Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 26 Oct 1977, p. 25

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Trafagar Ford peewees hang on for two wins Milton Trafalgar Ford Rayais hem Paunday atle est entry to Tri-County, West cube. seooped up a toose park is set. Suseshytited the pu0h set ana major peersees ait in irt noon. Ftamhoro Sabres., sshieh Peîng oat to redeo them front of the Ascaster Royats high oser sprawltîog Hogg Hogg. place and erais undeteated Thse peemees ere ote o Milton managed to in 32 srises, the peessees made set and fired it home. Bryan sith a haekbund. goutie to n Tri-csunty pay fotsing mahe ap foc a tach ut effort foitnring a toagh hattte they their mach earty and ut the 50 Mctntosh and Boh Lndry But Ancaster hept the prers- rsalier their 5-4 in oser Aneater game they had mus ithe sers- thoaght mootd he a pieraof second mach Dase Wiltssrere in the pay for assista, sure os the peesser T-bîrds iung aoni Agj Rîck Browsn ted his defense Ai ose pint Rich Brossn Theg I' prtere Randy Heggie mid- made a terrifie detensise major pe w.say throngh the period and ptayby stnppîng an dacastere 10e mis PBohLundry started tossaeh icetfor the goat aguinst and erra'T onsis but trickhin the second toc three gas scored 0,1the Flambar T4 THREE ANCASTER DEFENCEMEN take on net, juut prior te fthe peencees scoring the irst Bil Stirtan of thse Milton Trafagar Ford goal. The Milton peewee is the one being backed Thunderbrd peeseees Sunday in front of their into the net, Georgetown schools dominae sepajwarate school cross%.7-countr Gergtownsscboots cap- tiierd the oserall eurs cbumpîonshîps in oth the junor and seniordisisions of the North atIon Separate Sehoot cross-cooutryyrscrt, Satrday, TOc mcci ws hosted by (icorgetomnos St Francis oI Assisi Sehoot. Tbe hosi Si. Francis term sson the junior championship o'tb 3 points, outdstuning Sre Cor of iGeorgetossn. obicb hadji., St. Joseph'suof Atns15lanadlIoly Cross 10. Muilono tit',Rosarv did sot compete i the junior esent. Seior cburpionssipssrol toi fiy trosnif(Georgetossn a ith 24i pints. Mlton Hoiy tlosry 'as second with nine and Sacre Corr ibrd sstb i. St, Josephos and SU Francis did not enter senior Si Francis' lokthe tram tile in the tyhe girls' disons, us Tisa Mrray inished lt, Chrlene Vus CiraI 3rd and Christine Hghes th. A 410 by Trîîdy Shetd hetped Sacre Cour place second and Ntuia Pacheco plcerd 2nd ta bellp ber tram, Hoty Cross. place thrd. Lîndu Taras nIfi tosepho tîoîished 6tli in rhc The boys' tile also oent ta St. Franciu, ssbo pluced Tommy Stefan lt. Victor Loigo 2od, Ahtey Richards 3rd and David Orien 'th, Marc St Pierre plcerd th and Lue St. Perr thtfor the Sacre Coeur tram, shich in isbrd second St. Francis easlv wunothe aors bys' cros. as Dean Marks son, Mach Kowaski pluced 2nd, Sean Hichey 510 and rias Stone 6h0 Si Joseph's took second place as a tram, thun o a Itd place fioiOhOb' Jamîr l'urus. Pierre Docs and Dents win weekend pair The Miton Minor Atrs as the deteemined jatis lios and Dents put togerber scat'ed late i the secondt per- fjwo w, n otheaweehrnd as ied ibey dou'ned jaksijje 5-2 in tarnSa'adTr u Tri mouniS leagiie play 05onrsrrediSeh dprioday sarorday .Ijeipped Gin n n irscoe ntetidpr cnhitiijioogano to Sna tîputithe game outoni caich exhbiton ame6 1Sunay or tbe ijais iiith assiss igaiosi ijakvillethe Dors aiiarded ta DriPapa. i'hud- and tiets ptaved rather tegnd dd rn toortc, as the torisards wece eganTd Hr. sot ini'.hieg iheir passes and Chudjeigta ed hîs