Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 26 Oct 1977, p. 3

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Board breaking teacher contract? Haton leachers soy allon wrb in tbe library r bta odstry are sed 10 tises and Board of Educattun is tracers aid. taa n ite econump and loy- breaing the collective agree- auperintendent O Instruc- otto bol learbers are uniqu ment by hiing aoiliary ion Juhn Boicb tld trusteesnthe behave necer faced personnel and counting tes he anticipetes diterentaîrd the pruSterni tatore. mithin the pspil.teocher ratio. statingîta a major mcissei Teocher fedierutton officiais Tbehboard doesn't a gre. cnteocltthek with tath sy tey dont oject toteuseo HaIton trustees reviewed elrmentary und igh school o auxiliary personnel but the incrrasing use of auilar teachece net year. "The dont tinb thry hold ta personnel or pra-profes- board differs onethe inter- inclsdied inthe papil-teacher stonals in chols ai Tbur- prelotion ofth collective ratio. sdaysboard meeting. agreement,"be said. Thte fedierattous say 7threr Oubville Truster Bil Herd are seppoard ta ta 23.5 Diferesliated staffing said tbe wholr tsse boits" stodelo for each membre or allowosehoots iluse money domn 10 job protection. e fual l ime teacher accoeding 10 for techeen slaries lu hier said ditterentiated slffing the colective agreement.V auuiiary personnel. Te itI nener wonh as long as When aailiary personnel are t pcishgasan nPert- tracher eteeatiuns oppose il. inctaded in the pupil-teacher ment in 171 and bas becume ratio, the contract s h inceeasingly commun. Werr Miltun Trustes Ivan Atm- heached fedieratione clim.rs a scbout might tea amtgned teong agrerd il ms job Teachers also note pra- 0t 30 .4 teachers ecause ut the protection te the face o professionals bave nu instror- P pupil-tracher ratio tbe .A shrinbtng eneolment and tional rempensiilitie and t teacher is reptaced mith a possible ayfîs. He noîrd arroIt memhees o any S para-professionol wbo mght people te business and in- teacingtfederation. s Construction stands at over $11,000,000 Building permits tolaling a value ofsi, 141,611 err issord in Milttuntue the month of Septembr, bringtng the value ut permite tu date 10 $11,084,929tiisyeoe. lncluded in the plannerd con- tructuon is a nea indastrial compîe. lcaîrd un 711 Maie Stree, in Miton. The building eil ta ready tue leasing mithin possibly a week. an- nounced owner Rumoninu vono. Tbe indutrial comptes, estimaîrd ut a value o $200.000 accoeding 10 Me. vona. tias the rcot and watts up and cud be ready within a week. -If me huverseme intrrested opplieusls, ten wr will rer- tinly finisht oon, but if st, we wilIlotir nour tme,' he sid. Thte rempîrs, staeding t 12600 square Iret wmîlIhe retieg spore to iedustrial fficrs aI 700 sqarr fret and up Aloun adrecontrucion te thr neroaddition lu Ruert Baldwin Ichool oe1010 Wilsn St. The $20.000 additiun hue thr footings in, accrdise lu thr office nf Reg Irish. upenterndrnt nf the cru- truction. The addiiun of N$25,000 boy te Raye Trexacn us Highway 25 te lreudy csmplrted, or- crding 10 the sltatuonnd wll bouse erverol large dump and tandem truckse Planrd residential con- structuon teMilun. estîmoîrd ut $533152 betege tue the yeor t0 dole a ttal vlur ut $5.162,954 ut husleg permits ised. Ttal indultal and com- mrrcial permile insed lu date stands t $8169.716 wth o turlher cunstrutctiont value of $772.219, tue înstitutiunal, g ocresment and miecellanmus contrtuctionnt