uns apvloi l iv42.,foId0nmintes Between the WilIows Metric has me » Donfly. t dnt keoun whettter tFmataut to put my tat (30.480 centimeters)inemynomufth-iuttceregoes. NORTH TAR k Drief f0 oand rom Conetuga Cettege. IKitchener, t feit NOT4 T R thfirst impacltfthe conviersionfttethe ie ytcusem. Zappn aseg une f tiis cenfineef's fosgesf drag-sfripe, commotty caffed Highway4iet.Itsaw, oufoffhecorterufmy eyea speed limit sign tnolarge numerafs if read "tMe. Tanker almeaf iavisibty info the f ouer righf-iand cornler uere thefleffers "k/mit". 1tfouit a tant gfacce as ite speedomefer of my sein Otdu Cuffatu uninitbas mites-pet-itottr inwhtte numneral in fte suter ring and k/mpminfigttfbfue inthe icter ritng. On fte 40f, if netuant ta, survive, yett dont take ymr eyms Pointers off the rsad for more than a spit second. As a resuitt1ner did gef a fissen the numiters onfthe innercircte. tnstfead, t1itetd te uaft Irememkered te icth ie otd 5 fo 20 minuetstfeuen- AftSite samo fime. ecormous trucks and caru of att size essugi tof5iscrease yous erefasklgitymeasiftInereparked. pty. I'se read fthaffthe Ontario Goiersmentitas set aside atmmst aent $100,000fin edurafe usepor kouitsose sie sein sysfem ftrougit porfs, hshbies or osiduor aneenesive adverfising program. Titey kad betfer gef t Inwitte ftere are enougit moforists in a week. afive tuoseete ads. anS toff llchfdree and And unaf oSfte ftousande et Americas fouristu mita drive on 401 and oter Ontario iigkways1 Wkaf iu /m ftofkem? Heat fitand Weffarei "Locka h aftf.Marfta, ftey've fumped fte speed fimnif f0 t1c. Lef's tefer rtp!I )N t situdder foitietof if. ire prcfuced sn Otario 0f course, tiis isjasffthe begineg. ch yrar. Wkat kappenstfosse of myfavitefsptrts-fooftbal i0 BILLION-gaffons fsun Cas f youhbrsthe pfay.ity.ptay atttouttcer? "Argos thave te balseonte t8.280meter f tee it only 0.914 iand parficf s pour info mefers fo go for a firsf dame... Gocti grief! itry f ftho Ennroselent) Self'sBgolfs, even ater a yearn espocure te Cefsius 'm stit f trying to figurosut koun bof orcutd t ao. Sure. 1 cas cndersfand te change te fte mefrie sysfem fer te production of partu, equipoceef and prodactu for esport f0, forigo marktets. ioupife fthe tactfthaf fthe USA confinues f0 iteour targesf tradiog parfeeruanditasNOT gone mefriCi. To me if te tusf moreoconfsion for canada-a counfry, Ood d s booms,fbaftias enougb confutsion eady. te resd ond compatitf Titon again. if you bave a rater, yardsfick or tape-mosuare r1 t,iiten oatt l te u.rutd ntebuehn o oi.Bfr og o'lb h ru though il iv nou loll fe, iiîocy mnesruai. and t nfocruvuethîne btter lu white 1 rust tiis lsosning in ,httrbaf5 winter' ming! r vinsitille "Buro Vatley". mryfoviingunit the furry rod. Bock i intse Woodu l he tas srreoch. f ound smoe iebhed brouts ofa kesmrte sifveredrsobueb, f ie a iligrerd uroagitl o, rgrevu romunelr ide g the bare brancheslte umooalsssgtheoleavou. v.ieuves lisgltoltetopsvof ie raupberries frein Ibeir îhkgreen.tak green afsi hobgus fur 5051 year. Ont y dpurple asteroowsuvuiro ed and tlesTboy ait She croichots' noiresar el