Salmon hooked on spawning run AFTER TWO HOURS of fishing thin quartai of fishermen frors Guelph lundcd a pair 0f Chinook sulmon. The mcn wcrc fishing in t2-Mile-Creek where il runs through Lowvillc Park. Ttsey knew Ue fiset wera there. Tkey coutd ea s e,E taussging in a faur-feat bote ije Ue ciear waters of et-Mite-1 Crack wttere i ftows Uraagh Lawvitie Purk. But Ue fiait mressi giving Ueir tines a nibbteanasd, ater a time, Use Smo fishermen maved a few q yards downstream. 1 In Ue skattaws a saimont dartad isy quickty, as if if ieuew if was runeiag a gootiet of fishermes patietiy iningeg Ua uks of the crack. The peopa were ouf for Ue asouat fait saiman ries Op i2- Mita- Crack ta Lowvitle, wkra Usa fisk are stopppad ky a privuta dam. Tke fiser- fatk- men, a fam wome, a lt ai kjds- came fram Hamilton and Guetlphus vwatt us tram tural commufitias. Attaugk uit era kopefut ai uring onea aiUe big Ckinok or Caka wjUs its Of yaitam sponge or witk Worms, tkey mre tees crtaie about mkat Ueyd do wjUs tke fisk if tkey caagkt ana. Tise ig fiik bave spant a taw yaars je tke pattuted waters of Lake Osntaro. Sonne tkaugkitkey'd tracce the fisk. catîng asty an ne- casioautmeut, mkîte aUers Usugt ta suive tke prakies by gving tke tjsb ta fijnde. one mus ctajmed tka cancers about pollution w as nnes and vamed k'd et Usa tjsk if, be cuugt osa. Asother was' fîsbjsg for a tropky ta staff asnd mount. Trevar Katiar, a biotogisi mibikhe Mjsîstry ai Naturat Resources in Cambridge, said the tîsb mre sale ta et in madratias. Sataty guida- tjsas are dtarrnsed ar- cordisg ta tba sîna ai tka isk and more praisa ifrmation is avaiakie frtm tka Mt s try. tes boiavad Ueyue Ueir sassa of smell te idetify Ue mater ai Ueir crack. Ma. Kettar said. Ttee Ckinook, Ue mot pre- vatent species ie Ue crack, mre ready te epame (produre ripe eggs> ky Use end ai September, Use ioto- git said. Tkey epame miera Uey f iod sutekte gravai keds and bava fiisked npawnlng satmos, Uey die in Usa creets after spamning - if Uey aree't caugkt firut. The crack man keavity fiuked in Usa latter kati ai September. A fem eatmon eue bo fond up te Jasuary, but Mr. Ketar asticipates a rapid drop is Ue snuker ai Ctsinook by Ue end ai Octobor. 'Thexun aifCoko esay contne for same time, depandisg on cenditionu euch as ater flew and ar tees- ertr.Samon fishistg is prtted, te seerek ait year round, he said. Naturat reproductionts l om ie t2-Mite-Creek, Mr. Kettar said. Censequentty, the Minlstry cettectusce00Onueggs \and takas tiern te katcherles 'nWatoe Ttte crak *e se ýestak d ith tise atcisad jb Uasaimon grow, UeY mijthUe deaper water ai Use take. Tisa Coho rature ta upawo wken they ara Urea yeas otd and Use Chinook wees tkey are four. Codt wateehand icrraased flow are Use si4sieti which causa thse fisk Comaye in from tUs ate and i Use crack ini the autumnu SEEING SALMON in thc crack attractcd fishermen ta ibis point on 12- Mile-Crack in Lowville Park. Bts of sponge und worms were thse bit used, but the fish ignorcd both. NILTONTOSP SERVICESE C AP E *PACBSOEDAOZED A ?U ONEBIuMN TIsOuROBWns~ fcvtvv W chaa talovo nO v SEedVIdE CDFFEEfîdialCRaaI CONFIENIA BIE1S OPNDAL 6 C S & A R OurILL PrcelP MkO LE CR IC RIO T NEX TO PYERS C RET ......PHON..... " Cantinentals r1 *CourierPcb-up * Monarch * F-'W Pick-aps " Bobcats I F T A C R * EcÈbol ne " Cornets RNTA-AR WinUssesVan " Cougart * F-501-14'Van * LN 60)Autona- tics ettLpped with ele-trical tailgate bader For a Dea!.Wal a MStih a Yaw! Dropin nd heckourecoomyrates. *SEILWEEKEND RATES *