Milon 10 date. VICTORY LOAN CAMPAIGN, probabty during has worked at the store since 1940 and sa t the first world war (1914 - 18) must have been wasn't put there in that tirne, se it mut ve headquartered at McKenzie's drug store in been a first war campaign. A amaller sign heaide Milton, according to thia sign which showed up the victory boan letters aaid it mas the Halton on the wall of the aid building this week. Elsley's Counly headquarters. James B. Willmott Pharmacy on Main St. is expanding and when designed and hujît the store in 1864. John M- the workmen tore down the wall coverlng, the cKenzie owned it from 1914 to 1936, then Charles sigo came to light. Tom Ford and Mary Love, Kerr took over and current owner Ken Elaley bas store employees, are pictured with it. Mr. Ford owned it aince 1962. EounciI forms committee to preserve historlo buildings Historie proprettes may tir dmsignated under the Ontarîo. Heritage At, but oniy wth owner apprua, Ua renom- mendation rom Miton Coon- cil in committee acîrd on. During Monday nightit mering counnlloretondinatrd nîret in the Ontario Heri- tage legsttion but wece 00ev of te provistons that tlcbrd emners (rom changîeg tinr property. Dnug Cook ofthlIe Ontarin Hertage Foandationem phsized thal Mtton tias some hstnrie aspects -worttt taief naof" nIHe emptiasized tiol the province traces ttie preservatinn p 10 tic May cancel Saturday Council rural mail service some ri Saaurdoy mail dlivery in rural Miton may snon bc dis- cuntinurd A potaI survet- conducîrd in rural Miton shows more tbt il I Ibe replies fto.o diarostinurd mail sereine in tbé Seratarean of Milton, acdording 10 Mlton PsI- master. Ed Geernan. Suevey torme once sent ul earlv (cloter 10 1,300 ent- dents in crat Milton. Accord- ingo Mr. Greeantberpst otfitenfol more thon 700 e pie. 7 per cent n-rer in tavnr o droppingte Itir lu day mnreîîof service. -They ser oucpint." saîd Mre Greenan. stattng tbe four pstecarriers concernrd in the rural prte. woneid six days o n eP and dd ot gel a Satur- dayoffvî Fire destroys guest house A goet bouse ai Almr and cameuinoaaieeius," sad Stables onethe Appietin Lîne. Mr.e tis. - 1tPbcsîîntniet dec- oas compieteit- detroeyrdti ricd il assua Poge and vadden tire. wivti damage esmaîrd all o tire,"- ai $20,000,. ascocdsng 10 Mlton Acordinf tu Me. Cute. the ire Departmet. chalet nit ie rebut as sonn -Vaedalisr smas o sss osstc bas a building permit tititît- accoeding in Jsmteo town hall t1 do not Couteoo. depoîn ire chiet. but ontuespte ont- dîttîcultî-is the monct aus ebas int bren getting apermit,.and wetiope deteemined. vugel anottiee chalet Up The guest bouse. descricedso, s a lit> urnisbnd nhaet Py No otbec damage Oas done one. Allen Cots, s oated toany nifte nîberbuidings near ic home and te used ontepcopeesn andtsierottî- iais are ennitnutng these e r round. invesigaion, -Wretched il iat even- Atmae Statbes s ioiedo ing and evecthsefnaels ine. tPe .ppteiy tUne ncor Pîve A paseîeg motnritvspotled itSldecad, Damage set at $4,500 Faiture tlv erra rerdliîght i voivrosina coliison wtba sene onec mon 10 hospîlai cac dmten tiy Roedott Banicb iottowtng a caolliion. nI Acton, M. Forgure uttereed accordîeg 10 Haton Regionai mnneîinjuries, but nos tahen Police. la Miton DsictelHosptal, Les R. Forgue raiw n r ecamunative. Cbtcogo. tii was teavciiitig costbouod on tetes Ave, ai Damage 10 Ibe 10v cars is Tragar ld. ohm tie oas rtîmtcd ol $0100. (tîbre commente inctuded complainte from