fi uls oviiteovues, and a inmus ipplo pic iv ho ',Sitae icobjesfovd' otîthe rrripe 'lat uluroi godlvohooclfront 'vii t ,tsfori cm itinfthetelmp. coOop e 100 e Sgallons turnace fuel oil * FREE 0 should you run out! Heres how it works.. Each day 0cr office catis the We operate on a very safe Atmosptlerlc Environment margin to attoce for any unfore- weather office f0 determifle seen probtems. And were wil- whaf number of degree days ing f0 offer 100 Gallons Free if have been used dcrng the past we fef you run ouf. 24 hours, based on t he hgh and Wt h fthe price of Cil today, we low temperatures. Wth fhîsn in- ant fo be sure that 0cr CO-OP formation and knowîng hoin system is as perfect as we can much oit you have used from make if, so that CO-OP Cusfom- one oad f0 the vext we can ers are warmccsfomers. determîne hoin mauîy degree days are requîred for your house f0 use onle gallon of oit. We recalcuite fhîs useage abter evesy delivery f0 ensuse thaf we are usîng the rîghf scate for yocr heafîng requirements. Conditions of Guarantee: capaimst e 200 galloniscor aier and yoctshome As. pvde rcredit sitin approed imisyou 1HOME HEAT Th aotf ii oisuappy ai aito eliveesuit.iti- SERVICEIo nerrupionof upsapempassablintcadnconditiosotany cter ansoreond cu onri Cali us at 878-2391 for information os sur CO-OP Home Heat Progsam. We hase a dependaitte staff te prostde nos init eceent servie and consentent budget accoants. W C3 UNrTED CO-OPERATtVES OFONTARIO 878-2391 13RONTE STREET, MILTON FARMS WANTED Cicnts, lac os ana genlemien tarins sm it au rcavit socSuoocd workaitie tarins. Foc guatateed action ptorerc inite J J. Lainhert Real nvîaîs Liael. Reaitor ,uc89 Lwrene inue E ,5rar horonuit, Oni , or rail nourri Toronto 200 40680 in a muddle ownerofanantiqtte. A for me, V've decided to play it fot-Inose and fancy-ree! 1 fied mefrir too hecttc. NOW OPEN.. COUNTRY HOME BOARDUNG KENNEL à" 42 First Line tNorth Off Steelea Ave) YerRound Boarding For A#/IesO Dogs and Cats Also Professional Clipping and Grooming Services AVAILABLE BY APPOINTMENT ONLY CALL wL Z iaesZve 878-7377 Two Hundand Sixty-EighlhIn A Suiles A Mark of Progress in Milton HARROP 0F IFer.. ai proTP acmpetiM 150 e 878-8161 cn208MainStret E.,Milon 878-2894 TWO NEW CANAA SAVINGlS BONDS A GREAT CHOICE Y11-1 ii"Rg îîîaîaîî l .ipiii iiarilail(iii .î.lîîaii. Anfà n,,l îîî.îîv COMPOUNDINTElREST BOND tiu, lîîîîîî %ýU Iflvtlî.înainiîlîîîii l Iii v l. i iii., A GOOD RETURN fluitna-tildtolaitiiiiiC.aaiai t, iivii m Oaflviv.ailsr rhe Pl 3 cr.T ,yr fe.. l, ' .. itlvgt l ,i ,iin.Tinueitliiiian aiiiiiil Noina. 1,. 11)7 an \ LAI Jili11erJ915 , ..Iter,,t oi 8'",, '7.AIil, ,,I 98t . i . a' i- K n %%ri7, ltr it i t , lid ris iaaii Tlîr îî or actiti . viiiiiii 9.1 ni 0 1 osi , 97 1982 S1,i4i7b. iTn-,r1 , n.,aîtv rtiii , el , ,m Imn lî ,i . î lu-iOi ilaIciniii t ,vl vii.i tta .iii l , $500. 000 andl$5.000. THE CHOICE IS YOURS Bod .iiip..an tîn citlit ,itti-ithe KId 1anl'ial iii ~ai li ili~i~.i I' IM27 îr 8c "Ubi% , AGREAT CHOICE COMPOUND INTEREST OR R GUL r ITR

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