tram the deencr acre raught op imatesiith threergoals aid an ire a umbher oj urnes. The asrast in the Dora and Dents ise gîaltesdisg romt Craig aînoooer Gat, Sean Davidson Derriias and Piet-Beagte aîfded tan goals as the Mlisor bept the jars and Dents Atoms payed a great game aheaîj earlv in ttie faine. barked up by Stece Heagte in tlike t)rjPapu ..rored ini the the nets, Todd H orne cored irst perrodtfrombSeaot.Davidt Mitons sthgoal. TirsRay- son ten Sieer cnnelt put oereed thc tram a 1h ihreer Mitton up 2-i eyinratshe assisis atsoa tetping oui on the seconid prriad but iiaksîtte sis foutu arre, Oihe toughtacboih a guttrnrm tetapa, Pence Camneras Thai lettras. EriechutO nd dHorse.trik (igsac ieigh iiishitott a pasu ram scaed Gat's ontî goallate in Darrer Saaw tu giar itoan a thethied perind ta spit a shut ao goajtea itfor ashort time out i hd Oceagte. t91 2% G.I.C. %SAVINGS 71/4%ACCOUNTS 6%% SAVINGS 63/4%ACCOUNTS SPECIAL BONUS OFFER: Get a pure sîtoer ingot ner ingtai os a saiogs accouanptus ourcarreent rates and cash innnur speeiatonsne120Bdays. Catt as for fuft detits. - Isjerestcatcutateimnntttty, ifoerffyearsnfage- nnminimum balance reqaired. - tterest atentated monthty os minimum batance f $inon Rates are sahjeettoechangemtithout notice. OPEN:ASTRA TRUST 9a , (7 pM Fida 1 venng)634-2334 9aM o3i s ariay rtemnsu Mmbr S01 BRANT ST, csssdaaeMi imri cororatuon BURLINGTON ChiassosnifScre Coeur is ishrd th. Kathy Harris i Mitonii IIoty Rsary wau',theiii vidua wîner inthe atooî grsesent. tit Sacre Cur stîtt tob thc tram file.î lb lois Perrona pacing 2ad, Carole Dogoay 310 and 'aroine SOliîs liS Anar- Marie Surotiof St Francis placrli d andiiCar i Piof Hlti tosarN 410, ta the aniarsgiris'eanot, tînt, Rosary oaa the-tram Jasîsîse l'ox and 'armeîinai Ciîsci fiîsshed 12-3 and Patricia Soîtjî carord a 41hi Ilîrb iîergtoann and Cath *î i 'yJýn-[ 410 ad itti respeeiivriy. hou Cross non ta hosors is buars m boys. athough the lrsi ihree lînshrs uere Donig Pones ofi îlot, isar, . Robert Bouîîcher mi Sacre tCoernud tii-g t'îîanîof t. Jnseph's. ta lidm Logo and Dusvid Slnd- dar ofliaiY Crossaplaced 4th andl 6i(hrespeciacle. and \i:tiheîa iodg ai fliai%, ijîsarî fiistird .th Tlop lia i ishrrs ia the aiigeigirl' ramin er periodotaJohn Turner pus ssbîcb ttushed a 3-S teud toc the tocats. The Royatu hept their heuds asd caught the Tbird toc- waadspîicras Ken epsos saited in to het Miton goutie1 JeIt tfogg and ight up the vsîsîîrs' scorebourd. Mitre Jepsons toascorîng driveons Hogg, Royat Jîrs Stewart worhrd another goal sn seconds tater. pttîng Ascaster huch into tOc game. Bnb Lundry uddrd is second and third goals before tOc concluT-hrds led 5-2 us tOc honore soustdd Lusdry is a smsart shooter arnund theopposition net andt rucb credit isgiven toaithev Thîird torssards hy assistantP coach Jîrs MeLean. Ancaster pîcked ap their play ointc tird pcr;ad andc tarird sstb a tresb set- mioder. ierg Sasseshy uddeds toishe Royats' eomebaeb ssthc te 'Y MticheletMiehrs ait inta tCenoss. Ceeu Vanters ai Si. losepb's, tose Mihtigoy cit Sacre Coeur, teannette LarocqueotScre iaeur and tantPoirier onI luitCrss tiaiv Walace inishrd tîrot ta eud litoteCroýss 10the rsîdgei bais' croan tte nas iaitaîaed by irarsratrs tiobOSarhs and Pter Stuc tsîaaolobs NlO:cinoofa tai,Psary. Frank \iaddra ot itat, Cross and lodrer Rtauch af St. Josephs THE BIG PERFORMVERS BOOK NDW WITHIN THE NEXT 2 WEEKS AND RECEIVE 1 FREE UNIT WITH EVERY 15 PURCHASED nu arl o p ey n Ontario S 2 9 ston o 001ter and ruggod