reideots. thtixeîday srvice issttîtin efficiet, neer mnd a fier day service. satd Me. Greenon. Ottier urai areas of Ont- aroarre utting off aaturday sevcos o resutto etmîtac eaeveyv. b e contînord. Tbe rrsltsnofthbe sucvey n-rer sent 10 Iulcinglon. Monday. but no recommendatonne îeetcudrd hy tieMilton peelmasîe'11teil ot outit my atboeîly 10 make a reommendation. t am bond- teg nelyth te resulttv. beeaud. Mre Greenan taîrd bcex peete o decieton witbtn 100 neetie on the quetion nf cuttie ffoIthIbm atardat- sec- vitee Rn addrd the coanter vervice %%ithîn te Pot Ofice wunud eontinue as tetoce. 9 am to 1 ip.m. on Saturdaye. tluctng Ibe Criestmae rusti.,ne may deiver on one atrday. tot te u bmain and rral rnas, bt Ibat s oly a o peiiity - In pool t-rce one Saurday in Dec- emtiee vvoeused for detîveet- aocdtng 10 Me. Greroan. More Park vandalism Rotary Parkb tas e tertitI tit vandots agato tiut sevecai juveite arr teirie questoned andetiarges are peedîng. aecocdîeg 10 RatIon Regînnai Potce. Th ticaIsI incident învotved pint payed on tbe Perk building. Poice oloate sevecot peesone gatnrd enteance to thesecod ftooofthbuild- ing lhcough tbe cbange bouse. Police arr conninuing their invetigation. A ton and a tait page. 27 item peoeducat tiy-ton-nov tiackrd and ctinpped ty iltonîl counitîvre meeting ite in miller Monday nîghltetore ttiey appeoved it foc preveelo- ion in a tormat enuncît meeting. Memters emnved whtet tbry tlt o-rer onercessary clauses sacti as prntiutiting diseespetut cnmmrnls abouut the royal faot eire en ilrs etusditouud bave cndorsed seeiiten motions tiut attoord vertial ones and a section thou pro- hibîrd ao tîtettîtr eo speaking more thavonces on tbe utjeel untese tc itou.tte moveeotlhmolîvn Thet- ntjccted i, a Iu that pevenîrd deaîr on a rutfintiy the ehaiemon and anntie ha1 dîrneird tic mayeuwas an exvttfiii Advertising.. maltes it psrfectly CIsr ailai t.E yu armOlt COME AND CiET 'EM WIIILE TUIEY'flE 110TI Nows na ime ta drag your fr61 - not when t cornes ta getting your adeertusing strategy aff the ground. Dont let you competiion gel n lne listLet us assess your needs. formalate goals. croate an ad'program dnd media mixs You'tl gel fast resulta andti hgh returna for ynîur ddvertustng espendulure- thatas a hat cambinatian! PHONE DISPLAY ADVERTISING: 878-2341-42 ~ at The Canadian Champion iegîlatonn tocrtie esitblîih-tietimnîige quoltîe. i ment ofa LocalArctiitectural Me. Cootntd aemtier oft Conservation Advîery Cnm- people lent designation of a t milIe The committee re-ceproprris anîintriegemrnt on qurrd to inventnuor nd re- tirproperî rîgtits onIthetie seoeehthtethistori valuenofindvidualtibutie mintaeeds penpetirs. ooing tiy-ave, snbty-tOtee Devîgaiton o f ryn odttiercveteoli gt ie p coni prohit ils deinalitian toc br inte intae categney. 1 180ldovsoutil the municipaliiiu. Desîgnolîonepermîte noue-. 10 s ti oy or pesevete ticl to prrseveoand givr assis-c prnpeety. Tl con alv pentittiti tonne 10te owncee 1intiec altrrotîos tiat ivnld nnitirc pervervatov.tesoid, tn eemping iiththte herîloge The Local Architecturalr qu lîîyofttietbildieg. Conservation Advtvry Com- Under the egîsbatiuvvil un milie.iet ih oold have 10 aIea possible toc thetoviite n tirappoinîrd tit-Couneil. penvide granis ove vins (0 would invenîtr15tiiehrrtage ownvers ntiose prpeyibtavresonrees ofthe commuity and ad-tsee tie cnunicil on S t ideeliîted propertiee tIlonabd à S aln o piain otiat hectage ie e s andittiyiltissenrth saviog and prnvidevoneeper advicc tn onneev of deignard tiuid- u le s gested tic savsdegnatîonoas memtier nI ati vomiii îees an intengement nt prnperiy sinceri nov airead in t e igisoand onderedvvtiatim- MancpalbAct. TheY utined il paciagranigtiven wnatdthave posibeinforacvviîllocntino tte imeot a note, Mr.Coati was îlt a menthe-e ni a vîggevîd iwnud depend on enmmietir ait!,usattend te0agreement under ohieti 1h01 evomuîiev dttthe irgronivoas gîven. îîîînv anîd vtt i tireîîom- My tinuve wuod tade- mitteeagri-ed signid anhtine pperit- and 1toild have tn have ose Alier oddiug lieutenv additionv teil apprvved t reqaîreeîei uithtiu.avuved eseenttioibidvofin- mmr hviiutaredint huni rusionv«.CnnncitlnrRietiDay 2311ems V i nen voeu.OvuPIANOS KAWAI HALLOWEEN DANCE with LTTE CAESAR &r THE CONSULS This Thursday, Oct. 27 0:30 te 1 atîhe $$~,CLUB NOR VAL PRIZES FOR SEST COSTUME -OANCECONTEST TICKETS AT Neils Music- Guelph Street Plaza Way Jay ClUb - 877-3540 Daîran Smoka Shop $350 Adeanca $4.50 AtIThe Door impesing on tbe eights nI Ibe indivîdoat mîtbnut compensa- tion".,tieotijected. "Ttie finat decision e up lv tie veutl councit. Mcr.Cooki stresed. Couneit in commîtter ap- peovrd a motion 10 estatitisti o local committer btint m pbasîaed destgnatîons outd ny lobe place veitb the ones appenvat. "ttsauptonueeil hat mrtbnd te usdi.*' Me, Cooti eoectudrd. No Auctions Till Further Notice CLOSING 0F j COMMERCIAL STý FOR CONSTRUCTION CLOVER LEAF AUCTIONS The Canadian Champion, Wed.,Octe 26,1977 3 Councillor says no to increase Atleastnergionai.eourt-hav enpsdbyar Unllr has decidrd not lv inarisbu hyaws accept a pop inereave Ps ecrntty vntrdupontil Salio ne inlrnevnnnare $8,995 lreginai Cooneit 0and altr tir inease. the EurtîngtnOoneiline 1Ben ,iiueuoi cari ifor vnuncîttnrs Ciprirtti bas writteerrgiol , iiilie user $9,400ia year, treasurer Don t-armer iv tIn i l Iter Cipririti saitd advîserhîm ro ont accepi iuiliuiduiiuult uslity the raise Phè 8.45 eru ti vne ocepi Counîl coird on ePr5.4 per an ine ansc lr cn nr a imaîer the ut.ii-.n oneie llor lo Administratin iomiutree to otna re ha eomn esrappief niffor o oe agoinet thed ires omeed ed ornreuvrue, norejeet tihe entra Ihe~ ~ ~ ~ ~~oe burte eiîu o iîîe lii priettui v tir Thnrorigienlslaot $8niSopi îru.uunînIo s Peatsnen set nlie1973ipssedbhy aiclose dni-vvithe orignal olarv aed voteand increosrvsine e i eae During The Forthcoming Busy Season from the 141h of Oct. 10 the 23rd of Dec . 1977 MIELTON TRAVEL SERVICE Will Be Open On Friday Even2ings Until 9 p.m. We're Moving Io larger facilities 715 Main St. E. as of Nov. 1/77 Same Phone Sime Service 7115 Main Steet EIlt Milt"' 878-2474 &2khiId LAWN AND GARDEN EQUIPMENT CENTRE FRIDAY & SAT., NOVEMBER 41 b 5th 88821 878-8121 OEN7DY A . E 878775 dRC-I-R FINANCIAL CORPORATION FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGES ARRANGED PRIME RATES TO 95 PER CENT 0F VALUE Applicartis îîikîii Y hon;îiîî and in the privuct ii(ý t-utr homeii CALL NMS. B. BURT 877-1292 If 1 could have msu pick... Id send ~vI myi flowers through - Milton Greenhouses FIuc.er & G îU Sh up 1,t 228 Main St. 878-9501 \Weddlng Bouquets ~ Our speclalty DROP1NFORFREEBOOKLET 'a Cheerful arrangements - Bright bouquets Indoor green plants - .11 setection 'i S N T : invte ynu in bring in viriiwnnplantr i sivie-. ,iidiaveu. * one et our creative designers wil revoie a personal . We daflver ta ah Milton and Campbellvllle areas

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