statti.. Graionoor ulgo. Top yieldor.. Excnptinal standlabiiu Gcdcar ecicii ,S 3 0 0 :onstntop gtain adocr witb igoroab 0rwtb and 0000 ozad C7Li C3 UNITED CO-OPERATIVES OF ONTORIO 88-2391 BRONTE STREET ~i MILTON This put hîrs up twn pints k in theteain's private scoring i systers. The torward cors bînationofaI uicntosh, Rijtats9 and Luodry resuttd in toue goals toc t0e perures and r attosed nty one aguînst. Assistant coach eL.ean told The ChampionstOut iis comisutionscas rrattv mas e' therpuchnwett. but rant click on eceri apporiusiiy. Put the tibrd period beionged to Ascaster as Ibmy oîtsbnt the Tbîrds 8-2. Ascastere nuishot liltan ibroughaîît the game 1917, TOc T-bird', iierr ei10cr tired or were ont dong what sas successu in thefistanw periods, but tOry acre badjy autplayrd ir 1he finaltstretcb. toiutender ttngg hadrta co- a p .,,:th numberect credtabîr sases untlt22 seconds rernaînrd on the ctach Ai ibis point .0 casie plîd ipain front ai 1he Muilton -Davligbi Saiof Tîrse endstbîa Sunda . Otjc30ai?2 S. e -are 10 tues saur dlocks and %oaiches baqO an bouc, TOc p knossini prevou Sabres gasse stead, aained. A , j1, ; 5 P ,. !iii. ý inni:,e-i i iii i i ,weiandlm.iii: c -colt:? : li i :" i lwBl (-, , Juin Blt and bhis friendu: aA- iL - " C:' 1-. T - - i i.- i.., - nOue i È . - il- il -i "i:i iii a -'-t 'i.,'.-~~i h i a .2- :' - -i :11: i n-. ,i ecom iln 10' ' l CLicOw The people people listento The Canadian Champion, Wed., Oct. 26,15977 B5 t Jim Detonichati heat Ancaster pntted their to obtaîn 10e addîtîonat uer to attempt secur- lbat the tocat preesr an toc tOeu in. gamne tOut bart the ienres' defesîe ego îst u'as uhen iWest )oofîsatty ured on ree straîght shutaut Ineaday rsrsîng in reeeeslktok the ice ng that Ancaster h,'d sty deteaird the s 2-t and fîgured the aauld Or a gft tn- they loard a deter- bard uorking Sabre squad nilling 10 rrdrem ibemseives ai Mitions e pense. Kecîs Fote> ted T-ird', Landry a tb a passauhicta attoard tbe hot shaoter io sait thetfirot goal nfithe game on a short hasded rtfort Habia tBourbonnais aua ini te lbox for etbouîng Sabre D ffarpee biaîged io a Sabre poUe play goal to cors the score Laadrv airucti agaîs aith a brautitul1 aisi sOt a tb assisanace rn Stuart SAndrrson a ni Otrîntosti In tbe seconîd pet îîd Saur- bonais agaisia armed the penalty boxanad Sabires îoarkrd tbrie second power pilai t t rnm T. Kotosies. Sabres conjînard to hutin ibrough the thîrd period and preaird the lncat T-irds. 0ih 1 i.5i emaîsîng ini the game andthe scor e n 2-2, tandry passed therpuck hacb la deteacemnan lobs Turner ,,o ired a bîgh urisi shot aicti drletred att a ptayer îiîîibtheiop rîgbihand corner ai the Sarre nici taojlo uas plavrd in the T ird nail aloppiof 17 shnts. The tbhuaderbîrds trasci to joicastereSaturda, tnr a riiîîaicb Tbrîr goai record liends ai lu tir and sis againa Milton Musî FOR THE TALENT BORN WITHIN US" See Us For Ail of Your Music Needs IT'S HALLDWE'EN and there's no trcks ut Milton Music Ca e out and treat yourseif to one of sur fine quality instruments: -Reord e "'trs nrtims Mando.lns, Banjos, Organs, Ukuejes, Music Books, Jaws, Harps, AmPlifiers, Accessories, Kazoos, Novelty Whistjes. 162 AINST.Lesso ns a nailab je MILTN , , , for drums, goitar, piano, Phone 878 1620 and ive-string banjo. OPEN TH .iS5 & FR1. TILL. 9, SuT. TILL. 6 MILTON PUBLIC LIBRARY FAMILY FILM NIGHT presents and Tuesday. Novemberlist aS:00 p.. N THE LIBRARV HALL. ADMISSION FREE. Bill Deegan & frÎends

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